The Scandalous Son (3 page)

BOOK: The Scandalous Son
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Chapter Seven


Alice looked out the carriage window as their destination came into view. They first crossed a small bridge over a creek and it was then that they could see the property. The lawns were immaculate and Alice couldn’t wait to visit their garden and smell the lovely flowers. There was even a shrub that had been manicured to look like a lion.

              “Oh would you take a look at that, Alice,” Aunt Millie said as she pointed at the lion.

              Alice let out a small laugh, “That is indeed impressive.”

              The older couple that Alice and St. Vincent had spoken to in Hyde Park had turned out to be the Earl and Countess of Bradbury. Their home was a beautifully constructed two-story house that took Alice’s breath away when she first saw it.

              The carriage came to a stop and the doorman opened the door to help them out. Aunt Millie went first and for the first time in her life, Alice felt like the poor relation. She had never seen such a wonderful looking house up close and it made her question what St. Vincent’s home looked like. There was no doubt that it was just as grand as this one.

              A maid came to take their luggage and led them through the enormous house. Each room seemed to be grander that the previous and it all left Alice a bit speechless. They finally came to a stop in front of a suite door and the maid opened the door, waiting for the women to enter.

              “This will be your room, Miss,” she said to Alice.

              But Alice was confused at the opulent room she was standing in. “Surely there has been some sort of confusion.”

              The maid shook her head, “No, Miss. This is the room of the Earl of Devonshire’s standing. You are his guest are you not?” she asked.

              “Yes, bu
” she tried.

              “Then it’s settled,” the maid said. She turned her attention to Aunt Millie. “If you will follow me, my Lady, I can show you to your room as well.” And with that she started to leave.

              Aunt Millie gave Alice a comforting smile and wink before she left the room, leaving Alice alone.

              Alice looked at the room that was to be hers for this week and she let out a deep sigh. The room was decorated in ivory and gold everywhere you looked. From the damask wall coverings to the elegant looking furniture, everything seemed to reek of opulence.

              But the bed is what really took Alice’s breath away. It was a huge four poster bed, with a full canopy and heavily detailed curtains to shut out the light. The bedding was soft to the touch and Alice couldn’t wait to slip between the sheets.

              There was a knock on her door and Alice moved to answer it.

              “Good afternoon, Miss Rutledge,” the Earl of Devonshire greeted. “I just wanted to make sure that you were settling in alright?”

              Alice nodded her head. “Why, yes everything is absolutely splendid. The room is far more than I could ever hope for,” she jested.

              “Ah, but it’s what you deserve, my dear,” St. Vincent said giving her a warm smile.

              Alice’s blushed at his words. “Will you be joining the festivities?” she asked.

              “Of course. I must admit, I’m a bit of a sucker for group activities, brings out my competitive side.”

              “Something to look forward to then,” Alice said sweetly.

              St. Vincent kissed her hand and left but not before telling her that if she needed anything he was only a ring away. And Alice was once again left alone in the beautiful room.

              Deciding that a short nap would be a wise decision, she laid down on the bed, over the covers, and willed herself to go to sleep. But when she closed her eyes she saw green ones staring back at her.



              For the past week Gage had watched Alice and his father laugh together, play croquette together, stroll together and dine together. They were always in public and adequately chaperoned but somehow they made it seem more private than it was. It was no secret that Alice was looking for a potential husband, but observing the pair together left a bitter taste in his mouth.

              Finding any alone time with Alice was almost impossible, but there were a few moments throughout the week where their eyes had locked or their hands had grazed the other in passing. Each touch felt like a spark was igniting a need inside of him that couldn’t be put out.

              Dinner had ended and Gage found himself with the rest of the men, drinking scotch and smoking cigars. He had seen an open seat next to St. Vincent and before he could think too much about it, he was sitting in the empty chair. A servant brought him a drink and cut the end off of a cigar before handing it to Gage to light.

Gage had never been a big smoker, but tonight it appealed to him. The two sat there in silence for a moment before St. Vincent broke the ice.

              “Have you been enjoying yourself?” his father asked.

              Gage nodded, “As good as can be expected. Watching everyone making complete idiots out of themselves is quite entertaining.”

              “Everyone you say?”

              “Fine, almost everyone, present company excluded,” Gage amended.

              “That’s better. How come I haven’t seen you partake in said activities?”

              “Not my style,” Gage answered truthfully. “Cards and billiards are more suited for me.”

              “A gambler then?”

              “Not necessarily. Only when the moment is right. What about yourself?”

              “When the mood arises. I’ve found much more pleasurable ways to spend my time,” St. Vincent said with a smirk.

              Gage finished his drink and signaled for another. His father’s comment had hit a little too close to home. He continued to converse with St. Vincent, hoping that he would find something of interest but three hours later, the only thing he had been able to achieve was getting completely tossed.

              Gage and St. Vincent had said their goodbyes, but not before his father had issued him an invitation to a dinner party he was having the following weekend.

              Gage was having trouble finding the way back to his room. He didn’t think that he’d drank that much but it seemed apparent now. He turned a corner hoping it was the correct direction and it was then that he saw her.

              Alice was a ways in front of him, walking with her Aunt Millie. He quietly followed behind them, making sure to stay far enough back to remain unseen.

              Gage was mesmerized by the gentle sway of Alice’s hips as she walked and the way her soft voice echoed along the corridor. It was like she was a siren, beckoning him to impending death. In Gage’s current state he would have gladly done anything she could have asked of him.

Alice and her Aunt disappeared around a corner and Gage quickened his step, not daring lose sight of them. There was a plan forming in his mind and he was just drunk enough to pull it off.


Chapter Eight


Alice awoke when there was a dip in the bed next to her. She didn’t bother asking who it was because the smell of sandalwood gave him away.

“You shouldn’t be here,” she said softly as she sat up.

              “I know,” he said as he let his green eyes roam the features of her face. “Tell me to go,” he urged as he moved his face in closer.

              He was mere inches from her now. Gage placed his palm on the side of her face and slowly ran his thumb over her soft lips. He let his fingers trail down her neck and then brought them back to her chin.

              “Tell me that you want me to leave,” he said as he lifted her face up so that they were eye to eye.

              Alice’s heartbeat was thundering in her chest. All of her senses were on fire right now. From Gage’s silky touch, to the deep rumble of his voice or the hint of scotch on his breath, everything was working and even though she knew that she should tell him to leave, she couldn’t.

              Alice leaned in and brought Gage’s lips to hers. It started off slow, but gained speed as Gage deepened their kiss. Alice was lost to him and she wanted more. Gage licked the seam of her lips and she parted them, allowing his tongue entry. He gently thrust his tongue into her mouth, encouraging her tongue to dance with his.

              Gage used his free hand to pull her closer, eliminating any space that might be between them. He ran his hand back and forth on her back, moving lower and lower with each move, never interrupting their kiss.

              In a moment of boldness, Alice brought her hands up and parted his coat. Gage helped her by removing it completely. His hands went back to roaming her while she pulled his shirt far enough up so that she could place her hands on his bare flesh.

              Alice loved how strong he felt under her hands. Her fingers moved over his chest, then slowly down lower to his stomach.

              Gage interrupted her when he pulled her mouth back to his for a heart stopping kiss. His lips singed her skin and Alice’s body was on fire. There was a delicious feeling growing in her stomach and Alice wanted to bask in the wonderful feeling.

              Gage ran one of his hands down her side then back up, rubbing the side of her bosom. Without breaking their kiss, he moved his hand so that he was cupping one of her breasts. His thumb gently ghosted over her nipple and Alice let out an excited moan in anticipation.

              But Alice would never know because it was then that Gage ended their kiss and leaned back. His green eyes were glazed as he took in the look of confusion spreading across her features.             

              He kissed her hand as he got up and headed towards the door. “You were most unexpected,” he said before he opened the door to leave.


















Chapter Nine


Alice had arrived back from shopping with her Aunt when she saw the elegant invitation sitting on the entry way table. She picked it up and read it aloud.


“Dearest Miss Rutledge,

You are cordially invited to dinner and

entertainment for this evening, at the residence

of the Earl of Devonshire.”


              “How wonderful,” Aunt Millie said. “It sounds delightful, plus you can wear one of the dresses we brought home with us.”

              Alice laughed at her Aunt’s enthusiasm. “You sound awfully excited to send me off to dinner,” she said jokingly.

              “Now, I’ve got not a clue as to why you would think that, but it’s not every day that one gets invited to an evening with an Earl,” Aunt Millie said to her. She took Alice’s hand into hers and became very serious. “I know times have been tough, but this match with St. Vincent would be most beneficial.”

              “What makes you think he even fancies me? Maybe he just wants to fill an empty seat at his dining table.”

              Aunt Millie rolled her eyes. “Oh you daft girl! It only takes one look at the pair of you to see that he’s keen on you.”

              “But what about love?” Alice asked. “What If I don’t love him?”

              “And what do you know of love? Has someone stolen your heart?”

              Alice blushed. “No my heart is mine, I assure you.”

              “If you say, dear. Now, back to the question at hand, what dress are you going to wear?”



              Gage watched as Alice arrived at the party. She entered the room in a dark teal colored dress that almost made her eyes seem green instead of the blue he knew them to be. Her hair was artfully pinned up and there was a sparkling necklace dangling from her slender neck. In that moment, Gage wanted nothing more than to feast at the base of her neck to see if she tasted as good as she looked.

Alice started in his direction, but she hadn’t seen him yet. She stopped to greet a group of people before moving on. Gage could sense the moment in which she realized his presence. Her step slowed and her body tensed, but she continued towards him.

Gage could feel his body responding to her closeness. He could smell the light floral scent that was uniquely her, and there was an uneasy feeling in his stomach. This was the first time they had seen one another since he’d snuck into her room. Needless to say, he was unsure of how this meeting would go.

“Mr. Albright,” Alice greeted in a restrained voice.

Gage took her hand a brought it to his lips, where he placed the lightest of kisses. Alice’s eyes were wide and there was a faint tinge to her cheeks.

Alice was distracted by the memories of his lips on hers and it took her a moment to realize that he’d said something.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” she asked.

Gage smirked at her distraction. “I was just commenting on how lovely you look tonight. Most fetching,” he said as his eyes ran over her again.

Alice was full on blushing now at Albright’s words. “Thank you, you look quite dashing too.”

Gage cut quite the figure and the way his muscled body filled out his waist coat had Alice’s fingers twitching to touch his bare skin again.

Just then, the Earl of Devonshire walked in and announced that dinner would be starting.

“May I?” Gage asked as he offered his arm to Alice.

“You may,” she answered as she linked her arm through his.

The dining hall was opulent and extravagant which were two things that Alice was beginning to associate with the overly wealthy.

They were looking for their seats when St. Vincent spoke up. “Mr. Albright, Miss Rutledge,” the Earl welcomed. “Tonight you two shall be my guests of honor and will have the pleasure of dining next to me. This way,” he gestured.

Gage led Alice to her seat at the front of the table. He pulled out her chair and helped her before finding his own seat. His father was at the head of the table, with Gage on one side and Alice on the other, which meant that he and Alice were facing one another. How fortunate, he thought.

Once everyone was seated, wine was poured and the first course was set down in front of them. St. Vincent was talking to a gentleman next to Gage, which was fine by Alice.

Her mind was busy replaying every moment with Albright the night he so gallingly snuck into her room. The man was scandalous, that was for sure. A part of Alice wished that he hadn’t left, but she knew that it was the right thing to do. Without knowing what she was doing, she put a finger to her lips, wanting to remember how it felt to have his lips pressed against hers.

She looked over to Gage and realized that he was looking at her and watching her finger run over her lips. His eyes had the same look now as he’d had when he kissed her before, and Alice’s heart beat rapidly at the thought of kissing him again.

Alice dropped her hand and reached for the glass of wine. She took a large drink and tried to get her mind off the man sitting across from her.



After the last course had been served, the guests were invited to the entertainment portion of the evening. Gage got up and came around to Alice’s chair. He leaned down so that he was almost whispering.

“It would give me great pleasure to escort you. One can only hope that there will be a small alcove that we can hide in along the way.”

At the blatant reminder of their first kiss, Alice instantly blushed and she gave Albright a stern look when she got up. However, judging by the smile on his face, he wasn’t buying it.

“You should be ashamed of yourself,” Alice said as they walked with the rest of the guests.

His eyebrows rose at her words. “Whatever for?” Gage asked quizzically.

“For offering a young girl a kiss for passage and then making sure she had to take you up on your wolfish offer. Poor, young, innocent thing. Probably scared for life now, never able to kiss anyone ever again,” she said in mock horror.

“Quite right you are. You see, I’ve ruined her for everyone but myself. And how could I possibly be ashamed when her kiss touches my soul?” he countered.

Alice looked up at Gage’s face, but he was staring straight ahead. Nothing on his face giving any clues to his words.

Making their way to the great hall, Alice could see a stage set up with a painted backdrop and a wide array of comfortable furniture for guests to sit on.

              Once the guests were seated, a thin man came out on the stage and set the scene for the play. Tonight’s theme was a farce and centered around a cuckold husband and his wondering wife. When he exited the stage, the lights dimmed and the show began.

              They had just finished the first act, where the husband learns of his wife’s adulterous ways, when Gage put an arm behind the back of the divan they were sitting on and leaned in so that only she could hear him.

“If you were my wife, I would keep you in bed all day so you would never even think to look elsewhere.”

The play in front of her faded away as Alice was lost in the daydream of being married to Albright. She could only image what it would be like to truly be his wife. Not to mention the idea of spending all day in bed together.

As if he knew the effect he was having on her, his whole body seem to move closer so that his chest brushed her shoulder and his thigh was against her thigh. The room was so dark that no one would have noticed his closeness, which is probably why he was acting so bold.

“But alas, those are only pipe dreams. We both know that my fortune isn’t quite up to your standards. So riddle me this: If you married St. Vincent, would you still invite me to your bed?”

The anger was instant within Alice. “How dare you,” Alice said as she moved apart from him. “I never invited you to my room.”

Gage looked into her eyes, “But you never told me to leave either.”

With that last remark, Alice got up and left without a word to anyone. Who was he to insinuate that she would be unfaithful to her husband once she actually was married?

Gage felt hollow after Alice’s quick departure. What was wrong with him that he would even think of saying that to her? But he knew what it was.

The idea of being married to Alice was far too appealing and he could see her glazed expression that she was considering it too. But reality was a cold wind that never stopped blowing. Gage decided then that he would find a way to change the wind’s favor.



















BOOK: The Scandalous Son
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