The Sheik's Mysterious Mistress (Friends Forever) (7 page)

BOOK: The Sheik's Mysterious Mistress (Friends Forever)
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Her fingers against his skin were like a feather caress, tentative, exploring and exciting in their softness. He didn’t hesitate to pull her blouse out of her slacks, his one hand moving and feeling her perfectly soft skin, amazed at how she reacted with each new piece of skin he discovered.


When his hand moved higher, she not only didn’t resist, she turned slightly in unspoken invitation. He didn’t reject that invitation, pressing his hand higher, feeling her firm breast encased in lace and he groaned out loud with how perfect she was. Her breast fit perfectly in his hand, not too small and just slightly too large.


When his thumb found her nipple and flicked against the hard nubbin, she cried out and grabbed his wrist, holding very still for a long moment, her eyes closed and her teeth clenched.


Hassan watched in fascination as she worked through that sensation. He almost lost control though when she relaxed slightly, and then pressed his hand against her breast again, telling him without words to do it again.


She released his wrist and waited. When his thumb flicked her nipple again, her fingers were in his hair, pulling against him while her hips arched against his erection. His hand moved down her body, cupping her bottom and pressing her more closely against him and he rubbed her, mimicking the movements of making love and he swore when he realized they were both fully clothed.


With a smooth movement, he stood up with her in his arms.


Dana wasn’t sure where he was taking her. All she cared about was the fact that she was still in his arms and she could see the desire in his eyes.


When he pushed his way through a large door, she didn’t care where they were. He didn’t stop until they were in a bedroom, not her own, but one that she didn’t recognize and didn’t care at all about the owners. He was letting her legs fall down and she didn’t like that at all, until he pulled her into his arms again, his hands sliding under her shirt once again and finding both breasts, his thumbs flicking against her nipples and she grabbed hold of his shoulders while her head fell backwards in reaction.


“Don’t stop," she begged and pressed her breast against his hand, wanting more.


“Don’t worry,” he replied raggedly and swiftly unbuttoned her shirt, tossing it behind him. When her breasts were finally revealed, he stared for all of five seconds, amazed at her perfection. “You’re beautiful,” he said and bent his head to take the first one in his mouth.


If Dana thought that his fingers could work magic, she was shocked by the heat of his mouth against her breast. He pulled the lace of her bra out of the way and his mouth covered her hard nipple, his tongue flicking, his teeth nibbling and then sucking against her, making her scream with the need for more.


Her hands were desperate themselves, pulling at his shirt and almost ripping the fabric in a desperate desire to find his skin, feel him like he was doing to her.


“Not yet,” he said and pulled her hands away. He tossed his shirt off himself then unbuttoned the snap on her slacks. When they fell to the floor around her feet, he simply lifted her up and placed her in the center of the bed, leaving her black heels on while he tossed his own slacks off.


Moments later, he joined her on the bed and Dana was disappointed that she didn’t have a chance to look at him, to see what she’d been feeling all this time. But then his hands and mouth were back, traveling down her body and she didn’t care anymore. He was here, he was touching her. That was what was important.


His mouth traveled down her body, stopping each time he found a spot that made her shiver and giving it extra attention. When he reached her thighs, she held them closed and grasped his shoulders but he shook his head. “Not yet,” he said and kissed the top of her right thigh. “Open up for me, Dana,” he rasped and kissed her left thigh.


“Come back up,” she said and shivered when he kissed a spot right near her hip bone.


“You’re trying to win again and it won’t work any better than it did earlier. Just let me have my way,” he said and his hand moved to her knees, caressing her skin and making her shiver.


He bit her on her thigh, not hard enough to hurt, but enough to surprise her and when she jumped, her legs moved. It was all the space he needed and he shifted his large body so he was exactly where he wanted to be. “See? I always have my way,” he replied with a smile a moment before his mouth kissed the inside of her thigh, giving her fair warning of what he was going to do.


When he smelled her scent, he almost couldn’t slow down. But he could feel her nervousness and tried to be patient, to ease her into something she was obviously uncomfortable with. But he wasn’t going to relent. He was so turned on by her scent and he wasn’t going to give in until he could taste her and watch as she achieved an orgasm with him. His mouth kept moving closer to his goal and he ignored her fingers that were clutching at his hair, trying to move him away.


He wasn’t going to allow it though and when he finally achieved his goal, Dana cried out and stopped fighting him, terrified of what she was feeling. What he was doing to her was so intense, so intimate that she gasped with the shock of it all. A moment later, her body was shifting about, trying to get more and a desperate, tearing need to find something was making her writhe under his fingers. When he simply grabbed her hips and did what he wanted, she couldn’t hold out any longer, her body exploding and shaking, arching up against his mouth as her eyes closed and her body came to life as she never knew it could.


Long minutes later, she opened her eyes and looked up, right into the smiling, satisfied features of Hassan as he watched her orgasm subside. “Wow,” she said in a reverent whisper.


He laughed softly and nodded. “Wow, indeed.”


She felt awkward and uncomfortable, wondering what she should do or say. Instead of worrying about it though, she simply spoke out, uttering the question that was utmost on her mind. “Did you….?”


She couldn’t finish the sentence because he was roaring with laughter. He buried his face in her neck and shook his head. “Ah, Dana, my sweet. I’m afraid that the only reason you need to ask that question is because I’m about to create a bit of pain for you. If I could stop it from happening, I would, but I can’t hold back any longer,” he said and gently his hand moved down her leg, lifting her knee.


Dana’s chest ached with tenderness for this man who was being so generous and gentle. “I’ll be okay,” she said with determination and gripped his shoulders once again.


He chuckled again and bent to nibble on her ear. “You’ll be more than okay,” he replied and moved down to her shoulder, sending more shivers along her body.


His hands smoothed down her waist, then up again to cup her breasts. “Do you have any idea of how beautiful you are right at this moment?” he asked and his thumb flicked against her nipple.


Dana couldn’t reply as her body, which had been sated only moments ago, came roaring back to life with his touch. The man knew exactly how to touch her, where to move and how to get her body back in the swing of the moment. “Hassan?” she asked and opened her eyes, biting her lower lip to try and control her trembling. “I don’t’ think I can…”


“You can,” he countered and lifted her hips. As his body slowly entered hers, he watched her eyes, moving in slightly, then out. Back in again just a bit deeper, measuring how deep to go with each thrust by her face and the way her body moved against his. Sweat broke out on his forehead as he grasped at his control, something he’d never had a problem doing before this slender woman underneath him. He wanted this to be perfect for her, but she was so hot, so tight and so wet, he could barely stop himself from slamming into her warmth, burying himself to the hilt and finding his release.


When he heard her gasp of surprise, he knew he’d finally gotten her almost back to where she’d been before. Just a little bit more, he thought. And then he felt the resistance and his suspicions proved accurate.


He gathered her close and put his forehead against hers. “I’m sorry,” he said a moment before he pushed through the barrier of her virginity, catching her gasp of pain in his mouth and kissing her, moving against her to soothe the pain as best he could.


When he felt her legs move higher, taking him deeper, he knew he’d won this battle. This slender, incredibly passionate woman was now his and he intended to show her exactly what that gift meant to him.


With incredible slowness, he moved against her, increasing the pressure as she moved, using her cries of delight to gauge when to go faster or move in a different way. She was so free with her passion that he almost lost control several times but it was all worth it when he felt her body arch against his, felt her muscles clench around his erection as she tumbled over the edge. Only then did he allow himself the freedom his body was demanding, pounding against her, holding her hips where he needed them until he found his own incredible release.


A long time later, he felt her fingers in his hair, smoothing down his back and shoulders and he shuddered with the intense pleasure he got from her touch.


“You’re alive?” she asked and he moved to her side, taking her with him and enjoying her teasing.

“I could say the same for you,” he countered and pulled her leg so that she was still against him, feeling her softness and enjoying her touch.


She lifted her head and looked around. “Where are we?” she asked.


He laughed slightly. “In my bed.”


She took it all in, the dark colors and the luxurious appointments. “I should have guessed.”


“Don’t even try to convince me that you’re used to trying to figure out where you are after the fact. First of all, I know better and have proof that it would be a lie. Secondly, the blush that’s covering your very lovely cheeks is giving me a whole different story.”


She pressed her face against his chest and sighed. “No. I can’t even go down that road. I’ve never found myself in any other sheik’s bed before, I can guarantee that.”


He swatted her bottom and she shrieked, a moment before she laughed and tried to move out of his range. “Okay, so I haven’t found myself in anyone’s bed before. Sue me.”


“How in the world could someone as gorgeous as you are be a virgin at the age of twenty-five?”


She shrugged and kissed the middle of his chest, loving the taste of his skin, just a little bit salty, musky and oh, so male. “I mentioned yesterday that my parents died when I was in college. By the time I’d recovered from the grief of losing both of them, I was almost graduating. And I had to focus on studying instead of the male species in order catch up and graduate with my class.”


He suspected there was more to the story, but sensed it was a painful subject. One he would eventually get to, but her hands on his chest, fluttering about, were driving him a bit crazy.


“I think there’s a bit of catching up to do right here,” he said and nibbled on her shoulder.


“You do?” she asked and let her fingers move across his back, loving the muscles that shifted under her hands.


“Absolutely,” he replied. “Don’t lose your focus.”


“I won’t,” she sighed happily as he kissed her neck, moving down her body and setting her nerve endings on fire.



Chapter 4


Dana woke up feeling sore and more exhausted that she’d felt for a long, long time. Glancing around, she couldn’t see the clock on the side of her bed, and then realized she wasn’t in her bed. This one had softer sheets, almost like satin and it was enormous. Then the night slowly came back to her. The passion and crazy need for Hassan, that even now came roaring back to life.


He’d made love to her until she couldn’t think any longer, was begging him for release. And after he gave it to her, he’d give her a few minutes to recover before he started it all over again. The man had the stamina of an ox, she thought.


As much as she wanted to snuggle up against him, press her back more closely to his strong chest, she knew it would be better if she left. Not just his bed, but the whole palace. This had been a wonderful, amazing interlude, but it had to end. Tonight.


With a sigh, she looked up at the ceiling and thought about the small things she needed to pack before heading out of the country. She could just pack up her car with clothes and water, the little bit of food she still had in her refrigerator and a few blankets. That should get her through the night at least, and she could find a place to sleep when she became too exhausted to drive any longer.


It was probably better to leave in the middle of the night for her next destination. First of all, she suspected that the men following her wouldn’t expect her to be courageous enough to travel at night, preferring the security of daylight so she could make a better get away. And secondly, she didn’t have any direction, so she could more effectively get out of town, then retrace her direction to make sure she wasn’t being followed. It was easier to see if someone was following you at night because of the lack of traffic.


Of course, if she got out into the desert and someone was following her, she would be in a worse position because there wouldn’t be anyone around to help her. But it was worth the risk, she decided.


Carefully, she lifted his hand off her waist and slid to the edge of the bed. She had trouble finding her clothes in the darkness but eventually, she was able to gather most of them up and scurry to the bathroom. She wanted to just slip out, but she was desperate for a shower so she jumped into the stunning black marble shower and soaped up as quickly as she could. Drying off, she buried her face in the soft, scented towels, wishing she could just let out her sorrow about leaving him and have a good, long cry. Or maybe call Jenna or Sasha. They would know exactly what to say to her and how to get her to laugh despite her misery over the last twelve hours. Unfortunately, now was not the time, she reprimanded herself. Get out of this mess, then figure out her next step. And avoid Hassan at all times since he seemed intent on keeping her here in the palace.

BOOK: The Sheik's Mysterious Mistress (Friends Forever)
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