Read The Dragon’s Virgin Slave (Monster Breeding Dragon Shifter Erotic Romance) Online

Authors: Cherry Dare

Tags: #monster rough sex, #monster breeding sex, #dragon fucking, #dragon sex, #interspecies sex, #rimming, #dragon shifter romance, #dragon shifter erotica

The Dragon’s Virgin Slave (Monster Breeding Dragon Shifter Erotic Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: The Dragon’s Virgin Slave (Monster Breeding Dragon Shifter Erotic Romance)
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Holding the egg tight to her chest,
Kara hurried toward the cave. The dragon leaped into the air and arrowed away,
back toward the city.

As Kara reached the cave, she
heard, very faintly, a great roar, a crackle of fire, and men screaming. Then

For a moment, she was horrified.
Then she shrugged. She wasn't going to shed any tears over slave traders, so
matter how unpleasantly they had met their deserved ends.

More importantly, she had a
dragon's egg to hatch. The huge green dragon and even the egg itself had saved
her from slavery. The least she could do was repay the debt.

She went outside and gathered all
the dry branches and weeds she could find, and piled them up at the back of the
cave. She placed the egg atop the pile, as gently as if she was laying a baby
down to sleep.

Then she used the flint she had
taken from the slave trader's kitchen to light the fire. Orange and yellow
flames flared up and crackled, consuming the wood and sending up eye-watering

The heat was intense. Sweat began
to bead on her face, and on her back and chest. It trickled down her body, all
the way down, teasing her asshole and cunt. She squirmed, trying to ignore the
sensations. She had a promise to keep, and an egg to hatch.

She wondered what the baby dragon would
look like, and how she would feed it. She hoped it would eat the dried meat she
had in her satchel. If so, she should have enough; the egg was not very big,
and the baby dragon should be barely larger than a kitten.

The onyx egg split with a crack like
thunder. A brilliant white light flashed, and a shock wave stuck Kara, knocking
her down on to the hard stone floor. Instinctively, she threw her arm up to
shield her eyes.

Something like a hot ribbon of silk
slid across her lips. Startled, she lowered her arm and opened her eyes.

A black dragon crouched before her.
Every sleek line of him breathed beauty and terror, from his sharp black claws
to his wide-spread black wings to his knowing amber eyes. His wings and tail
were tipped with scarlet, as if he had dipped them in fresh blood.

He was close enough that she could
feel the fire-heat that still rose from his onyx-scaled body, and smell his
scent of molten metal and smoke.

"You're so big," whispered Kara.

He was smaller than the green
dragon, but still as long and tall as a horse— much too large to have emerged
from such a small egg.

"You are so small." The dragon's
voice was like fire crackling.

"No..." Kara protested. "I'm a big,
strong girl. Everyone in my village said so."

"So small and delicate."

The dragon's red forked tongue
flicked out. Before Kara could duck or protest, it caressed her face, sliding
sensuously across one cheek and along her throat. It felt dry and silky, but
very hot. Unable to help herself, she shuddered.

"Do I frighten you?" asked the
dragon, withdrawing his heated tongue. "You hatched me. I will not harm you."

"Oh, no," Kara said. "I trust you."

"But you shuddered."

Kara squirmed, embarrassed. She
didn't want to confess what she had really felt when she had been kissed— no, merely
licked— by the dragon's tongue. "Humans do that when something feels...
different. Intense."

"Ah," said the dragon. "Humans are
so strange. What is your name, girl?"

"Kara," she said. "What is— Do you
have a name?"

The dragon let out a puff of heated
air and smoke. When he spoke, Kara realized that he had been laughing. "All
things are named. We do not tell them to everyone... but I will tell mine to you.
I am Rhodar."

His great head bent. "And you are
no longer a slave."

Rhodar breathed out flame over the
manacles that still gripped her ankles. Kara flinched at the heat. But to her
amazement, while the iron of her manacles melted and flowed, releasing her,
neither the molten metal nor the flames burned her skin. She stepped away from
the gleaming pool of iron on the cave floor.

"Thank you, Rhodar," Kara said.
Then her curiosity overcame her shock. "But I don't understand. How can your
flame melt iron without burning me? How can something as big as you come out of
an egg so small? And how can you know how to talk, when you've just hatched?"

"So many questions." Rhodar blinked
his amber eyes. "Our eggs are larger on the inside than on the outside. As for
my flame, it burns only what I wish it to burn. And dragons are born knowing
many things."

He nosed at her, inhaling the scent
of her body. "I know that you are brave, for such a little, fragile thing. Come
with me. We shall have our first flight together."

Kara was fascinated by this
strange, beautiful being, so inhuman and yet not animal. And to fly!

"I've always dreamed of flying,"
she confessed.

"Now you will."

The rising sun glinted off the
dragon's coal-black scales as they left the cave together. He lay down at her

"Mount," he said.

Kara reached out and touched
Rhodar's back. His scales were not hard as stone, as they looked, but soft as
the finest leather. And they were hot, almost hot enough to burn. Hardly able
to believe that this was happening, she sat down on his back and threw her arms
around his neck.

Rhodar launched into the desert
air. Kara let out a startled cry of excitement as she took to the skies. The
entire world seemed spread out below her, and above her was the great blue sky.
She reveled in the joy of flight. The desert wind blew back her hair, and she
laughed from sheer delight.

"It is glorious, is it not?" asked

"It is," called Kara, shouting to
be heard over the wind. "Thank you!"

The dragon's powerful black wings
beat hard as he continued to fly over the desert, and Kara felt his body shift
sensuously between her bare thighs.

She was suddenly very conscious
that she had run away from the slave trader in nothing but her nightgown. She
did not wear undergarments to sleep, and she wasn't wearing them now. Her cunt
was pressed directly against Rhodar's hot flesh. She could feel every movement
of the powerful muscles beneath his leathery scales.

Kara squirmed, trying to ignore the
sensations. She didn't want Rhodar to know how stimulated she was. He had only
offered to take her for a ride, not to help her masturbate. But she couldn't
stop feeling the dragon's hot flesh rubbing back and forth against her
sensitive folds with every beat of his wings. Nor could she stop the walls of
her cunt from moistening. She could feel her slippery juices dripping out of
her and wetting the dragon's back.

At the thought of Rhodar realizing
that she was pleasuring herself against his back, Kara's entire body went hot
from embarrassment... and arousal.

Her nipples hardened, and she heard
her breath coming fast and ragged. Her heart was pounding. She tried to control
herself by breathing deeply, and commanding her heart to slow. Rhodar was a
dragon, and she was a human. There could be nothing between them.

Rhodar flew faster, and beneath Kara's
cunt, the muscles of his back moved faster, back and forth, back and forth, hot
and firm and smooth. A moan escaped her lips, along with a gush of fluid from
her cunt. She could smell the musk of her own arousal.

Unable to stop herself, she rocked
against his back. The heat, the leathery softness, the motion— it was all
driving her wild. She shuddered, on the brink of orgasm, and bit down on her
lip to try to prevent herself from coming all over Rhodar's back.

Then Rhodar too shuddered, sending
a pulse of vibration through her cunt. Kara was completely helpless against the
demands of her arousal. Her entire body writhed as she moaned and came
uncontrollably, sending a flood of liquid across the dragon's back. Even as she
came, she burned with humiliation. Rhodar had to have known what had happened.

A hot silken ribbon slithered under
Kara's nightgown and lapped at her cunt. Rhodar had turned in mid-air, and was
licking at her with his forked tongue.

"No," Kara moaned. "No, don't—"

To Kara's relief— and
disappointment— the tongue gave her a final caress, then withdrew.

"Do you not want me?" Rhodar
inquired. "I can smell that you do."

Kara's humiliation was unbearable.
"But you're a dragon!"

The dragon dove down and landed on
the desert sands, outside of the cave. Kara slid miserably off his back,
noticing the shiny wet spot she'd left.

"I am not only a dragon," said

There was a flash of light and a
shock wave, like when he had emerged from the egg. Kara staggered backward, her
eyes closing involuntarily.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a
man... but a man like none she had ever seen before. His skin was black— not dark
brown, like some traders she'd seen, but obsidian, like his dragon's scales.
His strong fingers ended in black talons, and his eyes were the dragon's eyes,
amber and knowing.

He still had his dragon's wings and
tail, though now much smaller. He looked like a demon, or a dark angel. The
planes of his face seemed chiseled from stone, handsome in a rough, masculine
way, but his lips were full and sensual.

He was stark naked, and massively
aroused. His gigantic black cock was so erect that it pressed up against his flat,
muscular belly.

"I am a dragon shifter," said
Rhodar. His deep man's voice still held a hint of the dragon's crackling
flames. "There are dragons, and there are humans, but no more who are both. I
am the last of my kind."

"Oh, no," murmured Kara. The sorrow
in his voice made her too feel sad.

"But if I were to breed with a
human woman, our children would be shifters. Then my race would not die with me."

Kara knew exactly what he was
suggesting. She struggled with her emotions. Everything had happened so
suddenly. One moment she was a simple village girl, the next a slave. Then a
runaway. Now this devastatingly attractive man— this not-quite-human man, this
man with the wings and tail and claws of a beast— was proposing that she become
a mother of dragons.

She didn't know what to think. Her
head was spinning. Rhodar had saved her from slavery. He had given her the
freedom of the skies. And, she knew, he could give her pleasure she had never
dreamed possible. But he was strange, and different. His wings— his tail!— were

But, though it made her redden with
shame, the thought of submitting to that not-quite-human touch intrigued her. What
could Rhodar do to her that no human man ever could? What pinnacles of pleasure
could he lift her to?

And it would be terrible if his
entire race were to die out.

Kara couldn't resist her desire...
and her heart. Kara stepped forward, into Rhodar's strong arms, and laid her
head against his dark chest. His skin was burning hot. Like the dragon he had
been, he still smelled like hot metal and smoke. But he also smelled musky,
like a human man.

"Breed with me," she said.

With an exultant shout, Rhodar
swept her up and carried her into the cave.

"Yes," he growled. "You are the

His wings swept forward and wrapped
around her, feeling like supple beaten leather. His tail coiled around her left
arm, and the tip rose to stroke her face and tease delicately at her lips.
Feeling like a wanton woman who would do anything, Kara opened her mouth and
sucked it in. She could feel the soft, tiny scales against her tongue. His tail
thrust in and out against her tongue, as if it was fucking her mouth. She
moaned into it, and heard an answering moan from Rhodar.

He pushed her up against the stone
wall of the cave, but she felt no pain, only the masterful passion of his
dominant desire. He was holding her against the wall with one hand. She had
never encountered a man so strong. But of course, he was not entirely a man...

Rhodar pressed his mouth against
hers. Her lips opened to him, and she felt his tongue enter her mouth. There
was something strange about it, as if it was longer than a man's should be, or
shaped differently. But the very strangeness made her weak at the knees.

She moved her tongue against his,
and felt his tongue, impossibly, coil around hers like a snake. The bizarre
sensation forced a response from her. A jolt of lust went straight down her
spine, and her cunt grew wet again, so wet that it began to drip down her
thighs. She could smell her own aroused scent.

"I will make you mine," he
breathed. "My dragonlings will grow within your womb."

The crackling of flames was
stronger in his voice now. Passion was making the dragon in him emerge. Kara
trembled to think of being mate to a dragon... of being impaled on that huge
black cock.

"I'm scared," she whispered. "I
want you, but... you're so big!"

"Do not fear," he replied. "I will
prepare you."

With his free hand, he ripped off
her nightgown with his talons, leaving her naked. The air was cool on her skin,
but the heat rising up from Rhodar's body soon warmed her. He tossed away the
nightgown and laid her down, naked on the stone floor.

She looked up at his huge black
body, his folded black wings, his fierce black face. He was sensual and
terrifying, all at once.

He opened his mouth, and she saw
that he had a long forked tongue, like a snake, red and fleshy. Like his
dragon's tongue. How could she have been so wanton as to let herself be pleasured
by such an animalistic thing?

"You enjoyed it when you rode me,"
he reminded her.

Kara nodded, blushing.

"Then enjoy it now."

He knelt over her and leaned down,
and his forked tongue flicked out. When he had been a dragon, it had felt hot
and dry; now it was just as hot, but wet. He licked her breasts, like a caress
of fire, the fork wrapping around and encircling her nipples. Her nipples
hardened as he tugged at them, catching each in turn within the fork of his

BOOK: The Dragon’s Virgin Slave (Monster Breeding Dragon Shifter Erotic Romance)
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