Three More Wishes: Be Kind To Your Genie (11 page)

BOOK: Three More Wishes: Be Kind To Your Genie
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Chapter 19
My Harem Expands

I walked through the main doors of Plato Smith High School at 7:14 a.m., and got a surprise. Waiting for me were not a teacher and four sexy students, but instead, a teacher and
student-babes: my women plus Anna Kay. My harem looked relieved when I walked up.

Recall, Reader, that my magic pheromones did
affect Anna Kay. So why was she here, now?

“Anna Kay?” I said. “What’s going on?”

Anna Kay cast her eyes downward. “I wish to be one of your women.”

I said, “Of course you do.” My driver’s license said I was 6′5″ now; and if I were willing to shave off my body hair and oil myself up, I could pass as Ahnuld’s eighteen-year-old clone. (Except that my face isn’t homely like young Schwarzenegger’s was).

But in the meantime, Anna Kay was standing just inside Plato Smith High School’s main entrance, with head bowed. She said, “I will do anything you wish.”

I said in a deliberately arrogant tone, “Of course you will.” I wanted to find out her reaction.

Anna Kay looked up at me in surprise, and she opened her mouth to say something. But then she closed her mouth and bowed her head again.

I said, “Remove your bra and panties. Put them on the floor next to Bellina Mott. Put your blouse on afterward, but do not button that blouse, or speak, till I tell you to.”

She turned pale. “Remove them

“Tsk. I just told you not to speak, and you’re doing exactly that. Perhaps you should go to your locker now.” Frankly, that’s what I expected she’d choose.

Anna Kay didn’t leave for her locker. Instead she squeezed her eyes shut and started unbuttoning her blouse. Anna Kay’s eyes flew open when she heard Stephanie ask, “Marvin, do you want the rest of us to remove our underwear too?”

“Maybe next week. Right now, I want to see what Anna Kay does with no peer support.”

While Anna Kay was fiddling with her clothing, I turned to my harem. Bellina Mott was dressed girly, in a smoky-pink skirt-suit; my four students were all dressed sexy. Diane, who up till now had fiercely avoided drawing attention to herself, now was sporting shiny-red “cocksucker” lips.

By the time I was finished with “reviewing the troops,” Anna Kay’s bra and panties were at Bellina’s feet. Anna Kay was standing at “parade rest,” which exhibited her giant tits especially well.

I turned to Bellina. “Pick up Anna Kay’s clothing and smell her panties. Tell me if they smell like horny girl.”

She sniffed. “Very much so.”

I raised my voice and said, “Ladies, everyone meet in Bellina’s classroom after school.” Then I walked over to Anna Kay and began buttoning her blouse. Well, to be honest, I was doing a little bit of button-work and a whole lot of tit-groping. I could smell Anna Kay’s arousal, and her nipples were like bullets.

I smiled at Anna Kay and remarked, “Every girl and woman who’s watching me right now, wishes it was she whose tits I was feeling up. And yet you’re the one getting this special treatment. How does that make you feel?”

Anna Kay “replied” with a silent orgasm. Her body shook with it.

When I had finished with her blouse, I said to her, “You’re one of my women today, but on probation. Come to Bellina Mott’s classroom after school, because you have one more test to be in my harem. You may speak now.”

“Thank you, Master. I obey, Master.” Anna Kay’s face and throat were still flushed with orgasm, and she reeked of happy girl.

I frowned at her. “Never call me ‘Master.’ Call me what you called me before, which is ‘Marvin.’ ”

I said to my English teacher, “Take Anna Kay’s bra and panties with you. Give them back to her after school.” I kissed Bellina goodbye, and then she sashayed off.

I and my student women headed to the school office, so that Mr. Bender could be notified that Anna Kay was exempted from the dress code “for today.” Anna Kay looked disappointed, hearing that.

While I was in there, Mr. Bender pulled me aside and asked, “Have you seen Harold Miller this morning? How he’s dressed?”

“No, why?”

Mr. Bender looked at me for a while, not speaking. Then he said, “Natasha is lucky to have you as a friend.”


Half an hour later, I was in the school office. After dropping off my women and Anna Kay at their various first-period classes, I had headed for my locker. As I had swapped out books, I had realized that I had not seen my locker-neighbor, Janice Wesley, since Tuesday morning. I had told her to get off drugs then.

In the school office, I found out that Janice had not been in school either Wednesday or Thursday. So I asked the office secretary for Janice’s home address. Without the magic pheromones, the secretary would have given me a refusal, and then a lecture—but thanks to Fatima’s gift, not only did the office secretary promptly write down the info, but she also handed me a cold soda from the office fridge.

If this is how bureaucrats will treat me in the future, I can’t wait for my first tax audit!


Right after the Tardy Bell rang in first-period physics class, I stood up.

Loudly I said, “Rather than waste class time with you guys trying to wheedle info out of me, let me just give you the news up front. Yes, Anna Kay Henderson asked this morning to be one of my women. Yes, I groped her tits. No, I haven’t decided yet whether I’ll claim her. If I claim her, I’ll fuck her this weekend, if I have the time. Now I’ll take one question.”

Jim-Something blurted out, “Are Anna Kay’s tits real?”

I said, “Yes. They feel different from silicone tits.” I started to sit down.

My friend Christopher blurted out, “You’ve felt up
tits? Like on porn actresses and strippers?”

“Twice,” I said, and Christopher’s mouth dropped open. I bowed to Mr. Lloyd and said, “Now, let’s hear about tachyons.”


Fifth period, as soon as I walked into Mr. Spinelli’s classroom, I noticed Harold already sitting in his seat. I’m not sure, but I think that’s a sign of the Apocalypse.

As soon as I took my seat, Harold stood up and wobbled over to me.

From behind me, I heard Jorje Rodriguez say, “Hey, ‘Sissy Harold,’ you look
sissy today. If you came over to
Marvin, will you
me too?”

I glanced back. “Jorje, no trash-talking Harold, got it?”

“Sorry, Marvin,” Jorje said contritely.

As soon as I faced forward and made eye contact with Harold, he asked, “Is it true? Anna Kay asked to be ... in your harem?”

“Yes, it’s true,” I said.

“And you—and you—and you told her, ‘Yes,’ of course.”

I shrugged. “I haven’t decided yet.”

? You haven’t decided about
Anna Kay

I feared for my instep then, so I changed the subject. “Why are you dressed like this?”

“Because Natasha told me to.”

I gave him a look that said
If Natasha told you to jump off a cliff, would you do that too?
But what I said aloud was, “The whole school is talking about you today.”

“So what? Natasha said she liked me looking like this. She even kissed me on the cheek before school.” Harold’s face showed the joy of a small child on Christmas morning.

The Tardy Bell rang then, and Harold moved back to his seat as fast as he could go.

Which wasn’t very fast. Harold wasn’t used to walking in those shoes.


When I walked into trig class, I discovered that Mr. Quincy wasn’t there, and we had a substitute teacher instead. The substitute’s name, according to the blackboard, was “Miss French.” Miss French was a blonde with a pretty face.

A set-up movie screen at the front of the class, and a 16-mm projector at the back of the class, promised an hour of time-wasted boredom. “Jeez,” I said, “I do not want to see
Trigonometry In Your World

Miss French said, “Sorry, sir, but that’s what’s in the lesson plan.”

“ ‘Sir’?” Anna Kay echoed.

I’d been just spouting off. But as soon as the Tardy Bell rang, Miss French shot out of her seat behind the teacher’s desk, and hurried down the aisle to stand by my school desk. Now I could see that the pretty-faced blonde was tall and thin, with shapely legs. Really, she could be a model.

Miss French, the model-couldbe, stood in front of me contritely. “Please tell me what to do this hour instead of show the movie, sir.”

I said, “Call me ‘Marvin.’ What is your name, Miss French?”

“It’s Felicia, Marvin sir.”

Anna Kay said, “ ‘Felicia French’? For real? You always could tell her to suck your cock all period, and then claim her as one of your women, ‘sir.’ ”

I said, “Congratulations, Anna Kay, you’ve just dissed both Miss French and myself. Apologize now, or I’ll make you date Harold Miller.”

,” the whole class said.

Anna Kay apologized instantly.

I turned back to Felicia and asked, “What do you do when you’re not substitute-teaching?”

“I’m a model, Marvin sir.”

The whole class
ed at that.

Felicia continued, “But I don’t get many calls because I’m fat”—meaning, she was only
anorexic—“and I’m twenty-two.” At my puzzled look, she explained, “My looks are fading, Marvin sir.”

I smiled at her and shook my head. Then I said, “Now, what to do with you? Hm, I think Anna Kay has the right idea.” I grabbed my book bag off the floor and extracted a wrapped condom. “On your knees, Felicia.”

I exposed my cock to the fluorescent lights overhead, then condomized my dick. Felicia leaned forward to mouth me, but I told her, “Hold up.”

I looked at Anna Kay and said, “Come kneel to the right of my chair.”

Then I raised my voice and said, “To the other girls in the class: You have three choices. You can spend the rest of the period studying and doing homework—”

,” I heard many girls say.

“—or you can pick out a guy here in class, and spend the rest of the period sucking his cock. I—”

” I heard many boys say.

“—have plenty of condoms in my book bag, for anyone who wants one. Girls, your third choice is to jill yourself at your desk all period. Let’s get started.”

As Felicia started mouthing me, I called out to the class again, “Oh yeah, one more thing, people. You boys getting sucked off, and you girls jilling yourselves, don’t be loud. We shouldn’t disturb other classes.”

Within seconds, the classroom was filled with gasps and moans, and the sounds of slurping. Some of that slurping noise was coming from Miss French frenching my cock.

I turned to Anna Kay and said, “
assignment is to kiss me, all the rest of this period. Melt the plastic tips on my shoelaces.”

Anna Kay looked offended. “While the substitute is sucking you off?”

I said, “So you want to be my woman only when it suits you? I see. Go back to your desk and start your homework.” My eyes and my tone of voice said
It’s “game over” for you, Anna Kay.

You see, Reader, I had read something about the school that the Navy uses to train people to be SEALs. Part of that training is one full week of absolute hell, in which you’re screamed at, you’re given contradictory orders, you’re sleep-deprived, you’re insulted—it’s 168 hours of sheer brutality. Meanwhile, the school has this brass bell—and if you decide that the treatment’s too rough, that you want out, all you have to do is walk over and ring the bell. Yes, there’s paperwork required to actually get you out of the school, but once you ring that bell, the paperwork is just a formality. Why does the SEALs school operate this way? Because they need a certain type of human being; and if you’re not that kind of person, the Navy would rather find out now, rather than when your being a fuckup really hurts the mission.

I was mind-fucking Anna Kay because of logic similar to the Navy’s. Anna Kay was not a touch-slave, and never would be a touch-slave; she alone could say
I refuse to do that.
But just because she
say those words,
she? Would she be a true submissive with me, or would she fall back on expecting to be treated like a princess? Better to find out now, than after I’d committed myself.

All this explains why I was acting so arrogant and nasty to Anna Kay today, when I’d been a pussycat around her up till now.

Anyway, after I dismissively told Anna Kay to go back to her desk and start studying, she didn’t go there. Instead, she threw her arms around my neck, and kissed me hard.

A girl to my left, her voice ragged with sexual excitement, said, “God, I wish it was
kissing him.”

I heard those words, and I know that Anna Kay heard them too—because she immediately had an orgasm.

I let myself enjoy the moment for the next few minutes. A braless and panty-less cheerleader was making out with me, a blond model was sucking me and, thanks to me, many of my classmates were getting their jollies. Life was good.

After several minutes, I pulled my face away from Anna Kay’s. Raising my voice again, I said, “Show of hands, ladies. Right now I’m making out with Anna Kay. But how many of you would choose to come over here and kiss me if I let you?”

Every female hand went up, including Felicia French’s.

I turned to Anna Kay and said, “See that? They all want to kiss me, but you’re the one I’m letting do it. What do you think of that?”

Anna Kay “replied” with moans and a shuddering, spasming orgasm.

Meanwhile, Felicia had been sucking me all this time. I looked down and said to her, “Please do me a favor. Anna Kay here just had two powerful orgasms. She’s probably aching to touch her own clit. But she’s correctly guessed that she’s not to touch herself without my permission. Would you please reach under her skirt and stroke her clit to multiple climax? Her clit’s easy to find, since she’s not wearing panties.”

I turned my head back to Anna Kay and started kissing her again. A second later, Anna Kay gasped, then started kissing me harder.

BOOK: Three More Wishes: Be Kind To Your Genie
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