The Devil's Water: Scenic City Murder Series #1 (6 page)

BOOK: The Devil's Water: Scenic City Murder Series #1
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“Yep. We got the first Jack the Ripper note with Macy.” Clutch agreed. “And the bastard couldn’t have known about the Sun apartment connection or any of that.”


“Anything else?” Clutch asked.

Tasha sat back in her chair and looked at the note another minute. “Well…He obviously has a good vocabulary. Also, he’s studied this. Maybe for years. He’s plotted and planned a very long time in order to pull this off and he’s past getting a taste for it.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that he isn’t a beginner anymore. He’s moved up several levels and he’s becoming so comfortable with it that it’s making him cocky.  He enjoys thinking that he knows more than you or anyone else connected with this case. You might be looking at someone who wanted to go into law enforcement or work for the FBI. He might’ve been disappointed and angry that he couldn’t cut it and decided that he would play for the other team.”

“Well, why the fuck is he calling me Clutch? I mean, only my close friends and co-workers do that.”

“Because he is telling you that he knows more about you than you know about him. Again, it’s a show of arrogance and pomposity. This dude has an overinflated opinion of himself which, God willing, will be his downfall.”

“Do you think he’s gonna start slashing his vics and removing body parts like the Ripper did?” Clutch asked.

“Well, yes and no.” Tasha responded.

“Yes in the sense that he’s already removed Monica Balzer’s interior labia. He might be capable of doing something like that again. No in the sense that he’s not a slasher. He’s a strangler, a rapist and his chosen MO is to give his vic enough Fentanyl to damn near kill a horse. I suspect that he’s taken her labia as a trophy.”

“Jesus.” Clutch said under his breath.

“Limmel found no sign of anything cut off Macy Garcia’s body.” He added.

“Yeah but he didn’t take a lot of time with Macy. He killed her almost as soon as he abducted her.”

They sat in silence for a moment or two before the phone rang. Clutch picked it up on the third ring. “Clutch here.” He said simply into the receiver.

“Be down there in a minute.” Clutch hung up the phone and looked back over at Tasha. “I need to go. Flo’s best friend is in the interview room and the Vice folks are having a time with her. I don’t know her that well but I know she can be a pill.”

“Alright.” Tasha said as she stood up from her chair and walked toward the door. “Keep me informed.”



The interview room was in the basement and Clutch really had no idea what he was walking into. As he swung open the large metal door which connected the stairwell with a long hallway of doors, he began to have a clue. Loud angry voices could be heard coming from the last interview room on the left. Two Vice detectives, Paul Merideth and Bruce Varnell, were standing at the one way mirror watching the fireworks.

“Bruce, go in and get Gunnar.” Clutch ordered as he strolled up to the mirror. He could see Gunnar Pfoltz leaning over the small, bone-thin frame of a black woman who looked a lot older than her years. Janese Dupri was a drug addict as well as a prostitute and she would do absolutely anything if she was needing a fix. Clutch watched as Bruce Varnell whispered in Gunnar’s ear and watched both detectives head for the door.  As Gunnar exited the interview room, he removed a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his face with it. “Damn bitch spit on me.” He said exasperated.

“Look, tell me what’s going on.” Clutch said, trying to keep his voice low and even.

“Well, I went in there to talk to her about what was going on with the case. What, if anything, she saw.” Gunnar began. “She wouldn’t give me anything. She just started cussing me and screaming at me to get the fuck away from her. Pretty much, it all went downhill from there. Fuckin’ whore.”

Gunnar’s face was still red and he was sweating profusely. “Take a timeout, Gunnar. Go back to your office.” Clutch said.

“Hey, I got this. I mean, I can handle her.”

“No you can’t. You just lost your cool and now you’ve called her two derogatory names. I know you hate prostitution, Gunnar, and I know you hate drugs but you really need an attitude adjustment. That ain’t gonna get you very far in your chosen career path. Now take ten and go get some water.”

Mclutcheon watched as Gunnar moved down the hall toward the water cooler. “Excuse me, gentlemen.” Clutch said to Merideth and Varnell as he opened the interview door. Janese Dupri was sitting in a chair drumming her fingers on the table which sat between her and one other chair in the room. Clutch moved over toward the chair and took a seat. Janese wasn’t looking at him. Suddenly, she inhaled and let out a deep harsh breath folding her arms across her chest. There was silence in the room for a full 3 minutes while Clutch studied her. He noticed that she began to shake her left leg up and down almost violently. Occasionally, Janese would look over at him, catch his eye and then roll her own eyes heavenward. After the 3 minutes were up, Clutch smiled at Janese and leaned over the table clasping his hands on it.

“OK. Now you ready to talk?”

“I ain’t saying nothin’ to you Goddamn pigs.”

Clutch continued smiling and leaned back. “Alright. I just figured you might want to talk about Flo. Maybe I was wrong.”

“Flo’s dead.”

“Maybe not. We have no reason to believe she’s dead yet.” Mclutcheon said, still watching her. Janese reached up and rubbed her nose. Clutch noticed her sniffing quite a bit.

“She’s your best friend. Don’t you care about her?”

“Hey, people come and people go. That’s life on the streets, ya feel me? Guess you wouldn’t really know about that though.” She smirked at Clutch and looked down toward the floor. She still had her arms folded tightly over her chest.

“Well, we think she’s alive and we want to find her. I’m not here to give you the third degree, Janese. I’m just here to find out about your friend. If there’s any information you can give us.”

“I ain’t tellin’ you shit, ya feel me?” she snarled at Mclutcheon.    

Clutch let out a deep sigh and gave her a blank look. He rubbed his hand across his face and jammed the other hand in his pocket.

“Well, I guess we’re gonna have to go another route with this. I been watchin’ you Janese. I see that you’re all jittery and you’re sniffing your nose like crazy. Tell me, you need a line or two?”

“What the fuck you talkin’ about?” Janese asked. Clutch had definitely gotten her attention.

“Oh, Janese, c’mon. I know you need to snort some coke to feel better. The two guys standing behind that mirror know you need some coke. That and the crack pipe are the main two reasons you’re hookin.”

“I don’t do drugs.” She said in a low tone and darted her eyes away from his gaze.

“Do I need to go look up your rap sheet? I mean, it’s about as long as my arm and most of the offenses have to do, in some way, with drugs.”

“I don’t take drugs.” She repeated as she stared at the floor, arms still crossed in front of her.

“Ok, Janese. Look, I got all day. I got into tomorrow and the next day and on and on. I’m sure there’s something we can book you on right now. Wonder how much coke and crack you might find in county lockup?”

Janese shot Mclutcheon a glare and her eyes narrowed to slits. They stared at each other for at least a full minute. Finally, Janese buckled. “What do you want to know?”

“I want to know if you saw anything suspicious the night Flo went missing. Rico was little help but I thought you might give us a fresh perspective.”

Janese looked away from Clutch and at the one way mirror. He could tell that she was trying to recall that night. Some time passed before she finally uncrossed her arms and leaned over toward him.

“Yeah, maybe I seen a dark blue car. Domestic. Maybe a Chevy or a Ford. Late model.”

“What made you notice it?”

“It passed by several times. Trollin’. I never saw it before and what made it stand out was the fact that most the johns around there come by once or twice. Not over and over again. ”

“Anything else you notice? Maybe a license number?”

“No. I didn’t see no license plate.”

“What about the driver?”

“Yeah.” She narrowed her eyes again. “He was white. He had a green baseball hat on and he might’ve had a beard.

“Is that all you can remember, Janese?”

“Yeah, that’s it.” She finally said. She stood up, stretched her arms high above her and arched her back. “Now, can I go?”

“Through that door and one of the detectives will show you out.” Clutch responded. Daniel A. Mclutcheon was a happy man. He finally had a decent lead.



It was 10:20 the next morning and Tasha Yoder jerked awake from a deep sleep. She could feel sweat trickling off her forehead and running into the hair at her temples. She had been having nightmares. Terrible ones. She couldn’t really remember any of the details except a bad car crash and she had been behind the wheel. She felt across the bed and was glad there wasn’t a human sized lump lying there. She was alone. An overwhelming thirst and cotton mouth brought Tasha to her feet and she stumbled into the bathroom. She leaned over the sink, cupped her hands in under the faucet and brought the water to her mouth. She drank like this for several minutes, feeling as though she would never quench her thirst. Finally, she splashed some cold water on her face and grabbed a towel to dry it. Tasha felt like she just might pass out. She was beginning to see small dark circles in her line of vision which were blocking everything else out. She made it to the bed just in time and flung herself, face up, on the mattress. She was sweating again. When the episode passed, she got up and walked slowly into the kitchen. She decided she just needed some coffee. As it was brewing, she looked down at her hand. She couldn’t keep it still. She was trembling as sweat continued to pour down her forehead and onto her cheeks.
What’s happening to me?
She thought as the coffee maker signaled that it was done. Tasha took a mug from the cabinet and poured herself a full cup of joe. Her hands were still trembling a little and as she brought the cup to her mouth, she sloshed some coffee on the floor. “Shit” she said as she grabbed a towel and threw it on the floor. She wiped the spill up with her foot. Her shaking hand troubled Tasha a little. She remembered what her dad would’ve said. “You just had too much to drink last night, girl!” and then he would laugh, his huge belly jiggling. Her mother, however, had been a  psych nurse on an alcohol and drug unit. Tasha knew her mother would tell her that she was beginning to enter a stage of physical dependence on alcohol. “You’re having the shakes and you’re starting to DT a little bit” her mother would say in a calm but judgmental tone. Mom never had a problem with drink or drugs and it was anybody’s guess why she chose that as a career. Tasha headed for the bathroom. She looked in the mirror and stuck out her tongue. It was hurting a little and for good reason. It looked like raw meat and was as red as Santa’s outfit. If her mother was still alive, she would dose Tasha with some B12. She was still looking in the mirror and noticed the whites of her eyes. They looked normal to her but how could she be sure? She opened her mouth and compared them to her teeth. Tasha’s teeth were darker but then again she was a smoker. How much could that really tell her? She was still sweating profusely as she examined the color of her face. The skin looked a little sallow. Finally, she lifted her night shirt and examined her stomach area. She looked at the right side and, to her satisfaction, there wasn’t a visible lump.
That’s all I need is cirrhosis.
Tasha decided that maybe she would just quit drinking. She didn’t want to wreck her health and die at a very young age. After all, Mclutcheon had done it for over twenty years. Tasha didn’t want to go the 12 step route, though. That was for losers who just wanted someone to whine to. Suddenly, in the middle of that thought, the phone rang.

Tasha turned the light off in the bathroom and walked out into the den to answer the phone. She caught it on the third ring.


“Hey, it’s Clutch. I got some new information on the case.”

Tasha listened for what seemed like an hour as Mclutcheon went on and on. Nothing he was saying was sinking in. She knew she had heard something about a prostitute who was Flo’s friend and a dark blue domestic car. Other than that, she was at a loss.

“Hey, are you listening to me?” Clutch suddenly asked.

“Uh…yeah. Hey, did you ever see a movie called Days of Wine and Roses?”

“Sure. It’s a classic. Jack Lemmon. Jack Klugman. It’s a must see for any alcoholic. Why?”

“Well, you remember that scene where Lemmon was having DT’s? I mean, he was sweating and looked really sick, you know?”

“Yeah, that’s what that stuff will eventually do to you if you can’t handle it. I know. I couldn’t.”

There was a silence on the phone for several seconds. “Clutch, do you think I’m an alcoholic?” Tasha finally asked.

“Well, Tasha. Do you?”

“Damnit, don’t answer a question with a question!”

“Hey, that’s what you learn in the program. You are the only one who can make that call.” Clutch responded. “For the record, from what I’ve witnessed, you have a major problem.”

“Well, I don’t want the program. I can stop on my own.” Tasha said resolutely.

“OK. Many have tried before you and many have failed. I’m not saying the program is for you but it would be a great place to start. I would encourage you to at least go once and see what it’s like.”

“Hey, I’m not powerless over anything! I am a strong person. I am not weak.”

“Alright, Tasha. I’m not going to argue with you about it. I’ve been down that road many times with other people. Some made it and are sober today. Some are in the grave. Ultimately, it’s your decision.”

Tasha sat with the phone to her ear not saying a word. She was fuming mad. This wasn’t the conversation she had planned on having and quite frankly, it made her uncomfortable. She knew she could quit drinking. She would just cold turkey it. Swear off alcohol forever. That would show everybody. It would show her old boss at the FBI. It would show Clutch and it would show her mother who might not be alive to see it but somehow she would know. Tasha knew she would know.

BOOK: The Devil's Water: Scenic City Murder Series #1
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