Read The Seeking Kiss Online

Authors: Eden Bradley

Tags: #Romance

The Seeking Kiss (3 page)

BOOK: The Seeking Kiss
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Their bodies were perfect, unbelievable. And as pale flesh came down upon golden muscle, she began to shake, desire rising in one hot wave after another. She watched them both, but even with the blond one’s gaze on hers, she silently prayed for the dark one to turn to her.

See me…

He lifted his head then, one hand reaching back to grasp the tall one’s thigh. His head angled and his dark gaze landed on her face.

Another shock, pure pleasure, like a wall coming down on her. And all at once she could feel those lovely cocks thrusting into her pussy and ass at the same time, and she realized they were inside her head somehow, that they were feeding her sensation in some inexplicable way, and sharing with her their own.

The blond one held out his hand.

“We’ve been waiting for you, Nissa.”

Chapter Three

Her mind was emptying out. Too much sensation going on to think. Too much of her most treasured fantasies come to life. Was this really happening?

But the tall one pulled out, stepped away from his partner, reached out and took her hand. His skin was hard and cool on the surface, with a strange sort of warmth lurking beneath. He drew her in, and the dark one came to stand behind her, his arms coming around her body. They began to undress her, and it was as though it was all happening in a dream. Except that it was real and she was wide awake, and she knew it. Fantastic.

The tall one stroked her exposed flesh—her collarbone, the top of her breast, and her nipples hardened until they hurt. And all the time she was aware of the dark one’s hands on her waist, holding her up, holding her tight to them both. His flesh was a bit softer than the other’s, in a way that was difficult to explain, even to herself. So, so beautiful, both of them, and she thought she’d die if they didn’t kiss her soon.

“Soon enough,” the blond whispered to her, his voice tinged with a French accent.

She heard his name in her head, like some distant sort of echo.
And then the other, the tone gentler, full of smoke, and she’d known his voice would sound just like that.

Their hands were everywhere at once then, stroking her thighs, her stomach, her breasts, the small of her back. Their mouths followed, their lips surprisingly warm as Aleron lifted her arm and trailed kisses down that sensitive skin on the inside of her forearm, Hex kissing her back. Small, fleeting kisses, too fleeting. Pleasure like fire skittering over her skin, making her tremble. Her pussy was soaked, throbbing. Needing.

“We hear you,” Aleron told her quietly.

Hex took her then, turning her in his arms so that she faced him. The masculine beauty of his face was staggering, his eyes so dark they were nearly as black as his hair, with shots of whiskey and amber lighting them, and unbelievably long lashes. His mouth was ripe, the tips of his eyeteeth resting on that lush flesh. She swallowed, unable to speak, to think. He smiled at her, and his smile was like pleasure itself, working its way deep inside her body.

“We know you, Nissa,” he said, his voice that low, husky whisper she’d known it would be. “We know you, and we are here to give you what you need. What you desire. You want
, yes?”

She nodded her head, her throat dry, and it was several moments before she was able to speak. “Yes. Yes…”

“And we want you. Beautiful Nissa. Beautiful girl.”

She shivered once more, his words, his voice, almost as lovely as his touch. Then he did touch her, his hands gathering her bare breasts, kneading them gently, then a bit harder. And she leaned into him, sighing with pleasure as he took her nipples between his fingers, pinching, twisting. Oh yes, pleasure and pain and the exquisite knowledge of what they were. Vampires. Immortal. And she had some sense of the eternity of their existence, as though they fed her a bit of it, along with the ghostly sensations of what each of them was feeling.

She blinked, found them both staring at her face—blazing blue eyes and hot liquid brown. Aleron gave the slightest nod of his chin before slipping back behind her, his hard body pressed against her spine, like sun-warmed stone. Hex smiled before lowering his face to hers and kissing her.

God, his lips, like nothing she’d ever felt before in her life. Hard and soft, yielding yet unyielding. Then his tongue, as hot and silky as any human’s, yet sweeter, more pure, somehow, pushing its way between her lips, twining with her tongue.

Love him already…

And the pleasure pushing its way into her body in long, undulating shivers of desire. She was lost in the kiss, in him.


Aleron put his hands on her once more, stroking her hips, her thighs, impossible feather-light strokes. She’d never imagined one of
could be so gentle. And her sex was lighting up with need, wet and hurting.

When Hex pulled away to look into her eyes once more with that riveting gaze, she whispered, “Please touch me.”

Hex’s hands came down to cover Aleron’s, and together they slipped their palms between her thighs, four sets of fingers brushing the curls there, the swollen lips.


She could hardly believe this was happening.

Don’t think. Just feel.

“Ah, so wet for us,” Aleron whispered into her hair.


She arched her hips into their touch, but they pulled away.

“Not yet, not like this,” Aleron said. “I want her on the bed. I want her open to us completely.”

They guided her, helped her climb onto the high, velvet-covered bed, laid her out on her back. They stood, one on each side of the bed, and she was trembling all over.

Need you. Please.

Aleron’s voice was so low she had to strain to hear him. “Yes, Nissa. You shall have us both. And we shall have you. With our hands. With our mouths. With our cocks. And with our teeth. We will drink from you. You will have the Seeking Kiss tonight.”

She was shaking so hard she could barely hold still. This was what she’d wanted for so long. And it was happening. Her mind was a tangle of need, sharpened by an edge of fear. What would it really be like, to have them drink from her?

“You are about to find out, beautiful Nissa,” Hex told her. His eyes were glowing amber in the dim light, and she felt some of his power in his gaze. Not as strong as Aleron’s, but it was there, palpable.

“Yes,” Aleron said, “I am older than he is, by centuries. And the Kiss will be different with each of us. But you will love it. You will drown in it a little. But we will care for you. You have nothing to fear.”

Their hands were on her then once more, long strokes down the length of her body: her shoulders, her breasts, her stomach and the sensitive skin on the inside of her wrists, until she thought she might die simply from needing them to really

“Please…” she begged.

A small laugh from Aleron. “Ah, she grows impatient.”

And before she had a chance to think, his hand was between her thighs, his fingers pushing into her needy pussy.


Pleasure like a knife, that keen, that sharp, stabbing into her body. Her back arched, she came up off the bed, but Hex was there, holding her down, his hands warm and solid on her hip and shoulder, grounding her somehow.

“Hex… I need you… I need you to kiss me.”

He smiled, his teeth a stunning flash of white, the long canines glinting. Then he lowered his head, his mouth pressing to hers. And his tongue sliding into her mouth, all soft and hot, was like Aleron’s fingers working inside her, pushing, pushing, into her pussy, into her mouth. She was writhing on the bed, her body on that lovely edge already. Her mind was spinning.

Hands held her down, pressing onto her belly, her breasts, her thighs, as the first wave hit her. And Hex’s tongue in her mouth, Aleron’s fingers deep in her sex, pumping, thrusting, until she couldn’t take it any longer.

She cried out as she came, pure ecstasy shimmering through her in glass-sharp waves. Pleasure rose, higher and higher, her body, her mind, filling with nothing but sensation, coursing through her, taking her over. She was yelling, out of control. Lost.

When she opened her eyes she was in Hex’s arms, half lying in his lap as he sat behind her on the bed. She could feel the flawless surface of his chest and stomach against her back, his bare skin an absolute epiphany against hers. Lovely.

Aleron still stood, smiling down at her.

“That was beautiful, Nissa.
are beautiful. But the night just begins.”


They had given her a glass of very good wine, a rich red that slaked her thirst and seemed to help her come back to Earth. She felt…beautifully shattered in some way, and still in a half-dream. But her body knew this was real.

They lounged together on the bed now, propped up on a pile of silk pillows, all of them naked, one of them on either side of her. Hex had one arm looped around her waist in a possessive manner she loved. Aleron was leaning back, a commanding hand on the back of her neck, sending a steady pulsing heat into her system.

“Better now?” Hex was asking her, stroking her long hair from her face.

“Yes. Better than I’ve ever felt in my life.”

“But you have questions,” Aleron said with his slight accent.

“Yes,” she admitted.

“You’re welcome to ask us anything,” Hex said. She could feel his warm breath in her hair.

She shifted so she could see him better. God, he was as beautiful as anything she had ever seen in her life, outshining even Aleron’s pale, unearthly light. Hex’s gaze on hers was dark. His eyes had gleaming gold at the center of the deep brown iris. Liquid. Bottomless. She had read about the vampires, of course, and talked to a lot of people about them, but she had never imagined how amazing they would be close up, how flawless, how that aura of power they wore like their own skin would make her melt.

But yes, she had questions. She wanted to know…everything.

“What is Hex short for? Or is it?”

Hex and Aleron laughed.

“This is your first question?” Hex asked, grinning, his eyes sparkling. “Very well, then. It is a nickname, one given to me by Aleron the same night we met. My full name was Hector Luis Severiano Zacaraís de los Reyes. You can see the need for a nickname.”

“How did you two meet? How long have you two been…together? I mean…is it all right for me to ask this?”

Hex nodded. “Anything, as I said.”

Aleron lifted his chin in agreement. “I will tell you our story. It’s not a long one, in terms of the existence of our kind. We met in Paris, at the club there. Hex came into the dungeon. I like a little of the rough play now and then. I love the chains, the floggers. It reminds me of times past in the France I knew as a young man in some perverse way. I was with a woman, but I sensed him entering the room. I was pulled completely out of the scene I was involved in. I knew he was for me.” His blue gaze flicked to Hex and a small frisson of energy passed between them. “You understand these things about us, Nissa? That we know these things, we feel it?”

“Yes. Just as I knew I belonged with you two tonight. I don’t understand it, but I felt very certain. I still do.”

“Yes, that’s it exactly. That night, nearly ten years ago, I knew Hex was to be mine. I handed that woman over to a friend and went to him. It had been a long time since I’d offered the Turning Kiss to anyone, but to him, I gave it that very first night. We have been together ever since.”

Hex reached over Nissa’s shoulder, smiling, and laid a hand on Aleron’s shoulder. She felt the current sparking between them—mental, sexual. And emotional. She hadn’t expected that, somehow, the emotional connection the vampires might have with each other.

“There are often others, but only for a night, and no more.” Hex picked up where Aleron had left off. “We’ve always had each other. But ultimately, it’s just the two of us.”

“Until now, perhaps.” Aleron’s tone was low, his French accent suddenly quite thick.

“What do you mean?”

They couldn’t be talking about her. Could they? Her pulse hammered in her veins.

“You are meant for us, Nissa Whether for a week or a century remains to be seen. But you are here now for a reason. And you will be with us for more than this one night. Unless you choose otherwise.”

She was shaking her head, but Hex stilled her, cupping her cheek in his palm.

“Think carefully, Nissa. We will take your blood tonight. And even with those who do this only once, a bond is created. You know already that your admittance to the club is representative of your desire to do these things. But anything further, giving your
over to us in any more permanent manner, that we have to hear from you.”

“I can hardly think at all, I’ll admit that to you,” she told them. “But I am absolutely certain of this. Of my desire to be here with you both. To accept the Seeking Kiss. To be more to you than this one night.”

She was shaking again with need so strong, she could barely manage to hold still, to keep her hands at her sides. She had always been aggressive in bed, but everything was different with these two.

She turned her head to Hex, then to Aleron, and found them both smiling. Then Aleron pulled her in and kissed her.

His lips were harder than Hex’s beneath the velvet-soft surface. As her hands came up to rest on his stone-smooth shoulders, she found the rest of him to be the same, and wondered how ancient he was. But in moments she was lost in the wet heat of his mouth, his snaking tongue, his hands in her hair. And they were pulling her down, laying her on the bed with Aleron’s hand at the back of her neck. Hex was moving, his body sliding over hers, strong, sinuous muscle gliding over her breasts, her stomach, between her thighs. She was soaking wet once more, her legs parting, opening herself to him.

Please…touch me. Kiss me…

Aleron’s tongue pushed deeper, sliding, sliding, exploring her mouth. He tasted of wine, though he hadn’t drunk any. Hex’s lips were on her skin, his tongue flicking at her nipple. She gasped into Aleron’s mouth, and his hands came around to hold her face, keeping her still as Hex sucked her hard nipple into his mouth.

Pleasure raced over her skin, hot and demanding. Hex’s mouth at her breast, sucking, licking, making her pussy pulse with hunger. He pushed her breasts together, his tongue gliding over one peaked nipple, and then the other, his fingers kneading her flesh. Her hips arched, wanting to feel his body, and found his hard thigh between hers. She pressed upward, wrapped one leg around his, until her sex met the hard muscle of his thigh. She was slick against him, her flesh slipping against his, and growing wetter and wetter every moment.

Aleron was kissing her harder, his mouth responding to her driving hunger, his hands firm on her cheeks. She was overcome, one sensation melding into the next. And when Hex slid lower, his head moving between her thighs, his silky hair tickling the skin there, she cried out against Aleron’s lips.

BOOK: The Seeking Kiss
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