Read Their Master's Pleasure Online

Authors: B. A. Bradbury

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #historical, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #corporal punishment, #cp, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

Their Master's Pleasure (3 page)

BOOK: Their Master's Pleasure
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At any other time I might have dallied awhile, savouring the wondrous sight before me, but not now. I went quickly to the particular lash I had in mind and lifted it from its peg. It was an unremarkable item, more functional than beautiful, with black leather thongs and an ebony handle polished smooth by use. Round and unadorned, with a plum-like swelling at the end, it was undeniably phallic and eminently suitable for what Victoria had in mind. My ward clearly thought so, for she stroked it in a most suggestive fashion as she thanked me.

‘My pleasure,' I said.

Rose's too, just seconds later. She gasped when the phallus entered her vagina and moaned with delight as Victoria proceeded to work it in and out with a corkscrew motion. My ward's free hand again sought out her victim's clitoris and soon Rose was panting and squirming almost frantically. Her climax, unsurprisingly, was not long coming.


‘That was a fine performance, Victoria,' I said. ‘
commendable - especially when one considers it was your first.'

We were alone in the study, my ward and I. Rose had dressed and departed, sated and rather subdued, I thought. What she made of the episode I couldn't say, but I remained somewhat bemused. Of one thing was certain - I was seeing my ward Victoria in a whole new light. ‘You have a natural flair for this,' I said, ‘that much is clear.'

‘It is generous of you to say so, uncle,' she declared, beaming at the praise.

‘I do say so - you have every right to be proud, my dear. In truth, I found it highly instructive. And how about you? Did you enjoy it?'

‘Oh, I did, I did!' she said enthusiastically. ‘It's ages since I had so much fun! Did you see her face when...?' Her voice trailed away suddenly, her smile faltered and her eyes took on an uncertain look. My own expression hadn't changed, but some sixth sense warned her of the trap opening before her. ‘That is... what I meant to say...'

‘Your meaning is perfectly plain, Victoria,' I said quietly. ‘You were having “fun” - your own word - despite my earlier warnings to the contrary. Clearly the lesson in the boathouse was not well learned, was it? Obviously it needs reinforcing.'

She stammered something and cast her eyes down, her cheeks flushing. I thought she might try to wriggle out of it, for she knew full well no sexual ‘consolation' would be forthcoming a second time - I had imposed a limit of once a day, disapproving as I did of greediness and self indulgence - but she simply sighed and nodded despondently. She went over to the table and retrieved the paddle, holding it out to me. It was a clever move on her part, attempting to control events in this fashion, but I've had years of experience in these matters and am not so easily fooled.

‘I rather think,' I said, ‘we need something a little more testing. Return this to the cupboard and bring me instead the medium tawse.'

There was a flash of chagrin in her eyes, quickly suppressed. I said not a word as she handed me the short strap, but simply regarded her. For a moment or two she did not move, then her hands rose to the fastenings on her dress. For the second time in under an hour she stripped for punishment.


Chapter 3



At breakfast the following morning I announced that I had occasion to drive into the city on business and enquired whether anyone wished to accompany me. Irene Hammond accepted the offer, saying there were certain small items she needed to obtain.

‘No thank you, Uncle James,' Victoria said, rising. ‘And now may I please be excused?'

‘Me too,' Cathy giggled, jumping up so quickly her chair toppled over.

She was a constant puzzlement to me, my youngest ward. Physically she was all any young (or not so young) man could wish for - astonishingly pretty, with long blonde hair, blue eyes and a figure to make a monk renounce his vows. It was her mental acumen, or rather her lack of it, that had me baffled. When, I wondered, was she planning to grow up?

The two of them went out together, whispering conspiratorially. With Mrs Hammond and myself about to depart, the phrase ‘when the cat's away the mice will play' sprang to mind and I had no doubts my wards would be up to some silly mischief or other. Personally, I wished them well. The misdemeanours of such a guileless pair were almost certain to come to light and having cause to warm their tender bottoms was no hardship whatsoever.

‘How about you, Elizabeth?' I asked. ‘Do the shops of Oxford not tempt you?'

Elizabeth shook her head. There was nothing ‘silly' about my eldest ward, a beautiful young woman, dark-haired and elegant, and intelligent and spirited to boot. ‘Thank you, uncle, but I think not,' she said. ‘I have some urgent calls to make in the village.'

I knew she visited certain poor families on occasion, giving what help she could. Most of her allowance went this way, I suspected; certainly she spent little on herself. She was a truly kind person, caring for others - especially her sisters - and sacrificing herself on their behalf. A serious character flaw in my opinion; but then who among us is perfect?

In the end it was just the governess and myself who climbed into the carriage an hour later. Foster, our elderly groom, clicked his tongue at the horse and we set off for the city of spires. For both myself and the governess to be absent simultaneously was no trivial matter, for we would be leaving no one in charge. Unusually for a residence of some sixty-odd rooms, Bleekston Hall lacked both housekeeper and butler. That the place functioned as smoothly as it did without trustworthy individuals in those key roles was thanks largely to the governess, whose astuteness and firm, no-nonsense manner had proved invaluable in keeping the servants in line. Mrs Hammond handled the day to day business of the household, whilst I dealt with estate matters. The partnership had proved so successful that my plans to seek out a full-time housekeeper had been put in abeyance for the time being.

The trip to Oxford, along narrow country lanes and through sleepy villages, was always pleasant and never more so than with an attractive and intelligent young woman for a travelling companion. On this occasion, however, the governess appeared a little withdrawn, staring out of the window pensively as though she had something on her mind. Indeed, she had seemed somewhat preoccupied for some days now.

‘Mrs Hammond,' I said, ‘forgive me for intruding, but you appear to be somewhat troubled. Is it a matter in which I may be of assistance?'

She turned to me with a sad smile. ‘You are most kind, sir, but I think not. You have already done more than I had any right to expect.'

She was referring to the fact that I offered her a position when no one else would, for she had been dismissed from her previous post for excessive use of the cane (a contradiction in terms, if ever I heard one). Friendless, without references and deeply in debt, her future was looking exceedingly grim, and my offer must have seemed the answer to all her prayers. I soon showed my true colours when I made it plain that transgressions at Bleekston Hall were rewarded with beatings and that she would be obliged to bend like all the rest. Despite the punishments, she remained grateful to me for taking her in and most appreciative of her present position.

I regarded her now, unhappiness clear in her eyes. Though I am in no way a ‘good' person in the way that Elizabeth is good, Mrs Hammond's obvious distress was unsettling to me. ‘Will you not tell me, at least?' I asked her gently.

She shrugged and shook her head, as if the matter was too personal to discuss, and I began to regret raising the subject. Then, in a quiet voice, she began to speak. ‘You know, of course, that my late husband left me with substantial debts. I have been paying them off just as quickly as I am able, but it seems not quickly enough. My creditors are pressing, threatening legal action. I do not know... I cannot...' Her voice faltered and she turned away, but not before I saw her eyes brimming with tears.

So trivial was her difficulty I almost burst out laughing. Since jocularity would inevitably be misconstrued, I naturally refrained. ‘My dear Mrs Hammond,' I said, ‘this is a problem most easily solved. I will lend you the money to clear your debts.'

She faced me once more, the despair in her eyes giving way to hope. ‘You... you would do such a thing?' she stammered. ‘Truly, sir?'

‘But of course; it is no great matter. I shall be seeing my solicitor later on this morning. If your other errands permit it you could accompany me. I'm confident Mr Jenkinson can make the necessary arrangements in no time at all.'

‘Oh, sir,' she murmured, ‘Mr Montague... I don't know what to say. I shall pay you back with the minimum of delay, I promise, capital and interest. Every penny I earn shall go towards clearing the debt...'

‘Your sentiments are admirable, Mrs Hammond,' I interjected, ‘but there is no particular haste. You mustn't deny yourself those little luxuries that make life pleasant.'

Though my sins are undoubtedly manifold, I have never numbered avarice amongst them. For most of my adult life I was obliged to live quite modestly - a small house in Kent with just a single servant, Polly, my maid-of-all-work - and as I never had a great deal of money, money never became an obsession with me. This remains true even today when I am a wealthy man.

All this talk of money and debts had given me an idea. I doubted Jenkinson would approve, but it was my money after all, not his. ‘Perhaps,' I said, ‘we could come to some special arrangement regarding repayment. Rather than pay me back in cash you could pay in strokes.'

‘Strokes?' she said, looking somewhat confused. ‘Of the cane?'

I shrugged. ‘Cane, or strap, or paddle. We could vary it, I suppose, just to keep things interesting.'

‘How many strokes, sir?'

‘Oh, not many. A dozen a day - how does that sound?'

‘A dozen? That seems... very reasonable, sir. For how long would this continue?'

‘Well, shall we say thirty-six months? I believe that loan repayments are frequently made over such a period.' I had spoken without thought, but now I considered my proposition. Twelve a day for three years - what did that add up to?

‘That's over thirteen thousand strokes altogether,' she said, her mental arithmetic clearly better than mine.

‘Indeed,' I said.

,' she repeated faintly, in a tone of incredulity.

‘It does sound rather a lot,' I conceded, ‘but the important thing, surely, is that it's just twelve a day. Anyone can cope with a paltry dozen, can't they?'

I was making light of it, but it was an astonishing notion. Thirteen thousand strokes! What would be the cumulative effect over such a period? I couldn't even begin to guess. I doubted
knew, as I doubted any person, living or dead, had ever attempted such a feat. The more I thought about it, the more intrigued and excited I became at the prospect.

‘Sir,' she said, ‘I couldn't possibly agree to such a thing. Even if I did, I know I couldn't go through with it. I would renege on the agreement and let you down, and that is unthinkable after all your kindness and consideration. I'm very sorry, Mr Montague, but it must be so, do you see?'

‘Of course,' I said, trying not to let my disappointment show. ‘A straightforward loan it shall be, with normal repayments at intervals to suit yourself. We will speak with Mr Jenkinson today and arrange matters accordingly.'

I had no ulterior motives in making this offer - it just seemed the natural, sensible thing to do. The governess had a problem that was clearly causing her great anxiety and I had the means to solve it, at no great inconvenience to myself. Her next words, however, brought certain lascivious notions to mind.

‘You are most kind, sir,' she said, ‘most generous. I don't know how to thank you.'

Though I'm sure it was not her intention, such words from a beautiful, desirable woman could be construed as provocative. Certainly an image came to me and I gave her a long look. ‘Oh,' I said, ‘I'm sure we'll think of something.'

It took her a second or two to catch my meaning and then she smiled. Her hands went to her neck and she began to unbutton her dress. Though removing her clothes would be no easy operation in the confines of a carriage, I made no objection, for Irene Hammond had a most wonderful figure. Heavy-breasted and wide-hipped, yet narrow in the waist, she was enough to take a man's breath away. Her buttocks were simply superb! I had assured her on numerous occasions that she possessed the most perfect, most spankable bottom I had ever set eyes upon.

Though I had seen her naked many times it was a memorable experience still, but it soon became apparent I was to be disappointed on this occasion. Having unfastened her dress she lifted out her breasts in turn and I knew then she wasn't planning to undress, rather she was simply making her splendid mammaries available to me. Having unfettered them, she slipped to her knees on the carriage floor and reached in my lap to unfasten my trousers. In an instant my cock was out and she was leaning forward to service me. She flicked the tip of her tongue rapidly around the glans, causing my cock to stiffen rapidly, then licked the underside of my shaft from root to tip. I cupped her breasts, drawing a gasp of pleasure from her sweet lips. She took my cock fully into her mouth and began sucking me in earnest. I groaned, slumped back against the seat and thought myself the most fortunate man in England.

BOOK: Their Master's Pleasure
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