The Russian's Secret Child (The Fedosov Family Series) (10 page)

BOOK: The Russian's Secret Child (The Fedosov Family Series)
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“Don’t cry. Even happy tears, it breaks my heart to see you crying.”

“I’m just so happy. For the last eighteen months, it has seemed so hopeless at times. I wondered if I would ever find a way out of the mess I created.”

“Shush,” he told her, wiping the tears from her cheeks with his thumbs. “You didn’t create this mess. And in case I haven’t already told you, I’m so amazed and proud of what you were able to do. Your strength amazes me.”

Misha meant every word he said. A lesser woman would have given up after finding out she was pregnant by a man she couldn’t find, and that she was stuck in a strange country. Having to deal with severe morning sickness on top of that would have leveled most people, but not his Jasmine.

She had risen up and taken on the challenge, doing whatever she had to do to keep his son healthy and safe. She was a remarkable woman and he looked forward to telling her that many times over the next fifty or sixty years.

“I have another proposition for you.”

Jasmine swallowed and nodded, “What?” She settled herself more fully onto his lap, a spark of mischief entering her eyes at his low growl.

“No more looking backwards. We can’t change the last eighteen months or I would in a heartbeat. The thought of you sick and feeling all alone tears me up inside. I want us to look forward. To the future, we have an opportunity to build together. To the legacy, we can leave behind for Mikhail. To the siblings he’s going to have.”

“Siblings?” Jasmine queried, hiding her smile at his determined look. She pressed herself more fully against him, letting her free hand walk itself up his shirt, toying with the buttons as it went.

“Yes, at least four, maybe five. I never want him to lack for family.”

Jasmine’s hand stalled as she contemplated having more children. Morning sickness aside, she had loved being pregnant. Feeling the new life within her grow and move. The bond she had felt with Mikhail from the moment she had realized he existed, was one like no other on earth. The bond between a mother and her child. “I want that as well.” She paused, still toying with the buttons upon his shirt. “This is really happening, isn’t it?”

Misha nodded, “Yes, this is really happening.”

Misha took the envelope from her, setting it aside as he said, “I’m feeling in need of a nap myself.”

“Would you like me to warm a bottle for you?” Jasmine inquired, trying to keep a straight face and failing.

Misha looked at her and shook his head. Reaching down with both hands, he grabbed her beneath the thighs as he scooted to the edge of the couch. “Wrap your legs around me,
moya dorogaya
. I have a much better idea.”

Jasmine did as he requested, crossing her ankles behind his back.

“Now your arms. Wrap them around my neck and hold on.” Misha waited until he felt her arms circle his neck and then he surged to his feet, holding her against himself as he strode across the room to the massive bed against the back wall.

Chapter 21


Jasmine held on, feeling him move against her as he walked and trying not to grind herself against his hardness. It was like someone had turned the light switch on. She was on fire for him, and wanted him inside her. Now!

He reached the bed, unwrapping her legs from around his waist and tossing her into its middle. When she made to move off the bed, he growled at her to stay put. When she started to remove her clothing, he growled at her to stay still.

She was his present and he wanted the pleasure of unwrapping her, but first, he unwrapped himself.

Jasmine watched as he reached behind his head, pulling his shirt off in one smooth move. She admired the smooth chest, devoid of hair, the sculpted muscles of his abs, and the width of his shoulders, accentuated by the narrowing of his waist.

When he reached for the waistband of his pants, she pushed herself up on her elbows, waiting for confirmation of what her hands had discovered only moments before.
He was commando!

Jasmine watched his hands as they released the snap on his pants and began to push the zipper down. She held her breath, waiting for the first view of his manhood, but then his hands lifted, leaving her in suspense.

“Enough!” Misha had intended to remove his pants, but watching her watch him had fueled the need in him to a fever pitch. He didn’t want their first reunion to be over before it really started.

“Lay back,” he instructed her, removing the shoes from her feet before he let his hands trail up the outside of her thighs. They kept going, looking for the side zipper he knew the dress contained.

When he found it, he gently pulled it down, letting his fingertips play with the bare skin beneath the fabric. He watched as her eyes darkened and his pulse beat faster. Leaning down, he took her lips in a searing kiss as he left his hand delve inside the opening to brush against her lace covered breast.

Jasmine squirmed, “Misha. Please stop teasing me.”

“You don’t like it,
moya lyubov

“Yes. No. God, I need you, like yesterday. Save the teasing and foreplay for some other time. Please,” she said as she arched into his touch. His fingers had found the bead of nipple and each caress had fire shooting through her to her core.

Misha chuckled but only for a moment. Her desperation was his. Pulling her up to a sitting position and then to one where she faced him on her knees, he reached for the hem of the dress. He had intended to inch it up slowly, but in the face of the firestorm of need threatening to consume them both, he pulled it up and off quickly.

He tossed the garment behind him and then looked at the vision she presented before he divested her of her undergarments. The bra was unlatched and pulled off her, joining the dress upon the floor. The panties were another matter. He let his fingertips trace their edges until he had a hand on either side of her hips. Ripping them from her body, elicited a gasp of pleasure. “Now. Don’t make me wait, please?”

Misha reached for protection, but Jasmine stopped him, shaking her head quickly, “No. I… give me another reason to stay in Russia. I want more kids with you.” She broke off, mentally chiding herself for rushing things. Removing her hand, she was about to tell him to go ahead, when he caged her head with his forearms and kissed her deeply.

Milaya moya,
thank you. For your trust. For your faith. For your love.” Misha had more than he could have even hoped for.

He maneuvered his legs so that her thighs bracketed his. Keeping her eyes trapped with his own, he reached between them and then slowly joined them together.

When she started to close her eyes, he whispered to her, “No. Watch me. I want to see your pleasure.”

Jasmine swallowed, keeping her eyes fixed on his as he began to move within her. It was like nothing she’d ever felt before. Their chemistry had been strong eighteen months ago, but this – this was different somehow. Watching his eyes felt as if he was reaching into her soul. It was personal. It was intense. It was the best feeling in the world.

Misha watched her eyes darken as she neared the edge of bliss, wanting to prolong the moment, but unable to do so. It had been too long, and his need for her was too strong.

He quickened his tempo, thrusting them both over the edge as she screamed his name and tightened around him. He collapsed against her, mindful to shift his weight to the side so that she could still breathe.

Jasmine tried to catch breath, but each once caused her nipples to graze his chest, starting to build the fire up again. She could hear him breathing raggedly next to her and smile.

“That was…,” she broke off, searching for the correct words.

“Earth shattering.” Misha grinned at her and she chuckled before sobering.

Reaching up, she traced is features, wondering how she could have ever doubted that a marriage between wouldn’t work.
She loved him! With everything in her!
She traced his lips before leaning up and kissing him. When they broke apart, she looked into his eyes and murmured, “
Ya lyubl
fsyem s
I love you with all of my heart.”

Misha leaned down, giving her a real kiss that lasted until they were both gasping for air, “
Ty ma
f' na fsyu zhizn'
. I love you forever.”

Chapter 22


The next two days were paradise. They loved. They ate. They played with and cared for Mikhail. And once he was asleep, they loved again. It was like a page out of time, no outside interferences.

As Monday morning came, so did the first snowfall of the year. Jasmine stood at the window, watching the landscape as Mother Nature blanketed her in white.

Misha was finishing up a shower, and joined her moments later, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her back to lean against his damp, and very naked body. He nuzzled her neck, enjoying her unique scent.

“Hm… that feels nice,” she told him. “So, we join the real world again today?”

“Unfortunately, yes. I wish we could just stay here for another week, but there are things to be done.”

Jasmine sighed, “I guess so.”

Misha heard the wistful note in her voice and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“It’s silly, really. I’ve spent the last eighteen months just struggling to survive, and now I’m not sure what to do.”

“Is that all,” Misha chuckled. “Well, I can certainly find many things for you to do.”

Jasmine looked at the leer on his face and shook her head at him, “You know what I mean. What do I do with myself all day while you’re working?”

“Well, you have Mikhail. And you still have the job tutoring Julia and Desi.”

“That’s not really a job. That will be more like getting together with friends each day.”

“But, it will still be a job and you will still be paid for it.” Misha thought for a moment and then asked, “What about finishing your degree?”

Jasmine quickly shook her head, “No. That’s never going to happen.”

“Why not?” Misha asked.

“I told you about the grant money. I would need to pay all of that back and then pay for the last semester. And that’s assuming they would even accept my thesis paper after all this time.”

“Oh, I think they can be convinced to accept your thesis paper. Did I happen to mention that the Geology department was named after my grandfather?”

Jasmine turned around and looked at him, “What? No, you didn’t happen to mention that. I don’t know when that would have come up in conversation.”

“Well, nevertheless, it is. Dmitry sits on the advisory board and I believe he could ensure they re-evaluated their decision.”

Jasmine thought about it and then grinned, “So, you all are really powerful, huh?”

Misha grinned, “Now you’re starting to understand how things are. Oh, there comes Sergei now. I should probably get dressed.” He leaned down and nuzzled her ear once more, “Or I could send him on his way for a little bit.”

Jasmine giggled, “No. It was very nice of him to drive out here and get us.”

“Fine. I’ll go get dressed while you make sure we have everything.”

Sergei pulled up to the small house and grinned when Jasmine opened the door and waved at him, “We’ll be ready in just a minute.”

“Take your time. There’s no hurry.” He started loading their bags into the car and then checked to make sure the car seat was firmly attached. When Misha walked out of the small house with Jasmine and Mikhail a few moments later, he smiled at how happy they looked.
Married life definitely agrees with them.

“Good morning, sir,” Sergei told him, ducking when Misha took a swipe at him.

“Don’t start with me.” Misha grinned at him, feeling happy and carefree.

“Fine. You’re no fun anymore. I remember a time when you wouldn’t have missed and we would have been having some fun right now.”

“We can still mix it up if you like. But let’s keep it in the gym.”

Sergei grinned, “You got it. Maybe this afternoon?”

Jasmine looked between the two men, securing her son at the same time, “Are you two talking about boxing or fist fighting?”

They looked at each and then at her, answering at the same time, “Both.”

“Good grief. You can’t go around hitting each other. Well, not outside the gym. That I’d actually like to see.”

Sergei smiled, “You’re welcome to come watch me make him cry.”

“In your dreams. But, yes, you are welcome to come watch me teach Sergei some manners.”

Jasmine laughed, “I think I will. In fact, maybe I’ll bring the girls with me.”

Both men shook their heads, “No!”

Jasmine narrowed her gaze at them, “Why not?”

Sergei turned back to the front of the car, letting Misha explain to his new wife. “Julia and Desi are loose cannons, that’s why. First they’ll come to watch, and then they’ll want to try. Not something I want to explain to Dmitry or Alexey.”

Jasmine laughed at the look of horror on his face, “I guess I can see your point. I wonder which one would win?”

Misha settled back into the seat, “Let’s not find out.”



Dmitry hung up the phone before signaling Alexey to come on into his office, “That was Jasmine’s brother, Brian.”

“He actually called?” Alexey asked, amazed.

“Yes. It seems that appearances can be deceiving. He’s not a low-life thug as the PI told us. And his record, it’s all fake. He’s an undercover FBI officer working a child trafficking case.”

Alexey sat down, “Wow! That changes things considerably.”

“Yes, it does. He just came out from being in deep cover for the last three years and is on leave for the next two months to get his head back into normal living again.”

“His case is through?” Alexey asked.

“No. I didn’t get all of the details, but it sounds like he’s just taking a small break.”

“Man, can you imagine having to live a lie for three years straight? That would be horrible.”

BOOK: The Russian's Secret Child (The Fedosov Family Series)
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