The Star (The Way in marked cards #2) (8 page)

BOOK: The Star (The Way in marked cards #2)
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The train left the station, and now Isadora know what is feel alive again. She thought that would like to paint frames, the screens, in the smell of paints and the brushes, and the exposures, everything that left to do and what should be done. She had the feeling of having been reborn and would start a new life with more wisdom. When she reached in Granada, grabbed a taxi and on the way, watched your new city. A mixture of past and present, where the landscapes giving one contrast of history and mystery. The old buildings, people walking on the streets, she needed to know their new home. Claudia was home, waiting with many news.

"Tomorrow I'm embarking to Italy expose my paintings. Do you wanna come with me? " - Said Claudia.

"I can not, I have to start at the coffee shop, and I have no painting done ..."

"You will spend your whole life serving coffees or will going back to active? Do not delay! "

"Little by little I will coming back ... I'm rebuilding myself ... I will back at the right time, you'll see!"

"I want to see! Now, tell me ... do you get the documents with Giovanni? "

"Got it! But I need to tell you something ... I feel that he is unreliable and need to talk to the manager of the coffee shop to see if these documents are true. "

"Talk with him and let's solve this ... I'm going tomorrow and I'll be back at 1 week, is just the time of exposure.. "

"What time is your flight tomorrow?"

"In the afternoon."

"In the morning I will talk with him, and after I told you. '

"Now go get dressed. Let's celebrate your back! Pizza and wine! "

"Great, let's go!"

Walking through the city, watching the Piazza del Salón del Violon . A large park in the center gave a live environment and relaxed for the end of summer. The past seemed part of the present, not only in construction, but in the visual elements, the past could be seen clearly, but would take a few days to understand what it all meant. They found a restaurant and Isadora began to tell the news of the trip for her friend.

"This is all real?" - Said Claudia.

"Yes! But now you need to make your way! It's wonderful! "

"One day I will ... now I have lazy!" - Claudia said, laughing at herself.

"I know sometimes it's hard to believe in the extraordinary ... but it exist!"

"You do not exist!" - Said her friend Claudia.

The next morning Isadora began working in the coffee shop. As soon as we arrived was talking to his new manager. His name was Chemma, one men tall, strong and bald.

"Good morning, how are you??"

"Alright! I am Isadora, the new employee."

"I know, I was expecting you. Let's talk in the office to sign some papers input, today is officially your first day. "

"Sure, come on!"

Isadora talk with Chemma and he explained the whole operation of the coffee shop, who were their new coworkers and their schedules.

"You could give me your passport to get a copy? We need to send to the foreign's control, is the procedure. "

"Chemma, I did one visa extension for another three months, but I'm a little insecure with this document."

"Let me see!"

Isadora showed the passport and documents, and Chemma review with all carefully .

"Everything seems to be right ... what is your question?"

"The possibility exists that you check whether these documents are genuine?"

"Sure ... but will take at least a few hours..."

"No problem ... I hope! "

"While I will go check that documents, you can get dressed now and get started. Once you have an answer, I will talk with you. "

"Thank you!"

After so many magical experiences of the way, the normal day seemed very different, but she knew people and the environment are also tools of school of the life, and it can also be magical. What needed to do was open herself up to everything around her and perceive the signs that are presented, with attention.

The morning passed quickly, and when was one in the afternoon Chemma call Isadora into his office.

Tell me ... good or bad?"

"Sit down, let's talk! These documents are fake. Is like you're illegal. Do you want to call him? "

"Yes, I will call him, now!"

"Take care ... if the police catch you, you may be deported or win a letter of expulsion."

"And how is my situation here?"

"Can I leave you working here for a period of three months, more than that I will be risking myself. This is an exceptional case, do not comment with anyone.

"I do not know how to thank you!"

"Work hard and win a lot of money!"

"Thanks again! Now I'm going to call my lawyer. "

Isadora calls to Giovanni, Ann and Priscilla, but nobody answered. Claudia called and Isadora explained the situation.

"The extension is false! We are illegals in this country! "

"can not believe it And now? - Claudia said nervously. "

"I tried to speak with him, but nobody answers!"

"Do you tried to talk with girls?"

"Yes, but they also disappeared! I think that we are victims of a scam! "

"I want my money back! He is a thief. And those girls too! And the worst is that I'm going to travel illegally! "

"Calm down, we'll think of something."

"Now I have an exhibition to go. When I return, I got resolve this. I'll call that bandit. "

"Try not to to call attention in the airport, go expose your work and come back, we'll resolve this together. Good luck! "

"Thank you, darling! Good luck for you too! "

Isadora went back to work and Chemma was concerned about your situation.

"Can you talk with him?"

"Not yet, I try to call, but nobody answers."

"Take care, if he was able to make this, he is capable of anything."

"But I need to speak with him!"

"Go trying, but if you can not, give up! Do not forget that he is a lawyer, know the laws that govern this country, and you will just arrived. "

"I thought that this only happening in Brazil."

"People are good and bad everywhere in the world ... welcome to Spain! "

"I'm learning ..."

"Now, let's get to work!"

"Thank you!"

Despite the episode of false papers, the day was quiet and Isadora realized that there, apparently, people seemed calmer. Your coworkers seemed to enjoy the environment, were pleasant and each one knew about your responsibilities. Still do not knew the city, but what was needed to be well with everyone, just so could adapt.

One night, when she came home, had dinner and leaned in the window of the room.

She looked at the stars and remembered the feeling of being under the milky way. Closed her eyes and felt deeply the brightness of energy of each star, when she had a impulse to search the screen that was kept in the closet. Removed the paper that covered it, and placed it on top of the bookcase. He looked at the screen, stroked it gently with your hands and your energy plunged deep in white fabric. Your intuition is expressed:

"Try! You can do it! "

She sought the paints and brush and put some paint on one plate. Mixed the paints, and the scrawled the canvas with emotional traits. The colors were bright, the light, and the emotion overflowed in that moment.

It was late when she realized that the finished the painting. Turned away from the

screen ... she did not believed that had painted without interruptions. Now your mind does not remember more of Mark ... neither of your words.


The destiny is the fulfilling of the law

of cause and effect.

This is a moment to look at things

through a highest point of view.

Each one is responsible for

your own destiny.

"Come stai? - Said Claudia, vibrant, in Italian. "

"Glad you came back!" - Isadora said, opening the door for her friend.

The two hugged and Claudia did not fail to express the admiration for the frame that saw in the room.

"Where you bought this screen?"

"I did!"

"Really? You must get out that coffee shop now! You need to expose your work! Your inspiration came back! "- Claudia said hugging her friend proudly.

BOOK: The Star (The Way in marked cards #2)
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