Read The Irresistible Bundle Online

Authors: Senayda Pierre

The Irresistible Bundle (2 page)

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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She nodded her head, "Got dinner for my roommate and me." She bit her lip before she did something stupid like ask him to hang out with them. She didn't know him at all.

"Freshman year" he inquired. His eyes slowly grazed over her body. She held still while he openly admired her long black hair, tanned skin, and curves. She smirked as his chest sharply rose and fell at the sight of her generous breasts. She loved her Latin curves and this guy obviously appreciated them too.

"Yep" She confirmed. "And you?"

The guy smiled brightly. "Entering my junior year... What's your name beautiful?"

Carina bit back her automatic sarcastic response. She was accustomed to the lame one-liners but this guy was as smooth as silk. She tampered down her eagerness to immediately reply to him. His words and body language most certainly made her feel beautiful.

"Carina" she replied, rolling her "r" to emphasize her Hispanic heritage. She held her breath; his pupils dilated as she said her name.

"I'm Jaxon" he breathed.

Carina knew it was time to go. The guy was so fucking smooth she wanted to forget having dinner with Desirae and just jump in the sack with him. She took a cleansing breath. Her overpowering attraction to him didn't bode well for her. She knew better than to fall head over heels for a guy she just met, especially an upper classman.

"Well Jaxon" She purred, "It's been a pleasure. See you around." She didn't wait. She sashayed away from Jaxon feeling his heated gaze on her ass. She didn't bother smothering her smile. Jaxon couldn't see it.

"I'll see you soon
" Jaxon called out. She abruptly turned around completely impressed with him. Her heart fluttered as the word resonated within her. She'd love to be his Spanish beauty. Only time would tell...

Jaxon winked before walking in the opposite direction. She made no qualms about openly ogling him. She was merely reciprocating. Jaxon was one fine piece of man-candy and she hoped to get a taste. Perhaps college life would be better than she thought.


"There's a party tonight" Desirae squealed as she entered the room. Carina looked up from her laptop. She'd been communicating with Diego via email. He'd only been gone a few days and she missed him terribly. She shook off her melancholy and smiled brightly at her roommate's enthusiasm.

The week had been the perfect way for them to get to know each other before the chaos began. Students had begun trickling in throughout the day. According to Diego all hell would break loose this weekend as everyone and their parents came in. Carina was glad that she'd come beforehand.

They planned to sit on the benches in front of the doors and people watch. Desirae couldn't guarantee that she wouldn't openly make fun of the newbies or gawk at the hot guys but Carina only liked her more for it. They were two peas in a pod. She couldn't have asked for a better roommate.

"What are we wearing?" She asked. Desirae jumped in place almost knocking herself out. Carina laughed as her roommate cupped her boobs before they hit her in the jaw.

Desirae headed to her closet. Carina didn't know how she found anything in the sea of clothing but Desirae always did. "I'll just make my disclaimer now." Desirae dramatically announced.

Carina couldn't help riling her roommate's feathers. "Is this when you confess that you're into girls?" She playfully asked although she knew that was far from the truth.

Desirae froze in place. Carina tried not to laugh as her roommate slowly picked her jaw up from the floor. "Have you not noticed all the guys I've lusted over? I've only refrained myself because I didn't want you walking into some porno flick."

Carina busted out laughing. Desirae's shocked expression was priceless. She knew Desirae didn't swing that way. They'd walked around each other all week with barely any clothes on like they'd known each other forever.

"Then what is it?" Carina gasped between breaths.

Desirae huffed, "I have a leather fetish. Expect me to always wear a piece of clothing made of leather."

Carina shrugged her shoulders. Desirae had a killer body. She couldn't wait to see what her roommate put on. She watched as Desirae kneeled on the floor and dug through her plethora of shoes. She pulled out a pair of glossy black, synthetic leather boots with 5-inch metal heels.

Carina openly gawked at the laced front and zippered side. "Fuck me" She breathed in appreciation.

"That's the statement I'm making with the boots" Desirae giggled. "Glad you got the message."

Carina headed to her closet as Desirae pulled out a black leather mini dress with a laced front. The dress complimented the boots perfectly. Carina shimmied into skin-tight jeans and a black lace sleeveless top. It didn't take long for them to fix their hair and sprinkle makeup on. She wasn't big on heavy makeup and it appeared that Desirae wasn't either.

"Let's do this!" Desirae bumped hips with Carina before stepping out of the room.

"We look like we're going clubbing, not to a college party" she grumbled as they sauntered across campus. They watched others waltz into the two-story frat house. Guys wore cargo shorts and t-shirts while girls varied between jeans and dresses.

"Clubbing is our backup plan in case this place blows" Desirae informed her. Carina smiled at her roommate. She hoped it wouldn't be the case but Carina appreciated Desirae's contingency plan.

They strolled into the party. Music blared through the speakers while bodies pressed together on the makeshift dance floor. Desirae confidently sauntered into the kitchen. Carina smiled at the friendly faces and looked away at the envious and catty ones. She wasn't there to take anyone's man. She just wanted to spend a few hours away from their dorm room. Classes started in a matter of days; her focus would then be on school.

Desirae grabbed drinks for them before they headed back to the main area. Carina looked around. She knew the majority of the party goers were upper classmen. It didn't take long before Desirae dragged her onto the dance floor. They danced through several songs rotating between dance partners. The temperature rose steadily as the number of bodies packed the tight dance floor. Carina needed a drink. She pulled Desirae out of a three guy sandwich. The girls cackled with laughter as they headed back to the kitchen.

a familiar voice greeted. They turned at the sound. Desirae's eyes widened as Carina seductively smiled at the familiar face.

"Jaxon" she greeted. "Fancy seeing you here"

"Brave little freshmen" Jaxon teased. "Is this your roommate?" He gestured at a still gawking Desirae.

"Yep" She replied. "Desirae meet Jaxon the overly-friendly upper classman on campus."

Jaxon laughed at the introduction. He politely shook Desirae's hand before following the girls into the kitchen. Carina grabbed a drink and watched as people greeted him. He stayed close to them but interacted with everyone who greeted him. Desirae nudged Carina as they watched girls flock to Jaxon and shamelessly flirt with him.

Carina felt slighted by Jaxon's distracted attention. She wasn't the type of girl to stand around and wait for a guy to finally pay attention to her. She grabbed Desirae by the arm and turned to head back onto the dance floor.

"Where you going" Jaxon purred into her ear making her shiver at the contact. If the gaggle of girls behind him gave any indication of his bedroom skills, Carina knew she wouldn't be disappointed.

"Got a date with the dance floor" She casually replied. Jaxon's smile took her breath away. He looked genuinely pleased with her response.

"Mind if I join you?"

"Only if you can keep up" Carina challenged. His eyes lit up. Desirae shook her head at them as she led the way. Desirae's brazen outfit had all eyes on her while Jaxon wrapped his arm around Carina's waist. She didn't mind Jaxon staking a claim. She looked forward to spending the rest of the night getting to know him better.

Jaxon literally took the challenge to heart. He didn't give anyone else the opportunity to dance with Carina. He showed off his dance moves with each new song. She enjoyed their bodies pressed together. Jaxon was all muscles and heat. The man had rhythm. With each new song he tested her boundaries. He moved his hands from her waist to her thighs and ass. She reciprocated with wandering hands all over his chest and shoulders. Jaxon turned Carina around so that her ass pressed into his rock hard dick. He slid his hands from her sides and pressed them just under her heavy breasts.

"Let's get out of here" He whispered into her ear. She smirked at the overused line. If any other guy had made the same offer she would've laughed them off the dance floor. She made eye contact with her sweaty roommate. She waved goodbye to Desirae who winked at her in response. She nodded at Jaxon.

They didn't stay a moment longer.

Carina walked beside Jaxon as they left the party. Girls stared longingly at him while shooting daggers at her. They walked past the recreation and wellness center before stopping at a set of on campus apartments.

"Lucky" she grumbled. The three-story apartment complex appeared inviting from the outside. It didn't look anything like the sterile dorm buildings on her side of the campus.

"Maintain your GPA your first year and you'll have better housing choices your sophomore year." He advised.

"Duly noted" She replied. She appreciated his advice and lack of sexual innuendo. She followed him into the apartment building. The spacious lobby boasted furniture, small tables, and a TV making it an inviting common area.

Jaxon greeted several people as they passed. Carina avoided the appreciative stares. She didn't want guys making assumptions about her. Although she was going to his room she had no intention of bed hopping.

Jaxon climbed the stairs and walked down the long hallway. She tried to control her overactive hormones. Her eyes refused to leave his taut backside. Jaxon stopped towards the end of the hall. He unlocked the door to his apartment and motioned for her to step inside.

Carina slowly took in his apartment. A small round table occupied the breakfast nook; a crème colored leather sofa sat directly across from an enormous TV. She smiled at the tucked in game consoles and hidden controllers. Jaxon was your typical guy.

"Do you want anything?" He offered.

Carina shook her head as she continued walking around his apartment. The kitchen counters were clear of clutter and a guitar rested in the far corner of the main area. "You play" She motioned to the guitar.

Jaxon smiled fondly at the instrument. "Some" he replied. She narrowed her eyes. The way he looked at the acoustic instrument told another story. She hoped to get the chance to hear him play in the near future.

"Rowing" Carina's awed voice echoed in the otherwise silent apartment. Jaxon had a shelf of rowing trophies and pictures. She was impressed. His physique matched his choice of sport. He was toned, lean, and tanned.

"Maybe you'll come watch me sometime" He breathed against her neck.

"Maybe" She whispered. She'd trained herself a long time ago to reply differently than what most girls would say. Instinct wanted her to automatically reply with an:
I'd love to
but reasoning insisted she play it cool.

"My room's this way" Jaxon motioned to the lone door on the wall. Carina nibbled her lower lip and followed him.

"You don't share the apartment with anyone" She observed. She didn't think the complex housed one-bedroom apartments.

"Yeah, I'm one of the fortunate few" He shrugged. Carina could tell he didn't want to elaborate much more. Jaxon opened the door to his bedroom. A king-sized bed took up most of the space. She didn't notice anything else. Her attention riveted solely on the man and his bed.

Jaxon pulled her into his arms. She shivered under his strong embrace. Her thoughts bounced around her head like a ping pong ball. She couldn't believe she'd run into him again. She was flattered that he even remembered her.

Mi belleza
" Jaxon murmured into her neck. She closed her eyes and savored the moment. He sounded possessive of her, like he had no intention of letting go anytime soon.

She vibrated with need. His mouth slowly explored her neck, collarbone, and jaw. His hands dug into her loose hair while she held onto his shirt. Her knees felt like Jell-O. Jaxon was the perfect distraction for the start of the school year.

Carina let him take the lead. She didn't want to think, she just wanted to feel. She could barely form a coherent thought. His hands were everywhere. He stroked her bare skin and wasted no time in getting himself and her undressed. She couldn't remember stepping out of her jeans or stripping completely naked.

Lust fueled their need. Jaxon forgot the slow art of seduction; he focused solely on getting her beneath him. He sought her open mouth and tongue. He pressed their naked bodies together as his tongue explored her mouth. Jaxon had dreamt of the things he wanted to do to this Latin beauty but none of that mattered in this moment. He had to get inside her

Carina sprawled on the bed with Jaxon between her open thighs. His heated gaze caused her nipples to harden and her womb to clench. He leaned over purposely rubbing his dick against her open thigh. He grabbed a condom from the nightstand and sat on his heels. She swallowed loudly as she watched him tear open the foil packet and slowly roll the condom onto his rigid shaft. Anticipation weighed on her like a heavy blanket. Her body was on fire. Need rolled off him completely affecting her.

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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