Read There's Levels To My Thug Online

Authors: Judith Tamalynn

There's Levels To My Thug (6 page)

BOOK: There's Levels To My Thug
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    I said to Dragon nervously.

    “Babe take ya time and focus. I’ll stay on the phone with you until you get to your destination. Pay attention to the car and just do what I taught you.”

Dragon said to me in a calm and loving voice.

    I stood at the stop light checking my phone acting as if I was lost. I could see the Dodge Durango now holding up traffic to the point cars started to honk their horns. Not making myself noticeable I watched as the truck passed me. I started reading out the license plate to Dragon.

    “NGGA-PLZ. Wait! Is that supposed to be Nigga Please?”

    I asked Dragon as I read the New York license plate to him while snickering a little bit.

    By the time I knew it, I was in front of Domus, Inc. Before going into the office, I checked my surroundings. I let Dragon know that I was there safe before hanging up with him. I stepped into the building and walked over to the front desk.

    “Good morning, Savannah Sunders to see Mr. Hugh Banks.”

    I said to the woman at the receptionist desk.

    “Ms. Sunders you may have a seat. Mr. Banks’ Secretary will be down momentarily.”

    The lady at the receptionist desk said to me.

    I couldn’t help but think about the Dodge Durango following me this morning. I know for sure neither Dragon nor I had any beef with anyone. Whoever the driver was must of thought I was someone else. I skimmed through my portfolio to make sure all my references and recommendations were there when I heard my name being called.

    “Ms. Sunders.”

    A beautiful blonde hair woman called out.

    “Yes. That’s me.”

    I answered as I grabbed my purse and portfolio.

    “Good morning Ms. Sunders. I’m Mr. Banks Secretary if you will follow me, Mr. Banks doesn’t like to wait.”

I followed Erica up the winding staircase to the second floor. She was introducing the company. As if she knew something that, I didn’t. As we walked down the hall, I did some more studying of my own. On the different Ad campaigns, they had displayed on the walls. Of course, before any interview you know a girl has to do her homework on the company. When I received the phone call for the interview, I quickly jumped on Google to look the company up some more.  I took some notes of the company background. Even though my work history alone should get me the job but you never know. When we reached the end of the hall, we first walked thru the glass doors leading us to Ms. Kane office. She told me to have a seat on one of the cream leather sofas. She walked over to her desk and buzzed for Mr. Banks.

    “Just follow me. He’s ready for you.”

    She said as she walked over to the double cherry wood doors. When we walked into the office, I was amazed by the décor. Mr. Banks stood up and extended his hand to me. I firmly shook his hand.

    “Good morning, Sir.”

    I said.

    “It’s nice to finally meet you Ms. Sunders. Have a seat.”

I smiled as I handed over my portfolio to him before brushing my bottom to take a seat. His office chairs where the exact Queen Ann chairs Dragon and I have back home.

    “If I may say the décor in here is amazing sir. These Queen Ann chairs are so comfortable. I have the same chairs in my foyer back home.”

    I said to Mr. Banks nervously trying to break the ice a little more.

    He looked somewhat astonished when I mentioned having the same chairs. He took his glasses of and started to laugh.

    I felt better after he explained. Because at first I thought, he was going to be on somehow I could afford that type shit. The interview really didn’t feel like an interview at all. Mr. Banks was very chilled and laid back. He did ask me some questions about Berkeley. He told me before the company calls anyone in for an interview they usually scout the person out. Before I knew it, we had been talking for almost four hours. If it hadn’t of been for Erica interrupting Mr. Banks for his 3 pm appointment and his driver eta was about 5 minutes. After Erica had dismissed herself, Mr. Banks turned to me and said.

    “Ms. Honey it’s been a pleasure speaking with you. I’ll go over everything that we spoke about and will be in touch.”

    I grabbed my purse and through my coat over my arm. I shook Mr. Banks hand and bid him a good day. As I walked out of his office, Erica and I said I goodbyes. I don’t know what it was but everything just felt right. Besides that little hiccup this morning with that Dodge Durango I don’t think anything could spoil my day.  I called my babe to confer with him and to also see what he and the girls were up to. We needed to do some more exploring of Philadelphia. I hear a lot about their Cheese steaks so I figure we can do some sightseeing and grab a bite to eat. I figured we could do something with Desiree and the girls first.

    Desiree was already mobile with the girls at the Please Touch Museum. Dragon was still at the Hotel taking care of some business.

    “Hey Babe, how did your interview go?”

    Dragon asked me.

    “I feel pretty good about it I’ll say that. But I thought since Desiree already has the girls out I thought we can go to Broad & Erie to Max’s and grab a cheese steak. Maybe grab a drink over at the Eagle.”

    I thought I would throw some suggestions out at him. But it seems his mind was elsewhere.

    “Baby I’m almost at the Hotel. So I’ll just see you when I get up to the room.”

    I’m sure he can tell by now that I was irritated.

    We only had a couple more days left here in Philly. And I wanted to spend as much time learning the City of Brotherly love. Especially if we plan to call this city, our home I walked over to The Shops at Liberty Place down 16
& Chestnut. I needed just a little me time. A little retail therapy never hurt anyone. At first, I started out window shopping but when I walked past Victoria Secret, I just had to go in. Shopping there was a win/win situation it made me happy and usually, whatever makes me happy keeps Dragon happy.

    While walking thru the store, Dragon began ringing my cell.


I asked.

    “Where are you? Last time I talked to you, you were on ya way back to the hotel.”

    Dragon shouted in the phone.   

    “Oh. I do apologize if I scared you. But I walked over to The Shops at Liberty Place to grab a few things.”

    I said to Dragon. Disregarding I did indeed say I was on my way.

    “Listen Babe the realtor called and we need to meet her at her office ASAP. So whatever purchases you have I’m going to need you to make them. I’ll meet you out front.”

    Dragon said before hanging up.

    After finishing up my purchases, I rushed right out the Liberty Shops to meet Dragon. I stood on the corner for damn near ten minutes waiting on Dragon to pull up. Not willing to wait any longer just as I crossed the street he pulled up blowing the horn. I signaled for him to turn up 16
so I wouldn’t have to cross back over. I could see he was already irritated with the Philly traffic by the looks on his face. I hopped in the car he didn’t even give me a chance to get both my legs in the car. I guess one leg in was good enough for him.

    “Hey, babe what’s the rush? I mean just let the door slam on my leg.”

    I said to Dragon sarcastically.

Dragon sat back and kept driving after cutting his theme song “If I Ruled the World” by Nas back up.He hopped onto I-76. So I knew we were on our way to see the realtor. I knew when Dragon was in his bag(feelings), Feeling a way because it was either “Hate me now” or “If I Ruled the World” by Nas on his stereo. I knew my place as his woman as did he. That’s what I loved the most about our relationship. We talked about any and everything. Shit, we kept no secrets from each other. No matter if it hurt one another feelings or not. We vowed to keep it one hundred through thick and thin.

    We pulled into the realtors’ parking lot. Dragon pulled up in front of the door because it had started to pour and rain. He hopped out the car, ran over to my side with the umbrella, and escorted me into the building. He ran back out to park the car. Dragon rejoined Olivia and I in the office.  I was overjoyed to hear that our offer on the Chestnut Hill was accepted. And topping that off Dragon received the call informing him his papers were drawn up on his Retail/Apartment building. With all that news Dragon and I were ready to head back to New York early.

*Chapter Eight*



The whole ride back to NY the only thing on my mind was meeting up with Rico. After hanging up with Savannah earlier this morning, I was bothered by the incident up in Philly. I hit up my man Rico to see if he could get some information on that license plate. I had a gut feeling but I pray I don’t have to put another Nigga in the ground for fucking with my heart.

After getting back to NY, I hit up Rico after dropping Savannah and the girls off. Desiree stayed in Philly for a little vacation time since we still had about four days left paid up at the Courtyard. We decided to go home early and get things situated for our move. Savannah still had to give two weeks’ notice at her job. As far for me my stores were taking care of I had management in place that I could trust.

I met up with Rico over at Sin City in the Bronx. Rico had some chicks in there that worked for him. That Italian Nigga had his hands in the business making power moves everywhere. I didn’t mind being inside of Sin City seeing some thick asses twerking and shit. Sometimes a man needs some alone time. But this time, I was here on business. Rico was up in VIP as usual watching from a distance. I made my way thru the club over to Rico. He signaled for his security to let me into the VIP suite. Rico had some thick lovely ladies giving him a lap dance. The waitress came straight over to me as soon as I sat down. I ordered a double shot of VSOP and a Corona with a lemon. Rico finished up with his dance and sent the chicks about their business after he handed them a C-note apiece. He signaled for me to come over and sit next to him. That’s when he leaned in and began to speak to me.


“Ayo young blood you’re not going to like this shit at all. That wasn’t any accident in Philly or a mistaken Identity either.”

Rico said.

    “What do you mean it wasn’t a fucking mistaken identity?”

    I asked Rico as I took my shot straight back.

    “Yeah man, word around town is. Darrin younger brother Smoke has been hiding out in Philadelphia maybe even has a crib out in Jersey and shit. Darrin was feeding him real good. You know after that robbery. Once his funds were gone, he was still sending shit up to him. I had that license plate looked into and it belongs to that Lil Nigga Smoke!”

Rico said to me as he puffed on his Stogie.

    Rico started putting me D about things Smoke had been getting in since he left New York. Down in Philly, this Nigga Smoke started some type of a little business. He wasn’t too much of a problem back in the day, he was a cool lil Nigga just heading in the wrong direction. The best thing Darrin could’ve ever done was get Smoke ass out of New York after they robbed me. It could’ve been lights out for both of them Niggas.I didn’t worry too much about him though until that is he tried to run my lady over. That Nigga was nowhere near my Levels and I can touch that Nigga just like I did Darrin. I didn’t think my life was going to be bothered by him. Darrin case was still open but nobody was talking about it. The only people who knew about the real killer were Savannah, Rico God and myself.

What Savannah and I had going on I know for a fact a lot of Nigga’s wish they were in my shoes right about now. Some of them either locked the fuck up or 6ft under in some rich man’s cemetery or just broke as shit. Rico has relationships with members of the Police Department down in Philly. Shit, that Nigga even had the Mayor on his payroll. Without me, even knowing Rico had already put calls in for a Nigga. So in Philadelphia Rico made sure a brother was loved.

    Savannah started hitting me up on my cell. I knew if I didn’t hit her back I was going to have some problems at home. I chopped it up with Rico for another fifteen minutes before I made my exit out the club. Savannah left me a couple voicemails as I pulled away from Sin City I hit her phone back up.

    “Yo Babe, what’s up?”

    I asked Savannah.

    “I was just checking on you. You left home in such a hurry. I didn’t know what was going on.”

    Savannah said to me sounding a little worried.

    “Listen Babe I need to go check in at both the stores and sign some paperwork and then I’ll be there shortly. If you need me, just hit my jack. Babe while I have you on the phone. How are my girls?”

What Rico just told me was still sitting fresh on my mind. Not knowing what type time Smoke was on. I needed to watch our backs at all times. En route to Savannahs World, I received a phone call from my store manager over at Treasure Island. Stating they needed me over at Savannah World immediately. I didn’t know walking into Savannah’s World today would change my life forever. As soon as I walked through the door Blake, my store manager looked up and said.

     “There’s the man of the hour.”

BOOK: There's Levels To My Thug
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