The Domville 5 (The Domville #5) (2 page)

BOOK: The Domville 5 (The Domville #5)
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In fact, that meant

I’d also come to the realisation that I wasn’t
totally blameless. I got in from work, usually after eight each night, showered
and changed, then we ate a late dinner together. The kids would have eaten
earlier, which meant she had to cook two meals every night. We watched the ten
o’clock news together and then it was time for me to go to bed, ready for
another early start. Saturdays were taken up with my weekly golf sessions and
Sundays I was too tired to go anywhere or do anything. I usually used that time
to catch up with the kids and play on the X-box.

‘Shit,’ I muttered. Drawing a visual of my life
like that in my head, made me realise that I was on a bloody hamster wheel.
Round and round, the same routine every damn day, and other than our brief
interlude for Saturday night sex, nowhere in that week did I make quality time
for my wife. The wife I’d promised to treat like a princess and to show my
undivided attention. During the week I’d quite often wait until she was asleep
to masturbate, or I’d watch porn on a Wednesday night when she was at book club
at her friend Sharon’s house down the road. The thought of having a threesome,
to watch another guy or woman pleasuring her while I watched, was my secret
fantasy, one I’d never vocalised for fear of scaring her off. I’d had plenty of
experience before her, but while Tracy had a reputation as a party girl back
them, she didn’t put it about. The few guys she’d had sex with hadn’t left her
with a particularly favourable impression of the act, so she was actually still
quite reserved about coming forward, preferring me to make the moves. I should
have been more honest with her about my needs, encouraged her to be more
adventurous, instead of blaming her for the lack of excitement. I nudged my way
into the slightly quicker moving fast lane, with a renewed enthusiasm to get
home and tell her that I’d had an epiphany, that things were going to change.


I pulled up on the drive of our five bedroom
detached house, out in the leafy countryside on the outskirts of Newport. Grabbing
my briefcase, I slung my suit jacket over my arm and picked up the bouquet of
flowers I’d stopped in town to get. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d bought
her flowers. I’d even rung my brother-in-law Marcus on the way home to ask if
we could skip golf tomorrow, so I could take Tracy out to lunch and to go
shopping. I wanted to treat her to some nice clothes for our wedding
anniversary weekend away. I’d booked us into the Albright Hussey, on the
outskirts of Shrewsbury, where we’d had our wedding reception. I booked it
every year, for nostalgic reasons, but maybe that was too predictable and
boring too. Just like we’d become. I checked my watch as I walked up to the
front door, I was extra late due to my stop at the supermarket to grab her
flowers. The house was unusually quiet as I let myself in. The sounds of Caleb
and Rosie arguing were often the first sound that filled my ears. Oddly, there
was no smell coming from the kitchen either. Tracy was usually finishing off
our dinner, ready to serve up when I walked through the door.

‘Sweetheart?’ I called, dropping my briefcase
in the hall and hanging my suit jacket on one of the pegs on the wall.

‘Lounge,’ she responded. I let out a surprised grunt,
she was always in the kitchen at this time. What was going on? I strode in and
stalled in my tracks, not sure which of us was more surprised. Her to see me
with a large bouquet of brightly coloured flowers in my hand, or me to see her
posed sexily on the long section of our corner sofa, wearing nothing but black
lace underwear and a pair of black high heels.

‘Jesus,’ I exclaimed, my eyes scanning her from
top to toe. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d seen her figure properly, but
she was in sensational bloody shape. And she’d done something sexy with her
hair, which was piled up with loose tendrils falling around her slender neck,
and she had makeup on. She looked stunning. ‘The kids?’ I uttered hoarsely,
reaching down to adjust my rapidly swelling cock.

‘Staying over with Karen and Marcus,’ she
advised, elegantly rising up from the sofa.

‘You look … Jesus, Tracy. You never dress up
anymore, or down in this case.’ My eyes were on stalks as I watched her plump
breasts wobble in the bra as she slinked sexily towards me.

‘And you never buy me flowers. Are you having
an affair? Is it Sabrina?’ she asked, looking hurt as she stopped just in front
of me.

‘An affair? I’d never … Christ no,’ I uttered,
shaking my head, holding her gaze to let her see the sincerity in my eyes. ‘I’d
do that to you.’

‘But you find her attractive, don’t you?’ She cocked
her head as she studied my reaction to the question. Damn it, I’d gone and done
it, my secret tell. I’d just run my index finger around the inside of my collar
over my throat. I always did it when I was uncomfortable, and Tracy was so
astute that she’d sussed that within weeks of us meeting. She’d know I was
lying if I tried to deny it.

‘Yes,’ I gulped, hesitating as I tried to judge
her reaction. She just continued to observe me, saying nothing. ‘She reminds me
of how you used to look, when you dressed up and … she reminds me of how you
look tonight. You never make an effort anymore and Christ, it’s a good job you
don’t, as I want to throw you down on the floor and fuck you like we used to
when we were first dating.’

‘Good,’ she replied. I raised my eyebrows at
her response, my heart picking up speed to see a smile form on her face. She
took the flowers out of my hand and put them down on the coffee table. ‘That’s
just the effect I was going for, darling.’

I grinned like a teenager about to get laid for
the first time when she grabbed my tie and yanked me to her. My hands quickly
reached for her hips, grasping them tightly as our mouths crashed together.
Blood surged through my body as the memory of how good sex between us used to
be invaded my thoughts. Suddenly we were like those randy teenagers, fumbling
to remove my clothes as we frantically and awkwardly kissed, bashing teeth,
bumping noses and walking into furniture as we staggered towards the expanse of
carpet in front of the roaring log burner. I barely had time to appreciate what
was happening before I was inside her, pumping into her like my life depended
on it, shattering with a primal roar, far too fast, as her screams of delight
filled my ears.

‘Fuck,’ I gasped, panting for air as I came
down from my high.

‘Wow, a rough quickie. That beats our usual
Saturday night routine hands down,’ she confirmed, kissing my damp neck. ‘Go
and get comfortable on the sofa. I’ve made us a carpet picnic. We have some
serious talking to do about the state of our relationship, including your
threesome fantasies.’

‘My what?’ I spluttered, pulling out of her and
rolling onto my side, sure I was red faced with embarrassment.

‘I’m only mad that you kept it from me,’ she
replied calmly, as she grabbed her knickers, stood up and pulled them back on.  ‘We’re
going to eat and talk about these fantasies of yours with the DVD …’ she broke
off and picked up a case off the mantelpiece and studied it, ‘“
Tori Black is
Pretty Filthy
” playing in the background. I quite like the idea of you
fucking me from behind while we watch a three way on our big screen.’

having an affair?’ I blurted
out, tucking myself back into my boxers. This wasn’t like Tracy. She’d never
been this sexually adventurous.

‘No, but I’m worried if we don’t sort out our
pathetic sex life that you might. I still love you Anthony and I know that I’m
naïve and I might not be everything you want me to be, but I don’t want to lose
you. I need you to be honest with me, and if a threesome is something you’ve
always wanted, I’d rather be a part of that than have you going elsewhere to
satisfy your urges, then leaving me and the kids.’ Her eyes filled with tears
as she looked down at me. I shook my head in amazement, before scrambling up to
haul her against my chest.

‘You’re what I’ve always wanted. I’ve never
cheated on you, Tracy, but I’d be lying if I said the thought of watching you
with someone else didn’t get my cock even harder. I’d never act out on that
though, not if you didn’t want to try it too. I’d rather have you and the kids
in my life, than give it all up to satisfy a sexual fantasy I’ve been
harbouring ever since I first met you.’ I tucked her hair behind her ear with
one hand and trailed my knuckles gently down her soft cheek.

‘What if we could have both?’ she whispered, a
flush of embarrassment colouring up her face. ‘A great marriage and family life
and fulfil your fantasies now and then?’

‘You want to try a threesome?’ I asked, trying
to keep my voice from shaking with excitement as I studied her face to see how
serious she was. The thought of her fucking another guy behind my back had my
hackles rise instantly, but the thought of watching another guy, or even a
woman, pleasuring her, with my permission? For some reason, that really got me
off. I wasn’t even that bothered about fucking anyone else myself. As long as
she was getting plenty of enjoyment, with my consent, that would be enough for
me. She deserved it after putting me and the kids first for so long.

‘I’d be lying too, if I said that the thought
didn’t turn me on. I’m just not sure I could actually do it. What if you liked
the other girl more than me? What if you decided you wanted someone who could
offer you that sort of kinky sex all of the time and you left us? I may not say
it often, but I love you, Anthony. I’ve always loved you, there’s never been
anyone else for me,’ she stated sincerely, her eyes glistening with unshed
tears of emotion.

‘I feel the same, sweetheart. I’d never leave
you, or go behind your back. I’ve just realised that I’ve been neglecting you,
I’ve been too focussed on work instead of you. Having Sabrina flirting with me
every day reminded me how much I used to love you giving me coy smiles, or
dressing sexily. I have so much to make up for with you.’

‘So put on the film and get comfortable. We’re
going to talk and eat and decide exactly what our relationship needs to get it
back on track. And if you happen to get hard again, feel free to take advantage
of your neglected wife, you have her full permission.’ She pursed her lips for
a kiss, which I gladly gave her, along with a squeeze and slap of her biteable
backside as she headed out to the kitchen, in just her heels and knickers. I
was bloody hard and ready to go again right now. In fact, sod waiting for her
to come back to the lounge, I was going to follow her and fuck her in the
kitchen, maybe on the dining table. This was the best Friday night I could
remember in years and the weekend had only just started.


The Shrewsbury Domville



I looked over at Anthony as
he drove. Since the other week, when we’d both made an effort and discussed our
sexual relationship at length, it was like we were seeing each other in a new
light. Instead of just a handsome, hardworking husband, I saw a gorgeous, lust
fuelled man that I couldn’t keep my hands off. We’d been having sex every night
and not just in bed. I giggled as the memory of me, still dressed, bent over
the kitchen island with Anthony fucking me from behind, flashed into my mind.
The kids had been in bed for over an hour, but Caleb had wandered in for a glass
of water and a snack, as he was prone to do. He’d hastily beat a retreat with a
look of complete mortification on his face.

‘What’s so funny?’ Anthony smiled as he glanced
over at me.

‘Caleb’s face the other night,’ I grinned,
reaching over to put my hand on Anthony’s firm muscular thigh, encased in a
pair of very sexy indigo jeans. He’d teamed it with a salmon pink shirt and his
brown brogues. He looked so deliciously hot. As an ex-rubgy player, he’d built
up an amazing physique in his twenties and thirties and had managed to stay in fabulous

‘It was a picture,’ he chuckled. ‘I’ve never
seen him leave the kitchen so fast and it’s his favourite room in the house,
with easy access to the contents of the fridge.’

‘I don’t think it’s his favourite room
anymore,’ I replied with a wink and we both burst out laughing. ‘Shit, you’ve
just missed the turn for the hotel.’

‘We’re not going to the Hussey this time. I
changed our reservation.’ He flashed me a wickedly sinful grin that piqued my

‘Where are we going then?’ I asked, as we
skirted the east side of the town on the bypass.

‘The Shrewsbury Domville,’ he replied proudly.

‘The Domville! Anthony, that’s a really
expensive hotel.’ I looked at him stunned. He earned a lot of money, but we’d
never been frivolous with it. I took a swig from my bottle of water as he
navigated another roundabout.

‘I’ve found out that their private ballroom,
the one that they think is hired out once a month to a group of “Wine
Connoisseurs,” is actually hired out to the largest group of elite swingers in
the UK.’

‘Swingers?!’ I virtually spat my water all over
his dashboard as my pulse spiked. ‘Anthony, it’s one thing talking about a
threesome, I’m not sure I’m actually ready to have one.’

‘There’s no pressure, sweetheart. We can mooch
around the shops on Pride Hill this afternoon before we have a romantic meal
out tonight, just the two of us. Tomorrow we have time to do more shopping, as
I know you love Wyle Cop and all its quirky boutiques. We can eat in the hotel
in the evening, then I have tickets for the private ballroom gathering. We can
go and have a drink and see what happens. If you don’t want to invite anyone up
to our room, we won’t.’

‘You won’t be mad with me if I can’t do it? I
mean, it must have cost you a lot of money.’

‘It wasn’t cheap,’ he shrugged. ‘But your
happiness is more important. If you don’t want to go through with anything, we
won’t. But we won’t know unless we take that first step of being with like-minded
people, will we?’ He flashed me a reassuring smile, briefly letting go of the
steering wheel to reach over and squeeze my hand.

‘I guess not,’ I replied, noticing how much my
heart had speeded up at the thought of it. What if I saw someone who turned me
on though, could I really go through with it? ‘How did you find out about this
meeting? Shrewsbury’s not exactly the most happening of towns, I’d never have
imagined it for a swingers’ gathering.’

‘Sabrina,’ he replied, with an embarrassed grimace.

‘And how the hell did
come up?’ I
gave him my best glare, none too happy that he’d been discussing our sex life
of all people. The blonde bombshell, who was making it all too
clear she was up for fucking my husband.

‘She’s my PA, she knows things, has connections
I couldn’t even dream of. Turns out she’s been a few times. She’s not a
settling down in a relationship kind of woman, she likes her freedom and often
goes. They let single ladies in for free, once they’ve been through an interview
and vetting procedure, as I had to as well. It seems most people prefer the FMF
ménage, female-male-female,’ he clarified, ‘so apparently there’s always a
shortage of women.’

‘Is she going to be there tomorrow?’ I asked, picking
at my new sexy skinny jeans to avoid looking at him, while trying to keep the
jealousy out of my voice. I’d been looking at myself in the mirror far too
often lately, comparing myself to her, wondering if I was still lacking.

‘No, I suggested it would be best if she
wasn’t,’ he replied, turning right to head into Shrewsbury town centre, to take
in the scenic and historic English Bridge which straddled the River Severn.

‘You never answered my question of whether she
was in any of your fantasies,’ I reminded him. Each time I brought it up, he
seemed to change the topic of conversation, which baffled me. I mean, we were
talking about possibly inviting someone else into our bed, him admitting he’d
like to fuck his PA wasn’t going to break us. Him fucking her behind my back
would though.

‘Honestly?’ He glanced over at me as we waited
at some pedestrian traffic lights.

‘Honestly,’ I nodded, giving my consent.

‘I’ve imagined watching her going down on you,
yes,’ he almost whispered, shifting slightly in his seat, his thighs parting to
accommodate his swelling cock. I licked and bit my lip, wondering why the
thought of that had a tingle run from my chest straight to my pussy.

‘Just me with her, not you?’

‘I’m not sure I want to fuck another woman, not
in the conventional sense at least. I guess I like the thought of fucking her
anally while she’s eating you out, so we can look into each other’s eyes as we
both come, but if you’re open to that, we could do it with any woman you like.
It doesn’t have to be Sabrina, I know how you feel about her.’

‘I’m don’t know how I feel about her,’ I
replied honestly. ‘I barely know her, but I knew from the first time I met her
that she wanted you. It put my back up.’

‘But the thought of being with another woman,
of me fucking her arse while you watch, doesn’t put your back up?’

‘I’m not sure,’ I replied, quickly looking out
of the window as we started to move again. I didn’t want to admit how turned on
I was at the thought of another woman kissing or touching me. I’d even had a
sexy dream about Sabrina playing with me the other night, which I’d not
confessed to, but I had woken up seriously wet and swollen and had to
masturbate to take away the aching need for sex. Being turned on at the thought
of something different and illicit, and actually going through with it, were
two totally different things. I’d been very drunk when I’d kissed my friend
back at uni.

‘I love the idea of another woman touching you,
of hearing your breathy moans, of fingering her backside and looking at her wet
pussy from behind as she licks yours. I also like the idea of watching another
man fuck you, of being able to focus on the pleasure written all over you face,
instead of concentrating on my own.’

‘Stop,’ I moaned, wriggling in my seat as I
felt myself swelling and dampening below and my nipples protruding, the lace of
my new bra rubbing against them.

‘Damn it, I’m bloody hard and it’s not like we
can pull over for a quickie now that we’re in the town centre,’ he growled.  

‘We’ll be in our room in less than ten minutes
if you can wait that long.’ I reached over and rubbed his erection through his
jeans, my knickers now soaking at the thought of a whole weekend of the kind of
sex we’d been having for the last few weeks. The kind we’d both been missing. To
think that even that kind of sex might be considered tame, based on what we
were considering for tomorrow night, was one hell of an aphrodisiac.


I barely had time to take in the stunning lobby
of the six star hotel as Anthony hurried me to the reception desk, his navy
blazer hanging over his arm to hide the protrusion in his jeans. I couldn’t
stop giggling. It felt like we were back in our twenties, checking into a hotel
for a dirty night, given we’d both still lived with our parents when we first

‘Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins. I’m pleased to
advise that we’ve upgraded you to one of our Domville suites as you’re
celebrating such a special wedding anniversary,’ the pretty young receptionist
smiled. I noticed that there were no ugly staff in any direction I looked. Was
it a prerequisite to be beautiful to work here?

‘That’s very kind of you,’ Anthony smiled, then
jumped and coughed as I snuck a hand under his blazer and squeezed his

‘Is everything alright?’ she asked, holding his
gaze as his face coloured up and he ran his finger inside his collar.

‘He’s just a bit flustered after the drive,
worried that we’ve forgotten something. I keep reminding him that I have a grip
on things,’ I smiled, squeezing even tighter.

‘Yes, my wife has a very firm hand when she
sets her mind to something,’ he rumbled, as he coughed again.

‘The porter will take your bags up for you and
you’ll find a bottle of champagne on ice and some chocolate dipped strawberries
to welcome you. If you need any assistance over the weekend, please just give
us a call in reception, or the concierge can recommend eateries, places to shop
or anything out of the ordinary. We specialise in catering to unusual needs.’

‘So I heard,’ Anthony replied, with a knowing
smile at me. I reluctantly released him, still proud of my newfound sexual

‘If you have forgotten anything, please let us
know and we can arrange to have a replacement delivered to your suite.’

‘Thank you.’ I gave her a beaming smile, I was so
impressed with the hotel and we hadn’t even seen the suite yet. Was it wrong
that a picture of her in our bed later had just entered my mind?
Hodgins, what has happened to you?
I asked myself, as Anthony took the key
cards and virtually raced me to the lifts, sexual frustration written all over
his face.




I returned to our table from the toilet of The
Golden Cross restaurant, one of our favourites in Shrewsbury, tugging my shirt
cuffs back down under my jacket with a proud smile on my face. Tracy looked
absolutely stunning. She’d had her hair professionally cut, coloured and styled
yesterday, which had made her look in her late twenties. She’d also confessed
to having some makeup lessons. Not that I thought she needed any help, she was
damn attractive as it was. Given we’d spent most of the afternoon fucking, she
had a radiant glow to her cheeks before she dolled herself up tonight, just
adding to her appeal. She was wearing a pair of skin tight black jeans, with a
pair of black peep toe high heeled boots, just showing a flash of her fire
engine red painted toenails, which matched her fingers and the sexy one
shouldered asymmetrical blouse I’d bought her at lunchtime. She’d always looked
amazing in red. She’d asked for some time alone before we’d headed back to the
hotel to get ready to come out, so I’d nipped to an exclusive lingerie shop and
purchased her a surprise gift to wear under her dress tomorrow night. Even if
we couldn’t go through with our fantasy, if one of us didn’t feel comfortable,
I still planned on making her scream my name for most of the night.

‘Shall we?’ I asked, holding out my hand to
assist her, marvelling at how firm her tits still were after breastfeeding two
children. It was like I’d been wearing sunglasses for years, not truly
appreciating what was right in front of me, but I’d be damned if I was going to
lose sight of just how lucky I was again.

BOOK: The Domville 5 (The Domville #5)
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