Read The Gorging Online

Authors: Kirk Thompson

Tags: #Zombies

The Gorging (10 page)

BOOK: The Gorging
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Bobby brushed his teeth quickly. He turned on the shower and in such a hurry he nearly forgot to take off his undershorts before getting in. The water was boiling hot when it touched his skin. He tried not to scream.

After his shower Bobby looked at the phone and saw Pete’s number pop up on the screen. Bobby thought to himself, well shit. He’s going to be pissed. Probably wondering why I haven’t picked him up. Indeed, Pete was pissed
worried. Pete did not want to go on this trip any more than Bobby did, but if it means taking the chance of losing his job, he would go, the same as Bobby.

Bobby didn’t answer the phone since it would slow him down talking to Pete and trying to calm him down, reassuring Pete that he would be on his way shortly. He sent a quick text, letting Pete know he would “be there soon” and “not to worry sweetie.” Bobby laughed as he sent the text. Just a little joking around never hurt anyone, at least not in the military when the guys would horse around and call each other fruitcake or joke about having cockholsters and dickskinners. He rushed to get dressed in a suit, but then realized he’s going to Kentucky. Nobody wears a tie in southern Kentucky, Bobby thought. He shook his head, pulled the wrinkled tie from around his neck, and tossed it on the bathroom counter. Looking at his watch, he noticed it was now 2:25. Times a wasting Bobby, he thought. He went into the closet and rummaged through his shirts. “I’ve got to have something flannel in here,” he said. He wasn’t thinking about the stereotypical idea that everyone down south wore flannel shirts and had long beards and missing teeth. He was thinking about not standing out as a reporter from the city. Reporters can be spotted a mile away with their button-up shirts and ties that may as well have the words
stamped down the front.

After wasting a few minutes skimming through his clothes, he found the perfect shirt. A button up red and black-checkered flannel shirt that would surely make him fit in with the folks down there in Kentucky. He smiled as he put it on. He changed into a pair of Levi jeans and tucked his shirt in. Enough time wasted on picking out the perfect, simple wardrobe change, Bobby could finally finish getting his things together for his two-day trip to the southeast. He stuffed his phone into his pocket along with his wallet, keys, and some spare change. He grabbed his suitcase and opened the door to the bedroom. He stopped suddenly at the sound of Nikki turning in bed. Damn, he thought. He had nearly walked out without kissing his wife goodbye. He wanted to wake her and tell her that he loves her, and that he will be back in a few days. He thought to himself, that is right, it is only two days. He will be back before she knows it. He walked over and kissed her forehead, then left the room and closed the door quietly.

Bobby peeked into Eddie’s room and watched him sleep in his racecar bed. He smiled at his son and thought about how much he really does love him. Bobby told himself that when he gets back he’s going to teach his son all the things that good fathers do, like fishing, hunting, and working on cars. He closed the door slowly and walked down the hallway and out the front door. He locked it and said, “Lord, please take care of my family while I’m away.”

The living room lights of Pete’s house shined through the front windows casting long streams of light across the front lawn.

Bobby pulled into the driveway at Pete’s house and put the car in park. He got out his cell phone and started to call Pete, but the front door burst open and startled Bobby, causing him to drop his cell phone between the seat and the console. “Shit,” said Bobby as he squeezed his hand down the side of his seat, wiggling his fingers to grasp his phone. Pete rushed through the front door, carrying more luggage than needed for a two-day adventure. It looked as though he planned to be out of town for at least a month. Bobby chuckled as he shook his head looking at Pete, but his grin quickly faded at the sound of Pete’s wife, Darlene, screaming at Pete.

“I don’t give a shit what your boss says,” she screamed, raising her clinched fist at Pete. “You’re just going to walk out on me for two days? You could have at least said something last night. You selfish son of a bitch. What’s her name? What’s the whore’s name? I’ll go to Kentucky and I’ll kill her myself.”

Pete looked scared as he held his suitcases up close to his chest as though he were ready to block a punch to the chest from Darlene. “I—I tried to tell you—but I—I didn’t want you to be upset sweetheart.”

“You were going to walk out on me without saying a word this morning. You ungrateful little shit.”

“I wasn’t baby. I promise I wasn’t.” Pete slowly walked backwards toward Bobby’s car. Darlene glanced over and Bobby waving to her.

“You’re going with that dimwit?” asked Darlene, in a sarcastic manner. “We’re are you two going? I know. I know. You’re actually going down to Las Vegas to hook up with prostitutes aren’t you? I’m not good enough for you Peter? Am I?” Lights from the surrounding neighbors started to come on. Her loud tantrum had awakened most of the neighbors, but they were unlikely going to call the police. Pete took special care in warning his neighbors about Darlene’s obsessiveness. They found out exactly what he was talking about when she would knock on their doors if Pete was working at late night. She would ask her neighbors things like, “Is that prick in there?” or “Are you sleeping with my husband?” Pete’s a strong guy for staying with a wacked-out crazy woman. He’ll be lucky if she doesn’t chop off his balls one day and put them in her purse just so she’d know he wasn’t out cheating on her.

“We work together. We have to go honey.” Pete got closer to the car and Bobby popped the truck open for him to slip his suitcases in. Darlene gave Bobby an ugly look. He could tell what she was thinking. She was thinking they both could go fuck themselves for all she cares. She grunted, then walked back in the house and slammed the door shut causing the windows to shake.

They could hear her rant continue on inside the house when she said, “You go fuck that whore for all I care. I hope you get an STD.”

Pete opened the door and got in the car. He and Bobby looked at each other then burst out in a spout of laughter. Pete wore a blue and black-checkered flannel shirt with jeans. They joked how they felt like Woody Harrelson and Kiefer Sutherland in
Cowboy Way
, minus the cowboy hats and the Ford Focus Bobby and Pete were in.

“I feel like we overdressed for the occasion,” said Bobby, as he put the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway. “I almost wore a fucking suit.” They both laughed again.

“Me, too,” said Pete. “I can’t believe I tried to sneak out without her knowing. She gets to damn mean when I have to leave town on a moment’s notice. She always thinks I’m going to sleep with some hooker. I swear it was only one time.”

Bobby looked at Pete. “No you didn’t.”

Pete stared at Bobby with a straight face and then burst out laughing. “Nah, but I fooled you didn’t I.” He slapped Bobby’s shoulder.

“If you don’t mind me saying, you should take her down a pike or two. She’s going to get both of you arrested one of these days.”

“Shit,” said Pete, as he wiped the sweat that had beaded on his forehead from the fear of his wife executing him in front of the neighbors. “She’d cut my balls off
I’m awake, not sleeping—then she’d mail them to Masterson in a Mason jar.”

“No shit. He’d probably keep them on his desk to remind everyone that he’ll get your balls one way or another.” They both laughed again. They were off to the airport for their quick, two-day getaway. They will get the report and they will be back home before they know it.


“What time is it?” asked Pete.
“It’s three-fifty,” said Bobby as he leaned back in the seat at the airport terminal. His eyes are closed with his chin pointed toward the ceiling. Bobby and Pete sat next to each other in the terminal for flight 1423, leaving from the Cheyenne Regional Airport on a straight flight to Nashville, Tennessee. From there they plan to drive up Interstate 65 to the Miller farm just on the other side of the state line. Bobby had been surprised that Mr. Masterson actually booked them a straight flight, knowing how much of a cheap prick he is. Of course, it is not all easy sailing. Mr. Masterson did book them a cheap hotel in Nashville, so they would have to travel back from Kentucky to sleep the night before heading back to Wyoming. Pete told Bobby that as much as they hate Mr. Masterson, there really is no place decent place to stay between Nashville and Bowling Green. At least not for a couple of out-of-towners like themselves, but they both did however agree that Masterson is still a low-life scumbag considering he rented them the cheapest car on the lot at the rental place. He put the screws to them anyway he could.

“We’re going to look like a couple of Yankees for sure, riding up there in a damn Prius,” said Pete. “I’ll let you drive since you’re used to driving the tiny girlish cars.” He chuckled. Bobby shook his head and didn’t say a word. Pete noticed the coffee shop inside the airport turning their CLOSED sign around to OPEN. “I’m going to get a cup of coffee,” said Pete. “You want one?”

Bobby opened his eyes and looked over at the coffee stand. “We’re about to get on the plane.”

“No we’re not,” said Pete as he walked toward the stand. “Plane’s not even here yet. Remember. They grounded the flights last night because of all that shit that happened.” Just as Pete turned around, the plane pulled up to the terminal. He shrugged his shoulders and walked back to where Bobby sat. “Damn. I guess they’ll have coffee on the plane. Won’t be that good stuff. Probably will taste like shit water.”

“I’m assuming you know what shit water taste like?” asked Bobby.

“No, but it couldn’t be any worse than doing a news story on a smelly fucking farm with dead cows.”

“That’s right. Let’s get this trip over with buddy.” Bobby stood up and grabbed his bag. They walked over to where the flight attendant stood taking tickets, and waited in line with all the other travelers. “I didn’t realize this many people traveled to Nashville.” said Bobby.

“Probably going to the Grand Ole Opry. Hey, maybe we can catch the show tonight. It is Friday you know,” said Pete. ‘Maybe see Merle Haggard or Gene Watson. That would be cool.”

“Yeah. I suppose it would,” said Bobby as he rolled his eyes. We’ll just have to get as much of the story done before we do. We’ll have to haul ass up there, then straight back down for the show...I think we can make it happen.”

“Fuck that story...We should just watch one of the big news stations and copy some shit we see on there and send it back. That old fuck won’t know the difference,” said Pete.

“He’ll know and you won’t have to worry about your wife cutting off your balls. He’ll cut off both of our balls and he’ll likely put them in the same jar...Hell, he will probably make us do a story on it, too. ‘Dumb Fucks Plagiarize News Story. Loses Testicles as a Result.’” They both laughed, but stopped when an old lady in line turned and gave them the evil eye for using profanity in public.

“You boys should be ashamed of yourselves using that language,” said the old lady. “You never know when the good Lord is going to take you.” She squinted her eyes and turned away.

Pete whispered to Bobby, “That’s all I need. Someone making me feel like this is my last flight. Old hag.” Bobby turned and shushed him. Pete laughed.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” said the Flight Attendant through the intercom. “It is going to be a full flight today. Please have your ticket ready for me so that I can get everyone quickly moving along. We will board as quickly as possible in an orderly fashion. Thank you for flying out of Cheyenne Regional Airport. Have a safe trip and we look forward to seeing you again soon.” The Flight Attendant hung the microphone on the little hook sticking out of the side of the podium. She continued to collect tickets and smile from ear to ear at everyone boarding the plane. Pete and Bobby noticed quickly how amazingly sexy she looks in her flight attendant uniform. They practically drooled over here, but both knew there was nothing they could do. They are both happily married. Well, Bobby is happily married. Pete—not so much. Her name is ABBY HILL, according to the print on her nametag. Pete practically undressed her with his eyes, looking at her blonde hair hanging down past her shoulders and her breasts perked up in the perfect position. She must be at least a C cup, Pete thought. She looked at Pete and Bobby and smiled. They both shook their heads out of the daze and handed her their tickets.

“Hi,” said Pete. “My name is...” He trailed off.

“It’s okay, sweetie. Go ahead and get on the plane.” She smiled and winked at Pete. He just about lost control of himself as people stood around him. “I’ll see you inside.” She winked again. Bobby pushed Pete along into the walkway leading inside the plane.

“I think I’m in love,” said Pete, practically drooling on himself. “I want her Bobby.”

“I’m sure Darlene will have her over for dinner.” Bobby laughed, pushing Pete into the airplane.

Near the back of the line, a man who looked to be in his early fifties stood waving his ticket in front of his face like a paper fan. He couldn’t get enough air to pass in front of his face to take away the hotness that seemed to be spreading across his entire body. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes several times. He breathed heavily and seemed to have the jitters. He swallowed hard and his eyes looked sunken in their sockets.

“Are you alright?” said a young man who looked like he was ready to go hunting, wearing camouflaged overalls and a trucker hat.

BOOK: The Gorging
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