Read The Pursuit of Lies (Book #4, Paradise Valley) Online

Authors: Debra Burroughs

Tags: #A Paradise Valley Mystery

The Pursuit of Lies (Book #4, Paradise Valley) (16 page)

BOOK: The Pursuit of Lies (Book #4, Paradise Valley)
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Her remembrance of the episodes was foggy, recalling bits and pieces of scenes from the crime photos mixed with the condo security video. It was all so real, like she had been there, watching Colin murder Allison. She knew she wasn’t clairvoyant, yet it felt as if she’d had a window into the killing.

She flopped back onto her pillows and covered her face with her hands, expelling a guttural scream of exasperation and dread. If someone was setting Colin up, they were doing a spectacular job of it.

Burying her eyes beneath her forearm, she fought against doubt.

Think it through, Emily.

Scene by scene, she tried to piece together what she had thought was a reenactment of the crime. She realized that everything she saw in her mind’s eye had come from the crime scene photos and the video she had been studying immediately before going to bed. Her mind had linked them together and filled in what she didn’t know.

Her father used to tell her that a person’s actions follow what their mind believes. She had to decide—was she going to believe the nightmare she just had, or was she going to believe the man she knew and loved?

Fighting against mixing these feelings up with those she had from being deceived by Evan, the truth was what she desperately needed—the truth of this murder and of this man—no matter where that search led her.

Emily wanted to believe in Colin’s innocence, needed to believe in it, while at the same time making peace with her stubborn two percent doubt. She would not feel guilty about it, but rather she would hold that troublesome two percent close to the vest, not sharing it with even her closest friends. She would use it to her advantage, to keep her grounded in her pursuit of the truth.


After doing her best to come to terms with her doubt, she drifted off to sleep for a few more hours. The sound of her phone ringing on the night table woke her.

“Hello.” Emily’s groggy voice betrayed her.

“Hey, this is Alex. Sorry, did I wake you?”

She sat up and squinted at her digital clock, which read seven thirty. “Um, no, I was getting up anyway.” She rubbed her eyes and rustled a hand through her hair. Flipping back her covers, she threw her legs over the edge of the bed and felt around the floor with her toes. She located her slippers and slid her feet into them. “What’s up?”

“I was wondering the same thing.” Alex cleared his throat. “What can you tell me?”

Emily padded to the kitchen and started the coffee machine. She brought Alex up to speed on what she’d found out so far, the dead end on the search for the florist and informing him that the head of security at the hotel was being a hard nose and wouldn’t release the video without a court order—hotel policy, he claimed.

“I’m not sure how that video will help Colin’s case, anyway. Are you sure you’re not trying to get a hold of it to ease your own mind, Em?”

“I can’t deny that, Alex, but if we can see the face of the guy that was with Allison in the hotel bar before she and the unknown man show up on her condo video, wouldn’t it help to prove it wasn’t Colin?”

“You have a point. I’ll work on getting the paperwork done.”

“I’m headed over to the hospital to see Colin later this morning. He should be checking out, and then he’ll be staying at Ernie’s so Marlene can care for him.”

“Yeah, I heard that.”

“Once he’s situated over there, he and Ernie are planning to work through his old California cases.”

“Did he already check out all the suspects in this area?”

“Colin hasn’t been in Paradise Valley that long, so there was only one guy that seemed to fit. I checked him out, but he had an alibi.”

“Oh, that’s right. Maggie told Isabel all about it.” Alex chuckled. “Nice work.”

“Thanks to Maggie and Peter.”

“Well, I’ll be in touch with Colin later today. I’m sure he’ll bring me up to speed on any prospects he and Ernie come up with, but please make sure and keep me in the loop when you turn up anything.”

“Will do.”


Emily strode through the hospital doors and took the elevator up to Colin’s room. She knocked lightly on the door and pushed it open a little.

“Colin, are you decent?”

“Come on in,” he replied.

Emily pushed the door open all the way and stepped in, finding a young nurse giving him shoulder support as he sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed.

Hey, Babe,” Colin grinned. “Christy was helping me out. It still hurts to coax my body out of this high bed.”

“I was just about to dress him,” the nurse said, “but maybe you’d rather do it.”

“I’d be happy to.” Emily dropped her purse on the chair and noticed his clothes set out neatly at the foot of the bed.

“Call me if you need me,” the nurse said as she walked out and shut the door behind her.

“Perhaps I’d better lock it so no one else walks in,” Emily suggested, hurrying to the door.

Colin pulled on his boxers under his hospital gown, then dropped the robe to the floor. He winced as he tried to tug his undershirt over his head.

“Let me help you with that.” Emily smiled up at him as she slowly pulled his t-shirt over his well-muscled chest and arms, being careful not to touch his injury.

“You look like you’re enjoying that,” he quipped, one side of his mouth curled as he looked down into her eyes.

Emily ran her hands leisurely over his pecks and down his arms, relishing the strength of them. “What if I am?” She smiled seductively back at him.

Instantly, Colin’s arms were around her. He drew her in and kissed her deeply. “I’ve missed that.”

“Me too.” She rested her head on his chest and they stood in each other’s arms for a prolonged moment.

“I’d better get dressed, Emily, before Ernie shows up.”

She raised her face to him and his warm soft lips were on hers again.

A sharp knock at the door broke the moment.

“Told you,” Colin said. “Just a minute,” he called toward the door.

Emily helped him into his jeans, and he zipped them up as she grabbed his shirt off the bed.

She helped him slip his arms into the sleeves and shrug the shirt onto his shoulders before going to the door.

She unlocked it and swung it open. As Colin had predicted, Ernie had stopped by to collect him and take him home.

“Mornin’,” Ernie greeted as he walked into Colin’s room.

“Good morning, Ernie,” Emily replied.

“Am I interrupting something?” Ernie moved to the empty raised table at the foot of the bed and leaned his arms on it.

Emily walked back to Colin. “No, I was just helping him get dressed.”

“I see.” Ernie raised an eyebrow.

She grabbed Colin’s socks off the bed, while Colin continued to fasten the last few buttons on his deep-blue collared shirt, leaving the tails un-tucked.

She pulled his shoes out of the little closet. “Now all we need is to get your shoes and socks on, and we can get you checked out.”

Chapter 18

After running a few errands, Emily stopped by Ernie’s house to see if he and Colin had come up with any new suspects from his old cases. Ernie answered the door and ushered her in.

“Where’s Marlene?” Emily asked.

“In the kitchen, fixing lunch.” He grinned. “I hope you’re hungry.”

Emily smiled and followed Ernie to Colin’s bedroom, where she found him sitting on the side of the twin bed, poring over papers.

“Look who’s here?” Ernie said, taking a seat on the bed, next to Colin.

Ernie had set up several wooden TV trays along the side of the narrow bed for them to spread the paperwork out on. He had printed out the lists the SFPD detective had sent them, showing a spreadsheet of pertinent information about each case—arrestee’s name, address, dates, charges, parole officer, etc. The laptop sat open on the nightstand, ready for them to research their suspects.

Colin was flipping through some of the pages, and he looked up when the two entered. “Hey, Babe.”

“Looks like a command center in here.” She laughed. “All you need is the crime board with a timeline and pictures of the suspects.”

“That’s a great idea,” Colin agreed. “Maybe we can clear that wall and hang some butcher paper—”

“I was joking,” Emily said.

“That may be, but it is a good idea,” Ernie said, wagging a finger in the air. “I think I may have part of a roll still out in the garage from when our kids were young.” He darted from the bed to the door. “I’ll go and dig it up.”

Colin and Emily laughed at Ernie’s enthusiastic antics.

“Where’s that man off to?” Marlene asked as Ernie whirled past her just outside the door. She held a plate of half sandwiches—turkey and roast beef—in one hand and a big bag of potato chips in the other. “Hello, Emily. I didn’t know you were here.”

“Yes, just got here.”

“I thought you guys might be getting hungry.” She set the food down on the dresser top. “This should be enough for all. I’ll be back with the drinks.” Marlene dashed out the doorway.

Colin lifted his gaze from the files and glanced toward the door with a pleased grin. “Like a second mother.”

“Speaking of mothers, when’s the last time you called your mom and dad?”

“I phoned them right after Ernie and Marlene got me settled in here.”

“How did they sound?”

“Still pretty upset. The doctor is keeping Dad sedated most of the time, and Mom sounded completely frazzled. Her voice broke a few times when she was talking. I could tell she was trying not to cry.”

“I’m so sorry.” Emily took a seat next to him on the edge of the bed and rubbed her hand gently over his back.

“I wish I could go and see them.” Colin sighed as he set the papers down and raked his fingers through his hair. “What if my dad has another heart attack because of all this? What if he—”

“Don’t even go there, Colin.” Even if the words didn’t come out of his mouth, Emily knew they were playing over in his head. “I understand how you feel, but the judge said you can’t leave the area.”

“I know he did. If only there was a way—”

Ernie lumbered into the room, lugging a heavy roll of butcher paper in both arms. “If only there was a way to do what?” He set the roll on the floor with a loud thud.

“Oh, my gosh!” Marlene exclaimed, standing in the doorway holding a tray with ice-filled glasses and several cans of soda. “What on earth was that noise?”

“Sorry, honey, it was the heavy roll of paper I set on the floor.”

“Set on the floor? More like dropped on the floor, Ernie.” Marlene shook her head at him and placed the tray of drinks on the dresser beside the food, arranging it like a buffet. She turned and went to the door. “If you need anything else, let me know. I’ll leave you all to your work.”

“Thanks, hon,” Ernie called out as she went off down the hallway. He watched the doorway, apparently waiting for his wife to be out of earshot before turning back to Colin and Emily. “Now what were you saying about
if only there was a way

Emily had hoped in the ruckus over the dropped butcher paper he would have forgotten what they were talking about. But obviously, it was still in the forefront of his mind. “If only there was a way—”

“To figure out who is setting me up,” Colin jumped in and cut her off.

“Ah, yes. If only…” Ernie nodded. “Now what?” He pulled a chair up to the row of TV trays.

“Now we scour these lists,” Colin replied, handing a sheet to Ernie and one to Emily. “When you’re finished with those, pick up another one. Look for anyone that might be a candidate.”

“Put your initials at the top of the pages you’ve read through so we don’t duplicate,” Emily suggested. “I suggest we each peruse all of the pages until someone catches our eye.”

“Good idea,” Ernie agreed.

The three of them combed through the lists, analyzing each case and each convict for someone that might have the skills and the intelligence to pull off such an intricate frame job.

“What about this guy?” Emily shoved the page in front of Colin and pointed to the name. “Donovan Reed?”

Colin took the page from her and studied it. “He was a computer hacker, arrested for stealing someone’s identity. The printout says he was paroled about a year ago. Sounds like a good candidate. Let me check him out.”

He turned toward the computer and began clicking away on the keys.

“I’ll call his parole officer,” Ernie offered. Pulling his phone out of its holster on his belt, he stepped into the hallway to make the call.

After a few minutes, Ernie returned. “You can stop researching this guy. His PO said he found Jesus in jail and became a minister in San Jose.”

“Maybe that’s just a cover,” Emily suggested.

“Yeah, I thought that, too. The parole officer didn’t think so. He said he’s a real stand up guy now. Checks in regularly with him.”

“Do you buy that?” Colin asked.

“I asked him if he knew where the guy was Thursday of last week. He said he met with him that day, so he couldn’t have been here.”

Emily crossed her arms. “There are planes that fly from there to here every day. He could have met with his PO then hopped a plane to Boise.”

“We can check the flight lists, see if he was on any flights into Boise that evening.” Colin began typing on the keyboard again.

“Whoa, no need. The PO said he and his wife had dinner with the guy that night, that they’ve become friends. According to the PO, this man has really turned his life around.”

“Hmmm.” Colin pursed his lips. “Then let’s keep digging. Back to the spreadsheets.”

“You two will need to keep digging without me. I’ve got to go to work.” Ernie stood and moved toward the doorway.

“Work?” Colin’s brows knit together and he cocked his head. “But you are working. Didn’t the Chief tell you to help clear me?”

“That’s true, but I have to take a patrol shift. We have three guys out with that nasty flu that’s going around, so I need to fill in. You two can handle this, can’t you?”

Colin looked at Emily and she nodded. “All right. We’ll take care of it. Stay safe.”


Ernie changed into his uniform and left for work.

Emily stayed with Colin and they continued to scour the lists, doing research when they found a prospect, on the computer and by telephone, and chasing the lead until they were certain he could not be Mr. X.

BOOK: The Pursuit of Lies (Book #4, Paradise Valley)
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