Read The Dragon's Vamp Online

Authors: C.A. Salo

The Dragon's Vamp (5 page)

BOOK: The Dragon's Vamp
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Mari frowned as Triton burst out in laughter. There in front of her was a picture of herself staring back. Obviously one of the original Roven Clan had thought it a good idea to put to paper who had led them to Alston. “Damn Lykens,” she muttered.

“Hey now,” Evan Roven chuckled.

“What the—you’re the one who led our ancestors here?” Rhys asked as he met her gaze.

“I am,” she whispered as she stepped back. “I did it for entirely selfish reasons at the time. My father had just fallen asleep after his battle with the darkness and I needed someone here to—watch him—although no one knew he was here. I knew of a group of Other Kin who wanted to be free to live their lives without having to fight for clan wars and territories all the time. They wanted peace. The farther I traveled the more Other Kin I found wanting the same. I asked them if they could put their differences aside and live in peace with Other Kin who wanted the same. I told them that I knew of a place where they could settle. However, they had to protect their lands and its people if danger came. They all agreed and as you know, they settled here.”

“You say your father fell asleep after the battle with the darkness, our records show that it appeared only once and our ancestors fought it,” Elder Eva of the Woodland Fairies said.

“Yes, my father fell asleep not too long after the first battle. From what I’m told it was one of the bloodiest wars ever known to Other Kin. Triton and his family were there.”

“The darkness attacked the first time right after Mari was born,” Triton said.

“I was able to make it back in time to help your ancestors fight it off for the second battle with the help of some very good friends again.” Smiling up at Triton, she watched as he beamed like a peacock. “The darkness wasn’t as strong as when my father and the others fought it in the first battle. It hadn’t regained its full strength before it attacked. But thinking my father was asleep,” she shrugged, “it went for the chance I guess.”

“Who is your father?” Gavril Beven asked.

“Uncle!” Rhys growled as he stepped forward.

Mari caught his arm, holding him still. “My father is a fire dragon and this is his territory.”

“That’s impossible!” Elder Morgan of the Druids stated. “Dragons haven’t been seen for thousands of years.”

Her lips parted to speak when a blinding light entered the council chamber.

“Dare you suggest my daughter speaks of non-truths?” Darina asked as she emerged. “Or that my husband does not exist?”

The corner of Mari’s mouth tilted up with her mother’s dramatic entrance. She listened as Triton chuckled when they all bowed their heads respectively. “This is my mother, Ancient Darina.”

“Blessed one, we meant no disrespect,” Morgan stated.

“Of course you didn’t,” Darina replied. “I know it must be difficult to think of dragons still being around as no one has seen them in such a long time. But this is Alston, and this information stays within Alston’s boundaries forever.”

“Mother, I’m pretty sure I could have explained everything. Why are you here?” Mari asked.

“To warn you all that the coming battle will be soon. The ancients sense a great unrest looming close.” Turning to Mari, she met her gaze. “You must be able to shift completely. If you do not, then all is lost. Do you understand this?”

“There’s no way I can take down the darkness even shifted. I am not as powerful as father.”

“Mariwen, the darkness is coming for you. It has been learned that the reason it keeps attacking Alston is that it knows you will come. It has no idea where your father rests or even if it’s on this side of his territory.”

“Me? Why?”

“Because you are Alston, you are this land. You hold the key to its safety. And no, Olivia Roven cannot be brought into battle this time. She is not ready and she would not survive.”

Fear ran through her body like water thawing from the ice caps. “Then I’ll leave.”

“If you leave, it will kill all here. Is that what you want?”

“No,” she whispered, turning her gaze when a hand touched her lower back, heating her chilled flesh.

“You won’t be alone,” Rhys stated as he drew her closer. “We will help you.”

“As will I,” Triton stated.

“Mari,” Darina said as she lifted her daughter’s hands within her own. “You are never alone and you have more power than you know.”

Mari closed her eyes as her mother kissed her cheek. The electricity spiked as her mother disappeared.

“Don’t forget you come from my bloodline as well,” Darina’s disembodied voice whispered.

“What did she mean by that?” Rhys asked.

“I, I don’t know. I’ve never shown any signs of having mother’s powers. Triton?” she asked as she met the Sea Prince’s gaze.

“No idea kiddo, that’s something beyond me,” Triton said.

“Mari, if you’re the guardian of Alston, then may I ask why Olivia was chosen to be a guardian?” Gwil Roven asked.

“Livi was chosen simply because she was born of Alston lands, and since I have no child of my own, yet. A new guardian needed to be chosen in case something happens to me.”

“So, no matter that she’s a guardian; you’ll still be

Mari smiled. “Yes, unless I die, then all my gifts and powers will go to Olivia; unless I have a child, then they will automatically find any child of my blood and infuse with them.”

“In other words,” Triton said, “No matter what, a dragon guardian will always protect Alston and its people.”

Mari frowned as she glanced back to the council members. “Call to arms, prepare for a battle as mother said. They won’t wait to attack.”

* * * *

Mari sighed as she sat on Rhys’ bed staring out the huge picture window. She’d left the room dark on purpose so she could see the stars. A soft smile lined her lips when Rhys slipped in behind her, his warmth heating her back.

“Are you alright?”

“Yes. Rhys, the reason I asked you to wait to bite me is because sometimes my blood is…hot. My body heats up with my passion and I’ve never let a vampire bite me in the middle of sex, so I’m not sure if you’d feel my fire or not.”

“Will I hurt you if I bite and feed from you?”

“No, like Triton, I’m old and powerful enough that you could bite all you like and I’ll be fine, unless we do it for days with no sleep and food.”

“Days huh?” he grinned.

Mari smiled, turning as he drew her close. “I just didn’t want you to run once you tasted me.”

“I’m not running anywhere and I plan on tasting every inch of you.”

Her head tilted as his lips ran down her neck. She parted her lips with a soundless gasp as Rhys’ hands traveled up to her breasts, his fingers finding her nipples. “Rhys,” she whispered breathlessly.

“Do you wish to feed on me?” he asked as he removed her shirt.

“No, that would be too many sensations at once and I don’t know how I’ll act.”

“Because you haven’t fed in a while?”


Rhys smiled as he removed her bra. “Don’t worry, love, that’s something I know how to deal with.” Lowering his head, he gently drew her turgid peak into his mouth, her moan and movement had him lowering his hands to her waist to hold her still.

“Rhys, do not make me wait,” Mari groaned as she ran her fingers through his hair grabbing on, trying to force his head closer.

“Slow down.”

“I haven’t been with a man in a hundred years,” she growled.

Lifting his head, he met her gaze. “Exactly. That’s why you will slow down. I will not hurt you, Mari, no matter how fast and hard you want to mate.”

Her heart sped at his words and the glow of his eyes. “Alpha.”

Rhys grinned. His fingers worked into her hair near her scalp and held her as he attacked her mouth. He knew she was a powerful being, and if she didn’t accept his dominance during their first mating, she never would, and that he wouldn’t accept. Two alphas in a relationship was hard; if one didn’t yield they’d have a hard time being together as a couple, and from her body language, she accepted his dominance. “You will not orgasm without my permission, do you understand?”

“Yes.” She breathed as heavily as he did.

“I know it’s been a while and you’re primed, but you will wait and enjoy the pleasures I give you.”

“But, you’ll hurry right?”

“When it pleases me. Now get naked, woman.”


Rhys chuckled as she undressed quickly. “Yes, my woman.” Moving away, he stripped swiftly, smiling when her eyes lowered to his thick erection. Her pink tongue wetting her lips had his cock jumping. “Suck him for me.” His voice husky, Rhys groaned when her warm mouth moved over his wide head. Lowering his hand, he gently placed it on top of her head. He really shouldn’t have her do this; he was ready to explode and groaned when her tongue tickled the skin on the underside of his cock. Her fingers lightly grazed his balls. He groaned as her warm mouth settled over his head, taking him in slowly. His buttocks clenched as she moved further down his shaft, engulfing his cock down her throat. “Baby, don’t hurt yourself,” he mumbled.

Moving her mouth back up, she let her lips barely touch his wide head as she glanced up, her gaze moving over his body. Her pussy clenched with wanting. Rhys’ body was firm with enough muscle to show his strength. Not like those wimpy vamps portrayed in movies now where they were skinny and pale. Gods if they only knew the real thing lived right next door. Rhys was the perfect picture of how a vampire should be portrayed.

“Baby, are you day dreaming?”

“Only about you.” Sucking him quickly, Mari smiled at his gasping moan and tightening fingers in her hair.

Rhys growled as he lifted her up his body, his tongue stroking deeply into her mouth, hers initiating a sensuous duel. His fingers delved into her hair, clutching against her scalp, his lips demanding and hungry as he pressed his erection against her damp pussy. Turning, he lowered her. Kneeling on the floor, his nostrils flared with her intoxicating scent.

Mari moaned as his large hands moved her thighs apart, exposing her swollen folds to his gaze. Her hips arched at the brush of his knuckles over her and then he buried his mouth against her pussy. Mari cried out as she squirmed against him, his hands holding her thighs apart as he devoured her. “Oh my god!” She was trying to hold on. She could do it. Then the rush of the endorphins hit her. “Rhys, please! Oh my god I’m going to come!” she screamed, her eyes tearing up with the battle to hold her orgasm back—and then his mouth was gone. Gasping, her body trembled uncontrollably as he moved over her, her legs stretching, going over his thighs as he knelt in front of her. She cried with pleasure as his fat cock filled her slowly, his thickness stretching her swollen insides. “Come on, Rhys. Please!”

“Please what, my love?”

“Faster,” she growled.

The side of Rhys’ mouth tilted up as he fully encased himself in her warmth. “You are so tight, honey. I don’t want to hurt you.” Grabbing her hips when she went to thrust against him, he held her in place.

Mari’s head moved to the side as her pussy clenched around his hard cock.

“You’re making this hard,” he said between clenched teeth. Moving slowly out of her, the sweat beaded on his forehead as he entered her slowly again.

“Damn, Rhys, move!”

“When I say so wench!” Smacking her inner thigh he met her gaze as she turned her head his way. Slowly he pumped her once, twice. He held her hips tight, and when her muscles clenched around him again he started thrusting with vigor.

“Not yet, Mari, not yet,” Rhys said through clenched teeth. The desire to give this woman the ultimate pleasure stirred him to hold onto his own passions. His eyes shifted with the heating of her body. The sheen of sweat on her delicate skin had his fangs descending as his thumb lowered to her engorged clit.

Mari’s body heated to a level she’d never felt before. Her lips parted on a silent gasp as images and emotions of Rhys floated through her brain, letting her know that the mind-marking was taking place, and she truly was with her soul mate. The deafening sound of silence pinged through her head all of a sudden; the only coherent thought was Rhys’ voice.

“Now, Mari. You may come for me now!”

“Rhys!” she cried as she was tossed over the edge with the most intense orgasm she’d ever had. It ripped through her like an inferno.

Rhys growled as he tensed. Tingles traveled from his spine to his dick and he roared with his release as he thrust into her fully. Breathing heavily he collapsed half on her and half on the bed. Her body twitched with aftershocks, his hot breath coming back at him as it hit the side of her neck. His nostrils flared with the rapid pulse of her blood surging through her neck.

“Wh-what in the hell did you do to me?” Mari breathed heavily.

Rhys chuckled as he kissed her temple. “I loved my woman right.”

“Why didn’t you bite me?” Mari asked as she rolled to her side, facing him. She liked the way his arm wrapped around her waist.

“We had so many sensations whipping through us I thought it best to wait for another time to bring us more pleasure.”

* * * *

Mari smiled as she slowly walked by his office. Catching Rhys’ gaze through the open door, she winked before heading outside.

“Tease,” Rhys said as he came up behind her, lifting her off her feet.

Mari laughed as he turned her in his arms. “How so?” she asked wrapping her arms around his neck.

“Walking by my office like that while I’m conducting business.”

“Like what? All I did was smile and wink at you.” Tilting her head when his lips found the sensitive spot on her neck, she wrapped her legs around him as his hands held onto her ass.

“Exactly.” Nipping her gently, he was cautious not to let his now descended fangs puncture her soft skin.

Her lips parted on a gasp. “Taste me,” she whispered.

“Are you sure?”

Mari met his gaze when he lifted his head. “Yes, before my blood becomes too hot and increases the risk of hurting you.”

Rhys turned and ran up to his chambers with her; he wasn’t taking the chance of making her sick from quick-stepping. Once in their rooms, he sat her down on the bed.

BOOK: The Dragon's Vamp
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