The Maze - the Lost Labyrinth (23 page)

BOOK: The Maze - the Lost Labyrinth
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I’ve tried to convince myself that the worst is behind me. I tell myself that I escaped from that maze for a reason, and that better days are ahead. The dreams argue against that. They tell me I’m not through with the maze; not by a long shot.

At night, while Amy and Peter sleep peacefully, I dream of dark hallways, of new and inventive traps, of Darrell Gene wandering the same corridors as me. I also dream of revenge.

Although it’s not a Christian virtue, I want to make that man pay for what he did to my family. I also find myself praying for him more and more. It’s strange that such feelings can coexist, and yet they do. I know he needs God in his life just like everyone else, but that doesn’t keep me from hating the torments he inflicted on me and those I love.

Somehow, based on the content of my dreams, I suspect that I’ll see Darrell Gene Rankin again. Face to face.

Fittingly enough, when we meet in my dreams, we meet in the shadow-filled corridors of a maze. That’s enough to convince me that I’ll see the inside of one again.

I don’t know how I’ll reenter the labyrinth, and I don’t know when. I don’t even know what I’ll be expected to do once I get there. But, I’ve learned enough from my strange experiences to know that I shouldn’t always discount things that seem impossible at first mention.

The maze, after all, is real enough. But so is my fear.

Until I find myself stumbling in darkness again, all I can do is meditate on the things I learned and pray for God‘s guidance.

I only hope my faith is strong enough.

I pray that it will be.



BOOK: The Maze - the Lost Labyrinth
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