Read The Revenge of Excalibur Online

Authors: Sahara Foley

The Revenge of Excalibur (7 page)

BOOK: The Revenge of Excalibur
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Chapter Nine

Lips and tongues. Hands fondling intimate places. Bodies slapping together, faster and faster, harder and harder.
Pam moaned in pleasure as she rushed toward her release.

“Little one, are you all right?” a deep, male voice asked urgently.

“Yes, oh, yes,” Pam muttered breathlessly, squirming in ecstasy, waiting impatiently for the orgasmic crest to wash over her.

“Little one, have you been injured? Are you in pain?” the same deep voice rumbled in her ear, feeling her body being gently shaken.

“What?” Pam mumbled, slowly opening her eyes, finding herself clutching a broad, hard chest. Her mind was disoriented, her body aching with need.
Where am I? Have I been dreaming?
She laid an arm across her eyes. It had felt so real. She never experienced an erotic dream that intense before. Her body still yearned for release. She shook her head, confused.
If I was dreaming, then why am I laying in a man's arms? Who is he?

With a cry, she started struggling, pushing against a chest that felt like a brick wall. “Where am I? Who are you? Why are you holding me?” Unable to break free of the vice-like embrace, she began to panic, her heart racing. She never felt this defenseless before, and she didn't like the feeling. She needed to get away. Now. Concentrating on her bedroom, she tried to BLIP!, but nothing happened.
Why can't I teleport? What's wrong with my powers?

Overcome by fear, she gave one last, hard push against the stranger's chest, yelling, “I demand you let me go.” Pam unexpectedly found herself falling off his lap, hitting the floor with a solid thump on her rump.

“I am sorry, little one. I did not intend to harm, or frighten you.” A well-muscled arm, a match to the brick-wall chest, reached down to her.

“No, stay away from me,” Pam ordered, scampering backwards until she slammed up against something flat. Looking behind her, she saw a silver wall.
This doesn't make any sense. Why aren't I in the cave? How did I get here?

“Pamela, relax. You are aboard
,” came Emeara's calming voice. Two screens across the room flickered to life, showing the mother and daughter duo.

“I don't understand,” Pam said, rubbing her aching forehead. “The last thing I remember, I was smearing my blood on the sword, and then a huge bolt of silver lightning shot through the ceiling of the cave.” She shook her head. “I must have blacked out.” A hot flare of pain lanced through her head, causing her to squint her eyes as she tried not to cry out. “What's wrong? Why am I in so much pain?”

“What you are experiencing is the after effects of breaking the Husken seal on the sword. Your pain will diminish.” Olso peered down her nose, looking at Pam as though she were a wimp for complaining about having a hot poker shoved into her head.

Pam gritted her teeth, scowling back at Olso.
One of these days
, she thought. “What about the silver lightning? What was that all about? You could've at least warned me.” She covered her eyes with her hand as the burning pain tore through her head again.

Emeara cleared her throat. “We had no idea what the consequences would be by releasing the Shalit. This was unchartered sky for us, too. As for the silver lightning…”

“That was me, little one,” the deep, male voice interrupted. “You released me from my prison.”

Pam had been so angry with Olso she forgot the strange man. The man whose lap she'd sat on. The same man who saw her moaning and writhing in pleasure.
Oh. My. God.
Her cheeks and forehead lit up with fire, almost as bad as the hot pain in her head.

Desperately wishing she could blend into the wall of
, Pam felt a presence looming over her. Peeking through her fingers, she saw two enormous manly feet, encased in golden-colored sandals. The sandals were fastened with gold ribbons, which were also wrapped around thick ankles, and then disappeared from view, meandering up his hairy legs.

Pam stared, fascinated. She'd never seen feet that looked this perfect. To her, feet were the ugliest part of the body.
If his feet look this great, what about the rest of him?
Curious, she spread her fingers, and slowly followed the golden ribbon as it wound around and around, traveling up bulging, but well-defined calves. The ribbon stopped just below the knees, and not the knobby, knock-kneed type. No, these were knees Atlas would've needed as he held the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Pam inched her eyes up higher and higher, admiring the tanned, muscular thighs.
How tall is he?
His legs kept going and going. Just when she thought maybe he wasn't wearing any clothes, as she knew she had to be getting to the good stuff, a bright white tunic, trimmed in gold, came into view.
She dropped her hand, disappointed. The tunic was short enough that, if she scooched down, she might catch a glimpse of what was hidden underneath.

Pam licked her lips, feeling a flutter in her stomach.
Get a grip on yourself. You're as bad as the women on
who post pictures of mostly nude male models, just to tease each other with 'what ifs.'
Still, she couldn't avert her eyes as she stared, transfixed, where his breeding organ would be.
Breeding organ? Where did that come from?
The tunic began to swell, showing the outline of a well-endowed man.

She gasped, clamping a hand over her mouth. The urge to touch him was overwhelming, her body aching with the need to be possessed.
What is wrong with me?
She'd never reacted this way to a man before.
Wait a bloody minute. Didn't he just say I released him?
Pam shook her head, trying to think around the searing pain in her brain.
I need a couple of extra-strength aspirins and some water to wash them down with.

BLIP! Appearing in her hand were the aspirins and a bottle of water. She stared open-mouthed at them. * I didn't just make them materialize, did I?* Shrugging her shoulders, Pam tossed the pills in her mouth and downed half of the water.

Stumbling to her feet, her eyes met the broadest chest she'd seen on a man. His shoulders were like a barricade, pinning her against the silver wall, making her feel small, weak, and defenseless. A feeling she wasn't used to, or liked. Being five foot eleven, very seldom did she meet men who were taller than her. Tall men felt threatened by her height, while short men saw her as a challenge.
What jerks, the whole lot of them.

Pam looked up, craning her neck, mouth agape in shock, as she beheld the most handsome, no, beautiful man in the world. He was too picture-perfect, with dazzling, pearly white teeth, making her squint from their brilliance. A square jaw so defined, it could cut paper. Lips, full and moist, begging to be kissed, a nose any mother would adore, and curly, shoulder-length, silver-blond hair that looked as if he were standing in a breeze as it rippled out behind him.

Pam couldn't help herself, she burst out laughing. She looked into his eyes, the laughter dying in her suddenly dry throat. She tried to swallow, but she didn't have any spit. Remembering the water, she drank the rest as if she'd been wandering in a desert her entire life.
Maybe I have been
, Pam thought, finishing the water, then with a flick of her wrist, the bottle disappeared.

Gazing into his eyes again, that same feeling of being 'home' enveloped her. Where the rest of his body was a caricature of her idea of a perfect man, his eyes were not. They were silver, fathomless, and Pam was being drawn helplessly into their depths. With a cry of surprise, or pleasure, she wasn't sure which, she smacked up against his rock hard body, feeling that which she saw outlined through his tunic, pressing into her stomach. A wave of lust consumed her.
I want to jump his bones, right here, right now.

Panting with need, confused and terrified of herself, Pam pushed away from the sex-magnet of a man.
Wait a minute. He's not a man, is he?
If this was the entity she released from the sword, then this was a Shalit, or a Planet Destroyer.
No, not a Planet Destroyer, otherwise we'd already be dead.
And the only thing being destroyed around here was her.
Why is he affecting me this way?
All she wanted to do was have sex with him for the next several years.
Years? Hell, more like forever.

Trying to look anywhere but his swollen nether region, which she was finding impossible to do, her eyes skittered across the smirking expression of Olso.
Of course. This is her fault.

Gritting her teeth, clenching her hands into fists, Pam squeezed around the hulking, hunk of a man, afraid if she touched him she'd end up a pile of goo at his feet. “Olso, what have you done to me?”

“You Humans and your concept of love,” she scoffed. “The need to breed is a physical reaction, not an emotional one. Why fight it? He is a fine specimen. If I had a mortal body, I would be more than willing to copulate with him.”

Pam's stomach turned queasy as Olso's eyes lit up with lust. She was talking about the Shalit as if he were a piece of meat.
How is he reacting to this whole absurd situation? Maybe he has the same mind-set as the Calens
. She peered back over her shoulder, seeing his breathtaking face staring at Olso in revulsion.
Good, at least we have that in common.

“Please, whatever your name is, can you put THAT away?” Pam asked, waving her hand toward his genitals. “You might poke someone's eye out with it.”

“My name is Excalibur,” his deep voice rumbled, causing shivers to race up and down Pam's spine. “I apologize if I have offended you. This is not my normal breeding form, and I do not understand why I feel this need to bond with you.” He looked down at his erect member. “Though I am enjoying this body immensely. Pardon me while I convert to my true form.” With a flash of bright, silver lightning, he was gone.

Pam gave a huge sigh of relief, as her craving to slowly lick every inch of Excalibur's hot, hard body disappeared. “Emeara, is there any way to reverse these unwanted side effects? And having sex with an alien is out of the question.” She glared at Olso, who rolled her eyes.

“You must pardon my mother. During her reign as Queen of Calen, inter-species copulation was encouraged, especially by the scientific community. Their inter-species experimentations resulted in the birth of The One.” Emeara bowed her head, looking contrite. “Unfortunately, using your blood to break Excalibur's prison has caused, um, a slight bond between the two of you.”

“Slight? Slight! When he's around, I can barely keep my hands to myself.”

Emeara's pale checks flushed pink. “Now that he is gone, how do you feel?”

Pam looked down at her feet, picking at the cuticles on her right hand. “I feel like myself again. Well, almost.”
Except for the aching hole in the pit of my stomach.
And, that feeling of 'home' she'd felt while peering into his fascinating silver eyes had been replaced with a deep loneliness. She sighed.
I've dealt with loneliness before. I'll deal with it again.
Unfortunately, it had never felt this profound, like she was the only person left in the Universe.

“Do not fear, Pamela. Once we have rescued your father, you will never see Excalibur again.”

“Good. The sooner we get this over, the better.” Pam knew she was lying. The few men she'd had relationships with on Earth never made her feel this passionate, this lustful, or this alive. She doubted any ever would either. She sighed again.
Time to find the nearest monastery and lock myself away.
She shook her head, upset with herself. A monastery wasn't any different from hiding in her bedroom.
When did I start giving up on myself?

A bolt of silver flashed, causing Pam to jump as Excalibur appeared next to her. She backed up a few steps, not trusting herself to be too close. She peered at him sideways. He adjusted his form. He still had that I-want-to-jump-your-bones-right-now appeal, but he wasn't as perfect. He had a scar over his right cheekbone, his chin was more rounded than square and there were moles scattered around his body. At least the areas she noticed. She swallowed the lump in her throat. He actually looked even more handsome with the flaws, if that were possible.
Oh great. Did he do that on purpose? To torment me?

, I am ready to free my mate. Take us to the prison,” Excalibur demanded.

“Wait a minute,” Pam said, hands on hips. “Shouldn't we have a plan? We can't just go storming the prison, can we? I don't even know what it looks like.”

An image of a large, four-storied, foreboding building appeared on one of the screens. The prison sat in a large, flat field, surrounded on all sides by steep mountains.
It doesn't look like any prison I've ever seen
, Pam thought.
Where are the guard towers and barbed-wire fencing?
As she studied the picture, she saw several guards patrolling the perimeter, and more guards exiting a set of massive doors in the front.

“Where is the prison located, and who runs it?” Pam asked.

“Bindkall Prison is located in a remote, mountainous region on Calen. One of the prominent leaders of the rebellion, General Mayo, runs the facility. When Arthur dispatched the Council of Twelve, he made some dangerous enemies. Those enemies have increased over the years. They haven't executed Arthur yet, as they are trying to ascertain how his powers work, and why he is different than them. Once they tire of their game of torture, or he succumbs to his mistreatment, they will reclaim the government of Calen. Those will be dark days indeed, as Calen will revert back to the cruelty that Council Member Cobia propagated. There are many Calens who feel we are a superior race, and we should be allowed to dominant all planets under our jurisdiction. Arthur was in the process of installing a 'Democratic Government,' I believe he called it, but these types of changes take time.”

“Okay, so now I understand their motives, but how do we take them down?” Waving toward the sex god next to her, she continued, “And how is he supposed to help?”

“As we told you,” Olso said, a sneer marring her porcelain face, “the prison has a PSI nullifier, which we will be able to destroy with our Ultilears. What we cannot combat is the brain called The One. It is too powerful. This is why we need the Shalit Excalibur. He is strong enough to either control the brain, or destroy it.”

BOOK: The Revenge of Excalibur
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