The Nightlife San Antonio: (Urban Fantasy Romance) (The Nightlife Series) (9 page)

BOOK: The Nightlife San Antonio: (Urban Fantasy Romance) (The Nightlife Series)
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He stepped back, alarmed. “Don’t put this shit
on me! I’m not your savior. I’m not anyone’s savior.”

Then why was he working as a paramedic?

“I can’t do this. You have to leave, now.” He stared at her hard, unblinking.

“Know t
his, if you turn me over to the police, it will be ugly. Good men will die, and then they will kill me, or ship me off to some laboratory ten stories underground and dissect me into bits and pieces to be studied under a microscope.”

He squinted, full of suspicion, but underneath it she sensed his fascinated curiosity.
“Give me one reason why I should help you. What’s in it for me?”

is words stripped her of any further options. “I have nothing to give … but myself.” She slid off the bed and dropped her shorts –
his shorts
– to the ground. As she stepped out of the shorts, she slipped her t-shirt –
his t-shirt
– over her head and tossed it aside to stand before him completely nude – except for some bandages and medical tape.

He didn’t
say a word as he stood there, drinking in the sight of her body like a man dying of thirst. She had been reduced to a whore in exchange for his help, and he had nothing to say.



* * * *





Chapter 9



He wanted to throw her on the bed and bury his cock betwe
en her toned thighs. He wanted to see her eyes roll back in her head as he burned off all the insane need she inspired. His dick was so hard that it was slipping out the front of his boxer shorts all on its own, a heat-seeking missile intent on its new target.

But he didn’t want her like this, under these conditions.
“You think I’m so hard up for sex that you can sell yourself to me for a place to crash?”

She stepped closer to him, holding his gaze with her freakish unblinking st
are. “Don’t you want what I have to offer?” A slight smile quirked her lips, exposing those weird teeth.

His cock jerked free to stand at full attention, listening to her every word. His cock knew she would be warm, ready,
probably a tight squeeze, and wanted to take full advantage of her offer.

He took in all of her. Dark tight nipples on small, perky breasts
– barely a handful. Slim, tight belly, but just enough curve of hip and thigh to let you know she was indeed a woman. A fitness instructor’s physique. The damn bandages were ruining the whole effect.

She stepped in closer, within reach, and he could not control himself any more. His fingertips traced the milky white curve of her right breast, brushing lightly across her nipple, and up to the tape and bandage.

He grinned. She grinned back with too many teeth. He ripped the bandage off in one smooth pull.

“Pinche c
abron!” She flinched, bearing her too long canine teeth in a small growl.

He noted her smooth, native Spanish, and thought to ask her about it later. For the immediate moment, Adrian
saw what he expected to see, but it was still very hard to believe. Beneath the flecks of dried, old blood was a fully healed wound, not even a scar. He rubbed his fingers over the flesh, in awe. A bullet had torn a jagged crimson hole in that porcelain flesh three nights ago. Smooth, ivory skin filled his vision, now.

damn, you’re a fucking vampire.”

She eyed him suspiciously, her hands in the air, as if she would cove
r herself. Then that fiery spark came into her eyes, and she dropped her hands and lifted her chin in challenge.

He ripped off each of he
r bandages, none too gently. She gave no more than a slight hiss of noise in protest. Each of her wounds proved the same. Clean away the little crusty specks, and the woman was in top condition.

Adrian knelt, his face inches from her naked pussy, and jerked off the last bandage from her left thigh
. It was difficult to keep his attention on her wound, when his cock kept telling him to check out the other parts, but he confirmed that her thigh was the same, fully healed like the rest of her.

stood and towered over her. Her dark eyes tilted up to search his face for an answer. None of this made any sense whatsoever. He didn’t care. He wanted this crazy woman.
. He couldn’t even wait for her to shower with antibiotic soap first.

So this is the deal? I help you hide out from the law, and in exchange, I get …”

Without blinking, without pause, she spoke over the top of him. “Me. All of me. Whatever you want of me.”

Girl drove a hard bargain. But not as hard as his cock.

A sly smile curved his lips and he looked
down the smooth, pale curves of her body. “Are you sure you’re up to it? I can be …

She licked her lips and reached for his cock, protruding from the front of his boxer shorts.
She enveloped him in a solid grip. “I can handle you.”



* * * *



Sharp pain streaked through her scalp as he jerked her head back and his mouth claimed hers. His lips and teeth crushed her face in a smothering kiss. He kissed her like her mouth was the air he needed to breathe, like a starving man consuming her lips and tongue for dinner. The strong pull on the back of her head disappeared, and suddenly she was lifted off her feet by two hands on her ass.

She scrambled to hold on
as they landed on the bed, the wondrous weight of him crushing her down. His thick, hot meat pushed hard into her left thigh, and she wondered if that thing would even fit inside her. The man hadn’t said he agreed to the deal, but his actions signed the contract with zeal.

His tongue dived in to
caress her own, fucking her mouth with hot injections of his tasty flesh. She wanted to bite it, suck the juicy goodness from his tongue while he kissed her hard and heavy. But she stopped herself at the last second. Might ruin this awesome moment.

Suddenly he was up, weight gone, she could breathe again without his face crushing her into the pillow. Moving fast and fluid, his boxer shorts flew off and he slammed back on top of her.

She grunted as he pressed her down into the mattress. “Ugh, what do you weigh?”

His only answer was to bite her ear and then slide his tongue in, a wet willy. She squealed and squirmed beneath him. “You’re so crazy!”

His hips shifted position, body slinking lower on the bed, and suddenly he was there, the fat head of his cock spreading her open wide.

“Take it easy, you’re …”

And he shoved inside her, a slow-pushing grind that had her wanting to climb up the fucking headboard to slow the advance of that monster cock.

e stopped. “Am I hurting you?” He was so intent, poised. Every muscle in his neck and torso sang with the tension of his restraint.

Gasping for breath, her insides clenching, she looked down to see there was easily another five inches of him ready to be buried inside her. “Can you just … take it a lit
tle slower with that horse cock?” She couldn’t take her eyes off the thickly veined meat that held a constant pressure, pushing her up into the pillow.

He chuckled, and some of the tension drained away from his face. “Sorry, I thought maybe you were different. You seem
ed different.”

started to pull out, damn him! “Don’t stop! Just give me a chance to breathe. That thing is taking up all my lung space.”

His weight dropped as he laughed again, and that heavy push increased, sliding another inch into her as she clawed at the sheets. What the hell did she agree to? This man was trying to turn her inside out.

She’d scream if he pushed any harder.

He pushed harder. “Oh God!” It hurt, but then something gav
e way, and he slid in. The restriction was gone, along with the pain.

He stopped again, a funk
y look dawning across his face. “Why didn’t you tell me you were a virgin?”

She shook her head and looked down to see the proof on his cock, the telltale virgin blood. It all clicked into place, the pain, the restriction. “I didn’t know.”

“How do you not know? I mean … you can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch, but you’re a virgin?”

He started to withdraw, but she clung to him. “It’s okay now, it doesn’t really hurt anymore.”
He pulled out even further and she reached down to hold his cock in place. “I want this. I want you.”

His eyebrows pulled together in consternation, and his hard cock still pulsed with life in her hand. The man was fighting off his need in order to avoid hurting her any further.
He was proving her instincts correct. He was trustworthy.

She hooked her heels around his ass and scooted her hips up, s
hoving him back inside with a deliciously agonizing grind. “Oh, that didn’t hurt at all.”

Her hands gripped his ass tightly an
d pulled, getting another inch. Just a little more and she might actually fit it all in. Then he leaned forward, and changed angle to grind low and hard.

His hands came up as his weight settled, pushing even farther inside her. He wrapped her head in his hands and came eye to eye with her. “I need to see you. Don’t close your eyes. I want to see you.”

She couldn’t speak with all that cock inside of her. She nodded as much as he would let her. Then she realized he hadn’t actually been lying at all, just lying on top of her. His thighs bulged with strength as he ground down into her hard. “Oh shit! Where does that thing end?”

Then he pulled almost all the way out, and she gripped his shoulders to keep him
from escaping, “Don’t stop dammit!”

“I’m just getting warmed up, girl.” He grinned and dropped all his weight, burying yards of cock up into her lungs, squ
eezing all the air from her. She gasped to breathe.

gain, and again, he rowed that boat ashore, thrusting hard and deep, hammering so far up in her that it felt like his cock was the reason her heart beat. Without warning he shifted all his weight to one arm and slipped his left hand down between her legs to find exactly what she hoped he was going for.



* * * *



She was so damn tight, felt like a crime to dig that far into her. But he would gladly break that law over and over. She didn’t look like she was in pain, not exactly, but she squirmed non-stop, squealing every time he moved. And when he found the wet, juicy nub of her clit, she began moaning, almost purring.

He knew when he sent her over the edge, because she went off like
a firecracker, grinding her hips, crying out, and grabbing ahold of him like a drowning woman. He rode the wave of her orgasm, until he simply couldn’t hold back anymore.

The feel of her con
vulsive, wet squeeze, seeing his effect on her, Adrian sunk it all into her, thrusting hard enough to make her grunt, then he unloaded. As he groaned with the pleasure of her slick, hot glove, she reared up and latched onto his neck, again.

He was too far gone to sp
eak or even try to pull her off him, too lost in the moment. She bit in hard and deep with those chompers, and that’s when he was truly lost in a sea of sensation, a heavenly bliss like nothing else.

Sometime later, he found himself laid out on top of her in a dazed stupor. Must have
blacked out or something. She was breathing hard and smoothing her fingertips over his back as she crooned with a weird humming sound. His weak arms barely found the strength to lift off of her, but as soon as he started to pull back she grabbed him tightly. “No, don’t move!”

So he stayed there,
propped on shaky hands, still buried inside her wet squeeze, his mind a fuzzy blur. “What did you do to me?” His own voice sounded slurred, drugged, like someone else speaking from his mouth.

“Hush, it’ll be okay. I just needed something to sink my teeth into for a moment. You were … very good.” Her pupils h
ad dilated so wide her eyes seemed solid black. He had heard of women who reacted to sex like a drug, they actually got high from it, but he had never seen the phenomenon firsthand.

If he didn’t move, h
e was going to fall on her. The room tilted off kilter, a slow-moving merry-go-round. She whimpered and shuddered when he slid out of her and sat back on his heels. The damn room wouldn’t stop swaying. “Did you give me something?”

He fell over sideways on the bed.

“Shit!” She was up and on top of him, a look of alarm on her face. “Are you okay? Did I take too much?”

He was so tired, and the spinning ceiling made him nauseous every time he opened his eyes. “Please talk to me, tell me you’re okay. I don’t even know your name. What’s your name?”

BOOK: The Nightlife San Antonio: (Urban Fantasy Romance) (The Nightlife Series)
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