Read The End Online

Authors: Justin Chiang

The End (10 page)

BOOK: The End
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Several weeks later…


Soleil is sitting alone on the hilltop looking out on Abbey Downs.  The streets that once ran red and black with blood are clean once more.  The piles of clothes and a few wrecked cars have also been cleared.  The July hot sun is in the sky but there’s a light breeze.  Everything is very peaceful. 

“It’s time.”

Soleil turned around and smiled.  She stood and followed Anna towards Dunham Manor where they’ve all been staying.  Today they’re gathering in the center of town to memorialize the lost.  They’re joined by many others that appeared in Abbey Downs over the days and weeks following their confrontation with the darklings.  Others from all around the world that sought answers but arrived too late to help fend off the darkness.  Some came in planes, others on foot, others on the backs of dragons and other mystic creatures that evolved in the days when the magic was the strongest.

The children that were saved joined them as well.  They represented a do-over for humanity and would never be influenced by the adults that so sullied the innocence of life for so many years with their pettiness and disdain for one another.  Though they too would grow up some day and it is human nature after all.

In the center of town where Evan sacrificed himself for the world, they’ve added three memorial stones around him.  On Patrick’s reads the hymn he hummed to Soleil during their journey,
“Come, thou long expected Jesus, born to set thy people free; from our fears and sins release us, let us find our rest in thee.
By thine own eternal spirit, rule in all our hearts alone; by thine all sufficient merit, raise us to thy glorious throne.”

On Cochran’s was something that Iris had recorded during their journey, it reads “
Human beings are notoriously ignorant, lazy, cowardly animals.  They're so damn afraid that the real reason their lives suck is because of their own choices that they spend a lifetime blaming their bosses, their government, their God, their family, their dog, pretty much anyone and everyone but themselves.  That's where religion, politics, and war came from.  You want my opinion?  The best thing that could have ever happened to this world was for it to end."

On the third stone was simply “
Until we meet again…” 
A memorial for the rest of the world as they knew it.  The service was short and respectful.  Tessa’s few words spoke of honor, sacrifice, love and appreciation.  She closed with a vow to protect Abbey Downs and to teach future generations of what commenced here that day so that it may
come to pass again.   At the end everyone quietly left the town square to start anew.  There was a lot of work ahead of them.

alance had been restored but magic was still stronger than it had ever been before.  The world was forever changed in many ways.  Iris was able to reconnect the catalysis interfaces that Cochran had created and improve upon them.  A little part of Cochran would always be with her—and every once in a while you can still hear the Ramones echoing in the night from her internal speakers.

On her windshield reflects the kaleidoscopic slideshow of her friends.  She finds it comforting to keep an eye on them, ready to alert them of danger should the need arise.  On the windshield now you can see Finn directing a group of people
in London.  He returned to his country to lead the cleanup efforts in that part of the world.  Leo and Belanna (now officially a couple) went with him to assist.  They’re with him now, Belanna in her dragon form, is lifting something heavy in her jaws.  The windshield flashes to Anna and Soleil, they’re smiling and laughing together in the large house on the hilltop watching over Abbey Downs. It flashes again, blue sky, clouds rushing by, and Tessa on top of Ozmo.  They’ve become world travelers, helping out wherever they can to restore things in the new world.  Ozmo is smiling as only a dragon can as Tessa whispers something in his ear.  As she sits upright you can see that she sports a baby bump.  If it’s a boy she and Ozmo have decided to name him Evan and if it’s a girl they will call her Iris. Iris hopes it’s a girl.


The End

BOOK: The End
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