The Desert Lion's True Colours (5 page)

BOOK: The Desert Lion's True Colours
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Leon noticed her breathing was getting short and sharp. Her breath was hot and he was getting more turned on by the second. Her moans began to get louder.

‘Oh, baby.’ she called between breaths. Kerry could feel herself about to explode but without warning Leon stopped and backed away. A shocked Kerry opened her eyes.

‘NO, NO, what are you doing?’ she pleaded. ‘What’s wrong?’

‘Nothing’s wrong. I just don’t want you to forget this moment.’

Leon eased his manhood out of its warm, wet home and moved his body down until his head was hovering over Kerry’s pelvis. Kerry grabbed the sheets in anticipation. Even though she was fully exposed she never felt more comfortable and without warning she started to feel a cool breeze on her clit. Relaxed, she gently rested each leg over Leon’s shoulders. Remembering the night before Leon said ‘You taste like strawberries.’

Smiling Kerry rested a hand on the back of his head and seductively said ‘Suck my clit baby.’

Obliging to her request Leon grasped her protruding clit between his lips and started to gently suck while at the same time licking its edges. Kerry shuddered and let out a scream.

‘OH MY GOD… ! What are you doing to me?’ she called.

Leon kept going, applying a little more pressure with his tongue.

‘Baby, I’m coming.’ She said.

She moved her hips forward and her hands from behind his head to cover her mouth. Without warning Leon backed away and before Kerry could come to terms with what was going on Leon turned her onto his stomach, slid a pillow under her waist and entered her wetness from behind. Kerry raised her hips to allow easier access and buried her head into the pillow to let out a scream. Leon noticed her thighs starting to shake so he kept on going until he heard the words ‘Baby, I’m coming!’ over and over until she said ‘Come with me baby.’

Leon let go and Kerry could feel the warmth of him fill her insides. Leon pressed up hard against her and both of Kerry’s legs began to shake uncontrollably.

They lay there without saying a word, just breathing heavily, smiling at the fact that they would not want to be anywhere else but in that bed with each other. Whispering into Kerry’s ear Leon said ‘I love you Shorty. No matter what happens, please remember that I love you.’

Kerry smiled and between breaths replied, ‘I know.’

As Leon eased his weight up off of Kerry’s back, the doorbell rang.

!’ She said exasperated. ‘. . . Who could that be now? Today is Friday right. I thought you had today off?’

Leon was silent for a moment, and then said ‘I am. It’s probably Jay.’

Rolling onto her back so she could see Leon straight on, Kerry said ‘Do you have to see him every day?’

Leon didn’t really appreciate her line of questioning for a number of different reasons but he tried to put himself in her shoes and had to agree Jay’s timing was shit. Leon kissed her on the forehead and got out of the bed to head down stairs.

‘Err Mr Brown, don’t you think you should put some clothes on.’ She said.

Leon looked down at his naked body and laughed.

‘Yeah, I think your right.’

They both heard the doorbell ring again, so Leon quickly hustled into their en-suite bathroom and quickly rinsed his mouth out with some Listerine and gave him-self a T wash.

The doorbell rang again and Kerry just about heard Leon say ‘
in a really bad Terminator impersonation as he disappeared through the bedroom door and down the stairs.

As Leon approached the front door he could see the outline of a man but the frosted glass made it hard to make out any details.

‘Who is it?’ Leon called.

‘Open the door Nathan, it’s me.’

For a second the proverbial “
” returned to Leon’s face. Not even Kerry new him by that name however he recognised the voice and unlocked the door.

‘Sexy, sexy.’ the man said looking at Leon in his shorts. ‘Is this how you greet everyone?’

Leon didn’t answer, just turned around and walked back into the house, leaving the door open for his uninvited guest to enter on his own. As Leon walked into the kitchen he heard the door close and the words, ‘So what’s going on Nathan?’

Leon turned around and looked into the blue eyes of the slim, grey haired white guy in his plain navy blue suit, white shirt and blue tie. He was tall but not very. No taller than 6'2. His skin was tight and leathery, making his face appear hard and rugged. He had high cheek bones and a distinctive square looking jaw. He could have passed for being in his mid-thirties but Leon new he was closer to sixty-five than thirty-five.

‘You know you can’t be calling me by that name.’

‘Oh, I’m sorry.’ The old man replied sarcastically. ‘Is that not your name, Mr NATHAN FERRON?’

‘Yo, I mean it. You can’t call me that. Kerry is upstairs.’ Leon replied.

‘What! She lives with you now?! Since when… ?’ The tall gentleman in Leon’s Kitchen was visibly upset. ‘Don’t you think this is something I should have been told about?’ He said.

While Leon understood the reason why he was perturbed the gentleman’s voice was still much louder than he appreciated.

‘Yo, foreal, can you keep it down please.’ Leon was now pleading.

The guy laughed, walked over to Leon and patted him on the shoulder.

‘Ok, I’m sorry.’ He said with a sly smile. ‘I see you really like this girl and that’s good. It makes everything seem so much more authentic.’

‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ Leon replied instinctively.

The guy’s attitude changed to one of frustration.

‘You know what Nathan… ; don’t let me have to do something I should have done three years ago.’

Leon knew exactly what those words meant and so he decided to change the conversation.

‘So what can I do for you Chief?’

‘I want to know why it is that Jay can check in when he is supposed to, but you can’t.’

Leon sighed. ‘I couldn’t, it was a crazy week. Besides I know Jay would have told you everything anyway.’

Not paying any attention to Leon’s hunched shoulders or innocent tone Leon’s Chief Officer replied ‘That’s not the point Nathan. You need to follow procedure.’

The Chief’s speech was interrupted by the words ‘Good morning.’

Both Leon and the guy in the suit turned around to see Kerry standing in the doorway of the kitchen. ‘Hey babe, I’m sorry. I was going to be up soon. I just needed to finish up some business.’

Kerry didn’t allow Leon to finish but took it upon herself to find out who the suited gentleman was. ‘And you are?’ She enquired.

Before Leon’s unwelcome guest could answer, Leon jumped back in with ‘Oh, I’m sorry Shorty, where is my manners. Babe this is Mr Edwards, Mr Edwards this is my girlfriend Kerry.’

‘Nice to meet you Kerry, I’ve heard a lot about you.’ He said smiling. ‘You and Leon have been going out for a while now huh?’

‘Yeah, three years and three months next week however I have to say in three years we have been dating I don’t remember Leon ever mentioning you.’

Kerry knew what she said would leave no doubt in Leon’s mind that she knew he was keeping something away from her.

Leon lowered his head as Mr Edwards turned towards him, ‘Really… ?’ He said sarcastically. ‘You haven’t talked about me, not even once.’

Leon glared at him and then looked in Kerry’s direction.

‘Um, Mr Edwards is an old friend from New York.’ he said. ‘We haven’t seen each other in ages. He just got into town and Jay gave him my address. Go back upstairs babe. I’ll be up in a minute, promise.’

Wearily, Kerry took Leon’s feeble explanation and decided to give him one last glare before turning back around to exit the room. As she passed the so called Mr Edwards she cut her eyes followed with a faint kissing of her teeth. Leon knew he would have to come up with some answers to the questions that were coming.

As soon as he felt sure she was out of ear shot he turned his attention back to Mr Edwards.

‘Like, for real, why are you here? Sir.’

‘I need to know why you were at Black’s hang-out last night.’

Leon was visibly surprised. ‘Huh, how did you know that?’ he said.

‘Don’t fuck around Nate. This is serious business and I…’

!’ Leon interrupted.

His guest was a little shocked at how Leon had just cut him off, but before he could say anything in return, Leon walked over to the couch, pulled out the Gucci sports bag and said ‘. . . This is what I was doing.’

Curious, the Chief decided not to address Leon’s previous indiscretion and quietly watched Leon unzipped the brown leather bag.

‘He wants me to drop it off somewhere.’ Leon explained. ‘I don’t know who the money is going to or why but I should be getting full instructions from Perry soon.’

The Chief started to rub his chin, as if in deep thought and then said ‘Alright, make the drop, find out what you can and report back to me as soon as you get back.’

Leon started to speak but the Chief halted him by raising his hand to his own lips and then after a slight pause spoke in a very low tone ‘I know you want Black dead and I gotta give it to you, you’ve kept it together long enough for us to make a solid case against him, but you can’t get side tracked ok.’

Leon wasn’t sure how to take those words. As far as he knew for the last three years he had been focused however he decided to keep his thoughts to himself.

‘Will Jay be going with you? The Chief enquired.

‘Yeah,’ Leon replied.

‘I’m supposed to be meeting him today to give him the run down.’

‘Alright, make sure you call me before you leave.’

‘Sure, one question though.’

The suited gentlemen waited for Leon’s question.

‘Why do you call Dean by his case name but you’re willing to come into my house and blow my cover?’

The guy didn’t answer, just smiled, turned and headed towards the way he came in. Leon walked past the Chief to meet him at the door.

‘By the way,’ Leon said sharply. ‘. . . I saw a guy in a BMW outside Black’s last night.’

‘Oh! Did you fancy him?’ replied the Chief.

Leon refused to take the bait and continued with what he was saying.

‘I could be wrong but he had the ‘X-look’.’ He said.

That meant the guy could have been anything from ex-military, to federal agent. Mr Edwards started to laugh. ‘See what I’m saying Nate, you’re not focused. That was Kevin Carter from Washington. He’s with us. If you were on your game you would have figured that out.’

‘What! You had me followed… ?’ Leon exclaimed. Forgetting he was just asking the Chief to keep it down. ‘I can’t believe this. If I didn’t know any better I would think you are trying to blow my cover. You know I can’t be followed while I’m out in the streets. Why would you do that?’

‘Why would I do that… ?’ replied the Chief in an almost shocked tone. ‘Hmm, well let’s see. My department is carrying out one of the biggest drug investigations ever put together in US history. With the information gained by a certain detective on the case
in only three years I might add
we have come a shaved pussy hair away from bringing down those non-educated black fucks. However, said detective decides to go AWOL and misses two of his check in sessions.’

As if to calm himself down Mr Edwards gently tugged on his suits lapels and straightened his tie. After a slight sigh he said ‘I don’t like to feel nervous and when you don’t check in, I get nervous. So I have to make sure I get the information I need so I can get over my nervousness.’ The Chief paused long enough to flash Leon a smile then said ‘If it makes you feel any better, Carter was in counter intelligence. I’ll make sure he gets to meet you and Jay formally when the time is right. I think he will be an asset to you out there.’

Mr Edward’s walked passed Leon, through the door and back into the sunlight.

and Leon.’

‘Yes Sir.’

‘She is beautiful. However if you really do love her and I mean ‘IF’, I suggest you end it, or hand in your badge.’

Without saying another word Leon’s real boss set off down the walk-way. Leon closed the door behind him and slowly walked over to the base of the stairs, whilst going over the decision he was just told he had to make.

After taking a few deep breaths he made his way up the stairs to the love of his life for what could be the very last time.


ay looked down at his Rolex and kissed his teeth in exasperation. It was coming up to two o’clock in the afternoon and Leon was two hours late. He had called Jay half an hour ago to say he’d got held up and that they should meet at ‘Sabatini’s’
a small Italian restaurant discreetly located in the corner of a strip mall thirty miles up the I75. He said he wasn’t far and should be there in ten minutes. Jay looked at his watch again. ‘Shit, that was twenty minutes ago. What’s taking him so long?’ he thought.

Jay started to think about what could be holding Leon up and then out of exasperation made a sound cross between a heavy sigh and disgust. A few moments passed and the bell above the main door of the restaurant started to chime. Realising someone had just entered the eatery Jay looked towards the entrance and as he had hoped Leon walked in;
looking relieved he was entering into an area with air that was cooler than what was outside. As Leon approached, he could tell Jay was not happy by the frown lines that had taken residence on his forehead.

BOOK: The Desert Lion's True Colours
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