Read The Night the Sky Fell Online

Authors: Stephen Levy

The Night the Sky Fell (7 page)

BOOK: The Night the Sky Fell
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Meanwhile, the raven had reached an altitude where it could not breathe. The sprite sent out an electrical charge to the raven. The raven tumbled to an acceptable altitude then headed back from where it came. The raven wondered if his powers were needed. If after all his years of restraint and countless years of watching, should he actually get involved? As he tumbled downward he decided that it was not time yet to intercede. The raven thought that the charge sent out was a warning. He was right in this assumption. For now, the raven would simply continue to watch.

Banks Blackhorse opened the Powers’ front door. The raven landed directly in front of him, “Caw!” Banks thought about the Shaman and what he said about ravens. Banks wondered if the bird was okay. As he extended a hand to the bird, the raven flew away. It landed atop the Powers’ roof and simply watched.

Something Scary

Stan lay on the kitchen floor next to Julie as the sun set. The darkness of the house enhanced the eeriness. The TV was on as Banks and Peyton walked to the kitchen. Stan stood up and pulled out the brunch trays from the refrigerator.

Peyton localized for familiar sounds, “I’m hungry, dad. Where’s mom?”

Before Stan answered, the TV news announcer stated that reports were coming in from all over Juneau regarding a ‘nap-out.’ He went on to explain that some sort of mass sleeping paralysis was in progress by most of Juneau’s women. He continued his report and said that Juneau was an isolated case and that no further explanations were available at this time.

Stan addressed Peyton’s question, “Mom is sleeping right now, Peyton. So is Tricia. Let’s eat.”

Peyton pleaded, “Dad, can Banks stay over…please?”

Stan glanced at Banks whose smile and nod connoted acceptance. “Sure, Peyton. That would be great if Banks will stay.”

Banks’ goal was attained in the most unusual manner. He did want to stay and he did want to be useful. And he additionally knew that he would probably not be welcomed at the compound. “Sure, Mr. Powers. I would like to stay if I can be useful.”

After eating, Stan carried sleeping-Peyton to his bedroom. As Stan closed Peyton’s door, he led Banks to the guest bedroom, “Thanks, Banks.” Stan then checked in Tricia’s room as the two girls continued to sleep. He shut the door. Stan downed the stairs and picked up sofa cushions. He created a makeshift bed next to Julie on the kitchen floor.

Banks undressed. He looked out the window of the guest bedroom at Skyline Boulevard. People lay down near their loved ones. Some sobbed. Some slept. Banks lay in his new bed. Despite the horrors of the day, he smiled and fondled his necklace. About an hour later, Banks’ eyes closed. At that instant, there was a rustling sound. Banks’ eyes opened. He heard the sound again. He opened his door.

At first he thought that the sound was coming from Peyton’s room, but when he heard it again he approached Tricia’s closed door. He put his fist up to knock and then decided against it. His hand went for the handle. He slowly twisted it opening the door partially.

The bed was empty! As he opened the door completely, Ann and Tricia stood where the ajar door had obstructed his view. The girls’ eyelids opened simultaneously. A shining indigo light emitted from the girls’ eyes. The light shined on Banks’ face. Banks could not understand what was happening. Then, the girls walked like automatons and bumped against Banks which in turn knocked him down. Banks got to his feet and watched the girls descend the stairs. He ran to the staircase and backpedaled to Stan’s closed bedroom door, “Mr. Powers, they’re up! They’re up!”

Stan awakened and jogged down the staircase with Banks following. Julie stood up from the kitchen floor. The threesome marched in a single file oblivious to the yells of Stan. Tricia opened the front door and Julie, Ann and Tricia stepped out of the house with indigo shining from their eyes that was reflecting on the ground in front of them.

Stan and Banks froze for a moment. Then Stan called out his wife and daughter’s names which seemed to have no impact. Stan turned to Banks, “Check on Peyton, if he’s sleeping don’t disturb him.”

Banks nodded and hiked up the stairs. He opened Peyton’s door to find him in a state of heavy breathing and apparently sleeping. More important it appeared to Banks that he was oblivious to the recent event. Banks quietly closed Peyton’s door. He cautiously walked over to Tricia’s room. All appeared to be intact. He jogged out of the house.

The sleepwalking women of Skyline Boulevard assembled in the middle of the street in a circular fashion. Those that were indoors, joined the other women as men followed and yelled after the women with no results. The indigo beam that emitted from their eyes lit the otherwise dark street. A neighbor ran after his wife; he fell and was trampled by other women. He survived the incident with only bruises.

The circle appeared to be complete. And it was Ann Abrams that raised her hands high as the other women followed. Ann gave out a hideous unearthly bellow and the other women followed suit as the loud sounds became one. An indigo light covered the circle and created a bubble. Two men inside the bubble were flung outside it to the grassy area. They stumbled to their feet.

Stan and Banks’ jaws dropped at the sight of the flung men. Banks rushed over to the men who were ousted from the bubble who seemed only to be bruised.

Stan and Banks looked upon the apparent closed bubble. The transparent substance that enclosed the women dissolved.

Ann was first to leave the circle. Others seemed to take their cue as if this happening came to a close. Ann headed in Banks’ direction. Banks called to her, “Ann, Ann are you okay?” Ann marched past him as the indigo shine dissipated from her eyes. Tricia and Julie followed also losing the shining. All were oblivious to Stan’s calls.

Women returned to the exact spot from where they awoke. Julie, Ann and Tricia returned to the house. Julie lay on the kitchen floor as Tricia and Ann returned to Tricia’s bedroom. Apparently the happening was over and the women struck the same sleeping pose in the exact same position from where they had recently arisen.

At the same time, Chief Dan looked at Marilyn as she lay down on his floor of his apartment. He picked up his cell and called Banks.

Banks ran to his new room and answered. He told his Uncle that he was fine and was staying at the Powers’ house. Chief wanted Banks to return to the compound explaining to Banks that he would be safer there. Banks simply told him that he would call him tomorrow.

Chief Dan exclaimed, “But aren’t you interested in the women at the compound? You haven’t even mentioned if Marilyn was okay?” But Banks had already ended the call.

Banks joined Stan as Murray and Dassi entered the house. Murray examined the three women again and claimed that there had been no changes.

Dassi brewed a pot of coffee as she eyed Julie on the floor. She put on the TV which gave little information since so many of the local station’s employees were sleeping after their happening. The event was definitely city wide.

Banks, Murray and Stan arrived in the kitchen. They sat as Dassi poured coffee and placed her ‘brunch’ trays on the table. Dassi asked, “Is Peyton sleeping?” Stan nodded his head yes. The foursome sat quietly listening for news.

Most doctors have a detective mind. They constantly rule out possibilities…diagnoses are based on a process of elimination. Murray cut the silence with his logic: “Earlier after we left you, Dassi and I went over to the hospital. Female patients were going through the same sleep state as well as much of the staff. Here’s the thing. The clue is not so much about the women who sleep but rather about the women who do not sleep. All the women who are awake have a common denominator. I think…from a preliminary sample…that they are women who cannot have children.

Stan undressed in his bedroom. A moment later he texted his paralegal that he would not be in the office today. Quickly, a text was returned, “Ditto.” He sniffed his arm pits with a resulting disapproval and stripped for a shower. As Stan’s fingers grasped the shower faucet, the fingers of Tricia and Ann moved.

Downstairs as Peyton and Banks played cards, the TV announcer spoke to an international audience of the reported incidences in Juneau. News crews were slow to arrive to Juneau since there were no roads in or out. Many of the traffic controllers sent notices of a closed airport because planes captained by woman remained on the runway and have yet to be taxied. That left a very slow journey by boat. Cruise ships in the Juneau Inland Passage remain docked as incoming ships were ordered to avoid the area.

Julie Powers stood. After a moment she opened her eyes. There was no indigo shine. Just plain Julie except for the fact that she appeared new and improved. Julie’s face glowed. She appeared ten years younger. Her figure was sexy…voluptuous as if the sleep left her with a sort of plastic surgery newness, only without a hint of plastic surgery. She moved with a vibrant flow of grace. She looked for the boiling tea kettle which she moved just before she napped.

Julie queried, “Dassi, Dassi?” As she swayed to the living room, “Banks, where’s Dassi? I was just talking to her.”

Peyton and Banks jumped up. Before they could answer her, Tricia and Ann sauntered down the stairs as if their descent was a lesson in grace from a girls’ finishing school. Tricia and Ann were more ravishing than ever. And surprisingly from Tricia, “Mom, how can we help?”

Ann locked eyes with Banks. This was a tender look that was oozing sensuality. Banks and Ann smiled at the same instant. Then Banks’ eyebrows raised a questioning look as he thought about how he was knocked down by Ann last night and she appeared to be the leader of all the women when it was apparent to him that the other women took their cues from her while they were all in the bubble.

Stan appeared at the top of the stairs. Julie asked, “What are you doing in your bathrobe, Stan? I thought you were with Murray watching the game. Where’s Dassi? She was here just a minute ago.”

At that moment, Dassi and Murray stood in front of the Powers’ door. The scene on Skyline Boulevard awakened a sense of hope for the Abrams: From the outdoors’ grassy area women got up and loved ones rushed towards them. The newly awakened women apparently had no idea why they were lying on the ground. Dassi’s reaction to the rising women was a comforting sigh to Murray. She was hoping that Ann would be up along with Julie and Tricia. Murray gave a quick knock and opened the Powers’ front door as was his habit. Dassi was first to enter. Murray looked at Ann who appeared to be fine. Murray said to his daughter, “Good morning, Kitten.”

Ann’s earlier smile turned to a confused look as her father approached her with his stethoscope. Ann’s eyes shifted from her father to Banks, “Glad you could make brunch, Banks.”

Peyton alerted the girls that something was not quite right, “Ann, we had brunch yesterday.”

Ann retorted, “Yesterday? Peyton what are you saying? I just got here.”

Peyton responded, “No Ann, you’ve been here for Sunday night and this morning.”

Ann quipped, “Impossible!” Tricia and Julie took this in. Their response was that Peyton was joking and they looked to the men who simply nodded to confirm Peyton’s comments.

Similar activities occurred at the Tlingit compound. The Chief spoke with Marilyn as others entered his packed apartment.

Evelyn Sands listened to the news on TV. She thought to herself, “Where did Sunday go?”

The sleeping women of Juneau, Alaska were all awake…but something was different.

As an accomplished attorney, Stan sought facts from the woman but did so without being offensive. In the past Julie would often say that she felt she was on the witness stand and would appreciate that he’d leave that style of rapid drill/grill for court. So Stan took a loving approach with respect. He didn’t get much out of three women but what he deduced was that when each woman spoke, the other two nodded as if they were in total agreement with each other’s responses. They spoke as if they were one:

“Yes, it’s coming to me as if I were sleeping just for a few minutes.” “Yes, that’s right, just a few minutes.” “No there were no dreams.” “There was a sensation of peace and calm.” “And then…exhilaration.” “I felt so rested, so content.” “I think clearer.” “I see truth and beauty everywhere.”

These similar comments were spoken everywhere in Juneau by the women. Stan may not have discovered the facts, but he did witness something else. He thought that this was not a shared dream, but rather a shared sensation. Dassi looked at Ann, “I can see the glow. I can feel it. It’s…a blessing.” Dassi fondled her mezuzah necklace.

On cue, Banks fondled his new necklace as Julie smiled. And the group wandered out the front door to witness the jubilation on Skyline Boulevard. Banks took Peyton’s hand. And Ann took Banks’ free hand. Banks was on borrowed energy from the previous activities. Ann’s grip represented his total acceptance from the families. He was becoming one of them.

Neighbors waved and cheered. Ann gave Banks a surprise kiss on the cheek. Murray opened his arms which beckoned Ann over. The Abrams’ family sauntered home all holding hands. Julie stared at their unified departure. She took Stan’s hand. Stan had not felt Julie’s touch in years. This moment of intimacy exhilarated him as Tricia took Peyton’s hand. Peyton was a bit leery of Tricia’s touch but he decided that it was genuine.

BOOK: The Night the Sky Fell
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