Read The Deal with Love (One on One) Online

Authors: Jamie Wesley

Tags: #one-night stand, #fling, #office romance, #own voices, #Lovestruck, #POC, #contemporary romance, #coworkers, #sport, #NBA, #sports romance, #category, #Romance, #diverse, #basketball

The Deal with Love (One on One) (4 page)

BOOK: The Deal with Love (One on One)
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“Christian, I’m so glad you could join us today,” Dale said, offering his hand. Christian returned his brief handshake and nodded to Elise. She said “hello” in that sexy voice of hers that never failed to turn him on. Which he was putting out of his head right now.

With a struggle, Christian broke eye contact and turned to her father. “When the owner of my favorite basketball team requests my presence, there’s no way I can say no,” he said. He hadn’t forgotten how to schmooze since his days in the film industry. It came back to him with startling quickness.

Dale laughed. “You and your sister always know the exact thing to say. Can I get you some coffee or something else to drink?”

Christian shook his head. “No, I’m fine.”

“Please have a seat.” Dale gestured to a pair of leather armchairs in front of his desk. Christian waited for Elise to sit before taking his own seat. He tried not to notice how she was again wearing one of those skirts that molded to her curvaceous hips. Tried and failed. Maybe he should have accepted a drink after all.

Dale walked around behind his desk and took a seat, his bearing befitting the CEO he was. “I’m sure you’re wondering why you’re here, so let’s get to it. My first concern as the owner of this team is always the fans and making sure they understand how important they are to the organization and to the team’s success. My daughter is the team’s newest GM, and there has been some pushback on her hire. Some are concerned about her qualifications and her ability to do the job, and I want to appease them before the unrest can gain more traction.”

Did Dale share their concerns? He certainly hadn’t denied it.

“In an attempt to win over fans and make them feel like they are part of one big family, the league has started a series of videos on that highlight players, coaches, and other team officials, so fans can get a firsthand look at what it’s like in the NBA. It’s a great series. While watching an episode the other day, it occurred to me that we should do an episode with Elise. Wouldn’t it be great to follow her, so fans can get more comfortable with her and see what a GM does on a daily basis? This will go a long way towards allaying their concerns.” When Dale looked at him expectantly, Christian nodded. “When I told Elise about my idea, she wasn’t thrilled, so we compromised.”

Christian struggled not to make a face. Compromised? Is that what they were calling it these days?

“Instead of a big media crew the league would undoubtedly send if they were in charge, I agreed to a one-person crew,” Dale continued. “At that point, I knew I needed someone she and I could both trust. The first person I thought of was you, Christian. I know you’re friendly with my daughter. I’m aware of your credentials as a filmmaker, you’re local, and you have a connection with the team with your sister about to marry one of our players. It’s a win-win for everyone.”

Looking entirely too pleased with himself, Dale cast another expectant look Christian’s way.

Christian exchanged a brief glance with Elise. Time to play his part. “I’m flattered, but I don’t think I can do this. I’m teaching summer school, and this isn’t my forte, so to speak.”

Dale was already waving his hand in dismissal. Getting turned down probably wasn’t in the mogul’s business playbook. “Nonsense. I looked into your schedule. You’re only teaching one class in the morning, so you have time to film her afterward, and it’s only for a week or so. Besides, you’re an award-winning documentarian, so this should be right up your alley. I also know that your school could use some money. I’m more than willing to send a donation in the Stampede’s name to your school for you to use however you see fit.” He steepled his fingers on the desk and leaned forward, the determined look on his face reminiscent of his daughter. “If that isn’t enough to convince you, how about this? I know you’re working on a new documentary, and I hear you’ve applied for a grant to help fund the project. I’m sure it doesn’t come as a surprise that I have the money to fund whatever projects I see fit.”

Christian struggled to keep the shock off his face. Based on the way Dale leaned back in his throne, looking supremely satisfied with himself, he wasn’t sure he’d succeeded.

Not that Christian could blame him. Dale had played what he undoubtedly considered his trump card. It was obvious why he’d become a billionaire, courtesy of founding a successful restaurant chain, and now owned an NBA franchise.

Yes, Christian wanted to win the grant to make his latest summer film project all he’d dreamed it could be. More money meant better production. Unfortunately, competition was beyond stiff for the grant. Almost rigor mortis status. There was no guarantee at all that he’d get it, which had kept him up more nights than he wanted to admit.

Regardless, he’d made a promise to Elise. He wasn’t sure that spending more time with her was in his best interest anyway. Just being around her made him feel like a thirteen-year-old boy discovering the joy of girls. Even now the scent of her perfume drifted toward him, making him want to nibble on her neck and then make his way up to her lips. Which was beyond ridiculous. He was in control of his desires. He always had been. He always would be.

More importantly, he’d made a promise to himself that after he stopped making films full-time, he was going to lead a more comfortable lifestyle, one that wouldn’t have the kind of stress he’d left behind. He’d have a career that would allow him to go home at night and relax. He wanted someone who shared that same mindset with him, not someone who thought she was failing if she only worked sixty hours per week.

“Well?” Dale prompted. “I know you’ve been struggling to get that funding. I’m more than willing to support such a worthy project. Use the money however you see fit.”

Something no one else had offered. After finishing the documentary, he wanted to enter the film into a national film festival contest and take his students to the festival. A great way for them to be around other filmmakers and for them to see what was possible career-wise.

“Dad, don’t pressure him.” Elise sent a practiced smile his way. She couldn’t have made it clearer that she didn’t want to be bothered with him if she tried. Which, to be perfectly honest, pissed him off.

“I’m not pressuring him,” Dale said. “Just offering him something he needs in exchange for a favor. Everyone wins. What do you say, Christian?”

Christian wasn’t a fool. Dale was most definitely pressuring him. In the most benevolent way possible, of course, but facts were facts. And Christian always considered the facts. He turned back to Dale. “I’ll do it.”

Chapter Four

Beaming, Dale jumped up and strode around his desk. “That’s what I wanted to hear!”

Christian shook the man’s hand before shifting toward the room’s other occupant.

“Christian, do you mind accompanying me to my office?” Elise asked in that cool voice that never failed to make him hot. Her voice was pleasant. Her facial expression, too. Christian wasn’t fooled. She was furious. She hadn’t said it. Her face betrayed nothing, but anger radiated from her body in waves that nearly swamped him.

“Of course,” he said. “It was nice meeting you,” he said to Dale.

“I can’t
to see what you two come up with,” Dale said, his joy palpable.

Elise sucked in an audible breath. “Actually, Christian, do you mind waiting for me outside? I’ll join you in a moment.”

He started to say okay, but she’d already forgotten about him. Her focus was centered squarely on her father. Christian exited the office and shut the door behind him. Although he couldn’t make out individual words, the speed and tone of their whispers—fast and furious—came through loud and clear. A few seconds later, the door shot open, and Elise stepped into the hall.

“Please follow me,” she said. Without waiting for his reply, she pivoted on her heel, leaving him no chance but to follow. She always walked briskly, like she was in total control and on her way to do something important, but her pace had picked up about ten notches, those heels he could never get enough of—this time a burgundy color—doing nothing to slow her down.

She didn’t speak. Probably because she was finalizing the tongue-lashing she had planned for him. Strangely enough, he was kind of looking forward to it. It would undoubtedly be one-of-a-kind. Like her.

“Hold all my calls, please,” she said to the woman sitting at the desk outside her office. She didn’t break stride, continuing on to her office. Christian followed her inside and shut the door behind him. Living with a mother and a sister for eighteen-plus years, he knew the extent of a woman’s wrath and where it could lead, but that didn’t mean he wanted an audience for his dressing down.

He took a deep breath and faced her. Elise was leaning against her desk, her legs crossed at the ankle. A misleading pose if there ever was one. She wasn’t calm. She wasn’t casual.

“Do you know what he said to me?” she asked.

Unable to help himself, Christian took a step toward her. “No, the door was closed.”

“He said this was for the best, and that I would see.” She sniffed. “Then he dismissed me like I was one of his lowly subjects.”

He grimaced. “I’m sorry.”

“Why did you do that?” Again her tone didn’t betray her fury, but her hands clutched the desk in a death grip. He moved to stand directly in front of her. She rose, bringing that luscious body within inches of him. He didn’t back down. Neither did she. He hadn’t expected her to. He would’ve been disappointed if she had.

“We had a deal.” Her voice remained calm.

He raised his eyes from her mouth, which was coated in a dark red lipstick, to meet her gaze. Here,
was the anger. Her eyes shot daggers into him. If he were a lesser man, he would’ve been afraid. If he were a saner man, he would’ve been afraid. But he’d always taken risks in his professional life, and they’d always paid off. Even the decision to quit the job that had seen him on the fast track to success in order to teach high school kids. So instead of backing down, he looked deeper into her eyes. They were beautiful. Intense. Just like they’d been that moment when they first joined together and the wonder and the splendor of what they were doing had been reflected in her eyes.

Arousal twisted in his stomach. It didn’t matter. Now wasn’t the time to think about that time on the roof. That time was done.
Then why did you open your big mouth and agree to this?

“Christian?” A hint of impatience had entered her voice.

He refocused. “We did have a deal, but your dad made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.”

made you an offer you couldn’t refuse, and yet you refused it. I told you I would double whatever he offered.” She spoke through gritted teeth. Her outer calm was starting to slip.

“Your dad is a billionaire. I don’t think that’s possible. And I’m not talking about money.”

“You’re not? It sure sounded like you were when you jumped at my father’s offer.”

He smiled at her sarcastic tone. “Yes, the money is important. It will allow me to film my documentary the way I want to and then show it at a film festival with the chance of national distribution. But I’m more excited about the fact that my students are helping, and it’s a huge deal to them. I want to give them every opportunity to succeed. However, that’s still not why I said yes to your father.”

“Really?” A mixture of frustration and disbelief rang in her voice. “Please enlighten me as to why you thought it best to back out of our deal.”

“Look, you don’t want to do this documentary. Your father is determined to make it happen, so why don’t you take control of the situation? I would never try to embarrass you, and I’ll even let you look at the footage before I send it in. You’re not getting that same guarantee with someone else.”

She didn’t look impressed by his logic, leaving him no other choice. Time to challenge her. “Don’t you want to be in control and guide this ship? Isn’t that the job of the GM? Do you have it in you not to give in? Can you do what you want without giving in to daddy’s wishes?”

Her eyes flared. “Of course I can. I know why I have this job. I know what my credentials are. I will prove that I have everything it takes to be the best general manager in the league to everyone who doubts me.”

Christian’s lips curved upward. “Then aren’t you glad I’m here to help you do that?”

He was standing so close to her. Just like that night. Why hadn’t she been able to forget it? She’d had a one-night stand before. She’d forgotten the guy’s name within twenty-four hours. But not Christian. And that’s why she’d cut her losses the next morning.

She retained control of her life. At all times. She set goals. She met them. But here Christian was throwing her plans all out of whack, just like he’d done that night. She needed to take command of this situation. Starting now. “Are you trying to sleep with me again? Is this what this is all about? If so, you can forget about it, because it’s not going to happen.”

He moved in closer, which was impressive considering they were almost standing toe to toe. “No, that’s not what this is about. I plan on keeping things strictly professional. But since you brought up our night together, it makes me wonder.”

She couldn’t help herself. “Wonder what?”

“If one night wasn’t enough for you, and you want more?” His deep voice caressed the words of the incendiary question.

His scent wrapped around her, making her want to snuggle up to him and kiss that spot on his neck that beckoned to her. Still, she refused to move away. She refused to give in. She refused to show that he was getting to her even though he
was. “You’re projecting. Find another woman.”

The thought of him taking her advice punched her in the gut, but it was the right thing to say. The only thing to say. She didn’t do deep, and this was a man who would require deep. She needed to concentrate on her job. She had no time for anything else.

“You don’t want me to do that,” he said. He slid a finger up her arm, leaving a trail of goose bumps in its wake. “Not when you’re still thinking about the heat we generated.”

She speared him with her fiercest glare, the one that made even the most confident guy take a step back. “I walked out on you for a reason.”

He looked her directly in the eyes. “I know. You got scared.”

She refused to acknowledge the direct hit. How could he see so much when she worked so hard to make sure no one did? She forced out a scoff. “Wow, you really are conceited. I walked out because I’d had enough. I don’t do repeats. I don’t want you anymore. Got it?”

An arrogant smile spread slowly but surely across his face. “Do you really want me to prove you a liar?”

“As if you could.”

Wrong thing to say. She knew it as soon as the words left her mouth. She’d thrown down the gauntlet, and he was more than happy to pick it up. He inched closer. Like a dummy, she backed away—right into her desk. Christian bracketed her in between his arms. His heat scorched her. He bent his head. She sucked in a breath, waiting for his touch. Craving it. But he didn’t make contact. Instead, he kept his work-of-art lips a hair’s breadth away from her neck.

“Do you want me to kiss you?” he whispered, his breath tickling her skin. “Because I will, but only if you tell me to.”

“I thought you wanted things to remain platonic.”

“At the moment, I’m more interested in proving that I’m right. You want me to kiss you.”

She had to swallow twice before she could speak. “I’m not going to tell you to kiss me. I already told you I didn’t want to go there again.”

“Then why are you shaking? Why are your breaths coming out hard and fast like you’ve been running…or become aroused?”

He was so right. Her limbs were trembling. She could hear her ragged gasps of air, but there didn’t seem to be anything she could do to control their tempo. He did arouse her. Like no other man had ever done before. But there was no way in hell she’d admit that to him. She scowled instead. “Because I’m working overtime to stop myself from punching you.”

He chuckled, his warm breath caressing her neck. “Is that right? Why don’t you give me your best shot?”

“Because I’m not that girl anymore.”

Christian stepped back, concern filling his face. “What? Anymore? You got into fights?”

Damn. Why had she said that? She didn’t talk about her past. Because she wasn’t that angry girl anymore. That girl who couldn’t figure out how to constructively channel her rage at losing her mother. “Don’t worry about it,” she said as dismissively as she could. She slid a finger across his rock-hard jawline, inches away from his tempting mouth. “I thought you were going to kiss me.”

His eyebrows lifted. “Are you trying to distract me?”

“And if I am?”

“I’m not sure I can let you.”

“Of course you can. Kiss me, Christian. You want to. It’s in your eyes.” She continued to court danger by placing her hand over his hard chest. She ignored the tingle that traveled through her arm to every corner of her body. “It’s in your heartbeat.”

He leaned in again. She sucked in a breath, anticipating his mouth on hers. Would it be as amazing as she remembered?

“No, I’m not going to kiss you,” he whispered against her ear. “Not until you ask because you want me to and not as a means to distract me.”

He stepped back and eyed her like he was determined to find out all her secrets.

Elise glared, the only reaction she could muster. She couldn’t rail at him. Using him to forget her past wasn’t the answer even if he had cooperated. Although he’d been goading her earlier, he was correct. She
in control of her ship. Just because her hormones started doing the Snoopy happy dance whenever he was near didn’t mean anything.

Her lips curved. Yes, she was in control of her ship.

Christian was still attracted to her. Big time. He could try to deny it, but she wasn’t the only one supplying the heat in her office. And she wasn’t above using that attraction to make sure the special turned out the way she wanted it to. And there would be a special. Her father had made that perfectly clear in his office. Still, she wasn’t interested in Christian learning the inner workings of her brain. He didn’t need to delve deep. He wouldn’t delve deep. He would only get what she was willing to give. Just enough to give the fans a sense of who she was and her commitment to the team. Just enough to get her dad off her back.

It would only be a few days, and then she’d send him on his way.

Elise straightened to her full height, leaving not an inch of space between them. His heat radiated off him in waves. He smelled so good it should be illegal. She nipped him on the neck, just to get his attention. And okay, because she couldn’t help herself. His quick inhalation of air confirmed her thoughts. Even though he hadn’t kissed her, he wanted her. “You can shoot the piece on me.”

He grinned. “I’m glad you see things my way.”

Her eyes narrowed. “I’m sure you are. You may have won this battle, but I always win the war.”

“This is war?” he asked, the husky tone sending a shiver down her spine.

“It is when you tangle with me and think you’re going to get away with it.”

“Then I can’t wait to see what the future holds.”

Elise bit back a growl. Why wouldn’t he back down? Men always did when she wanted them to. But he was his own man. Confident. The very thing that had attracted her to him in the beginning was going to bite her in the ass if she let it. But she was her father’s daughter. She bowed down to no man or woman. She met his eyes boldly. Licked her lips. Smiled inwardly when he sucked in a breath. “Neither can I.”

BOOK: The Deal with Love (One on One)
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