Read The Price of Fame Online

Authors: Hazel Gower

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Contemporary, #General

The Price of Fame (12 page)

BOOK: The Price of Fame
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* * * *

Kylie had never been so happy to be home. As soon as she got into the bright-white house, she rushed to her and Markus’ room, praying that his sister wouldn’t follow into their private domain. Going straight to the en suite, she shed her clothes and ran the shower. Getting under the hot spray, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the quiet.

Moments later her eyes shot open as familiar, muscular arms wrapped around her, and the smooth, sexy voice she knew so well whispered in her ear. “I know I should have left you in here by yourself, but how could I resist this beautiful present in my bathroom?” His lips trailed down her neck, and she rested her head back on his shoulder.

God, she loved this man. No matter what he did or said, she seemed to fall more in love with him every time she saw him or touched him.

“I’m sorry,
. Forgive me. I will do anything if you forgive me. I promise your lips will be the only woman’s lips I ever touch, and your body the only one I feel against mine for the rest of my life. Don’t make me go back to that numb feeling ever again.”

Markus turned her, picked her up, and pressed her back against the tiles as she looked up into his miserable face. His eyes looked dull and overcast and his face drawn.

Wrapping her legs around his waist, she pulled herself up closer to him, tracing his lips with her fingers. “I have learned and discovered things about myself in the last forty-eight hours. First, I’m a jealous woman. Second, I need to work on my social skills a bit more. Third, I won’t share you. If you’re going to be with me, you can’t let other women maul you. And if they do kiss you or fawn over you, get them off you. Markus, you don’t have to be rude to them, just explain that you appreciate their support, but you’re a one-woman man. Consider if the tables were turned and they were men throwing themselves at me.”

Markus huffed. “They have been turned, and I didn’t like it when your lips and body were on another, friend or not. You are mine.”

His mouth came down on hers, and Kylie pulled him close. “I’m going to give us another chance. The next party and media thing you have, I’m going to stay by your side like I should have. Maybe if I’d stayed there, they may not have kissed you.”

She ran her fingers through his hair. “From what your sister tells me, I should probably make you grovel for a bit more as everything comes so easy to you, including women.” Letting her hands fall and her lips curl up in a wicked grin, she pushed at his chest. “I don’t want you to think I’m easy.”

Markus grabbed hold of her hands, holding them up against the wall. “
, you are definitely not easy. You are the only woman who’s ever kept running from me or cares who I touch.” His lips brushed hers. “Only your lips from now on. I promise.”

His naked body rubbed against hers, and she found it harder and harder to resist him as his lips trailed down her neck and he nibbled on her shoulder. “Only you.”

Giving up fighting him, she let her body have what it wanted, rubbing against him, and she arched into him and pressed her lips harder to his mouth. “Kiss me.”

His mouth connected to hers, melding them together. He let go of her hands with one of his and slowly moved it down her body until he found her clit, circling and stroking it. Their tongues tangled as his body rubbed hers. His cock, hard and ready, pressed against her as he moaned into her mouth.

Panting, he leaned away and let go of her hands. He held her waist as she slid down his wet body as the now cold water hit them. Closing her eyes, she arched into him as he sucked her nipple into his mouth while his fingers dipped into her pussy.

“You’re soaking.” He pumped his fingers in and out while his mouth sucked on a nipple, swapping when he nipped the tip.

He kept up his relentless torture until her body bucked and pushed down on his fingers, her back hitting back against the hard tiles.

“Oh Marrkkusss. My Markus … I … I’m … I’m coming … I’m… Oooooh.” She grabbed his hair as she came around his fingers, panting. Closing her eyes as she basked in the euphoric feeling, she sagged against the wall.

, don’t get comfortable because you’re going to come again, only this time around my cock while I ram it into you.”

Sighing at his dirty talk, she felt the tip of his penis push into her vagina. Leaning against the wall, she wrapped her arms around his neck and lifted, her legs circling his waist as he thrust the rest of the way in. “Mmm, I feel so full.”

He kissed her, and then moved his hands down to cup her ass, helping hold her weight. Squeezing the cheeks together, he moaned against her lips. “You’re going to scream my name. I want to hear you tell me how I make you feel while I pound into your pussy. Tell me.”

He picked up his pace, grinding her against the wall. Her body started to heat up, and the tingling sensation built.

“You make my body burn. Tingles cover my body until I explode. Come on, make me explode.”

Kylie ground herself against him, pushing him deeper. “Yeah, right there.” The water from the cold shower mixed with the soaps made them more slippery, helping with the friction.

Pulling herself away from the hard tile wall, she wrapped her arms around his neck and murmured, “Stay in me as you turn off the shower and walk out the room.” She growled, and his hands left her bottom to turn the taps off.

Markus didn’t grab a towel as he carried her, and they moaned every step before he placed her on the bed. “On your hands and knees.”

She rolled, and he moved her to the end of the bed, smacking her ass. Before she even had the chance to get fully into position, he lined his dick up and slammed back home.

“Arrrgggh, oh God.” She screamed as his cock hit her in new places.

He smacked her bottom again, rubbing her tingling flesh. His dick pistoned into her with a renewed frenzy. Her breasts slapped with each hard thrust, and his hands slowly came to cup them.

Markus leaned over her, causing his penis to go deeper and hit just the spot to make her explode.

Panting, she began to beg. “I need to come. Make me … oohh … I need…”

His pace picked up until she was grunting and moving forward with the force of each thrust.

Feeling his teeth rake down her back, she came undone. “Markus, Markus, Markus.” She chanted his name as she quivered around him. He thrust twice more before yelling her name, and she felt his warm cum flood her.

Falling to the bed, they lay together, catching their breaths. Markus stroked her arms, whispering things to her in Greek, like how much he loved her and that she was his world. She wondered if now was the right time to tell him she had been learning Greek and understood most of what he said, but he stopped and spoke in English.

“You have to stop running, Kylie. You have to stay and talk to me and hear me out. You can’t run every time something you don’t like happens. We’re going to fight. Every couple argues. I just want you to promise me you won’t run from me the next time it’s not going how you like.” He hugged her to him. “I love you so much, but you have to learn to trust me and my love.”

She nodded because she knew she needed to learn to trust him and support him, not just in his normal life but also in his superstar life. Sitting up, she detangled herself from him and got a towel, thinking of all she had to do. Remembering that his sister had told her he would be busy today with interviews and other media things, she thought today, with Bettina’s help, she could go and help support him.

“Your sister said you had interviews today. She didn’t think you would be home.”

He sighed as he got up, running his hand through his hair. “I shouldn’t be. I’m late for a radio talk, and then I’m heading to do some TV, but I couldn’t do anything until I checked on you.” He came to her and gently kissed her lips before he moved away and went to his closet to get ready.

“Are you by yourself? Shouldn’t your manager be here?” Kylie looked around the room and gripped the towel tighter to her.

He came out in perfectly fitted jeans encasing his tight ass and a black Ralph Lauren T-shirt. He looked utterly gorgeous, especially when he grinned at her.

“Oh, there’s no way he could get up here. I left him with Bettina.”

She giggled because, thanks to the last twenty-four hours, she knew exactly what Markus’ sister was like.

Reluctant to let him leave, she spotted her suitcase close by and mentally went through it for an outfit to wear. Kylie looked at the bedside table clock. “Can I come with you?”

He paused putting his shoes on and stared at her as though he was trying to decide what the right answer would be.

“I’ll stay here if you want. It’s just I’d like to see more of your world, get used to it.”

Markus finished putting his shoes on, and then strolled to her. “I would love for you to come and be there. But I don’t want to rush you. I think I pushed you too far the other night, and I don’t want to ever have you feeling like you did again.” He stroked her cheek, and she leaned into it.

“No, I want to give it a try. Your sister can come too, so, if I feel I’m overdoing it, she can help me, and we can leave together.”

Markus brushed his lips over hers. “I love you,
Thanks, I would love you to be there with me. Why don’t you get dressed while I go down and tell my sister and manager what’s going on?”

She smiled and nodded and was about to move out of his hold when he dropped to his knees, putting her hands in his.

“Kylie Breal, marry me.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out her engagement ring, placing it back on her finger. “Marry me, not next year, not in six months or three, but in a month. I would say sooner, but I know you’ll want your friends there.”

Staring, stunned, down at Markus on his knees, she took a deep breath and turned from Markus to look around the room and then back at the handsome man in front of her. “Is this because of the baby?” She touched her stomach and prayed he wasn’t pushing because of this.

Kylie studied a shocked face. His eyebrows rose, and his mouth had a kind of
shape to it before it slammed shut and drew into a thin line. His eyes narrowed, and he growled. “That isn’t even a consideration here. How could you think that of me?” He got off his knees and cupped her face in his hands. “I asked you to marry me well before I knew you were pregnant. I would have married you the night I gave you the ring, you silly fool.”

She knew tears were rolling down her cheeks. He gently brushed them away with his thumb. “I just wanted to make sure you hadn’t changed your mind after my tirade at the hospital. I don’t want you to love me and marry me only because I’m having your baby.”

Markus pulled her to him, laughing. “Oh, my
Kylie, you have nothing to worry about. I loved you more than anything before I found out you’re pregnant. Nothing has changed.” He held her tight for a moment before pulling away. “So, is that a yes?”

Biting her lip, she thought of everything they had been through so far and still come out on top. Nodding, she muttered, “Yes, but I’ll be watching. Your lips are mine.”

He beamed at her, and then he lifted her up, spinning her around twice before he put her down.

“I will let you get ready. We’re really late now, so hurry. Do hair and makeup in the car. I’m sure Bettina will help.”

She growled and shooed him out.

* * * *

With a bounce in his step, he wandered into the living room to see his manager trying to dodge around his sister, who looked at ease holding him back. “Am I interrupting something?” They both turned to him, Gaelan with a look of pure relief, but it was the smile on his sister’s face that had him smiling.

“Am I joining you this afternoon?” Bettina asked. He chuckled as Gaelan shook his head frantically.

“If you don’t mind. Kylie is getting ready now. She should be down soon. I told her you would help her with hair and makeup in the car. Do you need to do anything before we go?”

She nodded. “Yeah, give me five to get changed. I’ll do the same as Kylie with putting stuff on in the limo.” She ran off.

Gaelan let out a dramatic sigh. “At least their presence might generate more sympathy considering you’re going to be late.”

Markus shrugged because he really didn’t care anymore what people thought. The only person’s opinion that mattered to him was walking to him now in a blue summer dress, carrying her shoes and bag.

“I’m ready to go.” She turned to Gaelan and smiled. “Sorry for holding you up.”

Gaelan lifted his lips slightly in the corners and nodded before glancing at the ring on her finger again. “No problem, Miss Breal. I’m sure they’ll understand, considering where you’ve been the last twenty-four hours.”

Kylie turned bright red and looked around the room.

A moment later, his sister came running to them, yelling, “Okay, let’s go.”

They all headed out the front door. Markus made sure he kept hold of Kylie’s hand. From now on, he wasn’t letting it go.

* * * *

The radio show had been understanding, especially as they got the exclusive that Kylie was out of the hospital and with him today to help support him.

They were now at his third TV show. Sitting in the green room, Markus hugged Kylie closer to him and waved a slice of a sandwich in front of her. “Come on. You hardly ate anything, and Bettina said you only had a piece of toast earlier.” He chuckled as Kylie shot Bettina a glare before turning on him.

“If you shove that food in front of my face one more time, I swear I’ll shove it down your throat.” She moved the arm from around her waist as Bettina laughed.

“Oh, brother, this is going to be so much fun. I love watching you squirm. And to think I get to watch you like this for the next seven or so months. Poor Kylie. He is only going to get worse as the pregn—”

Bettina’s rant was cut off by his manager’s growl. “You got her pregnant? I thought she was just a fling. I know you gave her a ring, but for Christ’s sake, you don’t usually last over a month with a woman. I was surprised when Helena lasted two. I didn’t think you would actually marry her. She’s a nobody. She’s not even Greek!”

BOOK: The Price of Fame
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