The Runner's Enticement (Men of Circumstance Book 2) (27 page)

BOOK: The Runner's Enticement (Men of Circumstance Book 2)
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The bitterness in his voice sliced into her and she couldn’t allow another untruthful word spew from his lips. Instead, she ignored the pain holding her to the bed and with her good arm, grabbed his hand and tugged him closer.

“Don’t ever talk about yourself like that again. Do you understand? You are more of a person, more of a man, than any of the nobility walking about with a useless title attached to their name. Not only are you enough, you are more than I’ve ever dreamt of having. I love you, Nathaniel Frederickson.” She held his eyes with hers. “Do you hear me? I love

As she clung to his hand, willing him to feel everything bursting from her heart, the haze drifted from his eyes and she once again faced the captivating flicker that curled her toes.

“No need to shout. I’m sitting right here.”

She growled at his teasing and yanked hard, until he fell over her with his weight braced on his arms, bracketing her head.

His lips mere inches from hers, she watched them move; forming words. “Will you marry me, love?” She glanced from his mouth to his eyes, needing to see what he felt. “The possibility you might is the only reason your father allowed me to be here. He seems to think you’ll be willing. After your very vocal announcement, I’m hopeful yet not entirely convinced.”

Since her eyes were locked on him, she saw he was more than just hopeful. Poised above her hovered a very confident man. Rightfully so, given every drop of love she felt for him must be written clearly on her face. Just as plainly as she could read his love for her.

“Since I wouldn’t want Papa to throw you out on your ear, I had better say yes.”

He smiled and started to lower his head.

The moment his lips met hers, she would lose all ability to think. Quickly, Anna pulled back a bit. “After all you’ve mentioned about your father, I have an idea of where you developed your inaccurate perception of yourself, but I want to make something very clear. I would be more than honored to have you as my husband. Not because of my father. Not because you’ve essentially ruined me for any other man. Because of who
are. You make me happy. You challenge me—even when I don’t want to be challenged. You make me better because you are better.”

Now she wanted to kiss him. He had other ideas. “I should have known the day you walked into your father’s parlor I hadn’t a chance against you. As much as I wanted to believe you were nothing more than a spoiled society princess, something pulled me to you.”

His eyes steady on hers, her breath hitched as his strong finger slowly caressed down the side of her face, before his husky voice carried on. “At the time it probably had more to do with the alluring fire hidden in your hair and the very tempting curves that begged my hands to caress them, but before long it was just you.”

His finger came to rest on the dip below her neck, sending tingles through her body. His hypnotic words continued to pull her under. “The way you were with the students. Your patience and how you placed them and the school before yourself. It didn’t take long to see your beauty outside was a reflection of your beauty inside.”

She had never heard anything so breathtaking before. Especially directed at her. She gave him the only answer she had left. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” he echoed before he put her out of her misery and kissed her the way she’d been craving.


As Nate scanned the room and the people in it, he realized he’d finally found where he belonged. And it just so happened to include one of those useless titles Anna had spoken of.

Apparently, he’d done England a great service by ending the terror led by The Viper. In return, Nate had been awarded the title of baron. Which came with a good-sized estate that was more than he had ever thought to possess. He suspected Lawson had something to do with the honor he’d been given but his friend had yet to admit it.

No one knew Gabe had actually pulled the trigger and ended The Viper’s reign. Nate would have offered the information had Gabe not forbade it. Since his brother had saved his life, keeping silent was the least he could do.

Nate’s gaze continued on before settling on the auburn head of hair that still had the power to fascinate him with the delicate streaks of fire somehow contained in the muted strands. Seeing as in a matter of days, he would be given the right to study her hidden allure for the rest of his life, he was able to move his regard from the stimulating sight of his future wife.

Not only had he found a place to call his own, he’d found the one person who’d shown him his true value. Surprisingly it wasn’t the bastard son of a duke.

“Did you ever think this would be our lives?” Gabe asked as he stepped beside Nate.

Keeping his eyes on Anna, he answered, “Never. Mostly because I never thought you’d pull your head out of your arse and admit you were in love with Elizabeth.”

His brother’s warm laughter blanketed the guests’ voices. “Here I thought it was because I never envisioned you setting aside your charm and focusing on one woman.”

It was Nate’s turn to laugh. “Oh, believe me, I have no intention of setting anything aside. I’m just choosing to unleash it on one very specific woman.”

The men fell silent for a moment before Gabe spoke. “You know you deserve all of this, don’t you?”

A few short months ago Nate wouldn’t have believed him. Actually, he would have laughed aloud. Now, he wouldn’t take any of it for granted. Not the group of people who’d joined Gabe and had become Nate’s family. Not the home he stood in, earned by being the best at what he did. And sure as hell not the woman who just turned her eyes to him and tempted him with a smile that had him longing for his wedding—or more specifically, wedding night.

“Let’s hope I can do it justice,” he finally replied.

“Did you give Lawson your answer?”

Shortly after being declared a baron, Lawson had offered Nate a promotion within the force. One that would put him in a position where he could train others and influence behind the scenes. Since life in the field was filled with peril, it had been a quick, effortless decision. He was no longer alone in the world. He had Anna to consider.

Besides, he had a school to help her run. Thankfully his estate sat close enough to the school that he hadn’t had to refuse the Prince Regent. He would never ask Anna to walk away from the school. Not after everything she’d been willing to sacrifice to see it succeed.

“I did earlier tonight. Hence the satisfied smile on his face.”

Both turned to look at the man in question. Nate swallowed a snort at the sight of Lawson attempting to appeal to Anna’s friend, Miss Herold. By the look on the woman’s usually serious face, he’d somehow succeeded, making Nate wonder yet again what females found so attractive about his spectacle-wearing friend. Since whatever it was kept Lawson occupied by Miss Herold and Nate didn’t have to listen to his friend spout nonsense disguised as riddles, he wouldn’t debate the issue.

A laughing Phoebe, wielding a pretend pirate sword, ran through Nate’s line of vision and he let his eyes follow his niece as she pretended to slay make-believe enemies around the room. “I think not seeing her every day is what I’m going to miss the most about not living at Frenton Hall,” he commented to Gabe.

“I have a feeling she won’t allow you to go too long without seeing her. She is rather demanding.”

“Just like her father, I see.”

“Easy brother, my title of duke still outranks a baron.” Only humor laced Gabe’s words.

Nate would also miss his brother. The first person, besides his mother, who’d accepted him because of who he was and not what he wasn’t.

Before a mournful mood could take hold, the very warm and wonderfully tempting woman who appeared at his side stole his attention.

“What has you gentlemen conversing all by yourselves?” Her voice held a timbre that kindled heat in his groin. If not for her father being one of his guests at his makeshift dinner party, he would have pulled her into his arms and fed the craving he had for her. Instead, he’d find comfort in knowing he would be occupied reacquainting himself with Anna’s lithe—and naked—body as soon as she became his wife.

“Nothing as important as you, love.”

She blinked at his sweet decree and smirked. “You’ve already caught me. No need to tempt me with your charm. Especially such complete blarney.”

He laughed but not as loud as Gabe. “She has you there, brother.”

Before he could either answer Gabe or give him a jab in the gut, a commotion off to his left caught his ear. He turned in time to see Foxmoore scowling at the back of Emma Dawkins as she breezed across the room as if she couldn’t get away from the earl fast enough.

The only woman in the room shorter than Anna, Emma was a force to be reckoned with. When he’d first met her at Gabe’s marriage to Elizabeth, Nate had wisely kept his distance. She had trouble written all over her. Made him wonder what Marcus was doing with her. If there was ever anyone who steered clear of trouble in the form of a possible scandal, it was the Earl of Foxmoore.

“I wonder what that is about.”

Apparently, Nate hadn’t been the only one questioning the relationship between Emma and Foxmoore, as Anna voiced the very thing he pondered.

“It isn’t the first time those two have been in disagreement,” Gabe offered. “I’ve asked Marcus about it but other than grumbling about Emma’s complete disregard for general deportment, he says very little.”

Foxmoore’s response to Emma only made Nate all the more curious as to why. His training as a Runner must not have died with his new title. Perhaps with all his newfound free time, he could do some investigating on the side.

As Anna’s hand settled on his arm, Nate sank into her turquoise eyes.

Perhaps not.

Ignoring everyone but Anna, Nate slid an arm around her waist as he tucked her to his side. He had more sensual pursuits to fill his time. Besides, he’d finally discovered where he belonged.

And all it took was an attractive, over-indulged princess.

Also by
Addie Jo Ryleigh
Soul Mate Publishing

The Duke’s Temptation

(Men of Circumstance Book One)

A Duke. A Runner. An Earl.

Three men, each born into different circumstances. Each fighting to overcome their own adversity.

All striving to change their past.

Gabriel St. James, Duke of Wesbrook, desires any birthright other than being the son of a hideous man. Unfortunately, Gabe knows the exact moment he became like his father—a night that has haunted him for seven years. Resigned to his future, he is unprepared when his illegitimate—and more importantly unbeknown—young daughter appears on his London doorstep. With no one to care for her but him.

Lady Elizabeth Blakely has loved only one man—her brother’s longtime friend, Gabe St. James. Not even his rakish and, oftentimes, wicked behavior dissuades her. Yet it all seems hopeless as he continues to overlook the woman she has become.

When Elizabeth learns Gabe is in need of assistance with his daughter, she seizes the opportunity. Gabe, less than thrilled with the situation—mostly due to his fierce desire for his best friend’s sister—has no option but to concede. Besides, a more sinister threat lurks; someone is blackmailing Gabe with his darkest secret. Through it all, Gabe vows to resist Elizabeth, no matter how tempting.

Sometimes it’s better to surrender . . .

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BOOK: The Runner's Enticement (Men of Circumstance Book 2)
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