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Authors: Ian Todd

The Silver Arrow (18 page)

BOOK: The Silver Arrow
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  “Right, oan the day ae oor lib, they’ll put us oan a train first thing in the morning.  Ah want ye tae pick us up in Kilmarnock.  Ah’ll let ye know whit time we’ll be leaving Dumfries at the next visit.  That’ll throw anywan aff ae the scent who might hiv any interest in oor movements oan the day.  Don’t let anywan know, especially the lassies, that we’re being libbed early.  Ah’ll speak tae Snappy and Pat this end and tell them tae keep it tae themsels.  Get as much done as ye kin.  Ah’ll need tae arrange tae meet up wae Wan-bob, bit we’ll keep him guessing.  It’s really important that we don’t rock the boat wae that bunch ae maniacs though.”

  “Goat ye.”

  “Find oot who this social worker is that they’ve hit us wae.”

  “His name’s Howie.  None ae the other boys hiv come across him.”

“Try and check oot if there ur any connections tae Wan-bob or Charlie Hastie.  Ye jist never know wae that crowd ae basturts.”

“Anything else?”

  “Any mair oan Peter McCaskill or they brothers ae his?”

  “Well, other than Charlie Hastie telling me that wan ae them wis across bleating tae The Big Man, it’s been quiet.  The only thing Ah’ve picked up fae Wee Parky up in Roystonhill is that they’ve been telling a few people that they’re gonnae skin Ben alive when they get their hauns oan him, bit other than that, there’s been nothing,” Simon replied, shrugging.

  “It’s really important that we don’t get distracted.  We’ve goat enough oan oor plates withoot hivving run-ins wae them.  Wance people hear we’re oot, they’ll be expecting trouble and will be oan their guard, especially Wee-Pie and the bizzies.  We need tae let the dust settle before we start ranking up oor activity, so make sure Jake, Peter and Ben ur clear oan that wan.”



  “Time, ladies and gentlemen,” Dickheid Dick shouted, happy as fuck tae see the disappointed looks oan the faces ae the YOs and their visitors.  “Could aw the prisoners jist sit where they ur until the visitors leave the room.”



  “We’ve goat an unwelcome lodger that we’re desperate tae get rid ae, bit he refuses tae leave, despite threats ae violence,” Senga said.

  “A lodger?  Threats ae violence?” Johnboy asked, alarmed.


  “Who?” he demanded, barely able tae breath.

  “No who, bit whit.  Lizzie is convinced it’s a rat due tae the racket ae him scurrying up the inside ae the walls, bit it’s probably jist a moose.  When Ah wis young in the Toonheid, ma granny used tae say that the mice wore tackity boots oan purpose, tae keep everywan awake at night.  Johnboy, ur ye awright?  Ye look as if ye’ve jist seen a ghost.”

  “Ah befriended a moose wance, when Ah wis in borstal.  Ah called him Rabbie.  He used tae crawl under ma door at night, looking fur morsels.  Ah’d always leave bits fae the stale bun they gied us last thing at night before the lights went oot.  Ah wonder how he goat oan efter Ah left.  Polmont wis always full ae these big cats wandering aboot,” he remembered, calming doon.

  “Well, Ah suppose ye could call Lizzie a big cat.  If she ever gets her hauns, or the heel ae her shoe oan it, then it’ll be curtains fur wee Rabbie.  Tae us nurses, mice ur carriers ae diseases.  It’s instilled intae us in oor training.  There won’t be any prisoners if Lizzie his her way.  She’s gone oot and bought hauf a dozen traps.  The first time she tried tae set them up, she nearly lost a finger when the trap sprung back when she took her haun aff ae it,” she said, laughing.

  “Christ, Ah thought at first ye meant somewan hid forced their way intae yer flat,” Johnboy confessed, relieved.

  “We should be so lucky.  Ah’m telling ye, living wae Lizzie is a wance in a lifetime experience, so it is.

“Look, don’t be annoyed wae Simon.  He wis only daeing whit he wis asked,” Johnboy reminded her, staunin up.

  “It’s okay fur you tae say, bit ye should’ve seen the guy that came roond tae change the locks.  He looked like something oot ae a Hammer Hoose ae Horror film, so he did.  Poor Lizzie jist aboot hid a heart attack when she opened the door oan the landing, so she did.”

  “That’s jist Harper.  He’s always been as ugly as sin, so he his.”

  “Aye, bit who asked fur oor locks tae be changed anyway?  Whit will the factor say when he finds oot?”

  “Look, Senga, it wis me.  Ah thought it wid make youse feel safer efter yer wee fantasy escapade wae yer flatmate.”

  “And the phone?”

  “Ah never knew ye wur planning tae get a phone put in, so Ah thought it wid be better if ye hid wan.”

  “Look, Ah don’t want tae be cheeky or sound unappreciative, bit Ah’m independent, Johnboy.  Lizzie and me kin make oor ain decisions.  Okay, we wur planning tae get a phone put in, bit that’s no the point.  In the future, ask.  Jist don’t go assuming, okay?  It’s jist too creepy.”

  “Aye, ye’re right, Ah’m sorry.”

  “So, ur ye much clearer aboot us?  Despite the hurdles, dae we hiv a future thegither?” Senga asked him, looking intae his eyes, as some ae the visitors started moving past them towards the exit.

  “Aye, Ah feel a lot better…and clearer.”

  “Good.  Oh, and Johnboy, kin Ah jist say something that hopefully won’t annoy ye?”

  “Aye, of course.”

  “In a relationship…any relationship between two people…it’s very important that everything is up front and oot in the open.”


  “Dae Ah really hiv tae spell it oot?  Telling the truth tae each other is crucial.  Ah’ll never lie tae ye and Ah hope you’ll be the same wae me.”

  “Whit’s making ye say that?”

  “Ah don’t know.  Ah don’t know if it’s wae being aroond Simon again or whit, bit it’s really important that ye never lie tae me and that if there’s anything gaun oan that Ah should know aboot, ye’ll tell me.”

  “Senga, Ah’ve been involved in a lot ae bad, and some wid say, unforgivable things in ma life.  Ur ye saying ye want tae know everything aboot that?”

  “Ye know fine well that that’s no whit Ah’m saying.  Whitever ye’ve done, ye’ll hiv tae live wae.  Regarding us, Ah need tae know that ye’ve drawn a line in the sand and that fae here oan in, whit happened in the past, stays in the past.  Ah’m talking aboot the future…aboot us…aboot respect fur each other.  Oor relationship his tae be based oan truth, honesty and respect, so it dis.  Kin ye accept the importance ae that and accept where Ah’m coming fae?” she asked, looking at him.

  “Of course Ah kin,” he lied, gratefully accepting the erms being wrapped roond his neck and feeling her body pressing hard against his as he drew her towards him, kissing her oan the lips.







Good evening.  My name is John Turney and these are the news headlines in Scotland tonight.  

  Hopes of a settlement in the Glasgow bus dispute were raised earlier today after it was revealed that further talks by union and management officials would continue.  Deadlock in the talks so far have brought a shutdown to services across the city…

  The Chairman of the Scottish Police Federation, John Robertson, is calling for all police officers in Scotland to be armed following the shooting of two unarmed, plain clothed police officers, who raided a house in search of a violent criminal in Nethan Street in Govan late last night.  It’s thought that one of the police officers, Sergeant Thomas Paling, is in a critical condition in the city’s Western Infirmary where he has undergone surgery for gunshot wounds to his abdomen.  The other officer, PC Wilber Hopeman, was said to be in a satisfactory condition in The Royal Infirmary after being transferred there this morning.  The gunman, Terence Davidson, a well-known gangster in the south of the city, was later shot dead by police sharpshooters in a house in Summertown Road in Govan, bringing the incident to a close.  It’s thought Davidson was wanted in connection with a string of armed robberies in the city over the past year.  A spokesman for The Secretary of State for Scotland said that the Secretary didn’t believe that arming the police was the answer and could lead to more criminals arming themselves if they knew the police were carrying guns…

  Well known comedian and popular Scottish TV star, Charlie Chip, cut the ribbon to open the new extension of Glasgow businessman John McCaffrey’s Honest John’s Kitchen Essentials store on Dumbarton Road this morning, causing traffic hold-ups to those heading to work.  It’s believed that over a thousand screaming shoppers, mostly housewives, turned up for the event…

An articulated lorry containing over six hundred thousand cigarettes was stolen from WH & HO Wills Number 12 Factory on Alexander Parade last night…

  And still on Alexander Parade, Twelve-year-old Nancy Robertson was stable in Glasgow Royal Infirmary after being hit by a stolen Ford Cortina, whilst it was being pursued by police last night.  The youngster had been returning from a shopping trip with her mother.  Nancy from nearby…

  Sanitation officers, escorted by uniformed police, closed down an illegal butchers factory on Garscube Road this morning.  Three women and two men were arrested and will appear in court tomorrow morning charged under the…

Two teenagers were stabbed on London Road in the Gallowgate last night after being pursued by a gang of youths wielding baseball bats and knives.  One of the youths, fifteen-year-old Stephen Waddell was said to be in a critical condition in The Royal Infirmary after undergoing an emergency operation lasting in to the early hours of this morning.  His friend, fourteen year old Barry Case was allowed home after having fourteen stitches inserted in his head.  Both boys are pupils of…

A man was let off with a warning at Central Police Court today after he admitted attacking his seventy-one-year-old wife whilst under the influence of alcohol…”


Chapter Twenty Two

  The Stalker wis fair enjoying the view.  He hung back ever so slightly so he could get a better swatch ae the motions ae Peggy McAvoy’s wee tight cheeks being cradled between the panty-lines oan show underneath that tight black standard-issue skirt.  As if the black tights covering the legs, haudin up the jiggling arse wisnae enough, he wis aboot fainting in ecstasy as the whiff ae the perfume she wis wearing set aboot they senses ae his, causing him tae stumble alang like a blind, dribbling, demented idiot behind her.  It wis only when she suddenly stoapped, causing him tae collide, dick first, intae that stationary arse ae hers, that he inadvertently released a groan ae pent up sexual pleasure and frustration that sounded like a whimpering mongrel pup that hid jist been force-fed a bottle ae milk, when he suddenly realised that they’d passed Daddy’s fancy bullet-riddled walled office.

  “They’re in here, Inspector,” she informed him, staunin aside, as she turned the haundle ae the door, refusing tae mask the look ae utter disgust spread across that face ae hers, as he stumbled blindly past her intae the room.

  “See, Ah telt ye it wisnae jist me.  Look at the expression spread across that coupon ae his,” Chief Inspector Jimmy Mack, Glesga’s answer tae Poirot exclaimed, laughing.

  “In ye come, Paddy.  Grab a pew,” Daddy said invitingly, ignoring the Heid ae the Murder Squad in the north ae the city.

  The Stalker took in the scene as he moved tae the only other vacant chair in the room.  Daddy wis sitting oan the right-haun side ae a desk that hid three thick blue files sitting oan it, facing the door.  Tae the left ae the desk, Jimmy Mack wis sitting in plain clothes, his chequered jaicket hung o’er the back ae his chair, tie askew and wae his sleeves rolled up.  It wis obvious tae The Stalker that Jimmy hid been there a while, so clearly knew mair aboot whit wis gaun oan than whit he did.

  “Ye’d be as well tae take aff yer jaicket and tie, Paddy.  Ah expect ye’ll be here a while,” Daddy informed him, as The Stalker ignored the advice and sat doon, trying tae read the upside doon names oan the files in front ae him.

  The last time he’d been doon in Central, sitting in front ae Daddy, he’d nearly goat the sack fur his cheek. Oan the drive doon fae Springburn, Bumper hid repeatedly warned him tae be oan his best behaviour and tae keep his thoughts and opinions tae himsel.  The word in the north wis that The Stalker wis still in Shite Street fur sticking his nose intae areas that wurnae anything tae dae wae him.  He felt confident aboot his position though.  Crime wis oan the rise up in Springburn, bit he wis banging the wee Neds intae the jail jist as quick as they could pull oot and wield their butcher’s knives above their heids.  Although shootings against the street dealers wur also up, it hid been a month since the last fatal stabbing and seven ae the last eight shoaps that hid been tanned hid resulted in arrests.  Oan tap ae that, none ae the pavement pounders hid suffered mair than a few bruises in the past four weeks…a new record within the Division.

  “Right, before we start, Ah don’t want any arguments or shite flying aboot here.  Hiv we goat that?” Daddy warned them, looking fae wan inspector tae the other.

  “Jist so long as we’re clear oan oor jurisdiction and where the boundaries ae oor responsibilities lie,” Jimmy growled, getting in there first.

  The Stalker wanted tae lean o’er and punch the prick in the mooth, bit knew that that wid be fatal tae whit wis left ae his tattered career, so he refused tae bite.  The Stalker smiled.  Whenever there wis a murder committed in Springburn, Possil, Milton, Balornock or Burmulloch, there wis always a mad scramble fae the local boys tae solve it and get confessions before Chief Inspector Jimmy Mack arrived oan the scene tae co-ordinate the investigation.  Oot ae the last dozen murders, seven hid been wrapped up, bar the paperwork, before Jimmy goat anywhere near the killers.  It wis always seen as a big sporting event and a lot ae money changed hauns in the station canteens when a murder occurred.  The best bit aboot it wis that Jimmy knew exactly whit everywan wis up tae and wis furever bleating aboot the local boys haudin back oan crucial evidence so they could fuck him before he’d even started the investigation.

  “Right, noo that we’ve goat the pleasantries oot ae the way, Ah’ll begin.  Ah’ve hid a wee word wae Jimmy here aboot yer theories regarding that young nurse that goat run o’er up in Stobhill a while back, Paddy.  Noo, while Jimmy here thinks ye’re speculating through a hole in yer arse, Ah thought it wid be worthwhile fur the two ae youse tae hiv a wee sit doon and go through the cases individually.  Whit ye might consider as a wee review, so tae speak,” Daddy said, nodding at the three files.

  “His Jimmy awready gone through them before Ah arrived?” The Stalker asked.

  “He’s hid a wee gander while we wur waiting fur ye, so he didnae waste precious time,” Daddy confirmed.


  “And whit?” Daddy asked puzzled, looking at him, eyes narrowing in irritation.

  “Whit’s his initial thoughts?” The Stalker asked, looking at Jimmy, bit addressing Daddy.

  “Ah didnae see anything oot ae the ordinary that wisnae awready covered in the initial investigations, although, hivving said that, Ah’ve only been involved in o’er a hunner and thirty three murders since Ah took up ma present position,” Jimmy replied sarcastically.

  “Ah hope ye witnessed that Ah hivnae been unpleasant or said a bad word oot ae turn since Ah’ve arrived, Daddy?” The Stalker complained, putting oan his best ‘Whit hiv Ah done tae deserve this’ face.

  “Whit Ah want youse pair ae tits tae dae is go through the files thegither and see if anything his been missed oot.  Withoot wanting tae pre-empt anything youse might come up wae, Ah hiv tae admit, Ah didnae pick up anything masel.  Noo, the Dunbartonshire boys ur happy fur us tae talk wae them if there’s a need fur any clarification and that goes fur Big John Robertson, the sergeant in charge ae the nurse’s investigation oot in Bishopbriggs.”

  “Ah notice there’s only three files here,” The Stalker said, nodding at the desk.

  “Aye, so whit?”

  “Well, fae where Ah’m sitting, Ah kin see that there’s the farmer, the doctor and the nurse.  Where’s Haufwit’s file?”

  “We don’t need Haufwit’s file.  Irrespective ae whit he’s supposed tae hiv telt ye in yer illegal nocturnal visit up tae Stobhill, his murder isnae connected, so don’t come in here trying tae be smart and muddying the water, Paddy.  It wis Daddy’s decision tae hiv us here, so let’s stick tae whit he wants, eh?”

  “And Wee Eck Thomas?”

  “Aw, fur Christ’s sake,” Jimmy snarled in frustration, gieing Daddy his best ‘Ah bloody well telt ye’ face.

  “Paddy, jist stick tae the task in haun and stoap noising Jimmy up, okay?  Wee Eck Thomas is still listed as a missing person.  Noo, if there’s nothing else, youse hiv goat two hours.  Ah don’t want any verbal feedback the day.  When ye’re finished, write it up and get it back tae me within a week.  Oh, in case Ah furget, Paddy, come alang tae ma office when ye’ve finished.  Ah need tae pass oan some information tae ye before ye heid back up the road,” Daddy said, staunin up and disappearing oot ae the room withoot looking back at the pair ae them.







BOOK: The Silver Arrow
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