The Sinful 7 of Delite, Texas 3: Her Double Delite Warriors (13 page)

BOOK: The Sinful 7 of Delite, Texas 3: Her Double Delite Warriors
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“Then why freak out and run in here?” Michael asked.

“I panicked. I thought you were going to try to…well you know, the other way to have sex.”

Michael and Chad looked at one another, and then it hit them at the same time.

“Oh, baby, no, we wouldn’t do that our first night together. You need to be prepared for that. As is, we can’t stop touching you and wanting you. You’re going to be sore tomorrow,” Chad offered as explanation. She nibbled her bottom lip and nodded her head, but Michael thought this wasn’t all she was afraid of.

“Is there more than that? Because you know you can ask us anything and tell us anything that scares you so we don’t frighten you again.”

She took a deep breath. Her eyes watered up again and she quickly closed them.

“Sometimes, things that happened in my past come back into my head and I can’t stop them,” she whispered then opened her eyes.

“Let’s go back into the other room,” Michael stated and Chad took her hand and walked her back. They got onto the bed and she clung to the towel around her body. They leaned on a pillow on either side of her.

“Tell us about it,” Chad said.

“No. I don’t want to. I won’t.”

Michael was taken aback at her response. He thought about when she tensed and what position she was in. He knew she was a virgin, but his gut clenched thinking about the possibility that someone may have tried to hurt her.

“I was behind you when you tensed up. Did someone try to hurt you once?” Michael asked. Chad readjusted his arm and seemed to tense as he stared down at her.

She nibbled her bottom lip and he knew he was onto something.

“That’s it isn’t it? Someone tried to attack you once from behind?” He took a guess, and her eyes welled up again with tears. One tear rolled down from the corner of one eye.

“More than once,” she whispered, and he felt the anger consume him. Who would try to hurt her? She was young, beautiful, and innocent.

“Who? Who was it?” Chad asked.

She looked toward him.

“Please, Chad, don’t push this on me tonight. It was a big step, giving you my virginity and getting this close to both of you. I just panicked, and I don’t want to talk about it anymore. I’m tired.” He could tell that she was going to fight them on this and not give any more information.

“Turn off the light, Chad, please,” Michael stated but he held Alexa’s gaze.

“Take this off. I want nothing between us while we’re sleeping,” Michael whispered, and she lifted up so he could remove the towel. She immediately rolled onto her side with her arms in front of her covering her breasts and her fingers clasped under her chin. She stared up at him, and he absorbed the sight of her beauty. She was feminine, petite, and precious. He and his brother were very big men compared to her. She may have been used to others picking on her or hurting her, but that would never happen again. Eventually he would get the information from Alexa so that he and Chad could help her to forget and heal. God knew both he and Chad needed some healing of their own.

The lights went off and Chad snuggled behind her. Michael snuggled in front of her and pulled the sheet and comforter up over them. Despite the darkness in the room, the moonlight shone through the blinds, and he could see her watching him. He caressed her hip then leaned forward near her lips.

Before he kissed her he whispered, “We will never hurt you nor will we let anyone ever hurt you again.”

Chapter 9


Chad stared at Alexa as she slept. Michael had gone downstairs hours ago, and Chad had already taken a shower. It was nearly eleven and she was still sleeping. During the night she had moaned a few times and called out for Susanna, but then they both snuggled closer to her and kissed her cheeks and shoulder until she calmed down.

His gut clenched and he had difficulty going back to sleep. He knew that Alexa had some trouble in her past. There were certain things that Monte and BJ had hinted at about Susanna. They also knew that Alexa and Sally were on the run, and Susanna had helped them escape when Susanna was abducted. Chad couldn’t even imagine how he would feel if something like that happened to Alexa. She was already so timid and shy. She was young, too, only twenty-three years old, from what Susanna had told him. She needed men that could keep her safe and make her happy. After last night, he was determined to get her to confide in him and Michael so they could help her heal.

He gently moved the hair from her shoulder and looked at her skin. It was smooth and firm, and she had all the right curves in all the right places. They totally hit the jackpot with her. He smiled at the thought.

Son of a bitch! I’m in love with her.


* * * *


Michael stood in front of the computers while he spoke to their commander on the secure line.

“What intel are you talking about? Mason didn’t go out. His job was cancelled.”

“And lucky for him or there would be two agents missing,” Commander Franks replied.

“What’s going on?”

“Michael, we’ve received some intel information that just about proves Nate isn’t coming back.”

“What? What kind of information? How can you be sure?” Michael asked. He felt his gut clench. His heart was pounding inside of his chest. This was part of the job. He and his brother, Chad, knew that it was a risk, but they were working for the government and making great money. They both accepted that, but lately, they weren’t so into the missions anymore.

“There was information sent through one of the secure lines about an unidentified male being taken from Motel Velez outside of Santa Catalina. He was described as being six feet, muscular, blond hair, an American who had been staying in the motel for four days. One of our people checked this out, and it was confirmed that Nate was staying at the hotel in that room for approximately three days and is now missing.”


“It gets worse. Through witness accounts, as if the individuals who did this wanted it to be seen, we are being told that they covered his head with a sack, beat him then threw him into the back of a black, sedan with tinted windows. As much as I pray that he is still alive, we know how these men operate.”

“He was halfway through his time there. Just four more days and he would have been relieved by another agent. At least that was my understanding. So what the fuck happened that Santos’s men were able to identify him?”

“Not sure really. Within hours, Santos’s men annexed the motel. Everyone was questioned, and there was some chatter about a package.”

“So maybe Nate did find out some information and he was able to send it out to the agency?”

“We have not received anything yet. He knew to be careful even in an intense situation. He wouldn’t just send it directly to the agency.”

Michael thought about that a moment. A few of the men, the ones in this special unit, set up a post office box in Dallas. It was under a false name, but still, it was a means to send something secure from a foreign country, no matter what was going on.

“We’ll have to keep a look out for it.”

“Well I can tell you this much, we have law enforcement in all different agencies trying to crack down on Santos’s operation. In a matter of hours, you’re going to hear about a situation in the United States where cocaine from Santos’s operation in Columbia was being shipped through the United States Postal Service.”

“Damn. How the hell was he doing that?”

“There are about five carriers who are going to be busted within the next few hours. Basically the drugs were shipped to certain homes on these carriers’ routes. The carriers interceded the deliveries, collected the boxes, and then delivered them to the appropriate locations. It’s believed that at minimum each individual was delivering over eighteen kilograms of cocaine to dealers. This is an incredible bust and has a lot to do with this unit’s investigative work in Columbia and Panama. We have to ensure our agent’s protection, and we have to bring down Santos.”

“I agree, but there’s also the possibility that Santos is handing over his operation to another person. I know both Chad and I touched on this with you a few days ago, but it’s a possibility.”

“That’s right, you mentioned a man named Solandro Cruz, but there aren’t any photos of him. That was going to be part of Mason’s mission but we called it off. It’s not safe to go back there right now. Plus if our intel is correct, someone of great importance from the Santos operation will be visiting the United States shortly.”

“Really? That’s not something Santos has ever done. He has people who handle the drugs and the dealings here. Why would he risk being captured?”

“Your theory might be correct. Maybe this Cruz character is taking over and he wants to see all that belongs to him. It’s something we hope will come true. By next week, before his supposed arrival, I’m sending in a group of twenty-five agents to hit one of Santos’s larger production sites right off the border of Mexico on US land. The higher-ups want to hit one of the main distribution centers so it sends a message that we’re onto him and we mean business. They want to tighten the reins. This fucking guy is out of control.”

“I understand. Keep us posted and let us know if you need our assistance.”

“I thought you and Chad and some of the others wanted to cool it down for a bit? You still thinking about getting out?”

“Eventually, but if he killed one of ours, if Nate is dead, then we need to take care of our own.”

“I understand. I’ll be in touch.”

Michael hung up the phone and took a deep breath.

He didn’t like the feeling that he had inside. He wasn’t confident that Nate was still alive. He had known himself that it was getting sticky over there. Both him and Chad felt it during their last visits. It was time to pull out of there and hit this fucker with everything they had. Perhaps the next steps the unit’s advisers were taking would prove disastrous to Santos’s operation. He could only hope so.

He glanced at the clock and saw that it was nearly noontime. Alexa had been sleeping soundly when he exited the bedroom early this morning. He felt the heavy weight in his gut. He cared for her so much already. It was something he had fought against, and when she admitted to her innocence and allowed them to take her virginity, it sobered him and made him possessive and greedy. She was young, too young for him in so many ways because of the life he had led thus far. He’d traveled all over the world doing wild and crazy shit for the government. His unit was a unit of killers, patriots, and survivors. They loved this country and what it stood for. They fought to keep drugs, illegal weapons, and other things detrimental to the American people out of the States. They each served in war, conducted secret operations, and saw more shit in their young careers than most senior military men saw in a lifetime. That was their unit and they were all getting antsy to get out and let a new group of soldiers take over.

He didn’t like knowing that Santos or Cruz was headed to the States. It didn’t sit right with his gut feelings. He was angry and upset that these people may have killed Nate. He worried about Chad because he knew that he would volunteer to head out with the newest group to Mexico to invade the operation. But Michael’s thoughts were on Alexa. He didn’t want to give her up. He didn’t want to leave her now, when they had just begun what he hoped was a long-lasting relationship. After last night, he wanted things he had never thought about before. He wanted a family, he wanted kids, and he wanted to settle down and forget about his military career. After growing up in an abusive household, with their drunk father who basically drank himself to death, their impressions of family had been corrupted. Foster care, more abuse and neglect—before their aunt Teressa took them in—was their only hope of not ending up on the streets selling and doing drugs, or in prison or dead.

He ran his fingers through his hair. He saw that look in Alexa’s eyes last night. The fear and intimidation, and it irked him that something he did had caused that reaction in her. He wanted to know about her life. All he needed to do was call a few people and use some of the software he had on his computer system, but he wouldn’t do that. He would get her to confide in him and Chad. Perhaps they could heal one another of their pasts and focus on a future between the three of them.

He took a deep breath and sighed then shook the thoughts from his head as his cock hardened. Just the thought of her beautiful, sexy body had him fired up and ready for another round of sex. Chad was probably having her right now. One fucking night with the woman and he was starving for more of her. She belonged to him and Chad. No other man would ever have her, touch her, make love to her. He’d taken her virginity, and suddenly his world was turning upside down.

He adjusted his crotch and placed his hands on his hips as he looked around their private office. He was barefoot, no shirt on, ready to go see Alexa and thinking that a decision needed to be made. If Nate was dead, his death needed to be revenged. Going to Mexico for the bust would help achieve that revenge, but to capture and kill Santos or Cruz here on US soil would be even better. He felt that tightness in his gut. It was an uncertainty that was growing deeper with thoughts of continuing this dangerous career. Not now, when he found Alexa and started to believe that life was worth living, when there was someone worth living for.

BOOK: The Sinful 7 of Delite, Texas 3: Her Double Delite Warriors
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