The Forever Broken (Broken #3) (3 page)

BOOK: The Forever Broken (Broken #3)
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I’m just wrapping a towel around my waist after having a
quick shower when I can hear someone in my room. I didn’t think Sophia would
get here that quick and I don’t fancy trying to talk to her while being naked
because we won’t do much talking.

I open the door and pale when I see it’s not Sophia but
DJ sitting on my bed.

“Your mom asked me why you weren’t at college today. And
then she tried to feed me,” he immediately pipes up. Mom was one who worried
about us but didn’t like to come out and ask us if something was wrong but
tried to get the info from our friends. She always hoped we would go directly
to her if something was bothering us, and any other time I would, but she
wouldn’t understand the troubles playing on my mind this time.

She would side with Uncle Jasper, who thinks I should cut
them both off before someone gets hurt. What about how painful doing that would
be for me? He doesn’t seem to think about that aspect.

“What did you tell her?”

“That I’ll have a BLT on rye.” He cocks a brow.

I sling my towel at him and he acts like it’s infectious,
batting it away and cringing.

“Shit, is that a penis?” He mocks as I give him the
finger and slip a pair of shorts on.

“I told her that we had a free day but I don’t think she
believes me. I hate lying to her, she has this innocent angel look that makes
me feel like a sinner around her.”

I burst out laughing. “You are a sinner around everyone,
not just her.”

He sighs and just stares at me with drawn brows.

“Dude, I know something is going on with you.”

“I messed up,” he says with an emotion in his tone I
wasn’t used to from him.

“Talk to me, let me help.” I don’t know how much help I
can give him; I can’t figure my own shit out. He was my best friend, my brother
from two dudes and another mother, but still, we had been inseparable our
entire lives and I hated that something was weighing on him this bad.

Standing, he paces my room. “You can’t help me with

“Not if you don’t let me try,” I remark.

‘You know that asshole thing I did.”

I cock a brow. Seriously, it could be anything. He will
have to pinpoint which “asshole” thing he means because I’d never guess what
the fuck he’s talking about with cryptic shit.

“I don’t do that much asshole shit.” He glares but I
don’t react. “Terrie,” he growls.

Argh, shit, yeah that was a huge mistake. Terrie was
Adam’s girl and Adam was like family to us. He’d been best friends with Mikey
as far back as I can remember.

Shit we were all fucking assholes. I’d completely forgot
about him banging Terrie.

“She’s pregnant, man.”

I freeze at his words. “What are you saying, D?” I don’t
want to listen to this next part. This is the worst thing that could happen to

“She says it’s my kid.”

Fuck! I knew he was going to say that. That fucking woman
is poison, I never liked her. She was a flirt and no matter how naïve Adam was
about her, he must know she does more than dance at that club she works at.

“It was just one time right? How can she know for sure?”
I ask, hoping that it’s not a sure thing, that there’s a possibility she’s
mistaken and he’s worrying for nothing.

He sits and then stands, and then repeats the process. “I
don’t fucking know this shit, she just does.”

“You put the solider in uniform right?” We were always
strict on wearing protection. DJ fucked more women than I could count and
sometimes he insisted on wrapping twice just to be sure, so to find him in this
situation is ironic.

“Fuck yeah, I did…I always do, I would have wrapped it.”

“Fuck DJ, this is messy.” Adam comes to mind and him
kicking the shit out of DJ plays over in my head.

“Don’t you think I know that? I’m going out of my fucking
mind. I don’t know what to do.”

“You need to sit down and talk to your Dad, Jasper not
Derek. Derek will kick your ass but Jasper is more like us, he will understand
and can help you through this clusterfuck. And you know I’ve always got your
back.” And I did have. No matter that it’s him in the wrong, my loyalty was to
him always. Terrie needs to accept her part in all this too.

“Mom’s going to cry, I know it.” He groans.

“She will move past it.” Eventually. She would be
disappointed and upset but she was a good parent, and at the end of the day
there will be a baby with her son’s DNA running in its veins. She will adapt
and love that baby, we all will. 

“What about Mikey and Adam?”

“This is going to crush Adam. He loves that girl but
she’s to blame as well, D. He will have to come to terms with her part in all

I walk over to him and squeeze the back of his neck to
comfort him. He’s tense as fuck and the stress radiates from him.

“Has she said what she wants or expects from you?” I

“She thinks there is more to us than just that one night.
I have no fucking clue where she’s getting this shit from, I don’t want
anything from her.” He shivers. Terrie was hot as fuck, there was no denying
that, and when she flirts and pushes her tits in your face it’s hard not to
picture fucking her. And DJ was the horniest bastard I’d ever known. So
dangling that carrot in his face, he was always going to take a bite but the
reality and fantasy doesn’t always match up. Adam was a kinky asshole and liked
dirty women. Terrie was as dirty as they came and I think it overwhelmed DJ. No
matter how big he likes to talk, he was still a kid really.

“It was a mistake and you should tell her that.”

He groans and grabs my ball from the bed and chucks it at
the small basketball hoop stuck to the back of my door. It goes straight in and
despite the situation he’s in he still manages to be DJ.

“Every hole’s a goal!”





I let myself into Blaydon’s and sneak past Aunt River
who’s dancing and singing along to something on the radio in the kitchen. She’s
so elegant, even in her carefree manner. I wish my body moved like hers. I know
if she sees me she will want me to come in and eat and chat. I have nothing
really to talk about so I be as quiet as possible. 

When I get to the top of the stairs I find Mya standing
outside Blay’s bedroom door listening to voices from inside.

She startles when she notices me and quickly tries to
defend her creeping. “I wasn’t being nosey… I was coming to ask Blay a question
and heard he had company.” Her eyes are so big she looks like a Bratt doll.

Before I can respond the door flies open and DJ is
standing there glaring at us both. “What the hell are you doing?” His tone
washes through me leaving me cold.

“Calm down, psycho. Mya’s lending me a dress. Why, what
are you doing?” I retort and gain a relieved smile from Mya. She slips her
hands into the tight jeans she’s wearing and can’t look DJ in the eye.

“Nothing, what the hell happened to your feet?” He tilts
his head and stares down at my dirty feet.

Blaydon has joined the crowd and everyone is now staring
down at my feet. They sting and I kind of regret throwing my shoes away.

“My shoes hurt so I threw them away.” I shrug, acting
like that’s a normal sentence.

“You’re bleeding.” Mya points out.

Lifting the foot that got a piece of glass stuck inside
on the way over, I cringe, seeing the mess on the floor.

“Sophia, what the fuck? You don’t just throw your shoes
away and walk around shoeless.” DJ admonishes me like he’s talking to a three
year old. ‘
Shut up, shut up, shut up.’
I scream inside my head but my
face doesn’t change.

“I’m fine, I’ll borrow a pair of Mya’s.”

“You better not throw mine away,” Mya warns.

Blaydon nudges past DJ and scoops me up in a bridal hold.
“You shouldn’t be standing on it,” he tells me as he carries me to his room.

DJ glares at my foot as Blaydon deposits me on his bed
and goes to get a wet towel from his bathroom.

“That will get infected and you’ll have to have it
amputated. What were you thinking?”

Dramatic much DJ, you freaking idiot.

“Clearly, I wasn’t,” I huff.

“How are you going to dance on that?” He’s shaking his
head like a forty year old, like he hasn’t done worse stuff in the past, and if
he really gave a shit he would know that I hate dancing.

“What shoes were they? The ones you told Dad you had to
have last week at four hundred bucks?”

“God, why the hell do you care? You sound like Dad. Leave
me the hell alone and go chase a cheerleader or something,” I snap.

“You’re such a brat,” he spits. “Blay, I would leave her
to clean her own foot. I’m out.” He waves his hand and slams the door as he
leaves. Good riddance, Dad number three. 

“I need to go too. Do you just want to help yourself to
some shoes and a dress if you need one?” Mya asks.

I’d forgotten she was even there; she’s like a shadow
lurking in the background.

“Sure, thanks Mya.”


Blay swipes warm soaked cotton wool over the wound on the
bottom on my foot, he’s so focused on the task I almost laugh at his
concentration. “It’s fine, Blay,” I assure him.

“What’s going on with you? This isn’t fine, Soph. Does
this have anything to do with those rumors?”

Stiffening at his words I shiver from the icy chill that
sweeps throughout my body. “What rumors?”

He looks up at me, his eyes holding mine. He was so beautiful;
did he know that? “People have been saying shit about a party or something.” He
shrugs, casting his eyes down, clearly uncomfortable at discussing what those
rumors are.

Before he can say anything else I lean forward and
capture his lips with mine. I pull him up and over me, distracting him from
questioning me any further.

“Mom’s home.” He breathes against my lips between nipping
and licking them. His warm tongue caresses over mine as he requests entry into
my mouth. I love how different sex with him feels. Kisses were something I only
did with him and it made me feel like I had a real connection, a tether to

“We’ll be quiet.” I groan, spreading my legs and moaning
when his hard cock presses against my pussy. My hands explore his bare back as
he quickly begins pulling my shirt up to expose my bra-clad breasts. His kisses
trail down my neck, eliciting a sensation I chase. I want this feeling to stay
with me, to never leave me. His lips clutch on to a nipple through my bra and I
help out, pulling my straps down for him.

He chuckles at my enthusiasm. “Let me get a new box of
condoms.” He smirks biting his lip, sending a jolt of lust through me.

“Lose the clothes for me, Soph.” He groans. There’s a
cold whoosh of air as his heat leaves me.

I strip my clothes off and pull back his covers. He
throws a box of condoms on the bed and then grabs his computer chair and shoves
it against the handle of his bedroom door. Shrugging, he grins. “Just in case.”

His hand swipes out and clasps my ankle, lifting it from
the bed. Bringing his mouth down to my foot he traces kisses up my legs making
sure to swirl his tongue behind my knee before trailing it up the back of my
thigh, nipping just beneath my ass cheek.

Spreading my leg outwards to expose me fully to his
devouring eyes he looks down at me. “You’re so pretty down there, Soph, I want
to take pictures and frame them.”

“I’m sure our folks would love seeing them hanging in
your room,” I jest, pushing the pad of my foot against his chest.

Slipping his shorts down, his cock springs free and
stands proud, thick and long. I didn’t think a man’s junk could be beautiful
until I saw Blay’s.

“Can I taste you?” he asks. I almost weep when he always
asks me if it’s okay to touch me.


The smile on his face is wicked as he lowers himself
between my thighs. My hands stroke through his hair and his mouth consumes me,
moving over me with familiarity and confidence; licking, kissing, adding
pressure over my clit before sucking me into his mouth. He groans with every
moan from my lips.

Writhing my hips against his face I tighten my grip on
his hair and hold him against me as I force him where I need him. I take his
pleasure and ignore the pain of what I did the night before. Grinding my hips
against him, my breath hitches as my stomach tightens and euphoria spreads
throughout me.

“Damn, Soph, nothing is sexier than when you come in my

His teeth bite into my skin as he moves up my abdomen and
over my nipples, sucking them and releasing them with a pop. He grabs a condom
from the box and tells me to put it on him.

My hands shake as I come down from my high but I manage
to roll it over his shaft and grab his hips, forcing him to enter me roughly. Hissing,
he cusses into the room.

Lifting my ass from the bed I rotate my hips over him,
causing him to fist my hair.

“Fuck, slow down, baby.”

But I don’t. I keep rocking against him, wrapping my legs
around his waist and my arms around his shoulders, pressing him against every
inch of me. I want him to consume me and never let me go. I don’t ever want to
be the same again. I want him to keep me in this moment forever. But as his
hips hit against mine and his cock penetrates all the places that make me
scream I know it’s only temporary, and the hollow feeling is already creeping
back into me.




“Talk to me, Soph, tell me what’s going on with you?”

I get lost in my own thoughts of feeling overwhelmed by
loneliness, even when I’m surrounded by people. I feel mute, even when I’m
screaming inside. I want to open my mouth and tell my family I don’t feel
worthy of their love, but I know they won’t understand and will tell me I’m
being stupid and that everything will be okay. I don’t think it will ever be okay.
They don’t understand I’ve been waiting for this “okay” to come, but it never

I feel like I was an accident created with Quinn. I feel
like I died in the womb and he took everything I was supposed to be for
himself. I don’t hate my brother, or blame him for how I feel. I just envy that
he is so complete, so whole, and doesn’t see how broken I am. Twins are
supposed to know these things, right?

It’s not him it’s you…it’s what you did.

“Nothing, I’m perfect, here with you,” I lie, snaking my
arm around his neck and crashing my lips back to his.

“You know I love you, right?” he whispers.

I squeeze into him, burrowing my head into the crook of
his neck so he can’t see the tears threatening my eyes.

You know I love you right?

Did he love me more than as just family? Could he really
love me?

He’s fucking your brother, naïve, stupid Sophia!



BOOK: The Forever Broken (Broken #3)
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