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Authors: Dawn Brown

The Witch's Stone (36 page)

BOOK: The Witch's Stone
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Relief washed over her. “I’m so glad you did that. I was worried about her.”

“Good, we’re agreed.” Caid started the car and pulled back onto the road.

Hillary glanced down at the ring on her finger. A tiny fissure of doubt crept into her thoughts.

“Are you sure this is what you want?” she asked.

He frowned and glanced at her. “Aye. I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life. I’ve never felt for anyone what I feel for you.”

“What about traveling? Your trip to Spain?”

He shrugged and grinned. “I still want a holiday. I was thinking Spain, but if you’ve another idea, I’m open to suggestions.”

“Spain’s search for heretics played a huge role in Europe’s witch hunts, I would love…” she trailed off. “Sorry, that’s not very romantic, is it?”

Chuckling, Caid took her hand and gave it a light squeeze. “Oddly, for us it is.”

Hillary rested her head on Caid’s shoulder, happier than she’d ever been. Soon, Glendon House rose up before them.

Home at last.






About the Author


Dawn Brown’s first sojourn into storytelling began when she was nine. She would gather neighborhood kids into her garage and regale them with ghost stories, believing even then that atmosphere played an important role in a good story.

Dawn has a diploma in journalism, but found herself pursuing a career in computer leasing. After the birth of her son, she gave up the corporate world to be a mom and write full time, trading in her dreary cubicle for a dreary room in the attic.

Now Dawn spends her days creating dark, romantic mysteries with edgy heroes, clever heroines and villains she hopes will keep her readers sleeping with the light on.

Dawn lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband and son.

To learn more about Dawn and her books, please visit her website


BOOK: The Witch's Stone
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