Read To Live Again Online

Authors: L. A. Witt

Tags: #single father;second chance;older lover

To Live Again (17 page)

BOOK: To Live Again
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Chapter Twenty-One

I’d been home maybe an hour when Sailo came over. I was thrilled to see him—he was one of the brightest spots in my life right now, and I wasn’t about to turn him away—but my enthusiasm was tempered by this afternoon’s revelation. Even as we went out for a light dinner, and slowly strolled back to my place, and kicked back in the living room, it was always there. Like a quiet but annoying third wheel, it was there, tugging at me and pressing down on me.

I faked it as best I could, though. When I went into the kitchen to get us a couple of beers, I paused for a moment to take a few deep breaths, then cracked open the bottles and rejoined him on the couch.

“By the way, I forgot to mention—I’ll be tied up most of the weekend,” he said as I handed him one of the beers. “I’m doing back-to-back weddings on Friday and Saturday.” He made a face. “At least I know the photographer on Saturday. We’ll probably go out drinking afterward and commiserate.”

“Commiserate?” I forced a laugh even though I didn’t feel it. “That bad?

“Weddings? God, yeah. They can be fun sometimes, but man, when they’re not?” He grimaced. “They’re definitely not.”

“I can imagine.”

He looked at me, head tilted slightly. “Hey.” He squeezed my arm. “You okay tonight? You’ve been kinda…elsewhere.”

“Yeah. Yeah. Sorry about that. Just…” I met his gaze and waved a hand. “No, let’s not. I’ve been bitching about all the craziness in my life and—”

“Because you’ve got a lot of craziness in your life.” He took my hand. “What’s going on?”

I shook my head. “It’s nothing. I’d rather not think about it, to be honest.”

“But you obviously are thinking about it.”

My shoulders sagged under the weight of all this bullshit. As much as I didn’t want to darken every moment we had together with talk of my divorce, this was going to eat me alive. So, I took a deep breath. “I was over at my ex’s today. Getting some things I’d left behind. We did a little bit of talking, and long story short, I realized she was cheating on me.”

Sailo exhaled. “Shit. That’s rough. I’m sorry to hear it.”

“Yeah.” I rubbed a hand over my face. “Fuck. Talk about a kick in the balls.”

He touched my arm but didn’t say anything.

“I don’t know why I’m worried about it. I mean, our marriage is over. We’re done. Nothing is going to change that, so why the fuck do I care if…” I exhaled, running my fingers through my hair. “What difference does it make, you know?”

Sailo shrugged. “It doesn’t have to change anything to hurt.”

Wasn’t that the truth? Nothing had changed, but damn it, definitely hurt. This was below the belt and beneath the skin, even if it didn’t make a bit of difference to anything.

He squeezed my hand. “You gonna be okay?”

“Yeah. I…” I pressed my fingers into the bridge of my nose. “I just wish I could stop thinking about it.”

“I’ll bet. Is there anything I can do? To help you feel better now?”

I lowered my hand. “Honestly?”

Sailo nodded.

“Right now…” I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. “Right now I just want to go in the bedroom and fuck until I can’t see straight.”

“Then what are we waiting for?”

I blinked. “What?”

He got up and took my hand. “You heard me.”

Despite my disbelief, I rose, and I followed him. He led me halfway down the hall, and about that point, reality set in. That we were about to fuck each other senseless and get all this stress out of my system.

And I couldn’t wait.

I grabbed him, shoved him up against the wall, and kissed him. Sailo didn’t miss a beat. He held the front of my shirt, kissing me just as hard as I kissed him. I ground my hips against his, but he managed to slide a hand between us, and when he squeezed my cock, I broke the kiss with a gasp.

Immediately, he descended on my neck, kissing my skin so frantically, I was surprised he didn’t bite me.

“Bed,” he growled. “Before I fuck you right here against the wall.”

I wasn’t sure why that would be an issue, aside from my shaking knees, but somehow found the presence of mind to push myself off him and haul him toward my bedroom. Shoes came off, and my shirt disappeared, and then I dragged him down onto the bed by the front of his shirt, and he kissed me just as hard and deep as I needed him to.

Was this the right thing to do tonight? When I was still reeling from—

His teeth dug into my shoulder, driving a cry from my lips and jolting my focus right back to him. Oh, it was gonna be like that? Fine. I raked my short nails up his back through his shirt, and he groaned, throwing his head back. And a second later, he pulled his shirt off, tossed it on the bed, and came down to kiss me again, and I couldn’t resist—I traced those same lines with fingernails. He swore against my neck.

“Like that?” I asked.

“I love everything you do.” He kissed me hard, deep, pushing the kiss just to the edge of painful, and I did the only thing a man could do in that moment—wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back.

We didn’t just take clothes off—we tore them off. A button came off something, and a seam ripped, and…whatever. I wanted his skin against mine. I wanted his tattoos beneath my fingers, the rough velvet edges seeming to spell out his name to my hungry nerve endings.

Sailo must’ve sensed every time my mind tried to drift to why we were here, why I needed this in the first place, because he always knew exactly when to dig his nails in, or sink his teeth into my shoulder, or stroke me just right to erase every conscious thought I had left.

After a while, he pushed himself up on his arms and met my gaze. “I think I know what you need tonight.”

You. What I need is you.

“Yeah?” I swept my tongue across my lips. “What’s that?”

He reached for the nightstand. Oh yes. Yes please. Fuck me until I can’t—

He tossed the condom to me. “Put it on.”

“Put—” I stared at the foil square in my hand, then at him. “What?”

Sailo stroked me lightly, just enough to make my breath catch. “I want you to fuck me. Good and hard.”

My mouth watered. “You’re serious? But you’re a top.”

“Mmhmm. But I told you that first night I wanted to see your face the first time you were on top. And I’m guessing tonight, you need to fuck more than you need to get fucked.” His eyebrows rose.
Am I right?

I hadn’t thought of it like that, but he definitely wasn’t wrong. I’d have been perfectly happy with him fucking me—God, I loved when he fucked me—but now that he’d brought it up, I sure as hell wasn’t going to say no to being on top, even if it was just this once.

I tore the wrapper with my teeth. Good thing I’d practiced a little with my toy at home—at least I didn’t make a complete idiot of myself as I rolled on the condom. “Hands and knees?”

“Oh hell no.” He sat up and, in the same moment he kissed me, teased my balls with his fingertips.

“Fuck!” I gasped, throwing my head back as a shudder jolted through me.

Sailo laughed. He wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed my neck, still teasing my balls as he did. “To answer your question, I’m going to get on my back.” He flicked his tongue across my skin. “So I can watch you.”

I bit my lip, holding on to his shoulders for balance. “Then you’d…better get on your back so I can start. Or you’re going to finish me off just like this.”

Abruptly, he stopped. “Well, in that case…” Sailo put a pillow behind his ass, and lay back on the other pillows. Sobering a little, he met my gaze. “Start slow.” He spread his legs wide. “It’s been a while.”

“Okay.” I poured some lube on my fingers. Then, slowly, I ran my hand down his inner thigh, the bands of his tattoo acting almost like guidelines, directing me up as if I didn’t already know what to do. “This—well, you already know. It’ll be cool.”

He laughed, nodding. “Yeah. I know.”

I pressed my finger against him. He didn’t jump. Didn’t flinch. I carefully slipped my finger into his tight hole, and when he’d relaxed a little, added a second. Once he was easily taking my fingers, I withdrew them and poured plenty of lube on my dick.

And then I positioned myself between his legs. Heart pounding with both nerves and excitement, I met his eyes. “Ready?”

He nodded slowly. “Yeah.”

I guided my cock to him. Pressing the head to him, I met resistance, and reminded myself that had happened when I’d used a toy the first time and when Sailo had topped me the first time. Just as he had, I paused there, letting the pressure remain but not trying to force anything.

Sailo took and released a long breath.

“You okay?” I asked.

He nodded and, with a grin, met my gaze. “Just been a long time.”

“We don’t have to—”

“I’m good.” He hooked a leg around mine, drawing me forward. “C’mon. I want you to—”

We both gasped as he took the head of my cock. My vision blurred for a second. The condom was probably a blessing—I hadn’t worn one in eons, but it dulled the senses just enough to keep me from going off too soon. As turned on as I was, watching my cock slowly slide deeper inside Sailo, that was a very real possibility.

Stroke by stroke, little by little, I worked myself into him. Every so often, my head would start spinning, and I’d remind myself that I still had to breathe during sex, and after a few gasps my vision would clear, and I’d still be there. Still kneeling on my bed, fucking the most gorgeous man I’d ever seen, running my hands along his tattooed thighs and staring down at him as he arched his back and bit his lip.

Swallowing, I met his heavy-lidded eyes.

He grinned. “I knew…this would be hot. Watching you.”

I exhaled, rocking a little harder. “But does it feel good?”

“It…” He closed his eyes and squirmed. “God, yeah…”

I dug my teeth into my lip, my own eyes watering as I watched myself sliding in and out of him. “T-tell me what you want. Harder? Or—”

“Yes.” He moaned. “Please.”

Oh yes. I rocked my hips faster, and then even faster, until the bed frame was protesting and Sailo was murmuring pleas for more. My hips and thighs burned, and my dick felt amazing, and Sailo was clawing at the sheets beside him, so I fucked him as hard as I could.

He murmured something I didn’t understand. Not that the words mattered. What mattered was how turned on he sounded, and how beautiful he was like this. He was jerking himself off as I rode him now, and Jesus, the sight of him—tan skin gleaming with sweat, muscles standing out beneath his tattoo sleeve, abs quivering beneath the V of his larger tattoo. And I was fucking him. Riding him. Driving myself into him as he gasped and arched.

“This is amazing,” I said, my voice hoarse and shaky. “You’re…fucking…”

“D-don’t stop,” he pleaded. Oh, I wasn’t stopping. Not a chance. Not when every thrust drove me closer to an intense climax that promised to be utterly spectacular. And even better, a climax inside him. No wonder I’d had to wait my whole life for this—at this rate, it was liable to kill me.

“Ohh…” Sailo moaned. He clenched around me. His eyes flew open. “

And then semen shot across his stomach, landing on bare and inked skin alike, and just like that, I was coming too, forcing myself as deep as he could take me and crying out things I didn’t even understand as I fucking exploded inside him.

I slumped forward onto my arms. My elbows threatened to collapse out from under me, and I struggled to stay up, but then Sailo drew me down to him. I had just enough presence of mind to pull out, and then I closed my eyes and rested my head on his chest.

And just breathed.

* * * * *

We lay in bed for the longest time, letting the dust settle. I’d gotten up long enough to toss the condom and wash my hands, and then we’d both collapsed.

The physical release had helped. Lying here with Sailo in my arms probably did more than anything, though. My body felt incredible. Emotionally, though, there was something to be said for half dozing in the arms of someone who could still smile when he looked at me. Someone who still wanted me enough to come that hard.

Sailo fidgeted a little and winced.

“You okay?” I asked.

“Yeah.” He rubbed his thigh gingerly. “Was starting to get a cramp earlier, and now it’s coming back to bite me.”

I grimaced. “Ouch. Did I do something wrong, or—”

“Not at all.” He kneaded the muscle but met my gaze with an adorable smile. “Just the position. Don’t worry about it.”

“I’ll remember that for next time.” I paused. “Um, I mean, if you want a next time…”

He shrugged. “I could be persuaded.”



“So you’re a top, but you like bottoming?”

“I prefer being on top.” He turned on his side and faced me. “But if I’m with a guy who wants to be on top sometimes, I’ll bottom. And yeah, when I do, I enjoy it. It’s just not usually my thing.” He paused. “You seem to like it, though? Being on the bottom?”

“I like it both ways. Bottoming is definitely new, and I really enjoy it.”

“Good.” He grinned. “We can switch now and then if you want to. Just say so.”

“I’ll remember that.” I touched his face. “I think it’s what I needed tonight. One hell of a distraction.”

“So you feel better?”

Good question. I really hadn’t thought being on top would make a difference in terms of distracting me from everything, but in hindsight, it had. It was something new. Something that had required extra concentration, and brought with it all new sensations that had pulled my focus away from anything and everything else. For those few minutes, I’d forgotten the rest of the world existed at all.

Mission accomplished.

Sure, it was all coming back now, and the tension I’d been trying to escape still existed behind my ribs, but none of it seemed as catastrophic as before. Did I feel better? Fuck yes, I felt better.

“I feel a hell of a lot better. Thank you.” I touched his face. “I’m sorry this thing keeps coming up. My divorce and…” I shook my head. “I’d definitely rather be focused on you than the past.”

He smiled and turned to kiss my palm. “Don’t worry about it. I’ve been through breakups before. Even the ones that happen after a short relationship take time to get through.”

BOOK: To Live Again
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