Read To Catch A Croc Online

Authors: Amber Kell

Tags: #Paranormal, #erotic romance, #Gay, #shifter, #glbt

To Catch A Croc (7 page)

BOOK: To Catch A Croc
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Marty didn’t speak for a long moment. “I’ll think about what you said. The direct approach is usually my thing anyway.”

“Good, then you shouldn’t have any problems.” He glanced at the clock on the wall and sat up. “I’ve got to get dressed. I’m going with Isaac to investigate a lead.”

“Do you want me to come?” Marty asked in a friendlier tone.

“No. You’re still injured. Eaton will kill me if you get hurt worse,” Dent explained.

Marty snorted. “I can’t believe you’re afraid of Eaton. What kind of badass crocodile are you?”

“The kind that knows one of my best friends is an excellent sharp shooter and will take a chunk out of my ass if he thinks I put his love interest in danger,” Denton said. He didn’t feel shame or remorse for respecting his friend.

“He’s really that good?” Marty asked. “I wouldn’t have thought he could focus.”

Denton shook his head. “You really don’t know him at all, do you? The reason Eaton appears so absentminded all the time isn’t because he’s an airhead. It’s because he has so much going on inside. When he focuses, it’s awe-inspiring.”

“I knew he was smart,” Marty said proudly.

“Did you know he got a medical degree by nineteen because he wanted to know what it felt like to be a doctor? Three years later, he decided to be a physicist. He’s written papers I can barely understand the titles of, much less the words underneath.”

Marty held up his hands. “I get it. He’s brilliant and too good for me.”

“Yes, he is,” Denton answered honestly. “But if you’re the one he wants, the one he’s focused on, then you might as well surrender. Because Eaton always gets what he’s after. Always!”

Marty frowned. “I’m usually the pursuer in any relationship. I just wanted to get everything lined up before I came to claim him. He’s special, you know. I can’t just grab him and tell him he’s mine. He needs a gentler touch.”

How had he missed that Marty had a romantic streak? The hawk shifter had been getting his nest all ready before he invited Eaton to be with him. From all the things he’d learned about Marty, not one person had ever said the man had a softer side. Hard ass gang leader? Yes. Lovelorn suitor? Not so much.

Denton folded his arms. “I don’t think Eaton needs any big gesture. Be honest with him and tell him what you want.”

Marty groaned. “Fuck. I wanna lock him in a cage where no one can fucking touch him, or hurt him or anything else. Is that so wrong?”

Denton took his time in answering. “The protecting part is good. You might want to rethink the cage thing.”

“Not a real cage,” Marty flashed him a scornful look. “You know, a figurative one.”

“Ahh. Eaton is still young. Give him time. He’ll come around. I can tell he likes you, and I’ve known him a long time.”

Marty narrowed his eyes, pinning Denton with a cold glare. “You ever touch him?” he asked in a growly voice that would’ve made his puma proud.

“No, Marty, as far as I know, Eaton is still as pure as the untouched snow. Happy?”

“Ecstatic,” Marty snapped. “Hey, why don’t I scout around for you? I can at least do some checking out. My arm might not be up to flying but I can take my motorcycle.”

Denton hesitated. He didn’t want to involve Marty, but it could be really helpful to know ahead of time if the crocs were there. Not to mention, it would save him from having to be the lovelorn advisor, a position that really didn’t suit him.

“I guess a quick check wouldn’t be too much to ask. Isaac said he thought they were on a container ship by Harbor Island. Check and see if it’s parked at Terminal Eighteen. They can hold up to five container ships there.”

Marty nodded. “I’ll be back in a few hours. I’ve got to go back to the bar and grab my bike. I don’t trust those bastards not to do anything to it while I’m gone. Lance has been aching to get hold of it.”

“Is he one of the guys who’s trying to take your alpha position?” Denton didn’t know much about the hierarchy of hawks, but most alpha spots were only claimed by the strongest.

“Yeah, he’s kind of a shit, though. I’ve had to smack him down quite a bit over the years. The gang doesn’t like that I’m just going to quit. They want me to fight and determine the next alpha.” Marty flexed his right arm, showing off his bulging muscle. “Like I’m going to throw a fight to make them feel better. Idiots. I’ll just grab a bus back to the bar. We’re not that far away.”

“Do you want me to come with you?” Denton asked. The hairs on the back of his neck rose up as he thought of Marty fighting the hawks on his own. That couldn’t end well. Eaton would kill him if Marty had the snot beat out of him. He didn’t doubt the alpha could take them one-on-one, but if they attacked as a group, Marty could be in trouble.

Marty made a scoffing noise in the back of his throat. “The day I can’t take on my own flock is the day I don’t deserve Eaton. See you later, alligator,” Marty stood up to leave.

“That’s crocodile,” Denton snapped. “We’re not the same thing, pigeon.”

Marty laughed. “You know, when your eyes go all reptile, it’s kind of creepy. I like it.”

Chuckling, Marty walked out the door.

Denton wondered if Eaton would really mind if the guy he had his eye on disappeared. Permanently.

At least Marty was out of his hair for a bit. Denton placed a call to Anderson and, as suspected, the guy didn’t care if they delayed their quote on the next job as long as Harris was working.

“We’ll do it next Monday,” Denton assured Anderson after promising to let him get a sneak peak at Harris’s work. The man was more than a little obsessed, but since he always treated Harris nicely, Denton hadn’t stepped in. Not to mention that the little blush Harris always got when Anderson was mentioned was freaking adorable.

Looking at the clock, Denton decided he had time to work on his songs for a bit before he met up with Isaac. Plenty of time to smooth out that last stanza that was bugging him.






Chapter Six



Isaac pulled in front of the mansion, happy once again that Broden had left him the security remote to access the grounds without having to bother anyone. Since Harris was usually the one at home, he hated to disturb the artist when he might be in the middle of a creative surge.

He frowned when he found the front door unlocked. Generally, they were more security conscious than that. The sound of music lured him to the back of the house where he discovered Denton playing the guitar on a couch with pages of sheet music surrounding him. Denton paused halfway through the song and jotted down a few notes.

Love for Denton caught Isaac by the throat and threatened to strangle him. He took a slow, measured breath. Damn, Denton was beautiful. From his elegant fingers plucking the guitar strings to his bent dark head, the perfection of his mate struck Isaac hard.

“Hey, when did you get here?” Denton said. His welcoming smile drew Isaac forward to greet him.

Without a word, he cupped Denton’s face between his hands and kissed him. Heat poured between them as Denton’s soft lips slid across Isaac’s. There was little he wouldn’t do for his mate—except give him up. Unable to resist the lure of skin, he slid his fingers beneath Denton’s shirt and absorbed the smooth glide of silky skin beneath his hands.

“I need you,” he whispered against Denton’s mouth.

“Mmm, good. That makes it mutual.” Denton growled in a deep voice. He fisted Isaac’s shirt with one hand and yanked him closer. Isaac braced his forearms against the back of the couch so he wouldn’t crush Denton’s guitar.

“This would probably work better in your bedroom,” Isaac offered.

“Hmm. Yeah.” Another kiss wiped away every thought in his head like an eraser to the blackboard of his mind.

Denton bit Isaac’s bottom lip, making it throb. The small sting translated to his cock as
need more, now
. “Bed,” he gasped against Denton’s mouth.

He wouldn’t take Denton here in the open where anyone could wander by. His puma snarled at the thought of another person seeing his Denton naked. That couldn’t be allowed.

Leaning back, he carefully lifted Denton’s guitar and set it aside.

“Hold tight,” he warned. Denton wrapped his arms around Isaac’s neck. Isaac grabbed Denton’s ass and lifted him up, forcing the croc shifter to wrap his legs around Isaac’s waist.

“Mmm, I like you wrapped around me,” Isaac said. He gripped Denton tighter, making sure he had a firm hold on his lover. Dropping Denton wasn’t going to happen.

“You might want to put me down. My room is upstairs,” Denton said, smiling.

“Are you saying you don’t think I can carry you all that way?” Isaac challenged.

“I’m saying I don’t want you to throw out your back,” Denton teased.

“Hmm, maybe you’re right.” With a flex of his arms, Isaac pushed Denton up and across his shoulder. He slapped Denton’s ass with a loud smack.


“Don’t wiggle, it might injure me. I’m fragile.” Isaac headed for the grand staircase. “Am I going left or right?”

“Right. I can walk, you know.”

Isaac patted Denton’s ass. “I know, but I like you this way.”

“Upside down?” Denton’s body shook with his laughter.

Isaac clamped an arm across Denton’s legs so his mate wouldn’t fall.

“No. With your ass easily accessible,” Isaac admitted.

“I think I’m getting dizzy,” Denton complained.

“We’ll be there soon.” Isaac followed the scent of his crocodile man down the hall until he stopped in front of the door that smelled most like his lover.

He turned the knob and pushed his way into the room, mindful of his mate’s precarious spot on his shoulder. The bedroom had amazing light with dark wood furniture and a big bed with a green velvet comforter that he knew would match Denton’s eyes.

Isaac dropped Denton onto the surface. He grinned as his mate bounced.

“I give you a seven for your dismount,” Isaac said.

Denton pulled off his shirt and tossed it to the floor. “Really, only a seven?”

Isaac’s mouth watered at the sight of Denton’s muscled stomach and chest. The man had little body fat. “Dismount seven, body ten.”

“Good answer,” Denton remarked.

“I thought so.” Isaac stripped out of his clothes with more speed than he ever used getting into them. By the time he was done, Denton had removed the rest of his outfit also.

Denton’s gaze darkened as he watched Isaac climb over him, staying on his hand and knees above Denton’s body.

“I want to be your mate, Isaac. Will you accept me?” Denton’s vulnerable gaze pierced Isaac’s soul, keeping him frozen in place.

“How could you not know you are everything I’ve ever wanted?” Isaac said. He wondered where he went wrong that Denton didn’t know how much they were fated to be together. “I don’t believe in love at first sight, but my other half has wanted to claim you since you sashayed up on that stage as if you owned the world and everyone else was only there to serve you.”

Denton blushed. The crocodile shifter was an intriguing combination of brash confidence and shy uncertainty. The stars would dim and tumble from the sky before Isaac tired of his complicated lover.

“You mean that?”

“Absolutely. Will you be my mate, Denton Stills?” Isaac asked. In the wild, pumas took what they wanted, but attacking Denton and biting him without warning could result in a crocodile mauling—something Isaac planned to avoid for the rest of his life, if possible.

“Yes.” Tears shone in Denton’s eyes. He ignored them in favor of kissing his mate. Denton agreed to be his!

Their kiss was a tangling of tongues and a meeting of breath as two strong personalities merged and became what the other person needed.

Isaac kissed, licked and nipped his way down Denton’s neck until he reached the juncture between shoulder and neck. “Are you sure?”

After that bite, the claiming mark, Denton could never be with another person again. “I will be your one and only for the rest of your life.”

Isaac had to be sure. He wouldn’t tie Denton to him until he knew they were both ready. He’d been ready since the first sight of the cocky guitarist, but he’d had lovers before. To be someone’s first and last was a position he never thought he’d find himself in.

“Make me yours,” Denton replied. His voice, strong and steady, had no hesitation, no doubt, nothing trembling in soft answer. Denton knew what he wanted and he wanted Isaac.

Isaac’s inner puma gave a victory howl. His mating teeth dropped and he chomped down on Denton’s shoulder.

“Oh, fuck!” Denton cursed. The filthy words pouring from Denton’s mouth hardened Isaac’s cock until he worried he’d spill before he sank into the hot body of his mate.

The connection between them flashed like a solar flare into Isaac’s mind. Denton’s emotions poured into him as if he was the only receptacle capable of accepting the overflow of his lover’s mind and body. Joy, love and a clawing need rushed through him, twisting and turning through his body until he didn’t know who had the original thought or emotion. Isaac cradled Denton close. He accepted everything as he accepted Denton as his own.

“I need to bite.” Denton’s words came out more of a hiss than a growl. Releasing the mauled flesh from between his teeth, Isaac lapped at the wound until the marks faded slightly and went from angry red to a paler, healthier tone.

Denton’s eyes had gone reptilian. Isaac shivered beneath the gator’s regard. Taking a deep breath, he bent down and tilted his head up, exposing his throat.

The hand Denton wrapped around the back of Isaac’s neck had more strength than he’d expect from the slim shifter, but then the human part no longer had control. Isaac focused on his mate—on Denton’s courage, his strength, and the big heart he gave away to his friends without hesitation.

“I’m yours,” Isaac promised. The bite, when it came, sliced through his skin with surprising ease and little pain. The connection between them jolted him for the second time that night. He’d heard of shifters who bonded together on a deeper level but he never thought he’d be one of them.

Keeping enough tension in his arms to hold himself up, Isaac relaxed into Denton’s embrace. After a long minute, Denton released his toothy hold on Isaac’s shoulder. He didn’t lick or soothe the wound.

BOOK: To Catch A Croc
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