The Sextet - Dirty Dancing [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (6 page)

BOOK: The Sextet - Dirty Dancing [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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His hopes for kindling a new and wonderful relationship as he’d enjoyed in Argentina soared.

“Welcome back,” he said as he came to stand next to them. “Now, we shall begin again.”

Chapter 4

Three weeks later…

Craig stopped for a minute to catch his breath, backing off to let Alejandro teach Juliana a few new steps. After all their lessons, he thought they were getting pretty damned good at the rumba, at least as good as the celebrities who appeared on
Dancing with the Stars.
They’d learned basic steps, mastered a couple of simple dances, and now were working on some of Alejandro’s more complicated choreography. When the charity competition rolled around, Humphrey Kearns and his blonde bimbo were going to be humiliated. Craig and Juliana would burn the floor.

Coming up behind her, the instructor had his hands pressed to her belly as he ground his hips against her ass. Her face had flushed, but she gave as good as she got, pushing back into Alejandro, even placing her hand on his hip to hold him closer. Fuck, watching them together had Craig hard enough it was painful, and he could periodically feel drops of fluid leaking from the end of his dick.

Every lesson seemed like the prelude to a porno. Most of the time Jules spent sandwiched between the two men as their hands and bodies touched hers. The sounds she obviously tried to hold inside were so much like those that had come from her when he’d made love to her the night of their first lesson.

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, they danced, Craig took her out to dinner, and then he kissed her goodnight at her door. No matter how heated the kisses grew, he never went into her apartment or invited her to his condo. He wanted her back in his bed, even dreaming about fucking her almost every night. But after her reaction the first time they’d made love, he didn’t want to push her too fast again. This time, Craig wanted everything to be perfect. He wanted to establish the relationship before he pushed for something more.

Sexual frustration followed him like a shadow, but he was able to vent some of it at their dance lesson. A whole hour of dancing three times a week gradually turned into a seduction.

But who exactly was seducing whom?

Alejandro seemed every bit as intent to have Juliana as Craig, yet he never made it seem like he wanted to exclude Craig. The vibes coming from the instructor screamed
—the way he touched her while also encouraging her to touch Craig. He always included Craig while he teased and flirted with Juliana, hinting about how the three of them complemented each other. But would any of them ever have the nerve to act on his subtle invitations? And even if they found the guts, what would the ground rules be?

Craig didn’t do cock. Some of his buddies didn’t seem to care if they got pussy or dick so long as they got off, not even bothering to be on the down low. Craig never thought of another man as sexy. Yet watching Alejandro with Jules seemed…different. No, he wasn’t ready to stick his dick up the guy’s ass—far from it. Yet all those ideas, all those plaguing fantasies of them both making love to Juliana at the same time… Now
was fucking

“Jesus, what’s wrong with me?” he whispered as he smoothed his sweat-dampened hair away from his forehead.
I’m some kind of pervert

The fantasies wouldn’t be denied, and the idea of his cock buried inside Juliana’s sweet pussy while Alejandro took her ass…

Craig turned his back to adjust his stiff shaft to a more comfortable position. The shift didn’t help much.

“Come, Craig,” Alejandro called. “We include you this time,

? We should never leave you out. It is better with all of us.”

Juliana’s bright eyes welcomed him over as she held her hands out to him. He wrapped his fingers around hers and pressed his chest against her breasts. Leaning in, he found the courage to whisper, “I want you, Jules.”

Her face, already blushing, flamed a brighter shade of red.

Alejandro pressed tight against her back, his hands against her hips as he smiled at Craig over her shoulder. “
. She is beautiful, is she not? And so sensual. I can see why you want her. I wager she feels fantastic when you’re inside her. No?”

Of all the outrageous things Alejandro had said over the weeks of their lessons, this one took the cake. Juliana’s eyes widened, but the smile playing on her pink lips forced a smile from Craig. “Actually…she does. She’s fucking incredible.”

Juliana gasped. “Oh, my God. You two need to stop this. Right now.”

“He was just complimenting you, my sweet,” Alejandro said, leaning in to press a quick kiss to her ear.

“You’re both outrageous,” she insisted with a playful swat at Alejandro’s hand.

Thankfully, the music changed, and Alejandro started the steps to a rumba they already knew as Craig and Juliana effortlessly followed his steps. “Feel the music,” Alejandro said, his voice practically a purr. “Let it lead you.”

The three danced as one, moving in unison in a dance so seductive, they might as well have all been naked. Craig let the feeling of Juliana’s obvious excitement wash over him, catching how her pulse beat a frantic rhythm when he brushed his lips against the left side of her throat just as Alejandro pressed his to her right.

Juliana moaned, still letting the two men coax her body through the gyrating dance. Her eyes closed as she first pressed her hips forward against Craig’s ready cock and then back against Alejandro, who groaned in response.

“You want us both, do you not, darling?” Alejandro cooed in her ear as his gaze locked with Craig’s. “That is what you want, is it not? Two men worshiping you, loving you at the same time. Say it, Juliana. Tell us you want us.”

Shit. This guy was fucking serious. Craig’s heart started to pound a furious rhythm in his chest as he followed Alejandro’s lead, hoping this could be the opportunity he’d been looking for the last three weeks. “Go with it, Jules. Pretend you want us both. Follow our lead.”

“I can do that,” she whispered. “Follow your lead. I can follow your lead.” As she parroted the words back to him, Craig thought she sounded a lot like she had back at his condo the night they’d made love. Sensual and a little bit tipsy.

His dick felt like it was about to explode. No wonder guys watched so much damned porn that featured multiple partners. This whole scenario was the most intense sexual high of his life, and they weren’t even in bed yet! But it sure looked like that was where this lesson was heading…

“We need to hear the words, Juliana.” Alejandro was pushing her a little harder, obviously trying to see just how deeply her attraction to them ran.

“Can you say it, Jules?” Craig asked. “Are you brave enough to say you want us both?”

“Yes! Yes! I want you both,” she replied, her voice breathless and throaty. Alejandro rewarded her with a stroke of her breast. Juliana moaned and arched her back again before she stopped dancing. Her hands reached out for Craig as her head lolled back against Alejandro’s shoulder. She looked drunk, like she was floating in her own little world, especially when Alejandro turned her head to press his lips to hers, lazily letting his tongue explore her mouth for long moments.

“You have wanted this for a long time,
” Alejandro’s voice was low, hypnotic. “You have thought about what it would be like to have two men, two lovers inside you at the same time, moving within you, bringing you to new heights. You dreamed of it when you slept in your lonely bed. Tell us, darling. Tell us and we can make all your dreams come true—if you just tell us what you want.”

Had she really dreamed about something like this? Sweet little Juliana—wanting to fuck two guys at the same time? “Is this what you really want, Jules?” Craig found the courage to ask as he caressed her cheek. “Both of us at the same time?”
’Cause I’m ready to give it a whirl!

Her eyes flew open as if waking from a trance. The absolute panic there made him suck in a quick burst of air. Both of Juliana’s hands suddenly shot out, and she shoved him away as she bolted from Alejandro’s arms. She hurried to the desk where she’d left her purse, grabbed it, and literally ran out of the studio, giving the doors a hard shove that banged them open before Craig could even stir out of his confused stupor.

The two men stood there in silence for a few long moments until Alejandro raked his fingers through his hair. “She is afraid.”

Craig turned to stare at his dance instructor. “What the hell is going on here?”

Alejandro sighed, long and loud. “We have frightened her. I must have pushed a little too hard to get her to admit her desire.”

“Her desire?” The knowing smile on Alejandro’s face showed he believed everything he’d whispered in Jules’s ear. “You mean all those things you were saying to her are
I thought…I don’t know…it was just me. Or maybe this was all just a game to help make the dance hotter.” His anger wasn’t born of jealousy—more an envy that this man who barely knew her understood so much more about Jules than he did. Sure, he’d been entertaining ideas of getting together with Juliana and Alejandro, and Alejandro seemed receptive to the idea. Until tonight though, he never would have believed Juliana would have harbored all the same fantasies.

Alejandro clearly understood her better than Craig did. It was also crystal clear that the instructor had experienced something like this before. “Are you sure this is what she wants?”

. Very sure. I have thought about her…and you…from the moment you both came for your first lesson.”

“And you figured out we wanted a threesome because—?”

“I know this because of experience. I have lived this lifestyle before, back in Argentina. I have learned the signs, and until I met you and Juliana, I did not believe I would ever see them again. I knew what she desired—what
of you desired—the first time we met.”

Craig felt emotionally naked. “What exactly did you see?”

Alejandro lost himself in thought for a moment. “I saw two people in love who needed a small push to find true happiness. I saw two people I could feel affection for, who I would like to know much, much better. I saw a chance at happiness for all three of us, which seemed to grow the more time we spent together”

Rubbing the back of his neck in frustration, Craig shook his head, hardly believing what he was hearing. He had to admit, he’d felt…something between them all as well, but he’d chalked it up to his own desires.

Perhaps dreams could come true.

Things were starting to make sense—especially the way she’d reacted after he’d made love to her. He knew she’d climaxed, but when she’d run away so quickly, he should have realized there was something more important bothering her than needing a shower and a change of clothes. Although he’d satisfied her, he’d ironically left her unsatisfied. Now, he thought he understood why. “Jules really wants two lovers?”

“That is what she wants, what she truly
. She is just afraid to admit it to you because she fears you will reject her.”

“You’re sure? She really wants both of us?”

With a nod, Alejandro walked over to the desk, picked up his bottled water, and took a long swig. Wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve, he fixed a hard stare at Craig. Leaning back against the desk, he said, “You love her.”

Craig didn’t see any reason denying it, so he simply nodded. How odd. He’d come for dancing lessons, but what he’d gotten were lessons in love.

“So are you willing to do what we must not only to win her but keep her at your side?” His eyes bore into Craig. “At

“Our sides? You’re willing to share her?”

“Of course. It is what I crave as well.”

Funny, but it took a lot of self-control for Craig not to shout that he also wanted Alejandro right there with them. Adrenaline was surging through him, and his fantasies were beginning to take flight, never to be grounded again. “You think you can help us win her over? I mean…she was pretty upset when she left. Think we can get past her barriers and convince her to let us share her?”

A sly smile covered Alejandro’s face. “

.” He inclined his head toward a back room. “Shall we share a nice tequila and talk?”

Chapter 5

Shoving some bills at the cab driver, Juliana crawled out of the car. Her hands were shaking so hard, she could barely get her key into the dead bolt. Once inside, she slammed the door shut, dropped her purse, and leaned back against the door.

BOOK: The Sextet - Dirty Dancing [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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