The Fast Diet: The secret of intermittent fasting � lose weight, stay healthy, live longer (13 page)

BOOK: The Fast Diet: The secret of intermittent fasting � lose weight, stay healthy, live longer
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Intermittent Fasting has, until now, been one of the best-kept secrets in science. We look forward, with a great deal of personal interest, to seeing how this particular story unfolds.




Feel free to bump up the quantities of leafy, low-calorie, low-GI vegetables given here. It is difficult to pig out on leafy veg, and if you need bulk, here’s where you should get it. Roasted veg are tasty. Lightly steamed is best. Invest in a tiered bamboo steamer, and cook your proteins and veggies in several health-packed, eco-friendly levels.


Some vegetables benefit from cooking, others are better eaten raw. See page 113 for more details. Cooking certain veg – including carrots, spinach, mushrooms, asparagus, cabbage and peppers – breaks down the cell structure without destroying vitamins, allowing you to absorb more goodies. For raw vegetables, a mandolin makes preparation easy and swift.


Fast days should be low fat, rather than no fat. A teaspoon of olive oil can be used in cooking or drizzled over vegetables for flavour; or use a cooking-oil spray to get a thin film. Nuts and fattier meats such as pork
are included in the plans. Do include a light oil dressing on your salads; it means that you are more likely to absorb their fat-soluble vitamins.


The acid in lemon or orange dressings means that you will absorb more iron from leafy greens such as spinach and kale. Watercress with orange is a great combination, perhaps scattered with some sesame and sunflower seeds or blanched almonds, for a little protein and crunch.


Always cook with a non-stick pan to cut down on
fats. Add a splash of water if the food sticks.


Weigh your food after preparing it, so that the calorie count is correct.


Dairy is also included here: choose lower-fat cheeses and semi-skimmed milk, avoiding full-fat yoghurts in favour of low-fat alternatives. Drop the lattes and bin the butter on a fast day: they are calorie traps.


Similarly, avoid starchy white carbohydrates (bread, potatoes, pasta) and opt instead for low-GI carbs such as vegetables, pulses and slow-burn cereals. Choose brown rice and quinoa. Porridge for breakfast will keep you fuller for longer than a commercial cereal.


Ensure that you get some fibre in your fast: eat the skin
of apples and pears, have oats for breakfast, keep those leafy vegetables coming in.


Add flavour where you can: chilli flakes will give a kick to any savoury dish. Vinegars, including balsamic, will lend acidity. Add fresh herbs too – they are virtually calorie-free, but give personality to a plate.


Eating protein will help keep you fuller longer. Stick to the low-fat proteins, including some nuts and legumes. Remove the skin and fat from meat before cooking.


Soup can be a saviour on a hungry day, particularly if you choose a light broth packed with leafy veg (a Vietnamese pho would be ideal, though hold back on the noodles). Soup is satiating, and a good way of using up ingredients languishing in the fridge.


Use agave as a sweetener if required; it’s low-GI.









142 calories

Half a tub of cottage cheese (100g, 78 calories)

One sliced pear (100g, 40 calories)

One fresh fig (55g, 24 calories)


341 calories

3-5 pieces salmon (100g, 180 calories) and tuna (100g, 136 calories) – served with soy sauce, wasabi and ginger


1 tangerine (70g, 25 calories)


Daily total: 483


197 calories

Porridge made with 40g oats (160 calories) and water. Top with 145g of blueberries (37 calories)


306 calories

Chicken stir-fry:
cut chicken fillet cut into strips (140g oz, 148 calories). Fry in a non-stick pan in a tsp olive oil (27 calories) with a tsp finely chopped ginger (2 calories), a tbsp chopped coriander (3 calories), clove of crushed garlic (3 calories), 2 tsp soy sauce (3 calories) and half a squeezed lemon (1 calorie) until browned and sealed, adding water if chicken sticks. Add a handful sugar snap peas (50g, 12 calories), 100g finely sliced cabbage (26 calories) and 2 carrots cut into thin strips (160g, 56 calories), and cook for 5-10 more minutes until the chicken is cooked, adding water if necessary


1 tangerine (70g/2.5 oz, 25 calories)


Daily total: 494


125 calories

1 boiled egg (61g, 90 calories)

Half a grapefruit (115g, 35 calories)


375 calories

Vegetarian chilli:
fry a clove of garlic (3 calories) and half a finely chopped red chilli in a tsp olive oil (27 calories). Add a pinch of cumin and 1 large or 4 small chopped mushrooms (20g, 3 calories) and cook for five minutes, adding water if it sticks. Add half a tin of chopped tomatoes (200g, 32 calories) and half a tin of kidney beans (200g, 200 calories), stir and simmer for 10 mins. Serve with 2 tbsp cooked wild brown rice (80g, 113 calories)


Daily total: 500


194 calories

Smoked salmon (112g, 159 calories)

1 plain Ryvita (35 calories) spread with a tsp light cream cheese (11 calories)


303 calories

Thai salad:
put 2 tbsp of Thai fish sauce (20 calories), the juice of one lime (20g, 1 calorie), a tsp sugar (16 calories), 2 sliced spring onions (20g, 5 calories) and 1 red chilli, finely chopped (1 calorie) into a bowl. Mix well. Add 10 small cooked prawns (30g, 30 calories) 2 grated carrots (160g, 56 calories) and 50g vermicelli noodles (194 calories), soaked according to instructions. Toss well


Daily total: 497 calories


171 calories

Strawberry smoothie:
blend a banana (100g, 95 calories), a pot of fat-free natural yoghurt (150g, 62 calories), a large handful of strawberries (50g, 14 calories), a splash of water and some ice until thick and creamy. Serve immediately


325 calories

Oven-baked smoked haddock:
place a fillet of smoked haddock (200g, 202 calories) on a non-stick baking tray and roast for 15–20 minutes, until fish is cooked through. Serve with a poached egg (61g, 90 calories) and sprigs of lightly steamed tender stem broccoli (100g, 33 calories)


Daily total: 496 calories


233 calories

Dipped apple:
slice one apple (100g, 47 calories) and one mango (150g, 86 calories) and serve with 2 tbsp of half-fat crème fraîche ‘dip’ (100 calories)



255 calories

Tuna, bean and garlic salad:
put 140g canned cannellini beans (108 calories), 120g good-quality canned tuna in spring water (119 calories), 6 chopped cherry tomatoes (90g, 16 calories) and a generous handful of baby leaf spinach (30g, 8 calories) in a salad bowl. Mix well. Drizzle over a dressing made from 1 clove of crushed garlic (3 calories), the juice and zest of 1 lemon (1 calorie) and a splash of white wine vinegar


Daily total – 488 calories


140 calories

1 boiled egg (90 calories)

A slice of ham (23g, 25 calories)

One tangerine (25 calories)


358 calories

Mexican pizza:
take 1 tortilla (55g, 144 calories) and top with 2 tbsp passata (5 calories), 3 small diced balls of light mozzarella (90g, 159 calories), and scatter with chopped vegetables: mushrooms, red pepper, courgette, red onion, aubergine, spinach are all OK (170g, 50 calories). Cook in hot oven for 5-10 minutes


Daily total – 498 calories


256 calories

Scrambled eggs:
add a splash of skimmed milk (15g, 5 calories) to 2 beaten eggs (180 calories) and scramble in a non-stick frying pan (no added oil or butter). Chop 50g smoked salmon (71 calories) and stir into the eggs


238 calories

Roasted vegetable salad:
mix together 10 cherry tomatoes (150g, 27 calories), with half a sliced courgette (50g, 9 calories), half a sliced aubergine (75g, 11 calories), 1 sliced red pepper (160g, 51 calories). Scatter with basil leaves (1 calorie) and drizzle with balsamic vinegar. Roast in a hot oven for 20-–25 minutes. Serve with 2 tbsp Parmesan (20g, 90 calories)


2 tangerines (140g, 50 calories)


Daily total – 494 calories


130 calories

1 small pot of natural fat-free yoghurt (150g, 62 calories)

70g blueberries (18 calories)

Two slices ham (46g, 50 calories)


360 calories

Feta Niçoise:
chop and mix together 1 egg (90 calories), a handful of lettuce (20g, 3 calories), a handful of cooked green beans (50g, 12 calories), and 100g chopped cucumber (10 calories). Top with 90g crumbled feta cheese (225 calories), six black olives (18g, 19 calories) and 1 tbsp chopped parsley (1 calorie). Drizzle with white wine vinegar to serve


Daily total – 490 calories

DAY 10

280 calories

100g grilled kipper (280 calories)


217 calories

Fast-day Insalata Caprese:
slice 3 small balls of low-fat mozzarella (90g, 159 calories) and place on a plate with 1 sliced beef tomato (150g, 27 calories). Scatter with fresh basil and drizzle with good-quality balsamic vinegar (3ml, 6 calories)


8 strawberries (96g, 26 calories)


Daily total – 497









271 calories

Mushroom and spinach frittata:
fry half a sliced onion (75g, 27 calories) in 1 tsp of olive oil (27 calories). Add 4 small chopped mushrooms (20g, 3 calories). Cook until tender. Add a generous handful of spinach (30g, 8 calories); cook for 2 minutes. Pour over 2 beaten eggs (180 calories). Cook for 5 minutes, and finish under a hot grill until eggs are set


12 strawberries (96g, 26 calories)


326 calories

Seared tuna:
heat a griddle pan and sear a tuna steak (168g, 229 calories) on both sides using no fat, but squeezing in lemon if necessary. Serve with 1 whole grilled small red pepper (120g, 52 calories) and 1 sliced, grilled courgette (100g, 18 calories). Cut the pepper and courgette into long strips (for the courgette, about ½cm wide). Mix in a bowl with 1 tsp olive oil (27 calories), season, and grill on medium-high heat for 5 minutes each side. Dress with a squeeze of lemon


Daily total – 597 calories

BOOK: The Fast Diet: The secret of intermittent fasting � lose weight, stay healthy, live longer
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