Read The Possession Online

Authors: Jaid Black

Tags: #Erotic, #Romance

The Possession (7 page)

BOOK: The Possession
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On a low moan, Kris wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her hands into his silky black hair. He picked her up on a growl, slanting his mouth over hers again and again as he possessively branded her with his kisses.

Carrying her to a remote, out of view table, he sat down on a padded thatched twig chair and set her atop him so that she straddled his lap.

Both of them breathing heavily, he tore his mouth away from hers, his hands firmly clutching her buttocks. “Touch him,” he said hoarsely, his eyes heavy-lidded. “Unzip my pants and touch him.”

Kris drew in a ragged breath to steady her breathing. Her breasts heaved up and down as she sat atop him divested of clothing and slicked down with coconut oil. She could still scarcely believe she was sitting naked in Jack McKenna’s lap. And that he wanted her to touch him.

She hesitated for a few seconds, long enough to make herself feel as though she’d at least attempted to resist, but then her hands flew to his fly and began unzipping them. She could see how labored his breathing was—proof that he wanted her—and it made her all the more frantic to masturbate him. This man, her nemesis, had been the subject of more fantasies than even she could remember. And now at last she would know what the cock she had repeatedly fantasized about looked like.

Her eyes narrowed in desire as she wrapped her hand around the thick length of him. He groaned at the contact, squeezing her buttocks with his palms and thrusting his hips up to grind his manhood against her hand.

His cock was glorious. Unlike the medium-tan rest of him, his long cock was a light tan, ruby-red at the tip, and the thickest she’d ever seen. She ran a finger over the large vein that ran the length of it, pumping blood into his huge manhood. “It’s beautiful,” she whispered, her voice aroused.

She heard him groan.

“Touch him,” he told her thickly, his dark eyes narrowed in desire. “Make him cum, Krissy.”

She decided she liked it when he called her by that name. It felt intimate and special…and it was a name no man had ever called her by but Jack.

Wrapping her hand firmly around the base of his cock, she slowly began to masturbate him, for once reveling in the growling sounds he made instead of frowning at them.

“Faster, baby,” he gritted out, perspiration dotting his brow. He brought his rough hands around the front of her and slowly slid the palms up and down her breasts, all over her swollen nipples. “Hard and fast,” he said thickly.

She did as he’d ordered her to do, masturbating him hard and fast. The feel of his rock-hard, silky smooth cock in her hand was a turn-on, as was the feel of his palms grazing over her nipples.

Her other hand reached between them and massaged the tight balls. She rolled them around between her fingers until he groaned.

“Do you like that?” she murmured, feeling headily powerful as she pumped him with one hand and massaged him with the other. “Or do you need to sink it into my pussy?”

Jack came on a loud groan, the mere mention of her cunt sending him over the edge. He gritted his teeth as he violently spurted, leaning back against the chair and moaning when he watched her try to catch some of his hot semen with her mouth. “Jesus,” he muttered. “You’re gonna be a handful, sweetheart. But I like that.”

Kris gluttonously lapped up his salty sperm, loving that she at last knew what it tasted like. Later, she was certain she would freak out—later, when it dawned on her how wicked and brazen she had behaved with Jack McKenna with very little prompting on his part. But for now…

She smiled when her face finally bobbed up into his line of vision. She swallowed the semen she had caught with her mouth in front of him, letting him watch the intimate, sensuous act.

He gulped, his Adam’s apple working up and down. She grinned.

“Witch,” he muttered. “Redheaded witch.” His gaze trailed down to the thatch of trimmed, dark red curls between her thighs. “All real and all mine while you’re here,” he murmured as he ran his fingers through it.

She shivered, gasping when his thumb found her clit and began rubbing it. She held on to his shoulders as he intimately massaged her, her hips slowly undulating to get more friction.

He rubbed her faster, brisker, causing her to moan.

“Cum for me,” he said thickly, his thumb expertly rubbing the wet and swollen piece of female flesh. She gasped when two fingers on his other hand penetrated her, sinking deep into her pussy. “Ride me, baby,” he murmured.

She groaned as she rode his fingers, fucking herself with them as fast as she could while he rubbed her clit, her heavy breasts bouncing up and down before him. She gasped when his mouth latched onto a nipple with a growl and frantically sucked on it.

She rode his fingers faster and faster, bouncing up and down on top of them, her eyes closed while she moaned, her body screaming with the need to orgasm.

His mouth sucked hard on her nipple, his fingers remained buried deep inside of her cunt, his thumb continued to firmly rub her clit…

“Oh my god.”

She gyrated her hips frantically as she burst, riding his fingers as fast as she could while she drenched his hand. He released her nipple with a popping sound, then sat back and watched her come, his dark eyes narrowed in arousal as he felt her pussy muscles tremble around his fingers.

When it was done, when she had come down from her orgasmic high, she could do nothing but breathe heavily and cling to him, his fingers still buried possessively inside of her.

He stroked her ass with his free hand, murmuring to her in his rough voice about what a good girl she’d been.

Long moments later, when both of them were calm, Jack peeled her torso off of his so he could make eye contact with her. His dark eyes were serious, brooding. His drenched, callused fingers left her pussy, then trailed up to play in her glistening triangle of dark red curls. “Don’t let another man on the island touch your cunt,” he warned her. “I mean it, Krissy. I couldn’t handle it.”

Kris closed her eyes briefly and took a calming breath. “Jack…”

“Don’t try to get me jealous,” he said softly. Too softly. “It’s called playing with fire, sweetheart. And you know what happens to bad girls who play with fire.”

They get burned.

The words hung there between them, unspoken.

She sighed. “Jack, it’s not that I want to be with another man in particular on the island, but realistically, don’t you think we should stay away from each other? I mean, what happens when we return to the real world? The more that passes between us here, the weirder the situation will be.”

He opened his mouth to speak, but she forestalled him when she gently pressed her palm to his lips. “Don’t do this,” she said almost desperately as she crawled out of his lap.

This was just too much. She was tired and overwhelmed and confused and—

Kris released his mouth as she rose to her feet. Her nostrils flared as she stood naked and defiant before him. “I won’t fall for you, Jack McKenna. I won’t do it!” She blew out a breath and shook her head slightly. “Please just stay away from me,” she whispered.

And with that she turned around and fled from the tiki bar.

His mouth agape, Jack watched her sweet ass walk quickly away from him. Until the moment she’d spoken the betraying words, he’d had no idea that Professor Prickly had been carrying around a flame for him that could rival the torch he’d been carrying around for her.

One side of his mouth lifted in an awkward smile.

Leave her alone?

Hell, he’d only just begun.

Chapter 7


Feeling a bit depressed, Kris applied the rich coconut oil into her nipples as she prepared for Exploration Day. The name was kind of a misnomer, she idly considered, since Exploration Day didn’t commence until nine o’clock at night.

Well, whatever it should have been called, she conceded, didn’t really matter. She just wanted it over and done with.

She’d spent most of the day sleeping and the rest of it worrying over tonight. Before last night, before Jack, she would have looked forward to having a bunch of wild sex with complete strangers. It was why she had come here after all.

Maybe. She wasn’t so sure of anything anymore.

Least of all, Jack.

After he’d touched her the way he had last night, and after she had touched him the way she had, it had dawned on her that perhaps she hadn’t wanted to come to Hotel Atlantis just for the sake of being wild and crazy. Perhaps she had wanted to come to Hotel Atlantis to prove to herself that she could be as sexy as all the brainless bimbos he had dated in the two years she’d known him. The very realization of such a thought had panicked her enough to run away from him.

Jack! Jack! Jack! Why did it always come back to the Grinch? she thought with a harrumph.

He was the bane of her existence, she decided on a martyr’s sigh.

But bane of her existence or not, he was also the sole star of every fevered fantasy she’d entertained in the past two years. And the only man on earth who could get her wet just by growling, she thought grimly.

Kris straightened her shoulders as she gazed at herself in the mirror. She had been hired for this five-day island excursion to do a job, she reminded herself. A job that she had very badly wanted to undertake. John was depending on her to fulfill her obligations and live up to her word.

And besides, she truly did want to experience submission with a man, to live out her deepest sexual fantasies with a handsome, domineering male.

Unfortunately, she frowned, the only man she could imagine ordering her around a bedroom was and had always been Jack McKenna.

But after the frightened tantrum she’d thrown last night, it was quite possible that Jack wouldn’t bid on her…

Stop it, Kris! Would you quit it with the Jack thoughts already! The man has loathed you for two years and now, because he masturbated you, you’re stupidly romantic enough to hope his feelings have changed? Yeah right! Besides,
she tried to convince herself,
he’s all wrong for you.

Kris took a deep breath and blew it out.

She had been hired by John Calder as a high paid prostitute for five hedonistic days. She had a job to do.

And she had less than an hour to talk herself into enjoying it.


* * * * *

Sheri Calder Conner Carucci turned around slowly in her swivel seat office chair to face her older brother. Her eyes wide, she simply gawked at him.

“What?” John grunted. He blushed, looking away.

She blinked several times in rapid succession. “Getting a little sentimental in your advanced years, Johnny?”

He threw her a “yeah right” look then strolled to the other side of the office and poured himself a glass of bourbon.

“Gut rot,” she said in an absent monotone as she tried to work him out in her mind. “Shouldn’t drink the stuff.”

When he said nothing, when he just stood there staring out the seventh floor window seeing nothing, Sheri stood up and slowly walked towards him. “Always trying to be the hero,” she murmured. “But then that’s what I love about you.”

He snorted at that. “I’ve never been a hero to anyone. Least of all to you—”

“Yes, you were,” she interrupted, wrapping her arms around his waist from behind and pressing her cheek against his back. “We didn’t choose to have the childhood we did, John, but there it is. And you protected me from it better than any other twelve-year-old boy ever could have.”

“But it wasn’t enough,” he said unblinkingly. “It simply wasn’t enough.”

“Hey I resent that!” She chuckled as she turned him around to face her. “Listen, I’ve got my faults but overall I’m a pretty decent woman.” She waited for him to look at her before continuing. “Okay so I picked the wrong guys twice, married them twice, and divorced them twice. But other than that,” she shrugged, “I’ve got it all. I’m happy Johnny. I’m very, very happy. And,” she said, thumping him on the chest, “I owe it all to you, you big idiot.”

When his forehead wrinkled and he opened his mouth to speak, she could tell he was going to counter her admission with a rebuttal. She groaned, thumping him again. “Stop it! My shitty marriages didn’t have anything to do with you. There was nothing you could have done to stop me from marrying the wrong guys.” That wasn’t entirely true, but now wasn’t the time to bring up old ghosts. “It just happens. To lots of women,” she said pointedly. “Not just women whose parents beat the living shit out of them as kids.”

He sighed as he swiped a hand over his jaw.

“Let it go,” she said softly. “Because there’s not a damn thing wrong with me.” That wasn’t completely true either. She did carry one secret that weighed down on her pretty heavily. But, sadly, she’d come to realize it was a secret she would have to take to her grave.

His nostrils flared as he looked away, staring out into the night.

She sighed as she ran her hand up and down his back in a soothing gesture. “Have you ever considered the possibility that maybe, just maybe, you sequester yourself away on a remote island with a bunch of naked women because it’s easier than going out on an emotional limb with just one?”

He grunted. “Tell me something I don’t know.”

She clucked her tongue. “Try being your own hero for a change. I can take care of myself. And so can Jack.”

He sighed, then turned to her and grinned in an effort to change the subject. “I don’t know that I’m ready for such a monumental step for myself. However, we are in a position to help Jack out with Kris.”

“I like her,” Sheri said simply. “There’s just something solid about her, know what I mean?”

John nodded. “I don’t want you to give her any of the assignments tonight that could possibly end in fucking. That way if Jack loses any of the contests—”

“Jack?” she interrupted with a chuckle. “Not Jack. Let’s remember he’s not one of those soft rich boys down there, my dear. This is Jack we’re talking about. Just like you he’s had to fight for everything he’s ever had tooth and nail.”

“Which makes him appreciate it more than they do,” he said softly, his gaze turning back to the window.

“Exactly.” Sheri thought the problem over for a moment, then nodded when the solution came to her. “I can pay Cherice off, get her to come down with a sudden case of the flu, and tell Kris I need her to wait tables at one of the tiki huts tonight instead of—”


“No?” Her brow furrowed. “I thought you wanted to make sure Kris doesn’t end up in bed with any of the men tonight.”

“That is what I want.”


“I only want you to give her assignments that can go no further than groping, fondling, and oral. That way if Jack loses any of the contests, he won’t be forced to watch her fuck another man.”

Sheri groaned. “Why go through all the subterfuge? Why not just pull her out of the line-up altogether?”

John raised the bourbon to his lips and sipped it as he stared out into the night. He sighed, relishing the burn as it glided down his throat. “Because I want him to have to work for her,” he murmured. “I want him to sweat all night long, wondering if she’s going to be the prize at a contest where the winner gets to fuck her.” He set the glass down. “I want him to go through hell and back mentally before the auction tomorrow. Because…”

“Because it will make him appreciate her more,” she softly finished.


Sheri smiled. “This is so cool, Johnny. Maybe we should think about tearing this place down and opening a Fantasy Island to bring lovers together,” she quipped.

John chuckled as he turned his head to look down at her. “Okay. But you get to be Tattoo.”

She laughed and threw him a “yeah right” look before turning on her heel to leave. “Sheri Calder Conner Carucci is officially on the case,” she threw over her shoulder as she reached the door. She stopped before she opened it. “Oh and one more thing, Johnny,” she said, her face turning to the left so she could make eye contact with him.

He raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

“You’re my hero,” she murmured.

She left before he could reply.

BOOK: The Possession
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