Through Smoke: The Troubled Heroes Series (7 page)

BOOK: Through Smoke: The Troubled Heroes Series
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About an hour later the fire was called controlled and their secondary search was complete.  All Michael wanted to do was get back to the station and stay away from everyone. 


When they got back to the station, Michael showered and went up to the beds to lie down
hoping no one would follow him.  It wasn’t just the probie and the fire that was getting to him.  It was several things.  Eva was on his mind. Normally by this time she had at least said hi to him. The
y had been busy from the get go and
maybe that was the case.  He had heard the EMS traffic on the radio and she had no time between calls. That had to be it. The dilemma with Casey was still hovering over him too.  Despite the fact that the saying was corny, it was true.  When it rained, it poured.  Turning over on his side, he glanced at his watch.  It was ten thirty.  At least the fire had burned off some of the shift but it still felt like it should be later. 

He heard footsteps and knew it probably had to be Darryl.  He couldn’t fake being asleep, Darryl knew him better than that.  He grabbed a pillow and covered his face with it, hoping his buddy would get the hint that he was in no mood to chat.

“Mikey, you okay?”

Michael didn’t respond and tried to lie as still as he could. 

“C’mon, I know you aren’t asleep. I was just makin’ sure that wall comin’ down on you didn’t hurt you too bad.”

Michael felt the side of the bed slump and by the feel of it
Darryl was sitting on the left edge.  Scoffing, Michael tossed the pillow aside and propped himself up with his elbow.

“It was just some dry wall. I’m fine.”

Darryl patted the side of Michael’s face and laughed. “Well bud, you’re gettin’ kinda old, I just wanted to make sure.” Pausing, Darryl ran his fingers down his own face.  It sounded like he was rubbing sandpaper.  “No, but really, you sure you’re all right?”

Michael shrugged.  Darryl could always read him like a book. “Of course I am. Just tired.”


Michael fell back down into the bed and kicked Darryl, attempting to shove him off the bed.
His attempt was unsuccessful.
“I don’t wanna talk about it.  Just let me be.”

“Okay then.” He stood up to leave but turned around at the door.  “Is now a bad time to remind you that it’s your turn to cook today?”

Michael flipped him off. “There’s a McDonald’s down the road. Send whoever’s hungry in that direction.” He appreciated the fact that he had a good friend like Darryl who did actually care about him, and he knew that he wasn’t just trying to catch up on gossip.  He genuinely was there for him whenever he needed, but now just wasn’t the time to chat about his latest drama.  He had to sort it out in his head before getting it out in the open and there was no telling how long that would take.

“Hey Darryl?”

Turning around again, Darryl arched his eyebrow. “Yeah?”

“Thanks man, I appreciate your concern. It’s nothing I can’t get through.”

Darryl patted the doorframe and smiled. “Anytime.”



After a few more simple calls including
a gas leak, a report of a house being locked and the stove was on, and a wreck, Michael got home around eight thirty.  He was dreading it, taking his time as he walked back to the apartment.  Deep down he was hoping that Casey wouldn’t be there but he was on the couch, in the same spot Michael always found him in. 

“I swear, I got the money…” Casey quickly cut himself off when he noticed Michael in the entryway. “I’ll call you back.” He hung up the phone and tossed it on the coffee table, his eyes wide with fear. “Hey bro, still not speaking to me?”

Michael tossed
his duffel bag down and kicked his boots off.  He slowly walked to the kitchen, his body aching from the morning call.  At the time, the wall caving in on them didn’t seem so bad but the pain was finally catching up to him.  His lower back felt like he had squat far too much weight.  He dug in the cabinet and gargled down two Advil. He still had no idea what to say to Casey and there he was, staring him down from the living room.

“Who were you talking to?” The lingering flavor of the medicine left a bitter aftertaste. 

“A friend.”

Michael nodded and drank down an entire bottle of water and reached for another. “Oh.” He went back into the living room and sat on the opposite end of the couch, eyeing the show on the TV. It was on mute but it looked like something that wouldn’t interest him. “Your crack friend? You owe him money or something?”

“It’s not like that.”

The last thing Michael wanted to do was pick a fight. “Sounded like it to me.” He took in a deep breath and leaned forward, glaring at his younger brother from the corner of his eye.  “Don’t do your drug deals from my phone, and better yet, how about you start
lining up another place to live?
  Your friends are all starting to come back into your life, there’s no need to use your family anymore, or at least for the time being.”

“Mikey, please. It’s not what it sounded like. I’m sorry about yesterday.” He turned the TV off and buried his head in his hands.  The room fell silent for a few minutes, the tick of the second hand on the clock seemed to be echoing around them.  Looking up, Casey ran his hand through his hair.  “Looks like you had a bad day.”

“Don’t turn the subject
to me. Who do you owe money to
? I heard you! You were pleading with someone.”

Casey edged forward. It was obvious he was nervous and Michael knew whatever he was about to hear would just send him over the edge.  “I guess it doesn’t matter if I tell you. You’re already kicking me out. What’s one more thing to add to the list?” He twirled around the remote for the TV, spinning it on the wood surface of the table.  Just like Casey to fidget before he had to tell the truth about something, he had been like that since they were kids.  “I bet on the Yankees and Mets game coming up. The series.  I bet the Yankees would win, two games to one.”

“How much?”  Michael felt his palms grow sweaty, the moisture almost soaking completely through his jeans to his knees. 

“It’s almost a guarantee. The Yankees always beat the Mets.  It’ll be enough money to get me out of some things, most of all, out of your hair into a place of my own.”

Michael slammed his hand down on the table. “God dam
it, how much!?” He was seeing red.  Nothing felt worse than being taken advantage of by your own family, except the fact that the same family member had done it to him more than he could count.

“Ten thousand. The series is still down the road a bit
but it’s the only option I had
. I can’t say sorry enough.”

Michael stood up and began to pace. He was so angry, yet he couldn’t find it in him to boot Casey out.  If the bet backfired he would be in more trouble than either could imagine and even though Casey was a screw up, Michael still felt compelled to protect him. He had never let anyone run over his brother and he wasn’t willing to allow it to happen now. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if so.

“You better pray the Yankees show up to play. It’ll be the one time I’ll root against the Mets.” He didn’t intend for it to come out in a joking manner, but it did lighten the mood. He was still pissed and had absolutely no idea what he was going to do about the situation.



Eva was on the verge of dozing off on the couch when she heard a light tap on her front door.  It was almost so quiet that she disregarded it, thinking it might be a neighbor or someone walking by, accidently brushing against it.  Adjusting herself on the couch pillow, she heard it again, this time louder.  She kicked her legs off of the side of the couch and ambled to the door, peering through the peephole. 

Her heart skipped a beat.  It was Michael.  Backing away, she smoothed her hands over her hair.  What was he doing here? Would now be a good time to tell him about her fear of getting involved?  Maybe that’s why he came by.  Grasping the doorknob, she felt her clammy skin rub up against the metal.  She opened the door, giving her best smile.  By his body language, Michael didn’t look to be in a very good mood.

“Hey Mikey, what’s up?” She stepped to the side, inviting him in. “Come on in.”

He walked in and stood in the middle of the living room, his hands in his pockets as he looked down at the floor.  The bill of his hat hid most of his face.  Eva knew now wouldn’t be a good time to reveal her feelings toward him.  He was upset about something and she didn’t want to add fuel to the fire. 

“Have a seat.  You want something to drink or anything?”

Michael sat down on the far end of the couch and ran his hands down the side of his jeans as he adjusted his hat.  “Sorry it’s so late. I just had to get out for a little bit.” Pausing, he leaned forward.  “You got a beer or anything?” 

“Yeah, definitely.” She walked to the kitchen and grabbed two from the refrigerator, twisting them open.  She handed him his and took a long pull off of hers, sitting down beside him.  “Everything okay?”  She ran her fingers down the glass of the bottle, feeling the condensation. She couldn’t help but think about her fear, but at the same time she wanted to be around him.  She was glad he was here.  The confusion she was feeling was making her crazy. 

Michael nodded and finished off the brew, placing the empty bottle on a coaster on the end table.  “Yeah, I’m all right.  Just family issues. I’ll get over it.”  He turned to face her, his green eyes bright under the dim light.  “Are you busy? Do you need me to leave or anything?”

“No, of course not.” She put her beer bottle next to his on the table. “Mikey, if you need to talk about anything don’t hesitate. It won’t bug me at all.” His silence was making her worry.  His brow was creased and he hadn’t cracked a smile since he had been there.  That just wasn’t like him.

He lifted his hand and cupped her cheek in his palm, his thumb rubbing back and forth across her skin.  It sent a shiver down her spine.  Her gut reaction was to pull away.  She didn’t want to lead him on.  He needed to know how scared she was of a relationship with a fireman.  Despite her worry, she found herself leaning into his caress.  Despite the fact that his palm felt like sandpaper, she found it relaxing.  He ran his thumb over her lips and his hand moved to the back of her head as his fingers ran through her hair. 

She let out a low moan as he pushed closer to her, a small hint of cologne overtook her senses.  She fell backward into the couch and felt his body hover above hers.  His arms were on either side, supporting him.  Pulling his baseball cap off, he leaned his head in, his lips brushing over hers. His dark hair shot out in different directions and Eva was finding even that attractive.  Again she felt the urge to pull away and stop this. It wouldn’t be right to do this if she didn’t want a future with him. But at the same time she did want a future with him.  Looking up into his eyes, her desire overruled her sense to end whatever was going to happen. 

His kisses moved from her mouth and down to her neck. His whiskers brushed against her, arousing her more.  He kissed her collarbone and stopped short of her shirt collar, looking down at her once more. 

“You okay?” His warm breath tickled her skin.

Was she okay? It was a loaded question.  Suddenly she forgot how to answer it.  She wanted this to happen.  It felt right, but then again it felt wrong.  Her apprehensions all came into play.  The same ones she felt the night of their last date.  She couldn’t handle losing him.
Having sex with him would increase how attached she was.  Quick feelings of how she felt years ago when she lost her friends hit her blindside, but she quickly pushed them away.
  Staring up at him, she couldn’t resist.  He was here, at her house, and she had to let it happen.  She knew she’d feel bad later, but right now there was no turning back.  She wrapped her arm around his neck, pulling his body completely on top of her, his weight heavy on her.  Her tongue searched the inside of his mouth and then she nibbled on his ear. 

“I’m just fine.” She whispered and let out a gasp when she felt his hands wandering underneath her shirt. 

“If you want me to stop, just tell me.”  Michael’s voice rumbled deep inside his chest. She found it calming. 

His fingertips ran over her chest and down to her stomach, stopping at the waistband of her pants.  He looked her in the eye again, his gaze innocent and playful.  He didn’t have to say anything. She knew what he was asking just by his expression. Eva bit her bottom lip and nodded.  She just couldn’t help it. She was definitely going to hate herself when this was all said and done. 

BOOK: Through Smoke: The Troubled Heroes Series
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