Read The Jock and the Wallflower Online

Authors: Lisa Marie Davis

The Jock and the Wallflower (2 page)

BOOK: The Jock and the Wallflower
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I licked my lips nervously as Avery squeezed my hand. “Here’s the deal; I spent all of last semester wanting a chance to know you better and now the chance has fallen in my lap, and I’m taking advantage of it.”


“I asked Scarlett to get you here tonight, without telling you why.”

“You what?”

“Last semester, I couldn’t make a move because I had some family issues going on, and I decided that when I set out to pursue you, I didn’t want anything distracting me from giving you all my attention.”

I shook my head, because what he was saying didn’t make sense. Avery couldn’t really be telling me he wanted me, that Scarlett knew he wanted me…. It was too much like a dream come true and frankly, I didn’t buy into the belief that such dreams could become a reality. “Why? I’m just… what I mean is, I’m nothing special and you… you can have anyone….” My face burned, I knew I had to be blushing from head to toe, and I again tried to look away but before I could Avery’s free hand cupped my cheek, and I found myself looking into those brilliant blue eyes as he smiled indulgently.

“First of all, you are so very, very wrong, Decker, because you are special.”

“You don’t know me.”

“I know more than you think.” He offered a teasing smile and I raised an eyebrow.

“Really? What do you know?”

“I know that you, Decker Alexander Lennox, turned twenty on July 25
, you’re from Charlotte, you’re an only child, and you’re majoring in media communications.” I stared as he rattled off the information. “You’ve been friends with Scarlett for years. And she’s protective, of you, just in case you didn’t know. I won’t tell you exactly what she threatened to do to my balls if I dare upset or hurt you.” I laughed because I knew how creative Scarlett could be when she made threats, and I didn’t doubt she had put the fear in Avery. “I also know you love watching old black and white movies, you love reading, parties really aren’t your thing, and I’ve heard you aren’t exactly a fan of brainless jocks.” He grinned as he added that part, and I blushed again. He had to have gotten that information from my dear best friend, and I decided then that I would be killing Scarlett at the first opportunity and that killing would be justified. Maybe. If it turned out that Avery really was—
against all possible odds
—genuinely interested in dorky little me, Scarlett might be allowed a stay of execution. It was all too much to fathom. Not only did Avery really know who I was, he apparently found himself interested in getting to know me (well, getting to know me more, beyond his basic, borderline stalker information gathering), and that was more than I had ever dared hope for. Maybe more than I could handle. Just standing there with him was surreal, dreamlike; I wondered if it really was just a dream and if indeed it was, I decided to indulge in it a bit more before waking up and returning to my Avery-free reality. With that in mind, I didn’t franticly run from the room when Avery stepped closer. Close enough to trap me between the wall and his wonderfully hard and delightfully warm body—gods, but I wanted to melt wantonly into that delicious warmth. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced and in that electrified moment, I knew my life was about to be turned upside down and inside out, and I realized I didn’t care about any possible aftermath.

Throwing caution (along with reason, logic, and perhaps common sense) out the window, I wrapped my arms around Avery’s neck the moment his mouth descended on mine, and I was instantly consumed. I heard myself whimper. I couldn’t help it.
This was it
. Not only was this my first kiss, somehow—
and yes, I knew it was utterly insane
—but somehow, somewhere deep in my heart and soul, I knew without a doubt that this kiss was indeed the beginning of a reality that would surpass my dreams and daydreams by leaps and bounds. Avery Beckett was kissing me, and I happily lost myself in that kiss as Avery’s tongue slipped past my lips to delve eagerly into my mouth with toe-curling-skill.

Of their own accord, my hands tangled in Avery’s hair; the silky strand wrapped around my fingers, gentle, teasing. I loved the way his hair felt, and I whimpered again when he slipped a hand beneath my shirt to touch my back gently. I arched myself against him. No, I didn’t have a bit of experience, but it seemed that my body had taken over; instincts took control, leaving me to savor the luscious sensation of Avery’s tongue snaking around mine. He tasted like something warm, something delicious. I couldn’t name the taste; it was special, unique, and fantastically addictive—I wanted more and more, and I feared I wouldn’t ever be able to get enough as the kiss ended and Avery pulled back, looking down at me, with beautifully damp, kiss-swollen lips that were oh-so-perfect.

His hands moved to cup my face tenderly. “Christ! I’ve wanted to kiss you like that from the moment I saw you last semester, sitting in Professor Johnson’s class looking so sexy.” After a kiss like that, I could no longer doubt his admission, but it still amazed me and I guess the depth of my amazement was reflected in my eyes, because Avery grinned. “I can see we are going to spend some time building up your self-confidence, Decker, because you really need to know how incredible you are.”

“No one has ever said anything like that to me before.” My hand rested on his chest, and I could feel his heart racing.

“Anyone who can’t see what I see when I look at you is blind or stupid.”


“Of course, I consider myself damn lucky someone hasn’t snatched you up.” He leaned in to brush a light kiss over my lips, and I shivered from the brief contact. “And honestly, baby, this isn’t how I wanted to go about this and I’m sorry.”

“Sorry for what?”

“I intended to get you alone tonight, I can’t deny that, but I wanted to tell you how much I like you and ask you out.”


“I want to do this right, Decker.” His thumb brushed my bottom lip. “I want to take you out to dinner. Maybe see a movie. Or maybe go dancing. I’ve never done actual dating before, I have to admit, but with you… damn, with you, baby, I want to get everything right. No rushing, no pushing for too much too soon.” He sounded so earnest and his eyes…. As cliché as it sounded, his eyes reflected the honesty behind those words and I smiled, pulling him to me, into another kiss that soon had us clinging to one another. I surprised myself. I couldn’t believe I was being so bold, actually initiating a kiss, but the way Avery responded assured me I was doing it right. I groaned when his hands trailed down my back to greedily cup my ass and my dick swelled, to the point it was near painful. I pressed hard against Avery. I needed contact, as much contact as I could get; damn, but I wanted anything,
It would have been embarrassing, if I hadn’t been well past the point of caring, as Avery suddenly lifted me and I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist.

With remarkable ease, Avery walked us across the room to his bed, where he sat down with me straddling his lap.

My hands rested on his shoulders as we sat there for an endless time, kissing again and again, with each kiss becoming more intense, hungrier, than the last. I forgot about anything and everything beyond Avery; the party downstairs was meaningless, my insecurities were seemingly miles away from me, and I didn’t question it. I didn’t feel the need. I was in Avery’s arms and he wanted me and that was really all that mattered. “Avery….” I gasped his name when he broke the kiss and immediately turned his attention to the sensitive patch of skin just below my right ear. I thought I might pass out. He licked and sucked and nibbled, and I was putty in his hands. Avery seemed to intuitively know where to touch, where to taste; places that I wouldn’t ever have imagined sensual were lusciously susceptible to Avery’s exploring mouth, and I arched against him again, feeling emboldened by the press of his erection hard against mine.
. So amazing, so insane. I was a mess of raw emotions and need, and I knew it was the same for Avery as he reached for the hem of my shirt. I quickly lifted my arms, allowing him to easily free me from the still-damp garment.

Avery threw the shirt aside before quietly removing his own and I swear, my mouth watered at the sight of Avery’s hairless chest, dark brown nipples, sculpted pecs and abs… he was a freakin’ work of art, and the knowledge that he was mine made me lightheaded. “Christ, Avery, you’re perfect.” The words escaped before I could think to stop them, and I was pleased to see Avery blush at my truthful outburst; I liked knowing I had the same power over him that he had over me. That only fueled my already raging desire, and I reached out, almost tentatively, to place my hands on his chest. At the contact, Avery sucked in a breath. I looked up to see that his eyes were wide, dark with desire, and I wanted more. Needed more. I wanted to touch, taste; it was a need unlike anything I had ever before experienced, but Avery seemed willing to give me the freedom to explore, and my hesitation melted away—if my touch could bring Avery pleasure, I wanted that. I could hear both of us breathing heavily, intently, as I moved my hand over him slowly. Reverently. I was completely in awe. His skin was so warm and taut over his hard muscles, but his skin was also surprisingly soft. I adored how it felt,
how he felt
, trembling, ever so slightly, beneath my touch.

I brushed fingers over his already budded nipples. He jerked in reaction, and again, I smiled at him. “I like touching you.” I whispered the admission, and Avery caught one hand in his, easily lifting it to his lips and kissing my knuckles gently. It was such a tender gesture. But that was Avery; he was wonderfully tender, respectful. I knew without asking that he was waiting for me to determine the pace, and that meant a lot to me; it told me he respected me and how far I was ready to take things between us and honestly, I knew what I wanted.
. I wanted Avery in every possible way, and I wanted him to know that, but despite the information he had gleaned from my good buddy Scarlett, there was still a great deal he didn’t know, and I wanted to be upfront with him.

He seemed to notice something in my eyes, and again he cupped my cheek, his thumb brushing over my cheekbone. “What’s wrong? Decker, if we’re moving too fast, we can slow all this down until you’re more comfortable.”

“It’s not that.” I whispered, my fingers playing idly with the hair at the back of his neck, mostly because I loved how soft and silky it felt. “You think you know me, but I… well, there’s a lot you don’t know, and I guess I don’t want you to move forward with whatever this is until you understand certain things about me.”


“I don’t have contact with my family,” I blurted out baldly.

“Okay.” Avery watched me closely and I drew in a breath, feeling a little sick, because this wasn’t a subject I enjoyed.

“The short version is this: my dad is a drunk and he can be a real ass and I… well, when I came out, he disowned me right then and there.”


“And my mother, she cried and she was so upset, but she’s never been able to stand up to my father.” I tried a casual shrug to appear more at peace with the situation than I actually was, but I suspected Avery saw through my bravado. “Scarlett’s the closest thing I have to family. It was her family I stayed with when she and I went home over summer break, and I just wanted you to know that I’m a little screwed-up and if it bothers you, I understand.” I just needed to get it all out there. It was time for full disclosure before I ended up completely losing my heart, and I didn’t doubt that I could tumble head-over-heels in love with Avery before the night was over, because I was already halfway there. Maybe more than halfway there, truth be told. He had this intense hold on me and my heart and honestly, I didn’t know what I would end up doing if he decided I wasn’t worth his time thanks to my less-than-ideal family history. I silently prayed I wouldn’t find out, as Avery shifted our position so I was stretched out on his bed and he lay down beside me.

He braced his weight on his elbow and looked down at me, one hand resting on my chest. I reached up to cover that hand with my own, and Avery laced our fingers together, which made me smile.

“Remember when I said I wanted you since I saw you last semester?”

“I remember.”

“And I also said I had some stuff going on I had to deal with, because I didn’t want to have anything distracting me from you?” I nodded at that. “Well, the thing is, my mom and dad split years ago. My dad lives in California, and I have to say, he and I aren’t close. I never did forgive him for ditching me and my mom for some bimbo and… well, my mother has never been a strong person emotionally.” There was a catch in his voice at that admission, and I squeezed his hand gently and Avery squeezed back just as gently. “She’s spent years in and out of different institutions and things go okay as long as she keeps on the medication, but last semester, after a conversation with my father, she stopped taking the meds and she had some bad times. My aunt does what she can to help, but I’m an only child and usually, I’m the only one my mom listens to, so I had to talk her into going back to the hospital until the drugs were working again and it’s pretty messy.”

“Avery, I’m so sorry.” And I was, I could see how much it hurt him and I hated that.

“It’s just the way things are and they can’t be changed, but I want you to know, I have some family history that’s complicated too.”

“It’s doesn’t bother me.”

“And the fact that your father is an asshole doesn’t change how I feel about you.” His eyes locked on mine and held, and I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. “Listen, I know it sounds cliché and hokey, but I’ve never felt drawn to anyone the way I feel drawn to you, Decker, and that means something special. You’re special. I need you to know that. Believe it, baby. I won’t lie and say I haven’t had sex a few times, but that was just sex and I don’t want something cold and meaningless with you.”

“I believe you. I do. And I… I’m not experienced. At all.” My face burned. “I don’t want to be a disappointment.”

“You could never disappoint me,” Avery whispered. “But if this is moving too fast, we can slow down. Okay? I won’t be upset with you.”

BOOK: The Jock and the Wallflower
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