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Authors: Lyla Sinclair

Tied for Two (2 page)

BOOK: Tied for Two
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She seemed utterly unimpressed by his annoyance. “Isn’t it about

“Oh, I guess it is,” he said. “Tanya, do you need another glass of wine?”

I wasn’t sure why Alexis was the timekeeper, but if there was a chance I was going to be alone with Eric soon, I didn’t want to be too drunk to enjoy it.

“No thanks,” I replied.

Eric took my hand and stood, pulling me up from the bench. “Tanya, you go with Alex.

She’ll get you your costume and prepare you for the fantasy.”

There were costumes involved? Was there a script too? Because I was no actress.

“But, I—“

“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of everything,” Alexis said as she took my hand and led me to the cabin door. I looked back at Eric questioningly. He gave me an encouraging nod.

Chapter Two

I looked around the small room where Alexis had brought me. There were two bunk beds on each wall. On the small floor space in between, someone had set up what looked like a portable massage table. Was I about to get a massage?

“What’s it like down there?” Alexis asked me as she motioned toward my crotch.


“The landscaping. Do you wax?”

“Um…yeah.” I didn’t know why it was any of her business.

“Landing strip, full Monty…?”


“Do you get a Brazilian?”

“Oh…no. Just a regular bikini wax.”

“Yeah, that’s what I told Eric you’d have. Lucky for you, I worked my way through

college as a waxer to the rich and famous…well, mostly just rich. I’m going to do yours for you because Eric likes his pussy one hundred percent smooth.”

This was an invasion of privacy like I hadn’t even imagined. “Well, I don’t think it’s his choice,” I replied.

“Oh.” Her face fell. She looked disappointed in me. “I’m sorry. I thought you’d agreed to be his fantasy. Poor Eric. He’s been dreaming about you forever.”

One part of me felt I was being manipulated, but the other part kept asking what I was going to do tonight that would be better than fulfilling “poor” Eric’s fantasy.

“Yes, I did… I want to,” I said before I had a chance to chicken out.

“Great. Take off all your clothes and hop on the table.”

my clothes?”

“I don’t want to get any wax on that silk top.”

I hesitated.

“I’m a professional, Tanya. I’ve seen hundreds of people naked.”

That didn’t make me feel any better, but I’d agreed to this, so I began taking off my clothes. I hadn’t worn a bra. Even though my breasts were on the small side, I’d hoped Eric would find my perky nipples enticing as they tried to poke through the silk top.

“Nice,” Alexis said, once I was naked from head to toe. Her eyes clung to my body a bit longer than was “professional.” She met my gaze with her sultry cat eyes and realized I’d caught her. “Eric will love it, I mean,” she corrected. “Besides, you have a nice wax job already. At least I won’t have to find my way through Sherwood Forest. Get on the table with your head this way.”

I lay down on the table, feeling way too vulnerable to be alone with Alexis. There was just something about her that seemed a little dangerous to me. Strange how she gave off the impression she came from money like Eric did, but she’d had to work her own way through college. I wished I could have given myself that kind of personality makeover.

“Scoot down a bit,” she said.

“But my legs will be hanging off the table,” I argued.

“No, not with these.” She unfolded metal bars from the end of the table and I realized they were stirrups.

“Are you kidding?”

“Your other waxers don’t use these?”

I shook my head.

“Hm…and they call themselves professionals? Come on. Scoot down. It will make it easier for me to wax right up to the edge and pluck out any strays.” When I stayed put and stared at her a moment longer, she added, “Just like Eric likes it.”

I remembered I’d agreed to star in his fantasy tonight and I really did want him to be excited when he looked at my body. I scooted down as Alexis placed my feet in the stirrups.

I’d only thought I felt vulnerable before. Alexis stepped between my legs and pushed the stirrups farther apart so my thighs were spread unnaturally wide.

“Just close your eyes and relax,” she said, but her eyes held an ironic twinkle.

Nerves began to overtake me and I realized the wine was wearing off. Normally, I took an over-the-counter pain killer before getting waxed.

Alexis turned to a small round table I hadn’t noticed between one set of bunk beds and the front wall. When she turned back, I closed my eyes, no longer able to take the humiliation of her staring into my crotch.

I felt the warm wax on one side of my pussy lips. She pressed the soft cloth strip onto it and pulled. It stung like crazy, but I didn’t want to give Alexis the satisfaction of a scream, so I gritted my teeth.

“Good girl,” she said in a deceptively soft voice. She proceeded to do the other side, then pluck out any strays the wax missed. As she did, her fingers brushed against my clit and my breath caught.

When she finally seemed to be finished, she took a cotton ball doused in some sort of liquid and smoothed it over my skin, removing excess wax as she went. I was grateful she was finished, but the more she rubbed the lubricated cotton ball around the area, the tinglier I felt.

She put the cotton ball down and bent her head until her face was so close to my pussy, I could feel her breath on my clit. A hot shiver surged through my body.

“Let’s make extra sure you’re silky smooth for, Eric.” She examined my crotch like a CSI investigator. As she did, she trailed her finger around on the inside of my upper thigh, then up and down my pussy lips. A moan of pleasure tried to form in my throat. But I didn’t want Alexis to know she was affecting me that much, so I held it in.

“Perfect,” she said. “And it’s so pretty and pink from the waxing.”

I couldn’t reply. I was confused by my body’s reaction to her touch. I didn’t have the urge to make out with her like I did Eric, but…

Her eyes met mine and they held a knowing look. But what did they know?

“What a beautiful little body, you have,” she said as she continued to stroke my lower lips with one hand. With the other, she reached up and caressed one of my nipples. I could feel myself getting wet. My mind told me to make her stop, but my body needed more. Was it simply the intimate touch? Or was it the way she looked at me?

As though she wanted me for herself.

“I’m not a lesbian” I blurted out suddenly.

She laughed. “I know you aren’t. That’s what makes it so much fun.”

“I don’t, uderst—“

“I like seeing the confusion in your eyes. You’re not attracted to women, yet a woman is stroking your body right now and you‘re enjoying it. You’ve never had a women touch you like this, have you?”

“No” I said.

“So I guess a woman has never put her mouth in here either.” Her finger slipped into my slit and slid through. My thigh muscles contracted. I clenched my teeth to hold back the moan.

”No,” I replied.

“Mmmm… So petite. So fresh… I’d like to keep you all to myself, but a deal’s a deal.

Come on. We need to get ready for Eric.”

My heart raced at her declaration. I felt an odd mixture of emotions I couldn’t identify.

As I sat up, she went to the closet and pulled out two hangers. She handed one to me. I had to stare at it for a moment before I could make heads or tails of it.

“A harem girl outfit?” I asked. “Really?”

“That’s what Eric wants,” Alexis said.

I wondered if they’d hooked up before. But strangely, I felt no jealousy at the thought. So why was I here, if I didn’t care enough about Eric to have even a pang of jealousy over him?

A flash of his golden chest and sexy stare blew through my mind. Alexis was already in her costume. I put mine on.

“I think mine is ripped,” I said, noting the split in the crotch seem.

Alexis just laughed, grabbed me by the hand and took me to another room. This one was much larger and more attractive than the “bunk room.”

When I saw Eric lounging on his large bed among a dozen pillows, I didn’t know whether to gasp at how handsome he looked or laugh at his clothing.

The golden turban caught my eye first, but I couldn’t take my eyes off his chest, much of which was exposed even though he wore a bright red robe, tied at the waist with a silken cord.

“I have a new concubine for your harem, Sultan,” Alexis said.

Eric gazed at me lazily from his pillows. “Tiny little thing.”

The “t” word!
I was instantly pissed. “I’m not tiny,” I said. “I’m over five feet tall. Lots of people are smaller than I am.”

“Insolence already?” Eric said. “And from the tiniest slave in my harem.”

I narrowed my eyes and shot daggers at him.

“She’s new,” Alexis replied. “She doesn’t know her place yet, Your Majesty.”

“Your Majesty?” I gave her a questioning look.

“Well, he
the sultan,” she replied as if she were completely serious.

“Too many questions,” Eric said. “And too much impudence from this slave. She’ll be punished. But first…” He sat up and propped his back against a large pillow. “Let me get a better look at her. Bring her closer.”

Alexis pulled me to the foot of the bed.

“Hmm… Lovely big eyes. So vulnerable.”

“Just as you like, Your Majesty.”

“Her womanly mounds are like dates, though, very small.”

Okay, that was it. I didn’t need this. I didn’t like being described as “vulnerable,” and I was already self-conscious enough about my height and small boobs without Eric making it worse. I wondered if I could swim to shore.

“But look, Your Majesty.” Alexis reached into my coin-encrusted bra and pulled out one of my breasts. “They’re not large, but they aren’t like dates. More like pomegranates—round and firm.” I stood in shock as she held my breast in her palm. She rubbed her thumb around on my nipple and it grew hard as a pebble. I tried to calm my breathing.

“Yes, perfect,” Eric agreed. “I never should have doubted you. You procure only the best slaves for me.”

I wondered how true that statement was. Was this a one-time fantasy or did the two of them play this out all the time?

“Turn her around.” Alexis pulled at my shoulder until I turned my back to Eric. “Lovely.

Like two warm, round loaves of freshly baked bread.”

Was he talking about my ass?

“She is quite beautiful, Your Majesty, and I prepared her just as you wished.” Alexis reached down to my crotch and pulled the open seam apart, revealing my smooth pussy lips.

“Perfect! Every inch of her!” Eric exclaimed.

I was torn between thinking this was nuts and being flattered by his approval of my body.

“But have you checked to ensure she is a virgin?”

A virgin? Really?
I hadn’t been around much, but I
twenty-three years old.

“Yes, Sultan, she is.”

“Check again for me.”

Before I realized what she was doing, Alexis bent over and plunged a finger into my pussy.

I jumped and shuddered from the pleasure shock. It had been a while since I’d seen any action down there.

“Tight as a drum,” she said. “And already desiring you.” I was embarrassed that I was already wet, considering the ridiculous nature of the evening so far.

“Wonderful…except there is still the matter of her impertinence. That is unacceptable. She must be punished.”

Alexis slid her finger out, and my pussy was sorry to lose it. I hoped Eric would take its place soon. Since I’d been in his room, he hadn’t even touched me.

Suddenly, I felt a push from behind. I fell forward face down on the foot of the bed, my feet still on the floor. Eric grabbed my wrists and held them so I couldn’t move.

“Hey! What—?”

Alexis pulled my harem pants down to my knees and slapped me hard on the ass.

“Ow!” I said.

“Quiet! A good slave takes her punishment in silence,” Eric said authoritatively.

Alexis smacked my other cheek.

I struggled a bit, but when I felt Eric’s hands grip my wrists more tightly, a hot liquid rush coursed through my body. This was turning me on! And I thought
were the crazy ones.

Alexis smacked one cheek again, then the other. They weren’t bruising strikes, but she knew how to make contact and release in a way that afforded the ultimate stinging sensation. She stopped and I was relieved, even though her palm hitting my ass had been weirdly exciting.

“Are you ready to be a good slave and do as you’re told?” Eric asked.

I wasn’t sure I wanted to do anything these two had in mind, but I was getting pretty aroused. “I, um, guess so.”

“She doesn’t sound sure, Your Majesty.”

“Then punish her again.”

The sting of Alexis’ next swat made me gasp for air. It was the most intense yet, and I realized I wanted more. She slapped me again. My lungs shook and my shoulders tensed, then released.

Another slap. Then another.

My bottom stung. My thighs quivered. I’d never experienced this combination of

sensations, but I didn’t think I could take much more.

“Are you ready to be a
slave and do as you’re
?” Eric repeated.

“Yes,” I said, trying to end my punishment and move on to the part where Eric fucked me.

“She didn’t show respect, Sultan.”

“Then teach her. Punish her until her backside glows bright red.”

Oh no
! I braced for another swat, but it still stung like crazy when she made contact. Then another smack. The stinging was mixed with a burning sensation now.

Alex spoke, punctuating every word with a slap. “You… will… address… him… as…

Your Majesty…”

That was six more whacks to my ass, and tears had formed in my eyes from the pain.

Thank goodness she was finally finished.

“Or,” smack, “Sultan,” smack.

I whimpered. My ass burned. My pussy was soaking wet. What was wrong with me? How

could anyone be turned on by this?

BOOK: Tied for Two
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