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Authors: Kelly Kathleen

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The Encounter (8 page)

BOOK: The Encounter
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There was no denying that he felt the same thing, as was evident by the large protruding member that was showing itself through his pants. I can’t be sure that he was bigger than Mike, but I wanted to find out, and the best way to do that was up close and personal.

Maybe I could catch him coming out of the shower like I did coming home after work, but this time I wouldn’t turn away when he showed the goods. Even when he dropped the towel at my feet, I was too shocked to really see much of anything, but what I did see piqued my interest.

“Oh god… I’m late.” I barely had my eyes open, but I could see that Mike was running around the room grabbing any kind of clean clothes that he could find. He picked up a shirt and smelled it, tossed it in a corner and then grabbed another one that looked a little bit more respectable. “Damn, I’ve got to be at the office in less than 15 minutes. I don’t even have time for breakfast and I’ll have to get something on the road.” He came over and kissed me quickly on the lips and it felt like something that he would give his grandmother and not somebody that he loved with all of his heart.

“I could make you a cup of coffee before you leave.” I was trying to be nice, but inside I was dying just a little, because he didn’t even mention last night or how sorry he was. I’m not sure if he was even consciously aware that he had let me down. “It wouldn’t take me but a minute and I promise that I won’t fall asleep.” This was my way of throwing salt on the wound, but he wasn’t even paying attention and was now in the process of a quick shave in the bathroom.

“No, I don’t even have time to shave, but I have to look my best.” He came out after a couple of minutes, put on a yellow tie, before going down the hallway and clomping down the stairs in a mad rush towards the front door. Throwing the sheets off, I grabbed one of his university jerseys and threw it over top of my body. Struggling into it, I could barely see with the shirt over my head and I crashed into the wall, making one of the paintings fall to the ground with a terrible crash.

Finally, I was inside the jersey, smelling his aftershave and hugging myself thinking about all those times that I had watched him in school running up and down the field. That was before I was involved with him, but that didn’t mean that I didn’t notice him.

I wanted to catch him at the door, but found it wide open with the sound of his car squealing in the driveway. It always makes that noise when you cold start it and then he was driving down the street with his cell phone attached to his ear. Picking up the phone, I still got just a dial tone and then I turned and ran straight into Chance.

The hard muscles of his chest stopped my forward momentum and my hands were pressed up against his stomach.

He didn’t have a shirt on and looked like he had been working out. There were droplets of sweat on his chest and his face was flushed. I was kind of hoping that his condition was because of being in close proximity of me. “I heard a noise and thought that something was wrong.” It was then that I remembered about the painting crashing against the floor and he probably thought that somebody was attacking the house and came to see if he could lend some assistance. “I was up anyway and I guess I should go and put my shirt on.” It was obvious that the noise had made him move quickly, forgetting about his half naked state, not that I was complaining.

“You don’t have to on my account and I was just going to the kitchen to have breakfast, if you want to join me. I would suggest that you stay away from the windows, but I think that you already know that.” He was still standing in front of me, the door was open and if Diana was standing at her window like she always is, there was no telling what she would say or do. Reaching back, I grabbed the doorknob and closed the door before Diana could see anything that she could use against me.

“I could eat, but why don’t you let me cook for you.” I was one lucky girl and now had two guys that could cook, when I could barely boil water for the coffee. “I think that I could manage to make an omelet, just as long as you have the eggs and some of the fixings to go along with it.” He wasn’t even bothering with putting on a shirt and I wasn’t going to ask him to. The longer he was without the shirt, the better it was for me. Come to think of it, I wasn’t wearing all that much myself and I could almost feel his eyes on me as I made my way towards the kitchen

Watching him at the stove, I marveled at the fact that he could work his magic in the kitchen, even though he probably had his hand in killing people with those very same hands. “I never did learn to cook and I suppose I should find time to learn. It would be nice to make a home cooked meal without microwaving it from an easy and convenient box. I’m not saying that there aren’t meals out there that are worth eating from a box, because I have had some wonderful meals like that. The last few weeks, I’ve been eating alone and you can imagine that I wasn’t exactly up to trying my hand at making something for myself.”

“Cecily, it might seem weird that I am proficient in the kitchen, especially considering my line of work, but I have my mother to thank for that. She thought it was a good idea for a man to know how to cook, clean and do his own laundry before he was at the age of 10 years old. In the times that I could be out playing with my friends, I was baking cookies and, actually learning how to make some of the finer delicacies including beef Wellington and lobster risotto. My mother was an accomplished cook and even though she didn’t take any formal training, she was by far something of a whiz in the kitchen. My father wasn’t exactly loving and it didn’t matter what she put in front of him, he would always find something to complain about. I think that was the reason why she left us in the first place.” I was learning a little bit more about Chance and what made him the man he is today.

“I’m sorry that you didn’t have a good childhood and I’m very sorry that your mother left you so young. I guess she thought that she could leave you and you could take care of yourself with everything that she taught you. She basically made it so that you could stand on your own 2 feet without her being constantly around to help you.”

I could smell the eggs and then the bacon sizzling on the stove, not to mention the mushrooms that were mixed in with the omelet. It wasn’t the most difficult of meals to prepare, but the way that he did it made it look effortless.

“I never actually thought about it before and I’ve always felt this deep anger towards her for leaving, but maybe she did think that we were both better off alone. I didn’t last more than my 14th birthday before I left home and joined the Marines. I used a fake identification and I was bigger than boys my same age, so they really didn’t take all that much consideration into it. At the time, they were looking for a few good men and I was right there in the right place without too many questions being asked.” We sat down and he actually squeezed freshly made orange juice and then we ate in silence, still looking at each other, as if we had made a mistake last night by not jumping into bed.

“Chance, I think that we should get dressed and get moving, because the sooner that we find what you’re looking for, the sooner you can stop running for your life.” I didn’t want anything to happen to him, but I certainly didn’t want his circumstances to bleed into my life and Mike’s. It wasn’t fair to my Mike, especially when he didn’t even know what was going on.

“You have done more than enough for me already and I can’t begin to pay you back.” We were heading out of the kitchen and he was following behind, because I had told him during breakfast that I could lend him one of Mike’s shirts.

Glancing over my shoulder, I smiled, thinking that he was wonderful company for breakfast, when I heard what sounded like a door slamming shut.

It sounded familiar, like I knew that sound from somewhere, but just couldn’t place it in my head. It was possible that those two guys had come back to finish the job. I had no idea how they would know that Chance was here, unless they had left some kind of listening device before they left yesterday. The way that Chance was talking about his business, I could seriously see that being the case.

Chance and I both looked towards the door and saw a shadow coming towards it. I don’t know why, but I turned slightly and saw that Mike’s black briefcase was still sitting on the bottom step going upstairs. I was about to tell Chance to disappear, but the door opened too quickly and we were now caught like two deer in the headlights. With both of us half undressed and looking guilty as sin, I could only imagine what was going through Mike’s mind.


* * *





Here’s a sneak peek at the next episode . . .

“I don’t think you should be discussing this, because it will only lead to something that we can’t finish. You were right last night about stopping me from doing something that I would regret and I have to thank you for being the bigger person.” If we had gotten together in the Biblical sense, I think there would be a moment of horrible remorse after the act and that’s a feeling that I just didn’t want to have.

“I’m not sure that I would agree with that statement, Cecily. I was kicking myself all night for turning you away, but I’m glad that I had the strength to do it. In any other circumstance, I would’ve been more than happy to be with you and even now I am fantasizing about it in my head.”

“What were…you…thinking about?” I shouldn’t have said anything and my voice was cracking and showing the effect that he was having on me.

“I was thinking about it when I came out of the shower and you found me standing there with just a towel. I wanted to take your hand and drag you into the shower with your clothes on, peeling them away from your milky skin until you were just as naked as I was. I would let you touch me, holding your hand the entire time, as you moved your fingers up and down my length. I would have kissed you hot and heavy, pressing you up against the glass enclosure with your breasts pushing up against my own chest. I’d be able to feel your excitement with my own hand and know that you were ready for me.”

“Oh my…is it getting hot in here or is it just me?” Just hearing him talk like that was producing vivid images in my head. They were almost lifelike and I could see that they were taking on a life of their own.










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* * *
Chances Taken
* * *

The Encounter
: Book 1

The Plot
: Book 2

The Master
: Book 3


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Her Second Love Series

Meant For Him Series

Vampire Alpha Awakens Series






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BOOK: The Encounter
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