Read The Heaven I Found In Hell Online

Authors: Ashley Andrews

The Heaven I Found In Hell (3 page)

BOOK: The Heaven I Found In Hell
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"I don't eat chips, sorry." I said with a small smile.


She waved the bag in front of me, and forced me to get some. To add to that, she stuck out her bottom lip, and continued to hold the chips in front of moi.


"Oh, come on Alex! Just get one small chip!" She said to me.


She kneeled on the couch and turned her whole body to me, as she held out the bag in front of my face. She wasn't giving up yet and I was actually starting to wonder when she would. I turned to my left and to my right continuously since I didn't want to look at her for fear of finally agreeing to eat something that was going to ruin the body that made me my earnings. After a few minutes of hesitating, I finally gave in.


"Fine…" I said, reaching my arm out, as I put my hand in the bag. "Just one, small chip."


She grinned a wide, evil smile at me before she complimented herself. "Who would've thought that I, Riley Adams, could make Alexandra Levi eat a potato chip smothered in powdered cheese?"


I let out a groan before I hit her in the arm. "Don't remind me this chip I'm eating has a lot of calories…"


She put down the bag on the empty space between us, and crossed her arms over her chest. She opened her mouth and was about to speak until we heard a knock on the door. She stood up and opened it, as I remained on the couch. After a couple of seconds, I looked up to see who had entered, and came face-to-face with a tall, young man that slightly resembled Riley. He was hott, with two t's.


"Alex, this is my twin brother Nathan." She said to me.


She got her brother's arm, and pulled him over to the couch, as the both of them plopped down with Riley in between the two of us. I took a few seconds to observe Nathan, and realized that he could actually be a model. He was attractive just like most of the male models I had posed with, and if he fixed his hair, which was a light shade of brown, and got out of the whole 'I'm-a-high-school-student' sort of look, and started to wear finer clothing, than a pair of cargo shorts and a plain t-shirt, he could actually be the new face of some top brand like Armani or something. I took in his ruffled hair, his hazel-green eyes, and the mysterious-but-confident aura he gave off, before I turned my attention back to Riley.


"Nate, this is Alex." Riley said to her brother.


Nathan nodded at her, before he looked at me with his shady green orbs. They were handsome, just like the rest of him, and that was saying something, considering I’ve met a lot of gorgeous people. I'd probably give him an eight point five out of ten rating.


"Hey." He said in a deep, mature voice that wasn't fake at all.


He held out his hand at me, and waited for me to shake it.




"Such a gentleman you are…" I said with a laugh. "I'm sorry but I don't shake hands with people my age. I prefer hugs." I told him soon after, trying to lighten up the mood. Apparently, what I said caused Riley to laugh; making her hit her brother in the arm.


"Don't worry Alex; he's not really like that. I have no idea what he's trying to pull."


I simply smiled at Riley and at Nathan since I had nothing else to say. I had no idea how I was going to return what Riley said. Good thing Nathan decided to speak.


"I came here because mom's on the phone." Nathan said, handing his mobile to Riley. "She wants to talk to you."


Riley got his iPhone, and then left us, before she went over to her room. I turned my head to the side and looked at the guy who sat only a few inches away from me. 
What could I say?


"Have you ever thought of modeling?" I asked.


It seemed like he got taken aback with what I said since his eyes widened, and his head shot up. After regaining his composure, Nathan simply let out a small silent laugh before he shook his head.


"Not really…" He said as he slumped his back, and rested his elbows on his knees.


I did the same, and then turned my gaze back to him.


"Why not?"


"Probably because throughout my whole life all I've been thinking about is soccer." He said in a casual tone of voice.


It was his turn to ask questions.


"Why did you ask?"


"Oh, nothing…" I said with a wave of my hand.


I got the Ruffles that was on the table in front of us and handed it to him. He got it from me after he nodded and smiled, and then he started to dig in.


"You could pass for a model. That's all."


"Really?" He said with a small grin spreading across his face.


"Really, really."


Not knowing what to say next, he slouched back down on the couch and stretched his arms over his head before he rested the back of his head on the palms of his hands. I heard him mumble something to himself, before he asked me about my career.


"So, you're a model?" He said with a small awkward laugh.




"A supermodel?"




He ran a hand through his light brown hair and started to apologize for no apparent reason. "I'm sorry…really sorry…" He started with a real look of slight disappointment (towards himself) on his face. "It's just that…you…you're here…"


I let out an awkward laugh before telling him, "I can't really understand what you're trying to say."


"I've never met a supermodel before. I mean…I have…because of my parents' parties…you know where famous people come…but never…"


"I'm still not getting it." I said to him.


I inched my way nearer to him, and looked at him straight at the eyes. I saw him scratch the back of his head, before he tried to explain again. He looked...well...cute, and I couldn’t help but grin.


"Oh damn…you're just…" I wanted to laugh at his agitated posture. It was really adorable, that I needed to take a picture of it, but if I did that, it'd be rude, and…mean.


"It's just…I've never met someone like you." He said. Thankfully, I understood that part of his explanation, but only that part.


"Yeah…you've never met a seventeen-year old supermodel aside from me."

Chapter 3: Supermodels Aren't Porn Stars

After a few minutes of Nathan and me playing the 'getting to know you' game, we heard the bedroom door open, and out came Riley. She handed the phone she held back to Nathan, before she spoke.


"Are we going now?" Riley asked her brother, as she went over to the kitchen counter to get the black hoodie that rested on it. Nathan checked his watch and mumbled an 'Hmm-mm', before he stood up from the couch we sat on.


"Oh, are you guys going somewhere?" I asked the both of them. I got the remote that was on the table in front of me, and used it to turn the TV on. Riley pointed a finger at me, before she got the remote that was in my hand. I gave her a 'Why' when she turned off the LCD screen.


"You are not staying here on you first day in Ridgeway." She explained to me. She got my hand and pulled me off of the couch. I then gave her a clueless look.


"You, my roommate, and my newfound friend…you, are going to play soccer."


I immediately tried to escape from her tight grasp by the mention of 'soccer.' I wasn't athletic, and that was kind of obvious. I may be fit, but I didn't have that athletic build. Also, my body figure was slender, and the amount of fat in my legs and arms was very little. Truth be told, I could imagine my thin arms breaking if ever a soccer ball was thrown right at me.


"No, no way…!" I said, waving my hands up in surrender. "I am not making a fool of myself…"


Riley laughed before calling me 'silly.' Apparently, Nathan was on his sister's side of the bench, and he too was forcing me to play the sport the both of them loved.


"Trust me; you're going to be sorry when you start seeing me play."


"Nonsense. There are going to be other girls playing too." Nathan said with a bright smile, trying to make me feel better. It actually kind of did.


"Other girls?"


"Yeah," Riley said to me, getting the room key that was lying peacefully down on the counter. "Some of my teammates are playing too…"


"Teammates…?" That really didn't make me feel any better. "You mean those who train with you?"


She nodded at me, before giving me a raised brow. "That's why they're called teammates, Alex." She said with a small laugh.


I continued rejecting their invitation, but obviously it was a lost case on my part. Both Nathan and Riley dragged me outside of my room, after they forced me to change into a pair of jogging pants and a loose, comfortable t-shirt.


We left the dormitory building, and headed over to one of the many fields of the school. Seated on the grass were a mixed group of guys and girls chatting happily about something. They stopped when Nathan and Riley called out to them.


The three of us headed over to the group, and I immediately felt out of place. All of the girls I saw were sweaty, and had their hair pulled up into messy ponytails. They wore no make-up, and even though the only make-up I wore was eyeliner, I felt like a complete alien. As I had suspected, all the girls were giving me skeptical looks.


"Is she Cindy's friend?" I heard one girl ask her teammate. The both of them were whispering to each other while they looked at me with a displeased look.


"Who's Cindy?" I asked Riley in a very soft and barely audible tone.


"Is she telling you how muscular we look? Or maybe she just called us tomboys." Another girl said, the question was directed to Riley, but the girl was looking at me with such disdain.


I must admit, they looked tomboyish, and their body structures were big, but I was never ever going to say that out loud. To make it worse, the guys were also giving me looks, but not looks of contempt, looks of hunger.


"No, no. Let me introduce her first." Riley tried to explain to them.


Reminder: Thank Riley for being such an angel, and not a hypocrite.


"We don't need another Barbie doll in this school, Ri." The tallest one among the girls spoke up.


"Having just a Cindy is enough. We don't need an Alexandra Levi."


"So you guys already know her?"


"How can we not? She's practically on every porn magazine available."


Okay…that hurt. Supermodels ARE NOT porn stars. There is a very thick line between those two kinds of people. We don't sell our bodies. We sell clothes, shoes, and accessories, by wearing them.

BOOK: The Heaven I Found In Hell
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