Read The Seer's Lover (The Seven Archangels Series) Online

Authors: Kat de Falla

Tags: #Paranormal, #Fantasy, #Demons-Gargoyles

The Seer's Lover (The Seven Archangels Series) (7 page)

BOOK: The Seer's Lover (The Seven Archangels Series)
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He turned out the light, pulled the door shut, and puked in the grass. He slumped into the soft dirt and let his face fall into his hands, wondering how many murders would be on his conscience before he ended up sitting in the institution beside his dad. Stogey stayed beside him, licking his hand.

He didn’t know how much time passed before he got up. Sunk in his own wretched failure and unable to muster the warrior blood which ran pure through his veins, Lucas buried Harley then made an anonymous call to the cops.


eriously, I must be nuts.

Her full body wetsuit squeaking with every step, she lugged her surf board to the beach to join the rest of her class. They’d completed their morning of classroom training with Bob the instructor and were supposed to continue here on the beach with on shore practice.

She’d packed string bikinis and the wetsuit that she’d worn in mini-triathlons in frigid Midwest lakes. Not really apropos for the eighty degree coastal waters of Costa Rica, but better than losing her top.

Her class consisted of the couple from her resort and a third man whose chest rippled with muscles which seemed to divert the blood flow from his head. “You scared, Cali-not-from-California? Don’t you think you’d be more comfortable
that wetsuit on?” Mr. Muscles, whom she’d nicknamed “Icky McIcks” waggled his eyebrows at her and laughed. Giving McIcks a shot of her wearing a bikini in the surf where a boob could pop out at any time was
not going to happen. She’d sweat and be a dork even with the temperature at a sticky ninety-two.

“Yeah sweetheart, the surf’s a bathtub eighty-two. Don’t you want to strip down a bit?” The smell of pot oozed from Bob’s pores.

The woman from her resort, Erin, had on a short wetsuit and the men wore swim trunks. Calise knew she looked idiotic.
Maybe I should wear a helmet
. “I’m good.” She flashed Bob a little “no-thanks-let’s-get-this-show-on-the-road” thumbs up.

Erin leaned over. “I appreciate your attempt at being conservative around my husband after what happened yesterday, but you may have gone a little overboard.”

“What do you mean?”

“Remember, at the pool yesterday? I was ticked off at the skimpiness of our host’s attire?”

Calise squeezed her eyes shut against a violent pain rocking her head.

“What’s wrong?” the woman asked.

“She massaged her temples. “I’m sorry. I don’t remember that.”

The woman crunched her face up as if she thought Calise was nuts. She returned to her husband.

Something tugged and nagged at the corners of her mind.
The more she struggled to remember what happened right before she fainted, the harder her head pounded. All she recalled was lying in the sun by the pool. She shook the feeling off and focused on Bob who pointed at the roaring waves in the distance.

The salty air stung her nostrils while the warm wind whipped her hair. When she raised her hand, her wet suit squeaked. “Um Bob, I know you said Miguel is sick and you’re filling in for him, but isn’t it a little too windy to surf today?”

“Dude, Cali, there’s no such thing as a bad day to surf.” His slightly dilated pupils provided no reassurance. Her brother, Dean, had been so excited for her to try surfing, but she still felt a bit weak and had a nagging feeling she was supposed to be doing something else.

For such a glorious day, surprisingly few people dotted the hazy beach. One guy played fetch with his dog. The roar of the waves crashing on the sand drowned out his voice and the dog’s bark. A couple frolicked in the surf, and two young girls sunbathed on towels, chatting. The guy with the dog looked as if he were laughing at her so she smiled and flipped him off. A bead of sweat rolled down the inside of her bat suit.

Asshole. Okay, cute familiar-looking asshole.

“C’mon people, one more time.” Bob insisted on several goofy beach dress rehearsals to practice getting to a standing position on the board.

The waves appeared to be daunting tidal waves of death.

“We need to get moving because the tide’s changing, and these swells will soon be more than you newbies can handle,” Bob announced.

Calise translated that to mean death was at hand.

I choose life

Instead, she picked up her surfboard and let the warm water race over her hands and feet as she pulled her board out to sea. No way she’d go home and tell her brother she chickened out. With a deep breath, she flipped a leg over her board and paddled out behind Bob and the other students. The distance lengthened between Calise and the others. Bob turned and shouted something inaudible to her. Her arms burned. She worked to paddle harder.

Splendid. What had Bob said?

Like a good student, Calise used all her strength to keep the board headed straight through the oncoming whitewater. She managed to turn her board around so she faced shore to wait for a wave. Turning back, she realized that as the slowest one who paddled out, she would ride the first wave in.

The others bobbed past the break point. A roar rose behind her with a wall of whitewater. On instinct, she started to paddle as hard as she could just as stoned-out Bob had said to do. The board did the rest. When the wave caught her, she did her practiced push up on the side of the board and launched her left leg forward and planted her foot in the center of the board toward the back. She pulled herself to a standing position. “Whoa.”

Her two-second success was a short-lived miracle because her right foot was not centered, forcing her off balance. She looked over her shoulder. Something loud and dark descended on her, and then everything went black.


After catching and corralling the horses, Lucas tried to get some rest. But the sun was already beginning to light up the ocean. He casually passed Casa del Noche which crawled with cops. Yellow tape roped off the demon’s beach house rental.

He played over how he could have done things differently. He couldn’t get Marla’s face out of his head; her screams tortured him.

A stranger leaned against his hut.

An angel.

Lucas approached warily, but Stogey bounded toward the stranger barking playfully and wagging his tail. The stranger threw a stick into the frothy surf and smiled.

“Nice dog. I’d ask if he was yours, but I know all dogs here roam freely, which is wonderful.” The sun shone right on the stranger’s face. His cropped, dark brown hair and commanding size made him appear like a downtown San Jose bouncer. He even had his arms crossed as if he was going to ask for an ID.

“What do you want with me, angel?” Lucas had had enough angels and demons for a lifetime. Good or evil, they were created from the same source according to his understanding.

“You can call me Alejandro.”

“I’m Lucas.”

“A seer like your father?”

“What’s it to you?” He wanted to collapse in his bed with Stogey cuddled next to him until forever, and not deal with any more supernatural beings.

“I was
on call
for you last night, so to speak, with the demons. What happened to those women was not your fault, and I’m here to implore you to forgive yourself.”

“So you’re the angel that would have been summoned if I’d touched one of my necklaces? If you were so close, why didn’t
just stop them?” Lucas clung to the fringes of his patience.

“That’s not how it works, and you know it. Everything must have balance.”

“What do you mean, balance? I see evil, I touch the necklace, angels appear. That’s balance. Why do I have to summon you to stop them?” Lucas demanded.

“That’s not for me to answer.”

He conceded the angel did at least look remorseful, or maybe he was sad he missed the chance to fight. “What can you answer for me then? Why are you even here? Just to say, ‘So sorry you didn’t get there in time to save Marla, Lucas?’ Well, it’s too little, too late.” He started up the stairs.

“Your aunt hasn’t told you anything? You have no idea what’s going on around here?”

“If it’s so important, I’m sure she would tell me. Good night, Alejandro.” Lucas turned to face him but the angel was gone.

What was Carmen hiding?

Lucas couldn’t sleep, so he and Stogey retreated to his favorite place on earth, the beach.


He threw an old tennis ball for Stogey. He already missed Harley who would have been rolling in the shallow water to cool off so he could keep up with Stogey. He observed Bob’s latest class of wannabe surfers about to test the Costa Rican waters. Lucas knew enough to stay out of a serious surfer’s way. The tough sport was for those with a death wish, and he already seemed to have one without it. Then he did a double-take at Bob’s group. Wasn’t that the girl he and Ron had picked up in Paquera? In a full wet suit? He edged closer for a better look.

The poor girl fidgeted and wrung her hands. Lucas figured she must be terrified. Her shiny blond hair whipped in the wind, dancing like straw in a field. He loved the way the tight suit accentuated her curves. For a second, he let himself imagine peeling her out of it…slowly.

She faced the ocean practicing on her surfboard. When she stood, she held her arms straight out to her sides and swayed back and forth as if flying. He couldn’t help but laugh.

She flicked him a look and then flipped him off.

Lucas chuckled and gave her a thumbs up. She was so damn cute, lugging her surfboard through the waves in that black cat woman suit. He couldn’t remember laughing in a long time. Like a normal person. He watched the girl paddle out to sea.

The nasty waves in the distance made Lucas hope she had some previous surfing experience. He sat down to watch her. Stogey laid his sandy head in Lucas's lap. When she caught that first wave, Lucas knew immediately she was in trouble. Bob and his other students floated beyond the break and couldn’t see her. She stood for a second before the wave broke and swallowed her. He craned his neck to find her and found his heart racing.
Where is she?
Stogey stood up and barked. Her board surfaced. She didn’t.

Lucas ripped his shirt off to eliminate drag and Stogey followed him into the water. She surfaced face down about twenty feet from her board. He dove in and swam toward the lifeless form then grabbed her and flipped her over—it
the girl from the resort.

“BOB! HELP!” Lucas carried her unconscious body back to shore and laid her on the beach. A small gash on her head bled profusely so he wrapped his shirt around the wound and checked to see if she was breathing. She wasn’t.

“C’mon sweetheart, I’ve had a shitty week so far. Breathe!” He forgot everything in his rulebook about physical contact with non-seers. Deep emotional and physical contact could mean passing on the sight, but he never paused to think, he just acted. He plugged her nose, tilted her head back and blew into her mouth repeatedly until Bob arrived and took over. Lucas stumbled backwards away from them. Lucas held his breath until the girl sputtered back to consciousness and water spilled out of her mouth. Bob turned her on her side.

Lucas heaved a sigh of relief. Her face was perfect, more beautiful than any angel he could ever behold. He felt…warm. Everywhere.

Time to walk away

Bob swore. “Lucas, man. Shit. Isn’t that your place? Can you take her there to rest and get some ice for her head or something? I can’t leave the whole rest of my class out there. I’ll check on her later, I promise!”

He couldn’t believe Bob pawned the girl off on him, but he sure wasn’t going to leave her laying on the beach bleeding. He heard himself answer before his brain even processed the words. “Yeah, I’ll take her.” He picked her up and carried her back to his place.


Calise heard something.

Something fantastic.

“Yeah, I’ll take her.” Like a tiger purring.

Want. To snuggle. With said tiger.

A man’s voice. She couldn’t open her eyes yet, but she needed to hear it again. Vaguely aware of being carried, someone placed her on a soft bed.

“There you go. Stogey seems to be taking a liking to you. Crazy tourist, what were you doing out there anyway?” A noise like a waterfall preceded a cold compress placed on her forehead. Her head throbbed and the washcloth stung.

A gentle finger traced her face. She yearned to drink in the sound of that voice again.

“God, you’re beautiful.”

Clearly, now I’m hallucinating
. Like the roar of a wild animal, his voice rumbled in her mind. She opened her eyes and he backed away.

A ball of fluff nestled behind her knees. She reached down and something licked her. She lifted her head to see but a jab of pain made her grab her head.

“Hey there, that’s my dog, Stogey. You’re okay. Lie down.” The man cupped her head in his hands and smoothed out the wrinkle of pain next to her eye with his thumb. He eased her head back on the pillow and readjusted the washcloth.

“You’re Lucas, right? You picked me up in Paquera with Ron?” she managed. She needed to tell him something.
What is it?

“Yeah, and you’re Cali?”

“Calise.” She corrected him. “I wasn’t quite the star student today, huh?”

“You ever been surfing before?”

“Nope, first time.”
Lucas. Paquera. Ron. The resort.
Why couldn’t she remember what was so important?

manage to stand up, for about two seconds. Then the wave knocked you over, and you must have hit your head and swallowed some water.”

She peeled the blood-soaked washcloth off her forehead.

“Keep pressure on that cut.” He leaned against a small sink. “You weren’t breathing when I pulled you out of the water. Bob thought I should bring you to my place until you felt better.”

“Please tell me Bob didn’t give me mouth to mouth.”

A faint smile cracked at the corners of his mouth.

She glanced around at the one-bedroom bungalow. Sparsely decorated but functional: bed, hot pot, sink with running water. “Were you born in Mal Pais?”

“I’m from Kansas. Moved here in high school.” He crossed his arms and watched her.

If he kept talking, maybe she’d remember what she needed to tell him. And something about him was magnetic—more than the deep sadness of his eyes or his broad shoulders and dark, gorgeous locks which were physical. Something about his voice exposed him: raw and yet so tender. “You like it here?”

BOOK: The Seer's Lover (The Seven Archangels Series)
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