Read Three Days of Night Online

Authors: Tracey H. Kitts

Three Days of Night (2 page)

BOOK: Three Days of Night
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He turned to face me again and I got a good look at his body. I ran my hands up and over his shoulders, reveling in the feel of hard muscle beneath smooth skin. His hair glistened in the dim light and I reached up to touch it tentatively with my fingertips. There was one strand of hair that always seemed to fall forward across his forehead. For years now I had fought the urge to brush it back. I didn’t realize until that moment how much I wanted to touch Morgan’s hair. Something in my touch seemed to move him. The firelight reflected in his eyes appeared like a mirror to his emotions, which could clearly be read in his every move. He knew I could easily read others and made no effort to hide what he was feeling. His hair became like spun silk in my hands and as the firelight played across his features I could no longer resist my desire to look down and see the rest of him.

The sight of his bare naked flesh was more than I could have imagined. He was beautiful in a way that words could not describe. Every curve was where it should be, every chiseled feature was exquisite in its placement. I also noticed that though he hung large and full, he was not yet aroused.

“Is something wrong?” I asked softly.

“You first.” With these words he knelt once more at my feet. With a nudge from his hands he spread my legs wide and buried his face between my thighs. His tongue found my clit with little effort and I arched against him. I ran my fingers through his hair once more, pressing him harder against my pussy, grinding on his face. I could feel the delicious tension building in my lower back, spreading down my thighs. I knew I was close and when he slipped one finger inside of me I came.

My muscles convulsed around his finger so hard that I had to lean on him heavily to keep from falling. I had felt for some time now that cunnilingus was a lost art. Morgan had proven me wrong. It definitely wasn’t lost.

“Now.” I could only speak one word, but it was enough to get my point across.

Morgan laid me back across his big bed. As he smiled down at me I knew I was lost. This was probably a terrible idea, but I planned to enjoy the hell out of it.

The cool, smooth fabric against my back was a wonderful contrast to the warm body on top of me. He moved one leg between mine and I opened for him eagerly. I wanted him inside of me. I wanted to know what it was like to be with him.

He placed the tip of his cock just barely inside, spreading my pussy lips and a thrill ran through me. He was huge. Morgan kissed me, cradling my body against him as he pressed slowly deeper and deeper inside. The feeling was amazing, but I wanted more. I wrapped my legs around him and arched to meet his thrusts. He picked up the pace, a pulsing, grinding rhythm that sent ripples of pleasure through my body.

I rolled on top of him quicker than he could react. The look on his face told me he had forgotten about my strength. His body glistened in the firelight, testament to the effort he had put forth in bringing me pleasure. Since we had met all I’d ever said to him was “no.” Now the words that fell from my lips were, “Touch me.”

His hands cupped my breasts, tweaking my nipples with his thumbs. I grinded against him, moaning each time my clit made contact with his skin. If this was to be my only night with Morgan, then I was going for broke.

I moved faster and faster, my skin growing slick with sweat. I tossed back my head and felt my hair slap wetly against my lower back. I put everything I had into riding him, and much more than I had intended.

“If you don’t slow down, I’m going to come,” he panted.

“It’s all right, so am I.”

He grabbed my hips. “Then show me what you got,” he growled.

It was the way he said those words that sent me over the edge. I screamed as an intense orgasm hit me. And when Morgan pulled me close I knew he was about to come too. He looked into my eyes and whispered, “Here I come.” I could feel his cock spasm against the tight walls of my vagina. He kissed me again and I had the strangest urge to cry.

It was the best sex I’d had in a hundred years.












Chapter One


Two weeks later


The best thing about space is, no sunrise. As long as we are not on a planet where the sun rises and sets, which is most of them, I am not subject to the natural laws of my kind. Even if I
on a planet with a sun, I only sleep till mid-day. After that if I have to go out for any reason, I wear the uv-proof suit Ashton made for me and some seriously dark goggles. Every inch of my body is covered and it can get a little claustrophobic.

At the time I was still cleaning sand out of my uv-suit from our visit to Ti’al. I couldn’t even think of Ti’al or its miserable hot environment without remembering our last night there. The night I spent with Morgan. I never sleep when we are in deep space. It simply isn’t necessary. However, I would have welcomed the sleep of the dead to give me a few hours peace. When I closed my eyes it was his come on smile that greeted me.

“Fuck it.” I threw the uv-suit down on the bed.

“Why don’t you just put it through the washer?” Bob suggested.

Bob is my own personal android, but he is much more than that. Artificial Intelligence has come a long way. In fact, he is more human to me than most of the living breathing people I’ve met. Bob is short for B.Y.O.B. Build your own body. He was made to my specifications. And yes, he
fully functional.

“The washer always fucks up my uv-suit. I’d prefer to just wipe it down with sun oil. I can’t take a chance on it not working and I do not relish the thought of sand in my crack either.”

“Would you like me to give it a try?” he asked.

I sighed. “Please.”

Bob wasn’t wearing a shirt. And even though I was busy lusting after Morgan, I couldn’t help but admire him. I saw an antique piece of movie footage once. This footage inspired Bob’s design. It had to be at least three hundred years old. Anyway, there was this hot British actor who caught my eye. I don’t even know his name. What little hair he had was short, but for the most part he was practically bald. But that body …
my god what a body.
When I first had Bob commissioned someone made a comment about his lack of hair. My response, “With a body like that, who needs hair?” The factory even gave him the British accent at my request.

Bob was making much more progress cleaning the sand out of the uv-suit than I had. But he stopped suddenly and looked back to where I stood.

“You’re still thinking about him, aren’t you?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

It was true, I didn’t. But I probably needed to. We had several contract offers from different planets. Ash was waiting for my input.
is what I needed to be focusing my attention on right now,
how good Morgan’s naked ass felt when I squeezed it.

“Why don’t you tell me about it?”

His accent made me smile. I loved it. But even Bob and his hot bod couldn’t distract me.

“I’m going to work out.”

He shrugged. “Suit yourself, darling. Guess I’ll just stay here and work on this.” He paused and I had to remind myself that he was not human. If I hadn’t known that, he would have fooled me. He
fool everyone else if he went off ship. “You know, I wouldn’t even have known you spent the night with Jefferies if you hadn’t told me. The fact that you said anything at all, technically means that you
want to talk about it.”

Ah, that moment when you realize that your A. I. companion has outsmarted you. So what if he was right? I didn’t have to let him know. As I watched his slow, sultry grin, I thought back to all the nights we had shared. My eyes roamed over his upper body as I remembered the way his soft chest hair felt beneath my hands. Bob had been good to me. For a moment I wondered if I could forget all about Morgan. Maybe things could be the way they once were.

Bob glanced downward as if he knew exactly where I was looking and exactly what was on my mind.

you want to talk about it?” he asked again. “Your words say one thing, but your eyes say another.”

“Fine. I don’t want to talk about it

“Fine.” He winked. “But if his memory isn’t enough and you don’t want to start anything. I’m as close to the real thing as you can get.”

I laughed. I also had him programmed to be slightly lecherous. And he wasn’t just
to the real thing, he
the real thing. At least, he’d always felt like it to me.

I went down the hallway, past the bridge and into the left wing of the ship. I was so focused on not looking toward Morgan’s door that I ran right into him.

“Easy, sweetheart.”

He steadied me gently and the instant he touched my shoulders I wanted to be closer to him.

“What’s the hurry?”

His tone was smooth and easy as it always was. Wasn’t he feeling anything at all? Ever since that night he had put his emotions on lockdown. I’m not psychic, but I am very good at reading people by the signs their bodies give. Vampirism does have its advantages. Being able to hear an accelerated heartbeat or smell a cold sweat definitely helps sometimes. But his expression was unreadable and he was wearing a monitor so I couldn’t detect his heart rate accurately. If he was wearing a monitor, then he must have been in the theatre. Most everyone wore them to keep a check on their heart rate while they were there. That wasn’t necessary for me.

“I was just on my way to work out.” My voice was steadier than I expected.

I started to walk away, but Morgan caught my hand. The slight contact made me shiver.

“I know you said you didn’t want things to change.” He paused. “I can’t help but notice you’re acting differently. Are you angry with me? Have I done something wrong?”

Nope. He did everything right. That was the problem.

“No. I’m just not feeling well. That new synthetic blood we picked up is not what I’m used to.”

Wow. I’d come up with that lie pretty quickly. Perhaps I should have felt guilty for lying to him. I didn’t. I couldn’t let him know what I was feeling, especially when he acted as if nothing had happened.

He seemed so cool, so casual about what we’d shared. What else could I say? I’d asked for things not to change. He was honoring my own stupid request. Besides, once we landed on another planet it would start all over again. Everywhere we went women made fools of themselves when they saw him. It didn’t even matter if he spoke their language. As soon as he stepped off the ship all the locals went into heat, even some of the men. It already sickened me. If he were mine it would … FUCK, just listen to my thoughts! That “if he were mine” crap had to stop NOW.

“All right,” he said. His smile seemed to come easily enough. “I just thought that maybe …”

I forced myself to smile. A relationship with Morgan was as Aries would say “inadvisable.” He was exactly the type of man I had always tried to avoid. He was a user. You either used
or you got used
him. That’s the way it worked. I wanted to spend the night with him. I got what I wanted. Now I had to deal with the consequences. I’m a hundred and fifty years old, you’d have thought I would’ve known better.

“Morgan, in all these years you’ve never cared about what anyone else felt. Don’t get sensitive on me now. I wouldn’t know how to take it.”

He smiled, seeming to accept my answer, and released my hand.

“Ash is looking for you.” At the mention of Ash something passed over his features, something I couldn’t quite read. “He said it was fairly important.”

“I’ll be there shortly. Unless of course someone is threatening to shoot us down, board our ship and/or turn us all into sex slaves.”

He laughed, but all of those things had happened before. No one had succeeded at any, but they had all been tried.

“You wouldn’t want Ash to become anyone’s sex slave, would you?”

His question confused me. “Of course not.” I didn’t want
of us to suffer that fate.

He raised a brow and stuck a cigar in his mouth. “Guess that explains it.”

“You really shouldn’t smoke in here.” I spoke softly, it was an old argument between us.

Morgan was already headed in the other direction, but waved at me as he walked.

“Aries knows how to ventilate.”

“Yes, I do,” the computer chimed in.

“I didn’t ask you,” I replied.

When I finally reached the theatre I took a look at the familiar bare room. There were only a few pieces of equipment located on the far wall. Everything that took place here was virtual. We could come to train, or to relive a favorite memory. There was any number of possibilities.

I placed the sensor ring on my head and stepped into the middle of the room.

“Greetings, Vivian.” Aries deep voice echoed throughout the room. “Have you come to test your skills on the recently defeated Barrakans?”

Honestly, I hadn’t decided yet, but I wasn’t exactly in the mood for Barrakans. They were a repulsive race of people who mutilated themselves into weapons. It was an honor when they reached the age where they could choose their first “enhancement.” The most common was for a Barrakan warrior to have blades instead of arms from the elbow down. Although they also had guns that came out of their chests, blades for teeth, and any number of sickening things.

“No, the Barrakans disgust me. If I had known they were on Ti’al before we landed, I think I would have preferred the asteroid field.”

“Are you sure? Morgan has programmed me with the details of the recent war. He says you performed quite well.”

“Did he?” When Aries was silent I asked, “What else did Morgan program you with?”

The computer’s laugh sounded ominous. I think it was the only setting he had.

“Vivian, you know I cannot share that with you.”

Motherfucker. He’d probably been in here reliving my ass from every possible angle.

“Never mind. I think I faced my greatest challenge when I had to fight Velkans.”

“Would you like to review the fights from your last job with them?”

“No. Surprise me.”

A scene began to form around me, the harsh cold of planet Velka began to creep into my bones. Velka was a good distance from its sun. The only light on the planet was from its seven large moons. It always looked light, but the sun never rose. There were no plants to speak of, but the people of Velka didn’t need them to survive. One of their ancestors was bitten long ago by a vampire. Vampire blood caused the Velkans to mutate in ways no one could have foreseen. They were not vampires and they certainly were not human, but something in between. Oh, and they worshiped vampires. Real vampires, like myself avoided them most of the time. Being worshiped is not what it’s cracked up to be.

However, if you piss them off enough, they have no problems trying to kill someone they consider to be a god. Which brings me back to my current training.

“What weapons would you like?” Aries asked.

“An electrified whip and wrist blades.”

Velkan warriors appeared around me on all sides. Their skin is the palest white you can imagine, their eyes like the darkest night. Most of the time they are practically naked. I’ve never seen one who wasn’t well muscled. They are completely bald, whether they shave or it’s genetic, I have no idea. Their ears come to an extreme point on top and their fangs are always extended. The priests and army generals like to tattoo their bodies with mystic words and symbols. I can’t read a damn one of them. They also speak an ancient language supposedly used by the first vampires. But I’ve never met a vamp who understood it.

“Would you like me to turn on translation?” Aries asked.

“I’m here to kill them, not talk to them.”

In an instant they were upon me. The man directly in front of me jumped forward and I caught him with a boot right in the chest. Were it not for my superhuman strength and speed, I doubt I would have stood a chance. The one to my right swung at me and I ducked, extending the blades on my wrists in one fluid motion. I sliced through his throat and pierced his heart before he could recover.

The one I’d kicked came at me again while another warrior grabbed me from behind. I extended my fangs and tore into his arm like an animal. I tore through muscle and tendon in a matter of seconds. He finally let go when I reached bone. In no time at all I took the remaining enemies down.

“Is that it?” I asked Aries.

Another Velkan appeared out of nowhere and aimed a pulse gun at me. Even though it was only a simulation I froze. A pulse gun could kill even a vampire, take my head clean off.

“Just kidding,” the warrior said, speaking with Aries’ voice. “Would you like to try something different?”

BOOK: Three Days of Night
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