Read The Santinis: Marco, Book 2 Online

Authors: Melissa Schroeder

The Santinis: Marco, Book 2 (8 page)

BOOK: The Santinis: Marco, Book 2
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He gained his bearings then and pressed her against the bed. He slipped his hands down to her waist, rose to his knees, and entered her in one fast thrust. She gasped at the intrusion.

“Sorry,” he said.

She wrapped her legs around him. “Don’t be sorry.”

He laughed and leaned down to kiss her. Then, he moved. His fingers dug into her skin as he continued thrusting in and out of her. Soon, though, he knew he could not hold back any longer. Still, he wanted to feel her orgasm as he came. He wanted her there with him.

“Come again, baby, do it for me,” he ordered in a growl. She opened her eyes slightly and looked at him. In the next instant, he watched as another orgasm lanced through her. Her eyes went blurry with satisfaction before she closed them. It was the single most erotic sight he had witnessed in his life, it pulled his own orgasm from him. With one more thrust, he let pleasure take control as he lost himself in her.


“Well, that was interesting,” she said a few moments later.

He laughed and a warm feeling that had nothing to do with the sex stole through her. Rising up, he rested his weight on his elbow. “That’s a helluva way to describe making love.”

Her heart lurched at the words he used. She wanted it to be love, but Alana didn’t know if she would recognize the emotion. Her one dip into that pool had proven she didn’t know much about it.

“I couldn’t come up with any other words. My brain melted the second you touched me.”

His eyes softened and again she felt that suspicious warmth. She didn’t want that. She
want that. Falling for him would be a big mistake. She lusted after him, that’s for sure, but she couldn’t let herself fall into that deep pool again.

“Well, it was kind of fast, so I promise to take longer next time.”

Her eyes widened at that comment.
She glanced at the clock then back to the man to see if he was joking. He wasn’t.

“Really? Longer?”

He smiled. “I plan on feasting on you, so I hope you’re up to it.”

Just the way Marco said it had her body tingling. She was definitely lost if he was getting her hot with sex talk. Usually it embarrassed her but when Marco said it, her body reacted. Maybe it was because she was positive he meant it.

“I’m not sure you could top what you just did.”

His smile turned devious. “If you think that was good, just watch this.”

Before she could react to that statement, he had her on her stomach and he was straddling her hips. His cock was already hard against her buttocks.

“You have the most amazing skin. All golden brown everywhere.” He brushed her hair aside. Leaning down he kissed her earlobe.

“It makes me wonder if you’ve been naked over there at the pool. And just how I would love to see you out in the sun, nude.”

His voice had deepened and she hated to admit how wet it made her. Marco was a man of few words and when he spoke to her like that, she couldn’t seem to think of anything but giving him what he wanted.

He took her earlobe between his teeth, then he sucked on it. Marco continued to tease her like that. His mouth against her flesh, his tongue sliding along until she was a quivering mess by the time he pulled her up to her knees. He entered her from behind. It only took him a few thrusts until she was screaming his name. He took her up and over so many times she lost count before he finally followed her.

He collapsed on the bed next to her, their breathing the only sound in the room. He slipped his hand beneath her body and pulled her closer.

“Now, give me a few, and I’ll see if I can top that.”

She laughed and looked up at him. His mouth curved.

“If you top that, you might just kill me, Santini.”

Marco opened his eyes and cupped her face with his free hand. “I have a powerful need for you, Alana. I’ve been ignoring it for months.”

“Months, you say?”

He nodded as he started to play with her hair. “I’ve wanted you since the first time I saw you.”


“You tested my control, but I’ll say seeing my brothers flirting with you was what sent me over the edge. I hope I don’t scare you off.”

She smiled and leaned up to kiss him. “Don’t worry, bra, I’m made from hearty Hawaiian stock.”

“I like the sound of that,” he said.

His eyelids were already drooping and she herself yawned then settled her head against his chest. There was something so soothing about having his body heat surround her as she listened to his heartbeat. It was her last thought before she drifted off to sleep.

Chapter Eight

Alana woke to the sound of birds the next morning. She was accustomed to nature waking her in the mornings, but usually it was to the sound of waves. She opened her eyes and looked around.

Marco’s room

She smiled and closed her eyes, letting the memories of the night before wash over her. Then, she realized he wasn’t there. She opened her eyes again and sat up holding the sheet to her chest. She wasn’t that modest of a woman but she didn’t sleep naked all the time. Okay, never.

She found the bed empty beside her but saw a note. She picked it up.

Out for a run. Rest up. M

She smiled. He was such a creature of habit. It was one of the things she could handle. Her father had been military and ran her family like his own battalion. They had set hours for everything from when they were supposed to eat breakfast to bedtime.

She realized she had a pressing concern to visit the bathroom. She spied one of his t-shirts on the chair beside the bed. She grabbed it, hoping he didn’t mind that she wore it and then found her panties that were lying unceremoniously on the floor. She slipped them on and went into the bathroom.

Like the man, it was neat as a pin. Sparse like the rest of his house, but not truly lacking.
She looked at herself in the mirror and stopped. The woman staring back at her was not someone she recognized. Her hair was a mess, her lips were still a little swollen and there was razor burn on her along her jaw line.

“I look like I’ve been ravished.”

She smiled. She had been, more times than she could count. Part of her wanted to know how long it would last. But, there was a bigger part of her that didn’t want to know. She had planned so much of her life out for herself. Every time, life seemed to throw her a curveball. For once, she decided to live in the moment.

After the trip to the bathroom, she couldn’t go back to bed, so she wandered to the kitchen. He kept it neat for a bachelor. That military training again. She knew it had to be that because she had been to Colin’s place and it was a mess. And, she thought as she opened the fridge, he never had food. Marco’s fridge was well stocked and put Colin’s to shame. Last time she had been there he had half a bottle of champagne and caviar to eat. That was it.

She pulled out the carton of eggs, the milk and some cheese and got to work. There was one thing she knew about a man with Marco’s stamina was that he would need food when he returned.


Marco was humming when he walked up the path to his cottage—nothing like a bout of healthy sex to loosen him up. It had been one of the best nights of his life, if not the best. Making love with Alana had been sexy, sweet and it had blown his world apart. Maybe that’s why he’d been avoiding it with her. He had known before they had even gone out for their first date that she could mean so much to him.

He had wanted to wake her up this morning and make love to her again, but he had forced himself out the door for a run. They had gotten very little sleep the night before and he was pretty sure she was exhausted. As he headed for his front door, he spotted that red sports car in the driveway.
He stopped and watched the blond-headed man head to the door. The polo shirt and khaki shorts weren’t formal, but Marco was damned sure there wasn’t a wrinkle in them.

Marco could have told him that Alana wasn’t there, but he took some kind of satisfaction out of watching him walk to the door and ring the bell. Then to Marco’s irritation, the bastard used a damned key.
A key
. How did he rate a key? After a few seconds, pretty boy stepped out of the house and spied Marco and headed in his direction. Worry etched his features.


He nodded.

“Have you seen Alana? We were supposed to go to breakfast this morning but she’s not in her house.”

“She’s in mine.”

He expected the guy to get upset, but he didn’t. Instead, relief smoothed out his features. When the man smiled, there was something familiar about it, something from Marco’s memory he couldn’t seem to grasp.

“Thank goodness. Alana has a habit of taking in strays and I’m always worried that someone will take advantage of her.”

“Marco?” Alana called out. She had opened the door and was walking down the front steps of his house. She was wearing one of his shirts. The sight of it transfixed him for a moment or two then he realized she was walking out there with Colin looking on.

“Colin’s here, Alana.”

“Oh.” Then she frowned. “Oh, no. I forgot about breakfast.”

She stepped in full view of Colin and Marco tried his best not to get irritated. It was Hawaii and people tended to be very lax about the way they dressed, but he didn’t like the idea of his woman being looked at by another man, especially one who spent the night at her house just a few weeks ago.

“Alana, love, I can’t believe you threw me over for another man.”

She rolled her eyes. “Come on in. There’s enough for everyone.”

Marco was nonplussed for a second then he smelled the eggs cooking.

“As long as Navy man doesn’t rip my arms off, I’ll be fine.”

She snorted. “Come on.”

She turned and left them standing there. Colin leaned in and said, “A bit of advice for someone who has known Alana since she was five. Just go with the flow. Alana gets what she wants.”

Then he walked away, following Alana into his house. For a moment, Marco couldn’t think. His brain was just not functioning. The woman stood there in his shirt after one of the best nights of his life and invited another man to breakfast. And he hadn’t done a thing to stop it.

“Marco?” She called out. He looked and saw her looking out the window. “Come on, or your food will get cold.”

And, as Colin said, he just went along with Alana. But they would have a discussion about her relationship with the other man, and soon.


Alana knew that Marco was irritated, especially when he grumbled that he was going to take a shower before eating. He was polite to a fault on occasion, but today he had been rude. At least now she could make his omelet the way he liked it.

“Methinks lover boy is jealous.”

She gave Colin the stink eye but said nothing.

“Well, I guess you moved past your problems in the bedroom.”

“Colin Fergus McKenna, I will tell your Tutu if you don’t stop saying things like that.”

He smiled then took a sip of coffee.

“I have the worst luck. I can’t believe I forgot to call you.”

“I think that’s a good thing.”

She sprinkled a little grated cheese onto Marco’s omelet. “What do you mean?”

“You never forget anything, but I think we all need someone who makes us forget our obligations for a little while.”

She frowned at him. “Don’t tell me you’ve been back with Sara.”


She sighed. “Good.”

“Yeah.” But he didn’t sound convinced.

“Colin, you know it’s a good thing for you to stay away from that woman.”

He smiled, although it didn’t reach his eyes. “I should have known to stay away from her. You never liked her.”

“She’s a user.”

“Very true.”

“And you deserve someone better.”

“I agree with you there.”

She stopped her arguments after that because he had surprised her. “Yeah?”

“Yes. Seeing you with Marco this last week made me realize I wanted more than to be someone’s booty call.”

She chuckled. “You’re showing your age there, Colin. They don’t call it that anymore.”

“It’s neither here nor there. We are done. Which I told her last night. She wasn’t very happy.”

“Oh, I wished you had called me.”

“I did, but someone was busy.”

Her face heated.

“And since you’re cooking him breakfast while wearing his t-shirt, I’ll assume you were really, really busy.”

She rolled her eyes. “I am not giving you details.”

BOOK: The Santinis: Marco, Book 2
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