The Words He Wanted To Hear (The Billionaire's Baby) Book 1 (2 page)

BOOK: The Words He Wanted To Hear (The Billionaire's Baby) Book 1
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“What are you laughing about Sophie?” He smiled at her curiously.


“I was just thinking about the time Ella and I decided to feast on grass to figure out why cow’s enjoyed eating it soo much.” She laughed. “And then we spent the whole night throwing up green stuff and we pretended we were monsters.”


“I remember that. And Max stayed up the whole night with us, making fun of us.” Ella laughed.

“I called you both the Gobble-Geeks and I was the master Gobble-Gook.” Max grinned. “And I got you both to do my chores for the next few days.”


“Grr. You really took advantage of us.” Ella hit him in the arm. “You made me sit on my hands and knees chanting, “I am your servant master Gobble-Gook.” You should be ashamed of yourself for making fun of a little kid.”


“Oh I am sis. I am.” Maxwell grinned and then winked at Sophie. “I’ll never make fun of your snotty nose again.”


“Max.” Ella stuck her tongue out at him and looked back at Sophie. “I’m so glad you came home with me Soph. This way there will be two of us to gang up on Maxwell.”


“I’m sure he’ll be too busy for us.” Sophie smiled weakly. She didn’t want Max to think of her as pukey gooble-geek Sophie but more as beautiful siren Sophia.


“Oh yeah. I forgot he’s helping dad run a multi-billion dollar company. Best not lose my fortune big bro.” Ella smiled and Sophie noticed that Maxwell’s shoulders tensed a little bit.


“Maybe you will join us when you graduate and actually help earn the dollars you spend.” Maxwell smiled at his sister but Sophie could hear the seriousness in his tone.


“Yeah, sure. One day.” Ella paused. “Oh, but if you have any positions going Sophie’s looking for a job.”


Sophie groaned under her breath and tried to stop the flush from creeping up in her face as Maxwell looked at her with interest. “Are you really Sophie?”


She nodded slowly, not sure if she could stand working around the man she loved.


“We do have an internship program starting in January, that leads to a job starting this summer, if you are interested.”


“Well, I guess so. When would my application have to be in?” She asked hesitantly, knowing that all the top corporations had stopped accepting new interns to their programs a long time ago.


“I guess that’s a perk of knowing the boss. No application needed.” Maxwell parked the car and they got out of the Range Rover. Ella went running into the house to greet her parents and Sophie stood next to Max as he locked the car doors. “I’m serious Sophie. Come and talk to me after dinner if you want to start.” He looked deep into her eyes and Sophie was worried that he could see her true feelings for him radiating out of her.


“Thanks Max. That would be great.” She fiddled with her skirt and put her backpack on. It ruffled against her tee shirt and pulled it up a bit, exposing her stomach. She pulled the tee shirt down quickly and looked back up again. Maxwell was staring at her intently and he had a dark smile on his face.


“It’s good to see you Sophie. You have definitely grown into a beautiful young woman.” He licked his lips and walked away from her and Sophie counted to ten before she followed him into the house. The man was sex on legs and Sophie had wanted to feel his tongue on her lips as he had licked his. She sighed. It was going to be a long two weeks if she lusted every little thing that Maxwell did.


Chapter 2


Beautiful young woman. Beautiful young woman
. Sophie couldn’t stop smiling to herself as she replied Maxwell’s comments in her mind. He thought she was beautiful. She studied herself in the mirror and thought about how she could make herself look sexier. She felt that she had a boring look: long dark brown wavy hair, green eyes and a spattering of freckles across her cheeks and nose. She was 5 foot 6, an average height, and she weighed about 145lbs. While she knew she wasn’t fat, she also knew she would never qualify to be a model. She enjoyed food and didn’t say no to deserts. As she looked at herself, she thought glumly that while she was not a plain Jane, she would never be a striking beauty either. Not like Ella.


Ella was the type of girl that men flocked to; she was tall and slender, with long blond hair and sparkling blue-green eyes that looked like the Pacific Ocean. She also had that confident that most rich girls had and she was irresistible to men. Sophie never stood a chance with any guys in college because they all wanted to be with Ella. But she didn’t mind as her thoughts were always with another. Sophie sighed. She was starting to feel like a bit of a loser. She’d only ever casually dated and she had never had sex. Not that she wanted to sleep with any of those silly college guys; not after she’d seen what a real man looked like.


She closed her eyes and thought back to that evening the last time she had stayed at the Van Harkel’s. Not only had she seen Maxwell making out with some girl, she had also spied him in the shower. It had been late at night and she had stumbled into the bathroom to wash her face just as he had been stepping out of the shower in all his glory. She could still picture his magnificent penis in her mind, it had looked long and thick and wonderful. And she blushed just thinking about it.


Bang. Bang. Ella barged into her room without waiting for an answer to her knocks. “Want to go out tonight?” She questioned Sophie before flopping down onto her bed. “I’m bored already.”


“Where are we going to go El?” Sophie looked away from the mirror and sighed, exasperated at her friend and propensity to easy boredom. “It’s not like we are in the big city anymore.”


“We can go back into town. There’s a small pub there.” Ella looked at Sophie easily. “Judging by the amount of women Max picks up down there, there should be plenty of guys.”


“Max picks up girls there?” Sophie was surprised. She figured all the girls Max got were from the city or daughters of other millionaire’s who had family homes in Winterside.


“Oh, he gets girls everywhere. Look at him.” Ella laughed and jumped up. “Tonight we are going to go out and paint the town red.”


“Uh sure.” Sophie groaned. “I didn’t even bring any party clothes.”


“I have plenty. You can wear something of mine.”


“Ella, I love you but you are size 2 and I am size 8. Not much that you own will fit me.” Sophie laughed. “Plus, I have a bust and you are as flat as a pancake.”


“Hey, no need to insult me.” Ella laughed. “Let’s go check out my wardrobe and see what I have.”


“Okay.” Sophie followed her friend out of the room and sang along with her as they walked to Ella’s room. “Tonight’s going to be a good night.”


“What are you two hooligans singing about?” Maxwell stepped out in the corridor and Sophie gasped. He was standing in a pair of basketball shorts with no shirt on. She could see that he had a thin mat of hair on his chest and she wanted to run over and rub his chest to see how smooth it is.


“Nothing dear bro. Sophie and I are going out tonight and we are checking out some outfits.”


“Oh yeah?” He looked at Sophie and winked. “Maybe I’ll come as well.”


“Won’t we be cock blockers?” Ella laughed and Maxwell groaned.


“Ella, where do you get your language from?” He rolled his eyes at her. “And no, I’d love to spend the night with my sister and her best friend. I can make sure that you guys don’t get into any trouble.”


“Oh no.” Ella groaned. “You’re going to cock block me.”


“You have a cock dear sis?” He raised his eyebrows and Sophie laughed at him.


“You’re gross, you know that.” Ella hit him in the arm. “Anyways, how should we dress? I’ve never been to the pubs in town.”


“This may be the country but people still need to look nice girls. Dress as you wish. We can grab dinner there as well. I’m going to hop in the shower now. We can leave in about 2 hours.”


“Yay.” Ella squealed with happiness and hugged her brother. “Sometimes I love you big bro.”


“And sometimes I love you two dweeb.”


“And sometimes I think you both act like you are 15 years old.” Sophie interrupted them and they all laughed.


“I know that none of the board of directors would have faith in me if they saw me and Ella’s interactions.” Max laughed. “But I guess you never grow out of teasing your little sister.”


“Who can resist me?” Ella twirled around and Sophie pushed her into the room.


“Okay, what clothes do you own that will kind of fit me?” All of a sudden Sophie was excited to go out. She had a plan forming in her mind and she didn’t want to analyze it too closely. She was hoping that Max would see her all gussied up and would be unable to resist himself. She felt her heart racing just thinking about it. Her and Max, rolling around on the ground. His strong arms around her, his lips firm on hers, his hands on her breasts. She felt giddy just thinking about it.


“So what about this?” Ella interrupted her daydreams. “Earth to Sophie.”


“Oh sorry.” Sophie grabbed the dress from Ella’s hands and looked at it carefully. “I’m not sure if this will fit me but I guess I can try. Any other dresses that I can try on?”


Ella handed her 2 more dresses and Sophie went into her bathroom to try them on. “Okay, cross your fingers that at least one of these fits and doesn’t make me look like a skank.”


“You’ll be fine Sophie.” Ella turned back to her closet to decide what she was going to wear.


“Yeah. We’ll see.” Sophie studied the dresses in her hand. The first one was sparkly silver that was more appropriate for a 70’s disco. She was not sad when the dress would not even slid over her hips. The second dress seemed more promising, it was a simple black dress and she slid it on eagerly, hoping that it would fit.


“Argh.” She groaned as she looked down at herself. The dress barely fit. It was extremely snug and short. It barely covered her ass and she felt like her boobs were popping out. It was definitely not a dress made for a girl with curves and boobs. The cut of the straps also made it so she wouldn’t be able to wear a bra. Sophie groaned again. She wanted to catch Maxwell’s eye but she didn’t want him to think she was the local hooker. She pulled the dress off and tried on the next one. It was a slinky red and she was able to slip it on easily. She looked at herself in the mirror. The dress looked awful on her, something about the cut emphasized all the wrong parts of her body. She’d never seen her ass look soo huge.


“How’s it going Soph?” Ella called out, while singing along to the music blasting out of her iPod.


“Okay.” Sophie sighed. It was going to have to be the black dress then. One way or the over she was going to have someone noticing her tonight. There was no doubt in her mind. “Are you sure you have no other dresses that may fit me?” Sophie popped her head out of the bathroom door and cringed. “These are all way too small for me.”


“Sorry Sophie.” Ella frowned. “Will none of them fit?”


Sophie sighed. “I guess I’ll wear the black one then. Argh.”


“You’ll look great. Let me do your makeup.”


“Uh ok.” Sophie was scared at what Ella was going to do to her face. She usually wore very simple makeup and didn’t think Max was going to be attracted to a scarecrow. “Just don’t make me up too much Ella, I don’t want to look like I have a black eye please.”


“That was only once Sophie. And it was your fault, you rubbed your eye and the mascara and eyeliner became a big blob.”


“I looked like a hot mess Ella!” Sophie growled at her friend. “Just make sure it doesn’t happen again.”


“Yeah, yeah. Go shower and change and come back here when you are done.”


“Yes boss.” Sophie ran out of the room laughing. She and Ella were more like sisters than best friends. She bit her lip as she walked to her room; she wasn’t sure what was going to happen when they graduated. She was scared to lose her best friend, the person closest to her in the world. She honestly didn’t know how she was going to survive without Ella there to talk to everyday.


“Hey Sophie, a penny.” The low voice behind her made her jump. “Hey, it’s just me.” Maxwell put an arm around her shoulder. “No need to jump.”


“Oh sorry.” Sophie smiled up at him shyly. “I was thinking.”


“Yes, you did look deep in thought. Want to talk about it?” He looked at her in concern. “You looked like you have a lot on your mind.”


“Hey, just a lot of college graduation thoughts.” She smiled at him, surprised by his concern.


“You know I meant it about the internship and job right?” He looked at her sternly. “I’m not joking Sophie, Van Harkel Enterprises would be lucky to have you.”


“I know. And thanks.” She sighed unconsciously.


“Something tells me that’s not all that’s on your mind.” He followed her into her room and sat on the bed as she went to her bag to take out her underwear. “You know you can always talk to me right.”


“Yeah.” She tried to ignore her beating heart. Maxwell Van Harkel was in her bedroom, and he was sitting on her bed.
Breathe Sophie, breathe Sophie
. She willed herself to calm down.


“What’s this?” He picked up her journal and it took every ounce of her being to not scream and snatch it out of his hand.
Please God; do not let Max open my journal.
She sent up a silent prayer. She would die if he saw any of her posts talking about how much she loved him.


“My journal.” She held out her hand and grabbed the journal from his hands.

BOOK: The Words He Wanted To Hear (The Billionaire's Baby) Book 1
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