Read The Duchess and Desperado Online

Authors: Laurie Grant

Tags: #Romance, #Historical Romance, #Nineteenth Century, #American West, #Protector

The Duchess and Desperado (31 page)

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“Of course. One wouldn't risk an ocean voyage for a valuable thoroughbred who's in foal,” she said as he took another step closer. “I shall have to find someone trustworthy to care for her while I am across the Atlantic.”
The air seemed to be sucked from the room as he put a hand on both shoulders.
“And then what are you going to do, Duchess?” He was smiling openly now.
Damn the man!
She closed her eyes so she could no longer see his impudent face. “And then I am going to find the finest piece of land Texas affords, and raise the best thoroughbreds and thoroughbred-pinto crossbreds anyone has ever seen, Morgan Calhoun.”
“All by yourself, Duchess?”
She could feel his warm breath on her face, and his hands tightening on her shoulders. Opening her eyes just wide enough to see, she found his lips were but inches from hers.
“No, of course not,” she said, opening her eyes the rest of the way. “If you're not available, I shall just have to scour the countryside until I find another desperado knowledgeable enough about horseflesh to take on as a partner.”
He grinned down at her. “But I
available, Duchess, and I wouldn't dream of letting my wife return to England without me....”
“Your wife?” she managed to say. “But—”
“I wouldn't mind seein' the queen, either. But mainly I'm goin' with you to keep you out of trouble and wearin' your spectacles, Duchess. I love you, you know that. I can't seem to make you see that you deserve more than a cowboy who's a former rebel and outlaw, so will you marry me, Duchess?”
But she wasn't about to let him get by so easily. “Mind you, I can't pull presidential pardons out of my hat every week or so, but perhaps you'd
come to England with me, so I can keep you out of trouble. Even a
duchess's husband should be above reproach, you know.”
He just grinned. “Duchess, whatever did you say in that telegram you sent to the queen? I've always heard your Victoria is kind of a starchy lady—how on earth did you convince her to intercede on behalf of a man like me?”
She allowed herself a Mona Lisa smile. Morgan didn't have to know that she had offered to marry the Duke of Trenton if Victoria required it in return for helping Morgan. And only Sarah would know how relieved the prim and proper Victoria would be that her unconventional duchess was giving up her title.
“Why, Morgan, a lady must have
secrets, you know.” He kissed her then, a kiss so long and sweet he had to brace her to keep her upright. “We'll keep
each other
out of trouble, then,” he said when he raised his head at last. “Of course, we'll be so busy raisin' kids and horses we won't have time to get into trouble, will we?”
Sarah just shook her head.
“And you'll sing only for me and those kids? Oh, and maybe a solo now and then at church?”
She nodded. “No more Fifi, the French Nightingale,” she promised. “Kiss me again to seal the bargain, won't you? I-I can't seem to get enough of them, now that you're free.”
He did.
ISBN : 978-1-4592-6124-2
Copyright © 1998 by Laurie A. Miller
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All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention
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