The Darkest Secret: A New Adult Romance Novel (25 page)

BOOK: The Darkest Secret: A New Adult Romance Novel
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“Were you always this mean or was I not paying attention?”

“I was playing before. Now I’m giving you a dance lesson. Here – give me your hand again. That’s it.”

His other hand is on my waist. I keep telling myself not to look at my feet, but when I look up I meet his eyes and they’re dark and soft, with a purposeful expression that makes my stomach flutter.

“It’s all in the hold,” he says, so close I can feel his breath warm on my lips. “I’m not supposed to be
you around the floor – we move as one.”


“You’ll get used to it. Pay attention to where my hands and feet steer you and I’ll pay attention to where your body leads me, okay?”

My breath catches in my throat.

“No fair. You can’t talk to me like that after I’ve had a few drinks.”

He gives me a reproachful look.

“I thought this was dinner and a movie.”

“It is.”

“Good. I thought we were going to go slow...this time.”

I glance up at him.

“There’s a ‘this time’?”

“There is, right?” he says, looking suddenly anxious.

“Yes. I’d like that.” I sway on my heels against him. He wraps his arms around me and we stay like that for a while – held, but with space to breathe.


hanks as always to my family, for being willing to put up with the same meals over and over when I was too brainfried from this book to figure out what to feed them. Extra special thanks to my sister for Facebooking and general book pimping above and beyond the call of duty.

A big thank you to Nadia Simonenko, author of Lost, for offering invaluable marketing advice at a time when I thought I’d never be able to dig myself out of the Amazon doldrums.

And thank you most of all to you for reading - a book without readers is no book at all. If you’ve enjoyed this book, please consider leaving a review for the benefit of other readers.

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About the Author

Jessica Pine is a small romance author of undisclosed height. When she is not writing she is thinking about writing, editing things she has written or worrying that she is not writing enough. She is fond of owls, particularly keen on avocados and enjoys talking about herself in the third person.

You can join her mailing list at

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BOOK: The Darkest Secret: A New Adult Romance Novel
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