To Please A Lady (The Seduction Series) (38 page)

BOOK: To Please A Lady (The Seduction Series)
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Catherine had fit naturally into their fold, lured by Eleanor’s kindness and apple pies. But for Samantha they’d had to return to London and St. Anne’s, where Ellie had first spotted the child. It had been difficult, knowing his sister was there yet not willing to speak with him. But he’d managed by focusing on Samantha.

He drew his fingers through Ellie’s, rubbing his thumb over the sensitive heel of her hand. “Yes, very close.”

“Which means,” she said, pressing a kiss to him, “if they so agree, we might meet together rather often.”

“Yes.” He smiled, for he knew what she was truly excited about… the idea of having acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Swann were dear, wonderful people, but they were more grandparents than friends.

She smoothed down her apple-green silk skirts, brushing away even the tiniest bit of dust, worried about being presentable. He was amused by her attention to detail, forcing them all to wear their Sunday best. “We can visit often… if they care for us, that is. We are a rather odd lot.”

“They will like you,” he said, although he wondered if he would be as accepted. It wasn’t as if he, Alex, and Gideon had been great friends. He hadn’t believed their thoughts on Lady Lavender, and perhaps they might hold a grudge. Besides, wouldn’t being near them merely remind him of his past? A past he’d rather forget. But he wouldn’t dampen Ellie’s excitement. If she wanted to see them every bloody Saturday, he’d grit his teeth and bear it.

“And considering we are halfway between the two, that means everyone could meet at our home. Weekend gatherings, holidays, even.”

He laughed, nodding in agreement. Her excitement was utterly charming. When she was happy, he was happy. He’d thought he was content at Lady Lavender’s, but in reality he’d been numb. Now… now he felt alive, whole.

“But do not fret, I have not given up on your sister,” she said, resting her hand on his thigh.

His smile fell. “I fear she may be lost to me.”

“Never. You taught me that, you know, to never give up hope. Just when I thought my life was over, done, a hell on earth… you came along.”

“Actually, you came along, Ellie. This was your doing and you deserve the credit.”

She grinned. “Fair enough, we’ll each take half responsibility then.” He leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to her lips before the girls woke. Just as the carriage slowed, heading through large
iron gates, Catherine and Samantha stirred. Even now when they lifted their lashes he could still see that flash of fear, before their minds registered where they were. The fear faded quickly enough, and soon, hopefully, whatever horrible memories they held would fade completely.

“I do believe we’ve arrived.” He brushed aside the curtain. A wide green lawn spread before them, acres and acres of lush land. At the end of the drive, a massive estate of light stone stood tall and proud. Holy hell, Gideon was truly wealthy.

Catherine stretched and yawned. “There? Finally!”

Poor Eleanor had been hoping for a daughter, but Catherine was more boy than girl, always chasing after him. They would fish, catch frogs, and even hunt. He didn’t mind in the least, for she reminded him of his sister. But when she was hurt, or scared, she always went to Ellie.

They’d only had Samantha for six months, but she was finally easing into their home. The poor child didn’t know how to be loud or adventurous, but he had no doubt that Catherine would teach her. The little blonde remained quiet and still upon the seat, not even curious enough to look outside. But Catherine didn’t worry about being reprimanded. She pushed open the window, dust floating into the carriage.

Evading Ellie who was reaching forward to straighten the large blue bow in her hair, she leaned out the window. “Jumping frogs! Have you seen the size of their house?”

“Catherine, do get back inside! You’ll be full of dust when we arrive.”

The girl slumped back into her seat and pulled the window closed. How in the world had he ended up with so many females? Even their cat, Chester, was a female. Yet as he looked around the carriage at each of their beautiful faces, he realized he wouldn’t have it any other way. He adored them, and they adored him. The feelings of love were so strong that at times he feared their little cottage would burst.

The carriage stopped before wide, shallow steps, and a footman dressed smartly in black appeared, opening the door. “Good day, sir. You must be Mr. McKinnon.”

“Yes.” James hopped down, and then turned to help the children and Ellie.

“Very good. They are taking tea in the back garden.” He gave them a smart bow that made Catherine and Samantha giggle. “If you will follow me.”

As they started forward, Catherine and Samantha lost their amusement. Even Ellie looked nervous. Catherine grabbed Ellie’s hand, and Samantha latched onto him. He hated seeing them so anxious. Wanted to slay bloody dragons for each of them. Truth was at Rose Cottage they lived a rather relaxed and carefree life, having no desire to restrict themselves to the rules and regulations of the
. The girls ran around barefoot. Even wore boy’s trousers at times, much to Ellie’s dismay. They ate when they chose, read what they wanted, and had even hired a tutor to teach Catherine and Samantha science and math. Ellie had insisted they have the same opportunities as any boy, and he’d agreed. His daughters would be whatever they wanted.

They rounded the corner and found the group seated on a wicker set, laughing, talking as if in some bloody painting. Children of various ages raced around the yard. James paused. Catherine and Samantha watched them with wide, nervous eyes. They needed friends more than anyone. He wasn’t one to pray much, but he prayed then and there that his family would be accepted.

The footman glanced back, pausing with them. “Sir, is there something amiss?”

James forced himself to smile. “No, of course not.”

Ellie slid her hand into his and he felt better. No matter what, he wasn’t alone. As if sensing their presence, Alex glanced back. A wide grin split his tanned face. He said something to the woman across from him as he surged to his feet, a baby with dark hair
in hand. The others followed his gaze. Gideon stood, a small babe in his hands as well. Good Lord, the scene just kept getting odder and odder.

“Come,” James said. “Let’s get this over with.”

They met them halfway.

“James!” Alex grasped him by the shoulders and drew him close for a hug, smashing the child between them. He seemed truly happy to see him. Gideon, always stoic, merely nodded, but there was a genuine smile upon his face. Perhaps they held no hard feelings. Perhaps they could be friends after all.

“You know Grace.” Alex turned toward the woman with shining brown hair who stood smiling beside him. “And this is Julian.” He held up the babe, who was gnawing on his chubby fist. “Our eldest, Hope, is off playing with the children.”

“You have a lovely family,” James said.

“I suppose I should introduce mine,” Gideon grumbled.

“Of course not,” Alex said. “We wouldn’t expect you to do anything that would be considered polite.”

Gideon lifted a dark brow but managed to refrain from biting back. “My wife, Elizabeth.” He nodded toward a pretty woman with red hair. “My daughter Lucy.” He held out a babe with brilliant locks that matched her mother’s. The child smiled up at him, showing two perfect little teeth. “And our other two brats, Henry and Cally, are running around here somewhere.”

“Brats?” Elizabeth lifted a brow, mocking him. “How dare you. Our children are perfect angels.” She winked down at Catherine and Samantha. “At least they’re angels when I threaten them.”

“There are cookies and lemonade,” Grace said kindly. “Would you like some?”

The girls looked up at James. He nodded his permission. But still shy, they waited for Eleanor to lead the way.

“It’s wonderful to meet you,” Grace said to Ellie, sliding her arm through hers. “Patience has told me so much that I feel like we’re already friends.”

The other children raced over, curious to see the new children. Noting the friendly, smiling faces, James had never felt more relieved. He released the air he hadn’t realized he held and slipped his hands into his trouser pockets.

“Dear God,” Gideon said. “We actually look like proper English families, merely enjoying the summer weather. Perhaps we should play croquet or charades.”

“Hold your tongue, man, don’t even mention it.” Alex laughed. “Yes, we look perfect from the outside. How horrified the neighbors would be if they knew the truth.”

James swallowed hard, his words bringing back painful memories. “Our town knows.”

They looked at him warily. “How?” Alex asked.

“The scandal broke in London. It took some time, but it followed us there.”

“I’m sorry.” Alex rested his hand on James’s shoulder. “I suppose we can’t truly escape our pasts, can we? We can only learn, accept it, and move on.”

“Good God,” Gideon grumbled, tossing his daughter into the air and catching her, smiling when she giggled. “You sound like my wife.”

“How do they treat you?” Alex asked.

James shrugged. “It was difficult at first, but the local reverend decided that God had called upon him to save us.” James grinned. “Of course he hadn’t met Catherine at that point. She does her best to make the world think we are heathens.”

Gideon grinned, settling his daughter against his shoulder. “Well then, she should get along famously with Henry and Cally.”

“Do you both forgive me?” James asked, growing serious. Damn it all, but he had to get it out in the open. “For not believing you about Ophelia?”

“James.” Alex sighed. “There is nothing to forgive. We all did what we had to do to survive.”

“It’s done,” Gideon said gruffly. “It’s in the past. You can’t help it if you’re as dunce as a sheep.”

James sighed; Alex grinned.

“Come on,” Gideon said. “I have some investment opportunities that just might make you rich.”

They started toward their families. The women were already in deep discussion, and Eleanor had been accepted quickly into the fold. She practically glowed. James realized in that moment that everything was going to be all right.

“No offense, Gideon, but what the hell do you know about investments?”

“Not me.” He grinned. “My wife. She’s smart as a whip, and has already made Alex quite wealthy.”

“Lucky bastard,” James said with a grin.

Alex slapped him on his back. “We are, aren’t we? All of us.”

James glanced toward the women, meeting Ellie’s gaze. The warmth he felt overwhelmed him. He pressed his hand to his heart, hoping the tightness never faded. “Indeed.”

Ellie had been right all along, he realized as he settled on the wicker settee next to her. He couldn’t help himself and leaned over to press a quick kiss to her lips. If he hadn’t let go of the bitterness, the betrayal, his anger, he wouldn’t be here now. He wouldn’t have a family. A life. Love.

Alex and Gideon were not reminders of his past, they were here to remind him of where he had come from and how much he had changed for the better.

The three of them were a reminder that anything was possible if one believed.

About the Author

Photo by One Six Studios, 2009

As a child, Lori Brighton relished the thought of a life filled with adventure in far-off places. Determined to become an archaeologist, she earned a degree in anthropology—only to discover that digging in the dirt beneath the punishing sun wasn’t much fun. She packed up her love of history and took a job in an air-conditioned museum, yet still her thirst for adventure wasn’t satisfied. And so she began to write, bringing the people in her imagination to life on the printed page. With her debut novel
Wild Heart
, she finally married her love of history and her thirst for adventure. Today she is the author of more than a half dozen historical romance, paranormal romance, and young adult novels.

BOOK: To Please A Lady (The Seduction Series)
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