Read The Fire Within Online

Authors: Jan Springer

The Fire Within (10 page)

BOOK: The Fire Within
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“Go. Now.”

“I don’t have to go anymore,” she whimpered.

He grunted angrily and led her back into to the bedroom.

A moment later, he began nuzzling her neck, his free hand sliding up and down her arm in a caressing gesture.

“You don’t have to be afraid of me, Sky,” he whispered.

Her heart cracked like a whip as she frantically tried to figure out her next move. Jim was in trouble and she had to find out where he was. Looking down, she noticed he’d dropped the purse onto the night table. The purse was angled in such a way that she was able to dip her hand into the side pocket and rip the special tear-away material of the secret lining. A split second later, her fingers slid onto the cold metal of the handcuffs.

Loverboy’s warm breath sizzled across the back of her neck, tickling the fine neck hairs. He pressed his lips against her skin. Fear wrapped around her body making her legs tremble. She would have to act very fast if she was going to get out of this mess.

She managed to slip the cuff around his wrist and readied to snap it shut when Loverboy suddenly pushed her. In a flash, she lost her balance and flopped onto her back upon the bed. She gasped in surprise when Loverboy grabbed both her wrists, swung her arms over her head and in a second he snapped a cuff over one wrist. He then slid the cuff around a wagon wheel spindle in the headboard and cuffed her other wrist. She was effectively secured to the bed.

“You son of a bitch!” Sky shouted. She tried to bring down her arms but pain ripped through her wrists as the cuffs dug into her tender flesh.

“Please relax, Sky.”

“Oh, I’ll relax. When you’re in a court of law brought up on kidnapping a government agent.”

“Easy, honey. I already told you. I’m not going to hurt you.”

“And the cuffs are just toys!” She spat.

He frowned.

“What else am I supposed to do when you attack me with them?”

Sky exhaled in frustration. “What are you planning to do to me?”

“Talk,” he replied.


“Sally Green.”

“I saw Sally Green’s Contract. You sold her for five hundred thousand dollars. You promise your slaves three hundred thousand. You’re worse than the government. What you’re doing is illegal, Loverboy.”

“The rest of it is my finder’s fee. I can offer you the same deal. That’s more than you make in four years, isn’t it? I can make you an expert at pleasing others and how to get someone to please you.”

“I’m not for sale, Loverboy.”

Loverboy grimaced and shook his head. “No, you’re not. You want to get married. Live that old-fashioned dream about raising kids in a two-story house with a big backyard and a white picket fence. That’s where Sex Squad Detective Jim McBride comes in.”

Sky bit her bottom lip as her darkest fear engulfed her. Loverboy did have Jim. That’s why he hadn’t come to her rescue.

“Where is he?” she snapped and yanked angrily at her restraints.

His gaze softened. “He is being prepared.”

“Prepared for what?”

“For your marriage, of course.”

Had Loverboy gone nuts?

“I’m a preacher, Sky. You want to marry, Jim. He obviously loves you. I plan to proceed over the ceremony. As you know, marriage on Saturna requires the preacher to view the consummation. It’s the law and then we’ll leave you two to your honeymoon.”


“Why what?”

“Why are you forcing us to get married?”

“Forcing you? No one is forcing you, Sky. You don’t have to marry him. But it might be in your best interest if you two got hitched and displayed a united front. I’ll be doing you a favor as husband and wife cannot testify against each other.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Loverboy smirked.

“It means what Jim did to you at Sex Squad Headquarters is illegal, Sky. Sex on the job, is illegal. You were taped there and you were taped here. I have the tapes. If the Chief’s superiors saw them you would lose your jobs and you’d be reprimanded and given stiff prison sentences.”

“The Chief gave us his blessing to have sex if we needed to get your attention.”

“I’m sorry Sky, but according to the revised assignment records on file, you weren’t supposed to have sex.”

Sky swore inwardly.

The smugness on Loverboy’s face meant he’d obviously fixed everything in his favor. His next words confirmed her suspicions.

“As far as Sex Squad Headquarters is concerned, Sally Green never went missing . The Chief never gave you the go ahead to engage in sexual activities. A little behind the scenes face to face persuasion about what he was engaging in with his daughter has made him forget a few things that would have saved your asses. Your assignment was to merely infiltrate my farmhouse to check if I was training sex slaves illegally and get out with the information. No sex.”

“You bastard! You paid someone off. Who’s your contact?”

“You and Jim and the Chief are our contacts, of course. At least that’s what will come out if you chose to tell anyone what transpired here.” He withdrew an envelope from his back pocket. From it he dug a slip of paper and shoved it before her eyes.

Sky’s blood ran cold as she read it.

“And for all your help in keeping quiet about my dealings in the sex slave industry, here’s a wire transfer, Sky. To prove you are on my payroll. It is for $500,000 dollars placed in your account. There’s one for Jim too. You say anything to anyone and this bribe will become public knowledge.”

“You can’t buy my silence.”

He grinned smugly. “I already have.”

This cannot be happening

“You won’t get away with this, Loverboy. I spoke directly to the Chief to get this assignment.”

“As I said, the Chief will deny giving you permission for sexual encounters.”

“Like hell he will.”

“It’s all been arranged, Sky. The Chief’s daughter, Sally, is training in my farmhouse willingly. She wants to be a sex slave, but not for her father. If word gets out what he’s been doing to her since she was young, he’d be joining you and Jim in prison. He has every reason to keep his mouth shut. So, do you and Jim.”

“You’re disgusting. The Chief would never do anything to hurt his only daughter. He loves her.”

“He fucks her!” Loverboy spat angrily.

“You’re a liar!”

“He’s telling you the truth, Sky.” Jim’s bitter voice curled into the room. He stood in the doorway. Anger brewed in his eyes, but relief rushed through her to know he was okay.

“Jim! Thank God you’re all right.”

“Take the cuffs off her.” Jim demanded as he walked into the room. She noticed Carmella standing in the doorway, a gun trained on Jim.

“I have the key. We keep them on, Jim,” Loverboy stated. “The wedding will be more exciting this way.”

Jim didn’t appear to be surprised about a wedding. He’d obviously been told already about it.

The bed moved slightly as he sat down and smiled at her. The smile lit up his eyes to the point they twinkled with unmistakable love for her. Happiness and warmth filled her, despite the trouble they were in. Joy that he still cared deeply for her even after the fight they’d had last week.

“I’m so glad you’re all right,” he whispered.

“Nothing what getting out of these handcuffs won’t cure.”

He reached out and caressed her shackled wrists.

“Did he tell you?” She didn’t know why she was whispering. Loverboy stood right behind Jim within hearing distance.

“About us getting married? Sally Green? The tapes he has on us? Or the substantial amounts of money he’s stashed in our accounts?”

“I guess you know everything.”

He nodded.

“Carmella told me. He set us up. A damn good job of it too.”

“Why, thank you.” Loverboy cooed from behind Jim.

Jim threw Loverboy a cold glare that made him shut up.

“Is it really true about Sally?” Sky whispered. “About the Chief abusing her since she was young?”

“I’m afraid so. I talked to her in the Sex Dungeon. She doesn’t want anything to do with her father. She’s made her decision. She wants to be a slave. She is of age. She is here of her own free will. There’s nothing we can do.”

“Shall we get on with the ceremony?” Loverboy interjected.

Jim stopped caressing her sore wrists and captured her gaze.

“Do you still want to marry me, Sky?” His voice was filled with hope and his nearness made her believe everything was going to be all right.

“With Loverboy watching us?” This was so not how she’d expected her marriage to begin, but what choice did they have? Laws both here and on Earth existed that the preacher plus family and friends, if they were available, watched the consummation of the marriage. She’d always been prepared for an audience at her wedding consum
mation, just not Loverboy.

Besides, Loverboy had set them up. If they didn’t do as he said, then he would release the information about the money in bank accounts that were in their names. The sex tapes he said he had, of which she had no doubt he spoke the truth, would be released and they would go to prison. They were at Loverboy’s mercy.

“If it isn’t him, it’ll be another preacher. I want to marry you, Sky. But I will wait if that’s what you want.”


Jim’s sharp inhalation and the shocked expression on his face made her realize he’d misunderstood her.

“I mean no, we need to do what he says. Besides, I can’t wait for you. Let’s get married.”

He grinned and his voice lowered so only the two of them were sure to hear.

“I’ll give him a show that will make him so jealous, he’ll wish he was marrying you instead of being the preacher.”

An excited giggle escaped her lips.

Jim let go of her wrists and turned to Loverboy.

“Marry us. After you’re finished, we want nothing more to do with you. Do you hear me? We’ll keep quiet about your goddamn slave course and about Sally. But only because I want Sky protected. If it was only me in this, I’d be hanging your ass out to dry to anyone who’d listen.”

Loverboy was smart enough not to say anything. The smugness zipped away from his face leaving him pale and shaken. He  realized he was lucky to get off this easily.

Jim twisted back around to face her. He smiled with reassurance. It was a sexy smile. A teasing promise of things to come and her heart floated wildly in her chest.

“Look into my eyes, Sky. Pretend it’s just us two.”

She did as he said.

Love burned so intensely in his eyes she swore he’d never loved her more than at this exact moment. His brown gaze drew the breath from her lungs and she drowned in his unique masculine scent. The thought of what would soon be happening between them made her breasts tingle. Moisture wept from her vagina as her body began to ready for him.

Mild air whispered over her skin as he slowly peeled her tight skirt down and off her legs. Instinctively Sky spread her legs, allowing Jim to gaze upon her moist pussy. His eyes darkened to ravishing hunger.

He reached for the buttons on her blouse; his fingers trembled as they unbuttoned.  Within seconds, he pushed the flimsy material aside, fully exposing her breasts. The mild air caressed her skin and made her nipples pucker to attention.

She’d been invited to many weddings in her life. She’d watched the groom make love to the bride in front of the preacher and all their family and friends as required by law. But never had she seen such intense love in their eyes as what flared in Jim’s eyes as he gazed upon her now.

When she thought of those other weddings, a tinge of regret zipped through her. She’d wanted her friends to see how much she loved Jim. She’d wanted everyone to hear her screams of passion as he made her orgasm. She wanted them to witness Jim sinking his cock into her as they consummated their marriage.

Instead, she had Loverboy and Carmella as her witnesses. It would be a bittersweet wedding. But in the end, she did have Jim. And that’s all that really mattered.

“You may begin to arouse the bride-to-be.” Loverboy said. His tone was now strictly professional. The lust gone from his face. He was simply a preacher presiding over their wedding.

Loverboy’s words were all the encouragement Jim needed. Reaching out he cupped her heavy breasts in his hot hands. He lifted them slightly as if to check their weight. It was an intimate gesture that made her breathing hitch and pick up speed.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered. “So damn beautiful.”

Fire lanced through her at his tender words. She whimpered as he gently squeezed her breasts. His thumbs arched upwards, caressing her nipples. They were highly sensitive to his touch and Sky bit her lower lip to prevent from crying out. He continued this action until her breathing grew erratic and arousal soared. Then, he squeezed and plucked her nipples from their root to their sensitized tips.

Sweet agony whipped through her vagina. She ached and creamed with need, pulling against the cuffs, which held her wrists. She wanted to reach out, grasp his stiff cock, and guide it into her. The intensity to be filled by him, had her desperate.

BOOK: The Fire Within
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