Read The Huntsmen Online

Authors: Honor James

The Huntsmen (8 page)

BOOK: The Huntsmen
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“So does that,” Snow shivered in reaction to his teasing her nipple and sighed. “That felt amazing, will you do it again?” She liked the small bite of pain that came when he pinched her nipple, a lot.

"I'll do you one better," he said with a smile moving to undo her shirt. Spreading it wide, he wiggled down and then took her tight nipple into his mouth and sucked hard. Sliding his hand over her soft skin, he pushed into her pants and cupped her ass keeping her close to him.

Snow’s hands cupped Dierk’s head and she clenched her teeth to keep from crying out. She rubbed closer to him, her hands moving down his back to his ass, which she squeezed gently and then whispered, “Please.”

Letting her breast go with a last lick, he looked up at her, "Please what, Princess?" he whispered, rubbing his chin to her breast. "What do you want, Snow? You need to tell me so I don't overstep myself here."

“You, Dierk. I want you. Honestly I want all of you but all I can think about right now is how it would feel to have you touching me while we’re both unclothed. I want to feel the full length and thickness of you against me, inside of me. I want to know what heaven might feel like.”

After a moment he nodded and moved to a sitting position to pull off his shirt. "You’ll need to remove some clothing if you want that," he said softly with a grin. Standing, he undid his pants then pushed them down before turning to face her bare skinned.

“Oh my,” Snow whispered and looked at him. She couldn’t stop the smile from spreading over her face or the heat that flowed into her cheeks. “Uhm.” She licked her lips but peeled off the shirt he’d given her and shimmied out of her pants. “You’re sure we’re all going to be able to do this, together?” If they were all his size she might not walk straight for the rest of her life, but damn what a way to go.

"Most definitely," he assured her, stroking his cock slowly. "Lay down on your back this time.” When she did, he climbed over her and settled between her legs, his cock rubbing through the heat and moisture of her pussy. "You're already wet and wanting," Dierk smiled.

“Is that a bad thing? It felt really nice when Niklaus rubbed me and made me wet. I felt the same things when you pinched my nipple. I like being touched by you, by all of you,” Snow admitted with a shrug.

"It's not bad at all, Princess," he smiled at her, "I was merely making an observation and feeling just a little cocky. Now I'm feeling about an inch tall and not entirely up to the task given your rather firm reprimand."

Snow rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Dierk, you can look at me and I get this way,” she admitted to him. "I don’t know what it is about you but that's the truth. I don’t think I’ll ever have enough of you, ever.”

"Feeling better now," his grin got wider. Leaning in, he kissed her slowly, nipping lightly at her lip before he sucked on the tiny wound. Rocking his hips ever so slightly, he kept his eyes locked with hers as his cock slid through her folds and over her clitoris.

“Do that again,” she demanded on a gasp of breath. Snow lifted her leg and wrapped it around Dierk’s ass, pulling him closer. “That felt amazing. Felt better than fingers but I need to have you do it again just to be sure,” she teased.

Snorting at her words, he rocked his hips forward and back twice more. "You like that do you?" he asked softly as he pressed in closer so his cock rubbed her harder. "I think you'll like it even better when I've buried my cock deep inside your sweet pussy."

“God, I hope so.” Snow hoped she wasn’t broken, but so far she’d loved everything they did together, all of them. “Perhaps we should test that theory?” she questioned as she licked her lips in need.

"That’s an excellent plan," he murmured, moving his hips and pressing the head of his cock to her pussy. Pushing his hips forward, he eased into her tight channel with care. "Really bad time to bring this up, but I seem to recall you mentioning this earlier so I just want to clarify. Have you ever been with a man this way?" he asked softly as his body shook with adrenalin as he put all his effort into taking this slow.

Snow shook her head. “No, Niklaus was the first man to touch me there ever. I’ve been locked in a dungeon for thirteen years,” she whimpered before flexing again when Dierk moved against her. “I was only eleven when she locked me in there.”

"That bitch will pay," he promised softly as he pressed in deeper. "Breathe, Snow, just breathe," he murmured, brushing his lips to her cheek. "We'll go at whatever pace you want, Princess. Unfortunately, I fear I may be breaking my promise to you. I'll have to break through your virginal barrier and it may cause some pain. It won’t hurt for long, but it may hurt a little and for that I sorry."

“Just do it and make it up to me later,” Snow whispered. “I want this, Dierk, very much,” she admitted. “So please, no more talking, just make love to me.” She had no idea where Niklaus had gone and no idea when Baldric would be back, but in this moment, it was just her and Dierk, and that was all that mattered.

Nodding, he wrapped an arm around her, "Hold tight," he said, pressing a kiss to her lips. "Hold tight and let out a breath to relax," he murmured. As she relaxed under him, Dierk thrust his hips forward hard and buried his cock deep inside her pussy, which clenched around him as her nails dug into his flesh. "Breathe, love, just breathe."

Snow nodded and tried to breathe. It felt like she’d been split in half when he pushed fully into her body. Pressing her forehead to his shoulder, she whispered, “Not so sure I’m as wet now. This doesn’t feel as pleasant as it felt having you rub me from the outside.”

Smiling at her words, he nibbled on her throat. "It’ll feel a lot better than when I was rubbing across your clit, love.” Running his hand over her skin, he cupped her breast and gently massaged, his thumb rubbing over her nipple slowly.

“That’s feeling better.” She began to slowly relax, her body not as tight and her legs loosening around his waist just a bit. “Feeling a lot better,” she moaned as he leaned in and licked her nipple with his tongue, his teeth worrying on it just a little before letting it go with a pop.

"Good," he murmured and slowly slid his cock nearly free of her body before slowly pushing back in. "How does that feel?" he asked, nuzzling at her breast. Repeating the slow pull and push, he kept his eyes on her face, "Snow?"

“Dierk,” she moaned his name low, need echoing in her call. “That feels so good. Please, do it again?” She lifted her hips this time, eager to meet his body with hers.

Thrusting into her a little faster and harder, he flicked his tongue to her nipple, catching the tight bud with his lips, he suckled on her flesh as he speared her wet pussy with his cock. Cupping her ass, Dierk lifted her up to a better angle and sped up his thrusts groaning around the nipple in his mouth.

Snows fingers tangled in Dierk’s hair, she held him close to her breast and matched his movements. Her body moved in time with his, her natural rhythms keeping up with the dance he started between them. Biting her lower lip, she arched up and cried out, a sound that was cross between a whimper and a scream.

Slamming into her, he held her hips as he came, his body shuddering as her body squeezed him for everything he had. Collapsing over her, he wrapped her in his arms and held her to him. Nuzzling at her chin and throat, he brushed little kisses to her skin, "That was amazing," he whispered when he had the breath to do so.

“Oh yeah,” was all Snow could say. Pleasure rippled through her body, a sated happiness filling her soul and making her smile. “When we do that again will it hurt again or will it just feel good?” Snow asked with a smile on her lips.

"The pain only happens the first time," he murmured, lifting up to press a kiss to her lips. "Next time you’ll really enjoy yourself as you build to a climax where you claw and scream through your release before collapsing into a calm peace."

“I really like this calm peace,” she told him with a smile. “I like it a lot. I think I’m going to need a lot of practice to stay at peace. Yep, you really need to keep me like this for ever and always.”

"Your wish," he smiled, "I will gladly fulfill whenever you want. For now we should clean up and work on teaching you to relax again. This lesson got a little skewed part way through," he teased, brushing his lips to her throat.

"You'll likely be sore for a while too," he murmured, easing off her and pulling from her body. Stilling, he stared down at her pussy for a moment before lifting his eyes to hers. "A hot bath would be in order but I doubt we have any hot water right now. We'll get some water going. You can have a bath before you sleep so you won't be uncomfortable."

“I’ll live, Dierk,” Snow told him with a smile. “I promise you that I’ll live. However, a nice hot cloth would be feasible even if a bath isn’t?” She wasn't really in the mood for another bath, but she’d totally go for a warm wet cloth.

"That we can do," he said, getting off the sofa and holding out his hands. "Come on, sweet, we'll get you cleaned up in my room then you can dress again. Apparently Nik ran off to help Baldric with his wood chopping."

Snow blushed to the roots of her hair at that and bit her lower lip. “Oh,” she murmured softly. “I didn’t mean to hurt him by doing this,” she whispered. “I just. I didn’t think,” she admitted softly. “I didn’t think about it at all. I just, I just wanted to be with you.”

"Hush," Dierk pulled her to her feet and into his arms. Rubbing her back lightly, he rocked her gently. "You didn't cause anyone any pain. He likely needed some cool air to help his temperature come down. You'll see when he comes back he won't be upset at you, though he may corner you for a little kissing and whatever else he can manage."

“I think I’ll let him do that to me,” she said with a grin. “If you don’t mind, I’d really like to see him cornering me and kissing me.”

"Why would I mind?" he asked with a slight frown as he looked down at her. "Snow, we're all here for you however you want us. We're not going to go all territorial and demand you only choose one of us. That isn't who we are, as strange as that may sound to some people. While you’ll likely need to choose one of us when you gain the throne or choose another as husband, we'll all be there for whatever you want of us love."

“I don’t want another, I only want you three,” she told him softly. “I don’t know how to choose which of you would become king, but I only want you three. If you three are perfectly fine with that, that is,” she told him with a smile.

"We're very fine with that and it’ll save us from having to tie up another poor bastard for even thinking about touching you," he said. Moving around the room, he collected their clothing. Wrapping his arm around her waist, Dierk led her down the hall to his room. "As to who should be king," he shrugged, "I can't help you there, Snow. None of us would ever want it so it’ll fall to you to choose."

“Oh lordy, I don’t want to choose,” she said with a shake of her head. “I really don’t want to choose so you’ll have to do it. I mean it. The three of you will have to come to terms, throw sticks or whatever it takes but I mean it, you have to choose.”

Shaking his head, he looked down at her, "Sorry, sweetheart, but we won't do it. We'd all vote to throw some other fool under that bus and then tie him up when we had you in the bedroom. We don't want that sort of fame or notoriety, love. So if you want just us three as you claim, you'll need to decide who you want standing beside you as you rule. We'll accept whatever you choose but we're definitely not making the choice for you."

Snow sighed and then said with a smile, “Fine. I’ll choose all three of you, I care for you all equally, I will love you all the same so why in heavens name shouldn’t I choose all three of you as my kings?”

"It won't work that way, love," he pointed out, pushing into his room and easing the door shut. "You'll have to marry someone, very publicly and that man will be your king. He’ll be the King of your people and a very public persona. Even if there are many lovers attending one another in the Royal chambers all over the realms, there cannot be but one King to each Queen, that's how it is and how it will forever be.” Dierk looked at her and smiled, "If it makes it easier I'll step aside in all ways, love. I don't want to and it would shatter something, but I don't want this to be hard on you either."

“Why do I have the feeling that you’re all going to tell me the same thing?” she asked with a tired sigh. Shaking her head, she held up her hand. “Don’t answer that. Don’t worry about it,” she murmured. “I suppose I’ll have to see what the uncles have to say about who will be my King.”

Moving to her, Dierk cupped her face in his hands and stared down at her. Licking his lips slowly, he swallowed hard, "Niklaus is too loud and often too obnoxious to be King, which he’d tell you if you were to ask him, but I think that sort of brashness could also be an asset. Baldric would be a good King, but he’ll hesitate and likely try to back out if you ask him. He didn’t like the public life even before he came to join us. Which leaves me," he murmured quietly. "I honestly don't know if I'm king material, Snow. I have the most patience out of the group, but I think Baldric is the more calming force even when he's pulling a prank. That’s what you have in us three. If you still wish to have your uncles choose the King for you we’ll bow to your judgment."

“I don’t know who to choose,” she whispered. “You already said you want nothing to do with it and you would have been my choice, Dierk. You’re intelligent, kind, and you truly are a calming force, for me at least. You lead without even realizing it. Niklaus and Baldric do as you wish them to without them even realizing it. You’d be the ideal man to stand at my side if we’re able to wrestle my kingdom from my stepmother.”

Staring down at her for a time, he nodded before going down to a knee and bowing his head. "If that is your wish, Princess, I’ll abide by your choice.” Lifting his chin slightly, he peeked at her. "How was that for humble?" he asked with a faint grin curling his lips.

Snow laughed and shook her head. “You’re a very silly man.” Reaching out, she cupped his strong cheek with her much smaller hand. “But that’s alright because it’s just one of the many things that make you so amazing. Now, rise, Dierk, let’s get cleaned up and dressed so we can get back to relaxing.”

BOOK: The Huntsmen
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