Read Three Minutes to Happiness Online

Authors: Sally Clements

Tags: #Romance, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary

Three Minutes to Happiness (15 page)

BOOK: Three Minutes to Happiness
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“Part-time?” she asked.

“I’m full-time, and we have another photographer on staff full-time, but our business is hectic, we’re booked for months in advance, and are having to turn away work.” Sharon explained. “We could offer you a full-time job, if you’d take it.”

There was no point in being vague. Val didn’t want to limit herself to one type of photography; she loved the wide variety of work available to her while working for Simon. “I’m talking to Simon this evening about our future working relationship,” she said.

Jonathan nodded. He had brought a large envelope with him, and slid it across the desk to her. “We really think you could be a great addition to the team, either working on individual contracts or in a full-time capacity. Sharon and I have worked up a couple of proposals for you. One is for a full-time exclusive position, which is salaried with an initial one-year contract. The other is a proposal for the next six months where you would undertake a number of different contracts for us.” He smiled. “Your check is in there too.”

Val was struck dumb. The last thing she’d expected when she walked into Love Shots’ immaculate studio was a job offer, never mind two.

“Take some time, look through our offers, and come back to us as soon as you can,” Sharon said. She poured coffee from the French press and picked up a plate. “Cookie?”

After the meeting, Val floated to the bank and lodged the check into her bank account, then took herself out for a celebratory lunch in a small bistro in the city center. She needed some time alone to let the morning’s events sink in.

She sat at a secluded table in the back of the café with a chicken sandwich and a flat white, and read through the proposals carefully. The offers were both generous. Simon had given her a start in the business, but the amounts that they were offering were considerably more than her current earnings as Simon’s assistant. There was more to consider than the monetary reward though, and the freedom of being self-employed and invoicing Love Shots for the work she contracted to do for them was very attractive.

Simon had given her the break in the industry. She owed him loyalty, but not at the detriment of her career.

A waitress cleared her plate. “Can I get you anything else?”

Val glanced at her watch. “No thanks.” She slid the papers back into the envelope and walked to the counter to pay the check.


Simon got to his feet and greeted her warmly as she walked into the Italian restaurant.

“Great tan,” she said as he kissed her cheek.

“I miss the sunshine already.” He grinned and pulled out her chair. “How did everything go here?”

They ordered, then Val filled Simon in on the work she’d done. He’d left during one of their busiest times, yet everything had gone as smooth as butter while he’d been away.

“You’re a godsend. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Simon raised a glass of red wine and clinked it against hers. “Well actually, I do know where I’d be, I’d be in trouble.” He put down his fork and leaned back in his chair. “How did the job for Finn go?”

“I didn’t get it.” Admitting her failure didn’t hurt half as much as it had. “I lost out to Leo Sorensen.”

Simon’s low whistle was accompanied by a rise of his eyebrows. “Wow, they asked him to pitch for the job too?”

Val nodded.

“I doubt I’d be picked over Sorensen either,” Simon said. “I thought he was working abroad.”

“Apparently not. I got a call from Love Shots while you were away asking me to fill in for a dudeoir shoot. We had an empty spot in the calendar, and Fiona manned the shop that day so I took it.”

Simon nodded. “Great. How did it go?”

“Good.” Val guessed that now might be the time to mention that she’d received another offer, but was reticent to do so until she’d heard what Simon had to say.

“Dessert? Coffee?”

“Just coffee for me, please.”

Simon ordered then crossed his arms. “I guess we both know that things have changed since I went away.” His gaze held hers. “I threw you in at the deep end, and you swam like an Olympian. Enchant were very pleased with my work and they’ve offered me another shoot in a month. How do you feel about working full-time?”


A month ago, she’d have jumped at the chance, but he was right, things had changed.

Val breathed in deep. “I love working with you, Simon. But I’ve been offered some regular work with Love Shots too.”

Simon’s eyes widened. “Full-time?”

“They offered that, but also the option of working two shots per month for the following six months.”

“What have you decided?”

“I’d like to work with you and do the part-time contract for Love Shots too.”

Simon smiled. “I knew I couldn’t keep you all to myself. You have too much talent for that. I could work with that. I guess we should talk money.”

He offered an amount that easily matched Love Shots’ and promised to draw up a contract the following day.

There was still one more matter to be settled though. “I’d like to take some time off next week,” she said. “My mother is getting married again, and I said I’d go out to Gran Canaria to meet her fiancé.”


As promised, Finn picked Val up at eight. He was dressed casually in jeans and boots, and the navy Aran sweater he’d worn the night she met him.

She looked down at her own clothing. “I think I’m overdressed.”

“I thought about spending hours in a stuffy restaurant but decided against it.” Finn linked his arm with hers as they walked to his car. “I thought we could rustle up something in my kitchen instead.”

“Suits me.” Her tailored black trousers were comfortable. The shoes? Well she was prepared to put up with the shoes because of the way they made her legs look. The same went for her shimmery top that dipped low in front which Finn was examining closely. “Do I pass muster?” she teased.

“Mmm.” Finn’s grin was wicked. “I’m just wondering if kissing every inch of exposed skin before we get home would be too much.”

Her heartbeat quickened. Her body flushed with heat at the thought of his lips on her skin. “Maybe we should wait.”

He chewed his bottom lip. “I’ll drive fast.”


Chapter Sixteen


It had only been days since they’d been together, but it felt like months. Just as he’d promised, Finn made the trip from her home to his in breakneck speed. They didn’t bother with small talk on the way, and desire filled the air between them, tangible and real.

The moment he closed his front door she was in his arms, desperately fitting her mouth to his, and sliding her hands under his sweater.

“I love this goddamn sweater,” she muttered as she pushed it up. “You look gorgeous in it.”

“Will I leave it on then?”

An elegant eyebrow arched. Her fingers moved to his belt. “Take it off.”

He did as she asked. Tossed his sweater and tee-shirt on the floor. Bit back a curse as she unfastened his belt and unzipped his fly. His hands were busy too, taking off her tailored pants. Her breathing was so fast her breasts rose and fell with the brush of his fingers against the silk of her panties.

Finn flipped their positions, knelt on the floor, and eased the fabric down and off.

Long legs. High heels. A flash of ivory silk visible beneath the hem of her sparkly top.

His hands caressed her smooth thighs. She shivered. When his mouth followed the path his hands had traced, she moaned. Finn’s mouth pressed against her panties, and her legs shook.

When he jerked her underwear off, her hands tangled in his hair.

Thought dissolved in the taste of her skin. The sound of her delight fired Finn’s blood. He’d always considered himself a considerate lover, but the urge to bury himself in her warmth was too strong to deny.

Finn stood, took a condom from his back pocket, slipped off his jeans and bracketed his arms on the wall, either side of her beautiful face. His hands cupped her bottom, lifting her into position, and her long legs wrapped around his waist.

He breathed in her scent, plundered her mouth, and made them one.


How the hell she’d ever thought she could live without this, live without Finn escaped Val. He was wild, passionate, wonderful. Everything a lover should be. The door was hard against her back, and Finn hard inside her as their movements became frantic. His thumb found her clitoris, and a starburst of sensation exploded inside her. Each thrust brought her closer to heaven.

Her hands were in his hair, his tongue on hers, when his body arched in one last long thrust that finally set both of them free, shooting them into the stratosphere in a fiery blaze of sensation, to float amongst the stars.

When she finally got her breath back, Val buried her face in Finn’s neck.

“You okay?”

“Umm.” Talking was too hard. Emotion had snuck right up on her, and stolen her words. Tears threatened behind her eyelids, tears that made no sense shredded her inside. The sort of tears that barreled in when she watched too-sweet-to-be-true movies, at the happy ever after ending.

“Val?” With a gentle hand, Finn brushed the hair away from the side of her face.

She sniffed, feeling dampness against her cheek.

“Did I hurt you?” His voice was full of concern as Finn eased out of her. Val’s legs unwrapped, and she stood on solid ground again. “Talk to me, baby.”

“I don’t know why I’m crying. You didn’t…” She tried a shaky smile. “My emotions are all over the place.”

He picked her up and carried her upstairs. Pulled back the coverlet, and placed her into bed, crawling in beside her and curling his big body around her. “I’m here,” he murmured. “Just sleep.”

Feeling exhausted, wrung out, warm and wanted, Val closed her eyes, and surrendered to oblivion.


She must have been exhausted. Val slept through the night, but Finn had no such luck. He always suffered from insomnia when he was wound up, and last night had been no different. After Val had fallen asleep, he’d got up, had a shower, dressed, and went downstairs and powered up his laptop.

He’d been distracted from work for the past couple of weeks—consumed by the
Wonderful Houses
pitch and endless thoughts of Val. He’d brewed a pot of coffee, and attacked the backlog of paperwork with a vengeance.

Dawn’s light had bled into the sitting-room hours ago. There was an ache in his stomach reminding him that they’d abandoned dinner last night in favor of bed. He glanced at his watch. Almost nine. Saving his work, he powered off the computer and went to make breakfast.

Bacon and sausages under the grill. Tomatoes halved, and ready to join them. A pot of coffee on. Finn took eggs from the fridge, then sank down on a kitchen chair.

A woman had never cried while they were making love before. As Val buried her face against his chest, he’d felt tears’ wetness against his skin, and been shocked senseless. Her explanation had eased his fears somewhat—he’d understood. Hell, he’d felt the connection between them tightening too.

She was vital to him. As vital as the air he breathed, the water he drank. Finn puffed out a frustrated breath. If only she would admit she felt the same.


The enticing smell of coffee was in the air when Val woke. She stretched, feeling as warm and relaxed as a cat. Finn’s side of the bed was cold. She looked around, and listened. The faint sound of a radio drifted from downstairs.

He was up.

Val padded into the bathroom and took a shower. She washed her hair with his shampoo, soaped herself with his lime body wash, closed her eyes tight, and let the hot droplets of water stream over her face.

She’d cried. They’d made the most beautiful love together last night, and she’d totally lost it and dissolved in tears. This morning, she had to face him. And what? Apologize?

She climbed from the shower and dried herself vigorously with a fluffy blue towel. She couldn’t apologize. He’d been confused enough about her reaction as it was. She couldn’t explain either—there were no words for what she’d felt. With Finn, she felt as though she was home, as though she was loved, wanted, cherished. Not because of anything he said in words, but in the way he touched her, the warmth that surrounded and filled her as they kissed. Her mother would have a word for it. Love. The emotion she didn’t want to admit to feeling, but couldn’t deny to herself any longer.

She was in love with Finn Logan. A man who’d broken up his harem of lovers for her, but couldn’t possibly want to be with one woman for the rest of his life. The path she was on led to only one destination, a destination she’d visited before and vowed never to return to. Heartbreak.

With a sigh, Val dressed and went downstairs to find him.

Is there anything sexier than a man cooking? Finn looked up as Val entered the room, and his smile made her pulse race.

“There you are. I was just about to come and wake you.” He took a dish from the oven and placed it on the table. “Irish breakfast and scrambled eggs.”

“Great.” Unable to resist, Val walked over and kissed him. He tasted of coffee. “I’m starving.”

“Sit.” Finn patted her bottom as she pulled out a chair.

“So, what’s on the agenda for today?” She didn’t want to talk about last night. Couldn’t talk about last night. “Any plans?”

“The party is tonight, so I have to get a costume.” He smiled, making no further suggestion that she should join him at his parents’ house. “Want to come help?”

“And see you dress up?” The thought of Finn dressed in a variety of costumes made her mouth water. A fireman? Maybe a superhero? She grinned. “My idea of fun. I’m there. Have you any ideas?”

Finn pushed the dish over to her and handed her a fork. “Help yourself. I don’t know. My brothers always seem to pick the perfect ones, and I end up dressed in something ridiculous. I’ve been Batman, a banana, and a sailor in previous parties. I really have no clue. Every time Ma has a party I always leave the costume to the last minute. I guess I’d do better if I thought ahead rather than being stuck with whatever costume is left in the shop.”

“I’ll come with you, and get you a fantastic one,” Val promised. She felt jittery. As though she was a wire stretching across fields, vibrating with current. Tonight she could go home. Cuddle up on the sofa and watch television. Or she could grow a pair and join him. “Is it too late to say I’ll come too?”

BOOK: Three Minutes to Happiness
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