The Engagement Game (Engaged to a Billionaire) (13 page)

BOOK: The Engagement Game (Engaged to a Billionaire)
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The phone rings and I get Holly's answering machine.
I dial the number to the studio, expecting to hear her voice pick up.

"Grandview Dance Company, this is Sara."

"Oh," I respond.
"Sorry I was hoping to speak to Holly.
Is she there?"

"Oh Holly," the girl says sounding excited.
"No I'm afraid she's on vacation."


She took the week off to go to England.
Isn't that exciting?"

My chest pounds and the blood in my veins pumps vigorously through my body.
My forehead is so steamy it could grill a kabob.




Chapter Nine


"She did what?" Leah yells at the television set.
She resumes painting her fingers bright pink before the polish drips on the couch.
Jenna clatters some pots and pans in the kitchen.
"Quiet in there!
I'm trying to watch a Kardashian throwdown."
I see Jenna glare in her direction and bang the cupboards even louder.
"Don't mind her . . . she just saw some pics from the engagement party."
Leah's apartment reminded me of mine and Holly's in college.
Fancy furniture covered with clothes and a kitchen that smells like cupcakes.
That was the scented candle.

"Did you even hear what I said?" I repeat.
She was the last person I could turn to.
I was coming to my little sister for advice.
The girl that would most likely ditch a final for a free manicure . . . okay spa treatment.

"Yeah I heard you.
I knew you'd hit it off with that richy."
She tosses her caramel curls.
They were longer and curlier than mine.

"That's not the problem," I respond.
"Look, are you going to turn that off or what?"

"I would but . . .
deleted my saved recordings!"
She finishes off her sentence with a yell into the kitchen.
Jenna comes walking into the family room wearing a tank top and tiny shorts.
Her short hair is wet and combed back, and her face looks like it's been freshly moisturized.

"Kat," she smiles.
"So nice to see an Artino girl that knows how to keep her mouth shut at 2 a.m."

"You're complaining about that when you and Keith text all night
Leah sits up looking smug.

"That's different," Jenna shouts.

"You're right," Leah giggles.
"I meant to say
Jenna stamps her foot and turns to me.

"Kat, I'd love it if you could make to my bridal shower next week.
Looks like I might be cutting out an invitation."
She marches to her room and slams the door.
Leah is still smiling.
Maybe Holly and I
perfect roommates back in the day.

"She'll come around," Leah comments.
"She always does.
Plus, I'm the one throwing the bridal shower so . . ."


"So what's your dilemma big sis?"
She finally mutes the TV and leans forward.
"Hot guys?
Sweet dilemma."

"It's more complicated than that, Leah.
I'm . . ."
I'd hardly admitted this to myself but I guess it was true.
"I'm falling for two different guys."
Leah raises her perfectly waxed eyebrows.

Rich guy?"

"Yes Rex is one," I nod.
"And the other.
A guy named Jack I met at the hospital a while back."

"And he's hot too, right?"

"Is that all you care about?"

She throws her arms out like I'm crazy.
"Am I supposed to pretend that a healthy sex life doesn't add points?"
Though I was in the dark on that one with both guys.

"Yes he's hot."

"Thank you," she replies.
"Problem solved.
Which one makes you happy?"

"If I really knew that I wouldn't be here."

She nods, pausing for a second and blows on her nails.
I wasn't sure why I was coming to her for advice.
Leah hadn't had a monogamous relationship since the third grade.

"Nah," she disagrees.
"That can't be true."

"I assure you it is."
Rex was perfect, but he had yet to experience the sarcasm and crying episodes.
Well . . . not yet.

"Okay," she continues.
"Which one are you most comfortable with?"
I wasn't sure I could answer that either.

"I don't know?"

"Okay . . . you're making this
difficult," Leah mumbles.

"Kinda the reason why I'm sitting here."
I rub my forehead.
I couldn't stop thinking about London.
And what Holly and Rex were doing over there.
"Holly went to England."
It flew out of my mouth.
Leah looks shocked.

She raises her eyebrows.
"I knew something else was going on here."

"Holly and I aren't really speaking at the moment."

"Shocker," she mutters.
I narrow my eyes.
This isn't the first time.
Jus sayin'."

"You know the night I met Rex?"

"How could I forget?"
She winks, lightly blowing on her nails again.

"Well . . . Holly met Rex too.
That same night."

"Dang," she laughs.
"That girl works fast."

"I don't think you get it sis.
I'm seeing Rex.
And Holly is seeing Rex!
At least trying to."

"So tell her to back off," Leah suggests.

"Oh of course."
My sarcastic reply was automatic.
"Why didn't I think of that?"

"Cuz you're an idiot," she smiles.
Leah stands up and retreats to the kitchen for a box of crackers.
"It sounds to me like you already know what to do."


"Think about it," she points out.
"Rex is gettin' double action here, and I haven't heard a complication yet associated with the other guy.
Choose the other guy."

"But there's an issue there too," I continue.
"He's . . . well he's-"

"You say anything about
the list
and I slap you!"

"Hey," I stand up.
"That list has saved me from years of heartbreak."

"And you've still never found the guy for you.
Now why is that?"
She sits on the kitchen counter and chomps on a cracker like her accusations are no big deal.
Like she's not insulting the rule book by which I'd been living my life for almost ten years.

"Okay this was a mistake," I respond, grabbing my things.
"I'll figure it out.
I always figure stuff out."
I speed walk towards the door.

"Hold it!" Leah shouts.
She runs to the door, a genuine look of concern on her face.
"Kat, you need to take a good look at what's going on here.
For once, take my advice."


"Yes," she laughs.
"Take it from someone who's made every mistake in the book.
Most of them."

"I can't believe you're actually admitting that."

"Yeah well."
She tilts her head, a serious expression on her face.
"No matter who you pick, make sure he's someone who will still love you at your absolute worst."

"Wow," I say in a low voice.
"That's actually

"Yeah," she jokingly nudges me out the door.
"Too bad I don't follow it myself."


*          *          *


I was in the middle of week two, waiting for a call from Rex, going insane that Holly had boarded a plane for England without telling me.
And did I mention I was going insane?
For once, I'd gotten some solid advice.
I just wasn't sure what to do with it.
As far as I could see neither guy had seen me at my absolute low . . . sort of.
Rex had seen me make an absolute fool of myself in front of his colleagues and Jack was present for my scary closet incident.
It was a draw.

I walk down the halls of Harrison Memorial a little skittish, hoping my cell phone would vibrate at any moment.
Like Holly is really going to call you back.
I spot Jack's face in the distance.
It catches me off guard.
I try not to blush as my brain rushes back to the night we'd spent together.
Waking up in his bed confused me.
It was . . . almost rejuvenating.
The thought intrigued me.

"Kat," he speaks first.

It was our first time speaking since the awkward ride home.
I try to avoid the obvious subject immediately.
"How's Earl doing?"
Jack sighs, hanging his head.

"He's goin' fast Kat."
The news we both knew was coming.
I could feel a sharp pain start to pulse near my heart.

"Jack I'm so-"

"He's been asking to see you all morning," Jack continues.


He nods in the other direction.
I follow his instructions and pop into Earl's room again.
His face is paler and the tubes and monitors seemed to have sunk his spirits.
His face looks sunken in and dry.

He can barely turn towards me.

"There you are," he whispers.
He can't smile, and his eyes are only halfway open.
I hold back a tear.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Yes," he barely forces out of his mouth.
The way his skin crinkles around his mouth makes him look older.
I listen intently, taking his hand.
"My advice."
My eyes water.

"I could always use good advice."

"You're still single."
He pauses to take a breath.
"Because you're afraid."
I nod.

"Afraid of what exactly?"

"Of him," he whispers back.
I look around the empty room.
Earl stares up at the ceiling.


," he mutters.
He opens his mouth but can't say much more.
He coughs and opens his mouth again.
"He loves you, my dear."
My heart pounds, knowing who Earl must have meant.
But I was too nervous to admit it.

"Does he?" I say in a quiet voice.
Earl forces a smile and gently rubs my hand.
Did Jack really
Even after the way I turned him down?
My mind wanders back to Rex and our time spent together.
Did Rex love me?

BOOK: The Engagement Game (Engaged to a Billionaire)
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