The Guardians: An Urban Fantasy Romance (20 page)

BOOK: The Guardians: An Urban Fantasy Romance
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Dear Reader

A lot of you know that this book was a long time coming. There was almost two years between the final book of the Angels Among Us series—which introduced the characters of Amir, Shayla, Jackson, Sarah, Reniel, Nathan, and Carmen—and The Guardians. When I finished Redemption, book 3 in the Angels series, back in 2012, the plan was to jump right into writing this story.

Well, you know how life can be. Things happen and I got distracted. Then the inspiration just wasn’t there. I knew who I wanted Jack to be, and that he was going to pair up with Micah to bring down the demon Eligos, but I got lost from there.

Fast forward to 2014 and a trip to New Orleans that would inspire me to the point of bursting with ideas for this series moving forward. I am so excited to finally be able to present this story, and can happily say the wait won’t be long for book 2. I can’t wait for you all to find out what’s going to happen for our trio of Guardians.

I just wanted to take a moment to thank my readers for being patient with me. I’ve been answering messages and emails for the last two years telling everyone that this was ‘coming soon’, and I meant that. I hope the wait was worth it. Thanks for having faith in me, and for all your love and support. Your emails, messages, and reviews mean the world. Speaking of reviews, if you enjoyed The Guardians, don’t forget to leave your thoughts in form of a review wherever you purchased it. I take all feedback to heart when moving forward with other projects.

Be on the lookout for book 2 in The Guardians trilogy, ‘The Seal’, coming early 2015. Be sure you’re subscribed to my newsletter to be updated on a release date soon.

Much love, and happy reading,


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Book 2 in The Guardians series,
now available!

Click here to download

Addison Monroe took a chance on becoming a Guardian to fight alongside the forces of Heaven in the war against Hell. A girl with a dark past, she had nothing to lose … until she fell in love with Jack Bennett. Now that she’s lost him too, there’s nothing left for her but a mission—a cause she’s truly come to believe in. With one of Hell’s most notorious demons—Lilith, mother of legions—after her, she can’t afford to let her personal life become a distraction.
As the war with Hell continues, Jack Bennett fights to get himself back in the game. Little does he know that returning home will only complicate matters, as nothing can ever be the same between him and the two people he cares for most in the world: his best friend, and the love of his life.
Micah Boudreaux never thought he would get stuck babysitting ‘the chosen one’ all by himself, but without his partner, Jack, in the picture, he isn’t left with much of a choice. The fact that she’s a demon half-breed only reminds him of all he’s lost to the side of Evil. Yet, hating her becomes difficult as he’s forced to work alongside her on a mission he’s spent seven years trying to complete. He never counted on Addison stoking feelings in him that have lain dormant for so long.
It’s wrong to want her. She’s his best friend’s girl, and has the blood of demons running through her veins. Yet, despite all of it, the demon-hunter with a complicated past will dare to hope for more. Even though life has never given him much, he will dare to hope for love … even in the midst of a dark world and a conflict he sees as unwinnable.

About The Author



Elise Marion is a lover books and has a special place in her heart for sweet and sensual romance. Writing about love across all walks of life is her passion, as is reaching people through the written word. The Army wife and stay-at-home mother of three spends most of her time taking care of her children. Her second job includes writing stories about characters that people can fall in love with. When the Texas native isn’t caring for her family or writing, you can usually find her with her nose in a book, singing loudly, or cooking up something new in the kitchen.

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Micah’s Ragin’ Cajun Slang Dictionary

– friend, or partner

Neg –
term of endearment for another person (male).

– “darling”, “sweetie”, or “honey”

My foot!
My eye!
– no way!

Crapeau –
a booger

Mamere –

Papere -

– Well … usually used to start a sentence.

Peekon -

More by Elise Marion

Angels Among Us Series (Paranormal/Urban Fantasy)

Unknown to mankind, there is a war being waged between Heaven and Hell, and that war has spilled over into the Earth. Angels are forbidden to lie with human men or women, but some angels cannot always resist temptation…

Book 1:

Book 2:

Book 3:

Get the entire series in one ebook bundle!


Kings of Cardenas Series (Fantasy/Historical)

Enter a world of scandal, intrigue, and passion, all set against the backdrop of Cardenas’ royal court.

Book 1:
The Third Son (Read it FREE!)

Book 2:
The Second Son

Book 2.5:
The Lady Knights of Barony

Book 3:
Gypsy Rose

Book 4:
The Gypsy

Bonus Novella:
The Mistress

Get the entire series in one ebook bundle!


Altar’ed Destinies Series (Contemporary Romance)

What happens when wedding plans go awry, when the bride runs and the groom is left standing at the altar? Disastrous weddings might just be the best thing that ever happened to these people.

My Ex-Wife’s Wedding (A FREE short story)

Book 1:
The Groom

Book 2: The Arrangement (Coming Soon)


Just Desserts Series (Contemporary Romance)

Decadent romance with a touch of foodie flair!

Book 1:

Book 2: Cake: Can I Eat It 2? (Coming Soon)



Masquerade Series (Contemporary Erotic Romance)

When the masks come out at the annual masquerade ball, the inhibitions are lowered. These people who aren’t looking for love may just find it anyway

Book 1:
The Valentine’s Masquerade

Book 2:
The New Year’s Masquerade



Avery & Dominic (Contemporary Erotic Romance)

What happens when a starlet and a paparazzo fall in love? It’s hard to maintain a healthy love life in Hollywood. Are Avery and Dom up to the task?

Book 1:
The Secret Life of Avery O’Dea

Book 2:
The Gift (A Valentine’s Day themed short story)


Coming Soon


Bound (Chained Trilogy Book 2)

The Seal (The Guardians Series book 2)

The Arrangement (Altar-ed Destinies Book 3)

Cake: Can I Eat It 2? (Just Desserts Book 2)

The Real Housewives of Mayfair (Regency Era Romance Series)

Sons of Cardenas (A spin-off of the Kings of Cardenas Series)





BOOK: The Guardians: An Urban Fantasy Romance
13.58Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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